Chapter 178 Superman Dantian
Seeing that everyone had already left, Su Poman patted his storage bag, took out five thick volumes, and said slowly: "Since you have the talent for spiritual roots, I will take you to Nanyue Kingdom to find a copy." Immortal fate, but you don’t have to imagine it too beautifully. In fact, the world of cultivating immortals is darker and crueler than you imagined. Cultivating immortals is naturally from ordinary cultivators to immortals, but they are not immortals. For one thing, many people will do anything for resources such as spirit stones, exercises, magic weapons, etc. There is the possibility of longevity, but also the danger of dying halfway. I happen to have a basic "Cultivation Experience Record" here, you can take it and have a look. At least you have a certain understanding of the world of cultivating immortals first!"

These five "Cultivation Experience Records" were naturally searched from the storage bags of those casual cultivators. In addition, there were many miscellaneous items, which he put in the storage bags according to different categories. within the area.

The storage bag is the high-level storage bag of the old man in green robe, which has a huge space. As for the storage ring of Li Tianhong, it is only used to store some items that Su Poman can use personally, and the Lingshi is used alone. It is stored in the storage bag obtained from the demon spirit Liu Baoer.

"Okay, you guys go back and study it first, and I will call you when I leave!" Su Poman waved his hand.

"Yes, Hall Master Su!"

The five people agreed in unison and scattered away.

Su Poman saw that the sun was still falling, and he planned to go back and practice the 'flaming sun skill', because he found in the previous test process that just activating the 'spiritual compass' would consume a lot of spiritual power. Thinking that there might be thousands of people testing spirits at the same time tomorrow, the heavy workload made him a little dizzy.

After strolling back to the courtyard, two girls, Cai'er and Ruizhu, rushed out from the main hall to greet them, and slipped into Su Poman's arms, the nephrite jade and the fragrance, and the gentle and pleasant girls on both sides , he enjoyed the blessing of equalizing others.

Caressing the smooth backs of the two women, feeling the warmth in their arms, Su Poman asked softly: "Cai'er, Rui Zhu, are you two feeling better?"

"Young master's panacea is very effective, and the pain will soon be relieved after taking it!" Rui Zhu replied excitedly, her little face was flushed, and she looked very attractive.

Cai'er also nodded, her eyes seemed to contain Qiushui, seeing Su Poman's handsome face became a little blurred, she pondered for a while, and asked with some hesitation: "Young master, I heard from Steward Zhou that you went to test Xianyuan, The servant also wants to ask the young master to test it, if he can cultivate, it will be great, and I hope to keep up with the young master's footsteps..."

"Uh..." Su Poman really didn't want to hit the two girls, but Cai'er had already noticed the hesitation on her face, and she instantly grasped some information with her delicate thoughts, and there was a gloomy look in her beautiful eyes.

Rui Zhu didn't know anything about it, and said with a smile: "Young master, we two also want to practice immortality, and when we become immortals, we can be with you forever!"

"Ruizhu, let's not cause trouble for the young master, the young master must have his own arrangements!" Cai'er quickly tugged on Ruizhu's sleeve.

Su Poman sighed, and said quietly: "Since you have all asked, I will tell you the truth. Today I have tested the talents of both of you. It is a pity... neither of you has the qualifications to cultivate immortals!"


"Then we may not be able to stay with the young master forever..."

When Rui Zhu heard this, a layer of mist instantly covered her eyes, she bit her lower lip lightly with white teeth, her expression was very disappointed.

Rao Caier had already guessed the result before, but at the moment when Su Poman said it, her heart seemed to be pulled hard, and she sank. , she felt a little dejected, and said in her heart: "At that time, I won't have the face to stay by the young master's side..."

"Haha, you two don't need to be too sad. I am a god among gods. Naturally, there is a way to give you the ability to live forever and stay young!" Su Poman comforted directly through sound transmission with his spiritual sense.

Hearing the voice in their minds, the two women were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Su Poman in shock.

"My lord, is what you said true?" Cai'er asked seriously.

"Shh, of course it's true, don't say anything, this is my son's secret!" Su Poman made a "silence" gesture.

Rui Zhu let out a "hee hee" and burst into tears into a smile, hugging Su Poman's neck, "baji" kissed him on the face, "My lord, I knew you were the best!"

After arguing with the two women for a while, Su Poman saw that it was getting late, so he drove the two of them back to the main hall, while he sat cross-legged in the middle of the courtyard and began to practice slowly.

This is the first time he has practiced the 'Sun Rikung' since his superhuman physique was perfected. As soon as he practiced it, he found something wrong. He only felt that the real fire of the sun around him was like crazy, engulfing the fire-attribute aura and drilling into his body. Terrible.


Su Poman opened his eyes, showing a look of horror, "I didn't expect that after the superhuman physique was perfected, it would have the effect of accelerating the absorption of spiritual energy by the 'Sun Ri Kung', and this really terrifying! In just an instant, It feels like the meridians are already filled with unrefined aura, but now the refining speed can't keep up!"

Although the aura of heaven and earth in Pu country is thin, with the blessing of superhuman physique, Su Poman can absorb the aura at an incomparably terrifying speed. If a powerful person opens the eyes of the sky to look at this place, he will be able to see that Su Poman has formed a huge aura around him. The golden cyclone like the eye of a storm, the real fire of the sun contained in the sunlight swarmed from the sky, enveloping a stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy and constantly washing over his body.

After only a few breaths of practice, Su Poman felt his meridians swell a little, he stopped absorbing it immediately, and tried his best to refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his body.

Looking inside with his spiritual sense, Su Poman was surprised to find that his dantian had expanded tens of thousands of times compared to before, and his meridians were as wide as rivers and rivers. The fiery red spiritual energy was clogged in it. 'The exercise route is running slowly, and every time it runs for a week, a large amount of spiritual energy will be refined into spiritual power.

"The physique of a superhuman is indeed extraordinary. Even the dantian of Qihai is tens of thousands of times larger than that of ordinary people. In this way, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed by my breakthrough realm may also reach an extremely terrifying level. It is said that foundation building requires Let the gaseous spiritual power overflow in the dantian, the size of my dantian... tsk tsk, once the foundation is successfully established, the amount of spiritual power alone will definitely exceed that of ordinary golden core stage monks!"

While Su Poman was thinking, he worked hard to refine the spiritual energy in his body. Not long after, there was a "boo" sound in his body. After a part of the spiritual energy was refined, his cultivation broke through to the fourth level of the refining period.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually dimmed, Su Poman stopped his cultivation, and felt that there was still a lot of spiritual energy in the meridians that had not been refined, but it was already dark at this time, and he could not continue to run the 'flaming sun exercise'.

"The Yanri Kungfu is only a low-level exercise in the Qi refining period after all. The speed of refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is really too slow. Is it possible that all the spiritual energy absorbed in the body should be wasted?" Su Poman was a little unwilling, He looked inside his dantian, and suddenly saw another crimson cyclone in his dantian, and his heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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