Chapter 200 Disputes in the Square
Kong Qi in the side hall took the lead in introducing Qi into the body and became a monk at the first level of refining Qi. As for the others, due to their poor qualifications, they are still at the stage of "introducing Qi into the body", but they are small. The aura of heaven and earth in the courtyard is strong, and their progress is not slow.

In the early morning, Su Poman woke up from the big bed, covered the two girls with quilts, changed their clothes, walked out of the small courtyard, and walked along the mountain road towards Guangchi Peak.

The purpose of this trip is to get the cultivation resources that Ouyang Hong left for him. Among them, the Foundation Establishment Pill is what he needs now. Use the medicinal effect of Jidan to hit the bottleneck.

Under the effect of the 'Ancient Containing Breath Technique', Su Poman's cultivation was still at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, so that he would not attract attention. He walked all the way, and felt that the eyes of passers-by looking at him had changed. little change.

"Did you see that, he is the direct disciple of Ouyang Blessed, he was very famous before, but now without Ouyang Blessed, he has lost power!"

"It's normal for the building to collapse. Without the backing, life must not be as good as before!"

"There are rumors that Ouyang's priest has fallen outside, and I don't know if it's true or not..."

"There must be grounds for groundless rumors, otherwise no one would dare to chew their tongues, and the tea is cold!"

"I heard that the martial arts competition of the Seven Sects is about to begin. I wonder how many disciples our sect plans to send to participate."

"Now it should be called the Six Sects Huiwu. Don't forget, the Blood Gu Sect has already been wiped out, and I don't know who made the move. It was really good, and the righteous forces in the Immortal Cultivation World of Nanyue Kingdom have become stronger again! "

"If you can win the ranking in the martial arts meeting of the six sects, the sect will reward you with some spirit stones or other resources, and even the Foundation Establishment Pill that can increase the chance of foundation establishment. Those senior brothers in the Taoist Academy are probably gearing up for it!"

"Building Foundation Pill is a reward only for the top ten in martial arts. It is also good for us to get some spirit stone rewards with our strength!"


Hearing the voices from around him, Su Poman felt a little uncomfortable. Others didn't know about Ouyang Hong's condition, but he knew it clearly. He didn't expect that he hadn't returned for three months, and rumors had already spread in the sect. If there are gossip, someone must be secretly promoting it.

After arriving at the Sword Monastery, Su Poman ignored the surprised gazes of the others and walked straight towards the Wujiaohei Building.

While walking, there was a sudden call from the side of the road.

"Master Su!"

Su Poman turned his head and saw that the man was actually Zhong Yue. He was squatting next to a half-person-high black ravine stone by the roadside, sneaking around like he was secretly defecating.

"Brother Zhong, why didn't you sit in Wanjianfang today?" Su Poman asked curiously.

With a bitter smile on Zhong Yue's face, he explained: "Young Master Su, since Mr. Ouyang left, that guy Tang Ze has directly occupied Wanjianfang in the name of his apprentice, and took all the goods in the workshop for himself. Including the practice rooms on the upper floors, I was also kicked out, and the one sitting in the hall now is a disciple who has a good relationship with him..."

"There is such a thing?!" Su Poman's eyes showed a cold look, "This food is too ugly, go and meet him with me!"

"Mr. Su, I advise you not to go, as long as the green hills remain, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood, just bear with it this time!" Zhong Yue persuaded earnestly.

Su Poman's right face was squeezed by the teeth, and he let out a "squeak", and couldn't help asking: "What do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Su, Tang Zeben's cultivation has reached the eleventh level of Qi Refining, and his strength is not weak. Moreover, he is now entangled with a group of disciples from the upper Taoist school to help out in the workshop. It is not wise for us to find trouble at this time. !" Zhong Yue said with a look of apprehension, obviously he had already suffered a loss before.

When Su Poman heard it, he felt a little speechless.

[That's it, then I have to teach Tang Ze a lesson today. At most, I will expose my true cultivation. Now that I have the ability to swallow souls, I am not afraid that some old monster will take me away because of my special constitution. Someone took me away, just to let my soul-swallowing meal be full! 】

"Just follow me, I'll show him some flair later!"

After Su Poman finished speaking, he turned around and left, regardless of whether Zhong Yue followed or not.

The words have come to this point, whether Zhong Yue believes it or not, and whether he dares to come, is his own business!
Zhong Yue only hesitated for a moment, and then his eyes revealed a firm look. He quickly followed Su Poman, and followed him silently all the way, looking around, as if he was looking for the best way to escape.

Not long after, the two arrived at the door of Wanjianfang. Su Poman walked in without hesitation. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a thin middle-aged man with a leisurely expression lying on the counter. A huge black mole was born, and the whole person looked sick, but his cultivation was not weak, and he looked like he was on the ninth floor of the Qi refining period.

"Look at whatever you want, you can come here to inquire about what you want to buy, Wanjianfang is innocent!" The skinny young man raised his eyes slightly and said weakly.

Afterwards, he saw Zhong Yue behind Su Poman, straightened his back all of a sudden, widened his eyes and shouted sternly, "Zhong Yue, why do you dare to come here? Could it be that you were beaten too lightly last time, and you don't have a long memory?" ?”


A crisp slap sounded.

The skinny young man was stunned by the beating. He stared blankly at Su Poman in front of him. He spat on the ground, and a mouthful of blood dripped down. There were also two molars mixed in the blood.

Zhong Yue, who entered the door afterward, was also startled by Su Poman's slap, and said in a daze, "God...he actually did it directly?"

"Damn it, where did you come from, you brat, dare to slap your grandfather, I'll fight you!"

Wu Luren mobilized all his spiritual energy excitedly, and waved his hand to hit Su Poman, the palm of his hand made a rush of wind, and under the rage, he didn't even bother to ask the identity of the person who came.

In Su Poman's perspective, Wu Luren's figure seemed to be slowing down, without any threat at all. He just moved his footsteps lightly, and easily dodged the blow he swung with all his strength, and then Backhand flick——


The other half of Wu Luren's face came into close contact with the back of Su Poman's hand, his body rolled several times in the air, and finally slammed heavily on the counter.

In fact, Su Poman had already controlled his strength and didn't use too much strength, because once he used all his strength, the person in front of him would definitely be turned into blood mist.

The reason for this effect was mainly because Wu Luren used too much force, and after being dodged, his center of gravity was slightly unstable.

"Where did the dog with the broken spine dare to occupy the Wanjian Workshop left by my master?" Su Poman's voice full of spiritual power spread around and echoed in Wanjian Workshop.

Wu Luren only felt his head buzzing, as if a thousand flies had got in, and after using his spiritual power, he gradually recovered. He stood up, gave Su Poman a vicious look, and then slapped the storage bag to take it out. He took a sound transmission note and whispered a few words quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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