Chapter 176 Longevity
Hearing the conversation between the two, Su Poman smiled slightly, and was suddenly inexplicably moved in his heart.

"These two girls..."

With a flash of his figure, Su Poman came directly to the door of the two sisters' rooms without disturbing any of the servants.

When the knock on the door sounded, Cai'er and Rui Zhu stopped fighting and looked in the direction of the door.

"It's so late, who would come to see us, could it be Housekeeper Zhou?" Rui Zhu asked curiously, frowning.

Cai'er pushed Rui Zhu away from her bosom, straightened her skirt, and then got up to open the door.


The wooden door opened, and Cai'er habitually looked up from the bottom.

What caught my eye was a pair of exquisitely crafted boots, and Cai'er was startled, "The person here is not Steward Zhou!"


When a familiar voice came, Cai'er's eyes lit up and she suddenly raised her head to see——

Seeing Su Po staring at him with a smile on his face, Fang felt as if an electric current passed through her heart in an instant.

This face was something she had longed for and dreamed of, but now it actually appeared in front of her.

Cai'er couldn't believe it, she rubbed her eyes, and said softly, "My lord~~~"

As he said that, he couldn't help but voluntarily flew towards him, and directly got into Su Poman's arm.

"You're back..."

Wen Yu was full of arms, Su Poman was stunned for a moment, and soon another figure rushed towards him.

"My lord, why did you come back now..."

The two lovely little girls in their arms kept arching their bodies, and when they looked carefully, one of them had red eyes, and the other was already tearful.

Such a deep sense of dependence suddenly made Su Poman feel a little more guilty.

"I'm back, this time I want to take you with me, are you willing?" He gently patted the clean backs of the two of them, and asked in a low voice.

"My lord, this servant is willing!"

"Yes, this servant is willing to go anywhere with the young master!"


The night is long, but only in the central hall, "Jianguan Yingyu is slippery at the bottom, and the Youyan spring and flowing ice are difficult under the ice", until the sky is slightly bright, the subtle singing of warblers and swallows does not dissipate.

noon the next day.

Su Poman looked at the two little maids sleeping soundly on the bed, and remembered the crazy scene last night. Although protected by the biological force field, the two had also practiced some internal martial arts, and their physique was much stronger than ordinary people. But compared with Su Poman, it was still too far behind, so that he didn't dare to use all his strength, for fear that if he used too much force, he would explode and die, which could only be regarded as quenching his thirst.

With a slight smile, Su Poman put on his clothes, and took out a simple compass from the storage bag. He chanted a short mantra, and then typed a few seal formulas, hitting a purple brilliance on the compass On the surface.

The compass vibrated in the air, and a dazzling white light shot out from the center.

Su Poman held the compass in his hand, and shone it on Cai'er's forehead like a demon mirror.

After a long time, there was no movement on the compass.

Flip the mirror again, and hit Ruizhu's forehead with a dazzling white beam of light. After a long time, the result is still the same.

Su Poman's face darkened, he sighed, and said to himself: "In this place where the spiritual veins are sparse, the chances of possessing spiritual roots are really very small. Alas, if these two little girls can't cultivate the way of immortality, Shouyuan will lose his life." The gap with me is too big, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape reincarnation in seven or eighty years... But fortunately, I have the Ziyuan roulette, and it will be fine when I draw an ability that can make mortals live forever. There are quite a few people with this kind of ability in the world, but most of them have a lot of disadvantages, but they can be gradually improved through slow practice to eliminate the disadvantages..."

As if she had sensed the movement around her, Cai'er opened her eyes with a tired face. After seeing Su Poman, she said, "My lord, let me help you take a shower and change your clothes!"

Cai'er wanted to get up, but she frowned and groaned, feeling the tearing pain in her lower body.

Su Poman walked over and pressed her weak shoulders, and said softly: "Cai'er, you should rest first, I don't need you to serve me today!"

As he spoke, he forced her back to the bed, then slapped the storage bag, took out two healing elixirs, fed one to Caier, and stuffed the other into the sleeping Ruizhu mouth.

The elixir melted at the entrance, and Cai'er felt that the pain and fatigue of her body were instantly eliminated. At the same time, there was a warm current surrounding her body, constantly repairing the hidden wounds that were accidentally left in her previous training in martial arts.

A drowsy drowsiness hit her heart, Cai'er closed her eyes, and fell asleep again.

Su Poman tidied up his clothes, closed the door gently, and walked out directly.

Outside the door, Steward Zhou and a group of servants and guardians had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Su Poman come out, they quickly stepped forward to salute.

"The slave pays respects to the master!"

"This subordinate pays respects to Elder Su!"


"You don't need to be too polite, you can do whatever you want!" Su Poman waved his hand, and then walked straight out of the house.

Steward Zhou looked enviously in the direction of the hall.

If there is no accident, the two little girls who were originally on the same status as him have become the mistresses of this house after a night.

The world is changing so fast, butler Zhou couldn't help but secretly sighed, "It would be great if I was a beautiful woman, if I can climb up to such a figure in the sky as Elder Su, I'm afraid I will have the opportunity to come into contact with the immortal fate... ..."

Su Poman came out of the house, and in a flash, he came from Qionghua Peak to Lingyin Peak, the speed was as fast as teleportation.

In front of the main hall of the sect, a deacon disciple saw Su Poman coming, with a look of fanatical worship in his eyes, and after saluting, he quickly pulled the big bronze bell in the pavilion.


Among the two other courtyards on the top of the mountain, two spirit sheds were built respectively.

Lu Feng and Yang Tianqi's descendants, or their own disciples, guarded in the mourning shed.

The arrival of Su Poman attracted the attention of many people. Many elders and disciples wanted to come over to salute, but they realized that they could not get within two feet of him.

These people are the elite of the Giant Whale Gang, so they are naturally sophisticated. They understand that this is the day of mourning, and it is not a good time to make friends. After realizing this, they stop thinking about gathering around.

After all, the dead are the greatest.

Su Poman first walked to Elder Lu Feng's tomb, held incense in his hand, and bowed. After stopping for a long time, he walked to Elder Yang's altar, and bowed with incense.

After finishing these, Su Poman strolled down the mountain, and his figure disappeared within a few flashes.

On Qionghua Peak, in front of the Azure Dragon Hall, and on the huge school field, two hundred young disciples wearing the Azure Dragon Brocade Clothes were standing solemnly at this moment. mountain road.

(End of this chapter)

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