Chapter 198 Interrogation
Ouyang Hong couldn't help but twitched, feeling a little inexplicably terrified in his heart, "This kind of supernatural power to kill with eyes is really unheard of before! Fortunately, that senior doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards me..."

Su Poman formed a giant hand with a biological force field, and grabbed the storage bags of the five people present, as well as the unactivated 'Small Teleportation Talisman' that had fallen on the ground, and there was another man who had been chopped into a stick and was constantly A howling disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect.

"I don't know which senior made the move, but Ouyang Hong, how many..."

Before he finished saying "thank you", Ouyang Hong saw a hole in the belly of the corpses of several people present, and the golden elixir inside had disappeared.


Ouyang Hong was startled, "This method of killing and dissecting the alchemy is so skillful, it doesn't look like a decent act, the old man should keep a low profile, it's better not to attract attention..."

Four fireballs fell, and a fire ignited in the valley.

High in the sky, Su Poman's figure was hidden in the thick clouds and mist. He didn't want to show his strength in front of Ouyang Hong, so he directly left the place with that corpse Yin sect disciple.


Ouyang Hong let out a breath, looked up, "Have you finally left? It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, the old man should leave quickly, so as not to be troublesome!"

"The Lieyang Sect... can't go back for the time being. Although the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect are patrolling the sky, the purpose of coming to Nanyue Kingdom is definitely not that simple. If the monks from the sect behind come to the door, they will be involved Many people!" He sighed slightly, jumped up, and disappeared into the vast night sky as a blue ray of light.

In the valley, the corpse aura rises and lingers. Over time, after many years, an excellent corpse breeding ground has been formed here, attracting many monks who use the method of 'refining corpses' to live here.

Su Poman carried the unconscious Corpse Yin Sect disciple and flew northward, and came to a desolate and barren land. Occasionally, there were a few desolate howls of wolves in the wilderness.


A water polo the size of a castan tree hit the disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect on the head.

The cold stimulation made him wake up, and after regaining consciousness, the severe pain in the broken limbs and the massive blood loss made his complexion pale as frost.

"Who the hell are you? Hurry up and let me go, even if your cultivation level is advanced, the Corpse Yin Sect is not something you can afford!"

Su Poman snorted coldly, "You are still stubborn until now! It seems that you are really not afraid of death?"

Saying that, the biological force field on Su Poman's body spread out, turning into invisible tentacles, and pinched the wound of the Corpse Yin Sect disciple.

" hurts so much, kill me!"

"Yo, it's still a hard bone. It seems that I really shouldn't keep you. Then I will fulfill you and let you die in endless pain!"

The strength of the tentacle continued to strengthen, and at the same time another tentacle hit the dantian suddenly, and a bloody hole was instantly broken there.

" hurts so much, don't destroy my dantian, I say...I say everything!"

Su Poman smiled slightly, and said: "Wouldn't it be better if you were like this earlier, let me ask you, what's your name?"

"Cui Tianpeng..."

"Where did you come from?" Su Poman continued to ask.

Cui Tianpeng's pale and bloodless face revealed a trace of pride, and he said loudly: "The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Caves, Corpse Yin Sect!"

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Caves? What kind of cultivation country is that?" Su Poman's face showed curiosity.

"Fifth-class cultivator, the elders in my Corpse Yin Sect have the cultivation level of the fusion stage!" The arrogance on Cui Tianpeng's face became even stronger, as if he was the one who had the fusion stage cultivation level, and he was so honored.


"You'd better let me go, or my corpse Yin sect..."

"Shut up!" Su Poman interrupted ruthlessly, changed the subject, and continued to ask: "Why did you join forces to besiege and kill Ouyang Hong of the Lieyang Sect?"

"Because my senior brother wants to use him as a scapegoat..." Cui Tianpeng replied honestly.

Su Poman showed a puzzled look on his face, "Scapegoat? What crime?"

"Kill Liu Chuanzong! Ahem..."

As Cui Tianpeng spoke, blood suddenly choked out of his mouth.

"Isn't it a great feat to kill a monster? How could it be a crime?" Su Poman was even more confused.

"Hehe..." Cui Tianpeng showed his bloody teeth, "Then Liu Chuanzong is a 'human pill' cultivated by the seventh-class sect Tianhun Daozong, whoever dares to kill him will naturally arouse the wrath of Tianhun Daozong!"


Hearing this term, Su Poman had some vague guesses in his heart.

"The Human Pill is the same as the ordinary Yunling Pill. It is a special kind of medicine unique to the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect. Their cultivation method is mainly based on the "Shenhun Dao". The strength of the soul, the soul feeds back the soul, the soul is strong, the soul is naturally strong, so all the disciples of the Tianhun Taoist sect have a [-]% to [-]% chance of succeeding in transforming the gods, so there are many masters in the sect, and after transforming the gods are also Focusing on the cultivation of the primordial spirit, they will spread some flawed and evil methods, and they will enter the realm very quickly, but most of these exercises are set up as second-handers. Once someone practices it, they will be marked with the mark of "Human Pill". After the human elixirs mature, the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect will send people out to harvest them, devour these human elixirs, and use them to improve their cultivation..." Cui Tianpeng explained slowly.

Su Poman was startled, smacked his mouth, and said harshly, "Isn't this just cannibalism?"

"Hehe...I didn't expect you to have such a high level of cultivation, but your mentality is still like a rookie who has just entered the world of immortality? In the world of immortality, there are countless such things. Many skills in the black market cannot be practiced casually, such as The 'Sutra of Transforming Flood Dragons' can cultivate the body of a dragon with a human body, but an unknown event will happen at the moment of success, and the essence and blood of a dragon will disappear out of thin air..." Cui Tianpeng sneered, and then recalled the current situation, his face became pale. Sadly.

After this explanation, all the doubts in Su Poman's mind disappeared, "So 'receiving credit' is just a cover, in order to trick Ouyang Hong out to besieged, and then push Liu Chuanzong's death on him?"

"That's right. After all, Ouyang Hong was a Nascent Soul cultivator, and you Lieyang Sect also has some background. My senior brother didn't want to waste the chance of the corpse coming out of the coffin, so I wanted to trick him out and use the formation to kill him. In this field, alas..." Cui Tianpeng's expression became even more gloomy when he said this.

"I have another question. Isn't the duty of your Sky Patrol Guards to hunt down demons and monsters?"

"Hehe, the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect is a seventh-class sect. Not only do they have the ability to avoid the world during the catastrophe period, but also many masters who have cultivated in the cave void period. They all occupy high positions in the alliance of cultivating immortals, so as long as It’s not too much, other elders will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and the cultivation of human pills is generally carried out in low-level cultivation countries. In this way, no one is willing to offend the powerful monks who have passed the tribulation period. Although our Sky Patrol Guards accepted the task of chasing and killing Liu Chuanzong, we were reminded before we set off that not only we could not kill Liu Chuanzong during this trip, but we also had to protect him so that no unsightly Nascent Soul cultivator would cut him off Kill, so every time we go to a place, we will go to the guardian to make an agreement in advance, until the Tianhun Daozong harvests the human pill, our task is completed without any effort, and along the way, we can gain a lot. Soul corpse..."

(End of this chapter)

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