Chapter 172 The Spiritual Change
Long Kaiji has been the leader of the gang for many years, so he naturally understands that the responsibility of picking out the Giant Whale Gang is the most important thing in this situation. The northwest sub-rudder found the legendary "Blood God Orchid" in the Xueyan Cave. After hearing the news, the two immortal masters rushed over, accompanied by the Supreme Elder of the Canglang Palace and the Lord Ji Shenyou. At that time, the Blood God When Lan was about to mature, one of the immortal masters with a black stick suddenly attacked the other immortal master, and fierce fighting began, with fiery fireballs the size of human heads, and fierce battles like phantoms that could not be seen clearly. In the end, the immortal master surnamed Zhai seems to have used a powerful immortal weapon, and the flames soared high, like a mushroom..."

"Zhai Gong, who owns such a good thing as the 'flame explosion talisman', doesn't know how to give it to me..." Ning Tianhong quickly judged the process of the fight between the two according to the description. He pinched his chin and pondered slightly After a while, he said: "According to your statement, they died together in the end?"

"That's right, Lord Shangxian, those two immortal masters all died in that huge explosion, and many elders of the Canglang Temple were also affected by the fighting skills, and many fell..." Long Kaiji said in a deep voice, his tone extremely Heavy, as if remembering them.

"Hmph, is this the reason why your Giant Whale Gang took the lead in destroying our Canglang Palace?" Ning Tianhong asked in a serious tone.

Long Kaiji sighed, raised his head vigorously, and said bitterly: "Master Shangxian, this is all a dispute between our mortal sects, you are a Shangxian... If you are really angry, then Kill me, I hope that with my life, you will be relieved!"

"You want to die?" Ning Tianhong frowned, snorted and said, "With your mortal body, how can you pay for the lives of two immortal cultivators? If you die, I want you to witness the destruction of the Giant Whale Gang with your own eyes, and watch them die in front of you one by one! Only in this way can the old man vent his anger!"

Long Kaiji's intuition blurred, his whole body had been caught in mid-air outside the hall, he panicked, and hurriedly said: "Master Shangxian, don't do this, the disciples in the gang are all following orders, why bother to vent your anger on them?"

Ning Tianhong stood on a long leaf-shaped magic weapon, with a cold murderous look on his face, his spiritual sense swept out, and he knew the situation on Lingyin Peak by heart in an instant. With a wave of his hand, his waist Suddenly, a spooky, blue-faced and fang-toothed ghost flew out of the pocket.

"Go, slaughter all the creatures below!"

Immediately afterwards, he took out a few black formation flags, and with a wave of his hand, the sound of "咻咻咻" broke through the air continuously. These formation flags were inserted outside the main rudder of the Giant Whale Gang, forming a ghostly formation.


The Li Gui roared excitedly, its eyes glistened with blood, and its body rushed down, pounced on the person with the most blood in the back mountain.

The gloomy howling of ghosts awakened many people in the giant whale gang from their sleep.

"What's the matter outside, why does it feel a little cold?"

"What kind of beast howled that sound just now? It's really scary!"

"Go, go out and have a look!"


Lu Feng was practicing behind closed doors at the back of the mountain, only to hear a ghost screaming outside the door, and the candles in the room were inexplicably extinguished.

An extremely cold breath emerged from before him, gradually eroding his nerves.

"He Fangxiao is young, how dare you act wildly in the giant whale gang!" Lu Feng shouted angrily, flicked his fingers, and lit the candle again.

As a master-level master who has traveled far and wide, he has naturally seen many terrifying scenes, but the scene in front of him completely stunned him.

A giant ghost with a height of more than two feet, blue face, fangs, and drooling mouth is staring at him with huge red eyes. It seems that only one flick of that eerie giant mouth can make him a master like a mortal. characters devoured.


Fear loomed in Lu Feng's eyes, and his brain was blank. He staggered back two steps, and his back was already stuck to the wall of the secret room. The tyrannical internal force that was usually like a sea was now like a mud cow. Under the erosion of the gloomy and cold breath, it seemed to be frozen, completely unable to use it.

But the giant ghost in front of him didn't seem to want to devour him right away, but stared at him greedily, the saliva in its giant mouth kept slipping down, as if it was waiting for some order, as long as the order came, it would not hesitate He swallowed the blood food in front of his stomach.


The stone wall of the secret room was forcefully broken apart amidst a roar.

High in the sky, Long Kaiji's face was pale, and he roared hoarsely: "Uncle Lu, run away, that is the ghost of the immortal cultivator's envoy!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng quickly looked up to the sky. With the bright moonlight, he saw Long Kaiji who was being grabbed by the back of the neck in mid-air, and also saw the black-haired old man standing on the magic weapon, and his heart suddenly jumped. It was half cold.

Ning Tianhong looked at the magic formula in his hand, the eyes of the giant ghost below flashed red, and immediately charged forward, the shrill ghost howling and gusts of wind made Lu Feng's internal energy seem to freeze.

"Hi!" Lu Feng roared, his energy and blood surged up suddenly, his whole body was raised to one foot, and his muscles sprang up, as if made of steel, "Lu is a majestic martial arts master. Just kill the generation!"

It seems that due to the explosion of qi and blood, Lu Feng found that his internal force was also relieved from the solidification at this time. He violently displayed his body shape, moved his feet, performed a very clever lightness kung fu, and then suddenly launched a series of palm shadow.

"Big waves!"

There was a taunt in the eyes of the giant ghost, its body disappeared in place like a phantom, and the next moment it appeared directly behind Lu Feng, with a huge mouth, "Ka Chi", Lu Feng only felt his eyes go dark, and his consciousness disappeared instantly .

"Uncle Lu!!"

"Elder Lu!"


Long Kaiji cried out in pain.

A headless corpse fell to the ground without a sound.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Li Gui chewed Lu Feng's head, his red eyes were full of enjoyment, grabbed the giant claws, and stuffed the blood-spitting corpse into his mouth, a large amount of blood flowed from the edge of the giant mouth flow down everywhere.

In the main rudder of the Giant Whale Gang, everyone noticed the changes in the surroundings. A formation emitting black air trapped the three mountain peaks, and no one could leave.

The other two mountain peaks are okay, and there is no scene of ghosts devouring people, but many elders living on Lingyin Peak rushed out as soon as they heard the movement, watching helplessly. The evil spirit swallowed and killed.

That scene was bloody and cruel, which made many elderly elders feel chills in their hearts, and at the same time began to feel fear. Or, there is already a stench in the crotch.

"What can I do, how can my Giant Whale Gang attract such ghosts!"

"It's over, it's over, my life is over, I can't escape, I just pity my newborn grandson!"

"Mom, I don't want to die!"

"Brother Li, I haven't married a wife yet, and I don't even want to die. If I knew it earlier, I should have listened to you. Go to the 'Chunxiang Tower' to have a good time. I'm fine now. I didn't even taste a woman before I died!"

"What time is it, and if you still have this thought, let's see if you can escape!"

"Escape? Brother Li, please drag me away, my legs are so weak that I can't stand up at all!"


(End of this chapter)

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