Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 205 The First Beauty of Lieyang Sect

Chapter 205
"Fairy is right. It seems that getting the top three this time is considered a good result!" Although Jia Feng said so, he thought of the spirit body that appeared in the "spirit test ceremony" two years ago Boy, "If he can participate, I'm afraid he can get good grades..."

"Jia Daoyou, since everyone has arrived, let's urge the spirit boat to set off!" Bai Yu glanced at the people on the deck, and said slowly.

Jia Feng nodded, and said to the deacon disciples in the cabin: "Let's go, the goal is Nanlingzhou, the gate of the Five Elements Sect!"

"According to the elder's order, launch the spirit boat, aiming at Nanling Continent, the gate of the Five Elements Sect!"

A chanting came from inside the cabin, which attracted the eyes of all the disciples on the deck.

The huge dark silver flying boat shook slightly, and then it soared up, breaking through the clouds like a falcon, and flew high above the sky.

Above the clouds, the sun is shining, which is very suitable for practicing the 'Sun Ri Kung Fu'. Many disciples took this opportunity to sit on the deck and start exhaling spiritual energy, and seize the time to improve their cultivation.

There are also some people, leaning on the railing to enjoy the beautiful scenery and chatting with each other.

The two elders exchanged pleasantries on the deck for a while, and then went back to their rooms.

After the elders left, the atmosphere on the deck became more active, and various discussions gradually became louder.

"Is that the number one beauty of our sect, Ling Xingxue, over there? Her eyebrows and eyes are so beautiful, even through a mask, she can feel amazing!"

"This junior brother, you must speak in a low voice. Senior sister Ling has a high level of cultivation. If you talk about her so frivolously, be careful not to be beaten!"

"Hey, everyone has the love of beauty, and I also praise it from the bottom of my heart, Junior Brother. I believe Senior Sister Ling will not blame her!"

"Senior Sister Ling may not blame you. Senior Brother Zhang Cang next to her is the flower protector. What I meant just now is that you will be beaten by him!"

"Ah~~~ Then I shut up, I won't say anything!"


Zhang Cang, who was carrying the black sword box on his back, looked at that side coldly, and the disciple was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth and lowered his head.

Ling Xingxue quietly looked at the clouds in the sky, noticing the movement around her, she frowned, somewhat bored in her expression.

Su Poman also noticed this woman, but because of the different positions, he could only see a pretty half of her back.

As for why it is half?
Because the other side was blocked by the young man behind her.

[The figure is really good, the thin willow is supporting the waist, and the semicircular arc can be seen from the back. It seems that Nako is not small, and the shape is not bad, um... the skin is also crystal clear, and the skin on the back is really well maintained. Next... ...Hiss, indescribable, one word, 媆!The legs are slender, round and tight, she is indeed a stunner, no wonder she can be called the number one beauty of the Lieyang Sect! 】

Because of Su Poman's 'super vision', he can see more clearly than others. He is not a pervert, but observes with an eye of appreciating art. He has no evil thoughts in his heart, just like the atmosphere on Blue Star. A certain open country is like holding some body art exhibitions.

When Nuwa created humans, inspired by Dao, she pinched the shape of human beings into a shape close to Dao. Therefore, human beings are the creatures closest to the "Tao", and they are born with the advantage of enlightening Dao when they practice. Therefore, many demon cultivators Transformation, the first choice is the human shape.

There are all kinds of life, including ugly and beautiful, and there are also differences in height, short, fat and thin, which just correspond to the ever-changing avenues.

【Am I lustful?no!To say that my color is too shallow, and my knowledge only stays on the first floor, I am obviously observing the great way, experiencing all kinds of life, and beautiful women can also seduce the eyes, which may be of great benefit to the improvement of my super vision... ...]

Su Poman thought so in his heart, slowly moved his footsteps, changed to a better position and continued to observe.

At this moment, a stern gaze caught his attention. Su Poman turned his head and saw the young man with the black sword case staring at him with a gloomy expression.


Su Po's face was not flushed, his heart was not beating, he flicked his sleeves pretendingly, and looked at the sky in the distance, as if he was admiring the clouds floating in the sky.

【Gan, is this person a dog? He protects food so much that he can't even take a look at it! 】

"Hmph!" Zhang Cang snorted coldly, and looked away.

Su Poman felt a bit of a toothache, glanced at Zhang Cang's hanging look, and couldn't help muttering: "What are you pretending to do, lick the dog, lick the dog, until the end, there is nothing left!"

Although the voice was very small, all of the people present were monks, and many people heard this powerful sentence with a flick of their ears.

Even Ling Xingxue, who was standing on the railing and admiring the beautiful scenery, couldn't help but her delicate body trembled, and turned around in surprise——

Those were a pair of eyes like autumn water, filled with peach blossoms.

On the white gauze, Qiong's nose was straight, her eyebrows were picturesque, coupled with her slightly surprised expression and the gorgeous clouds behind her, all the males present couldn't help but breathe harder.

With a beautiful face and a moony appearance, she can overwhelm the country and the city!

"Ah! I'm dead..." A male disciple wailed and fell to the ground clutching his chest, as if he had been knocked down by some powerful magic weapon.

The faces of several female disciples present showed envious and envious expressions. If they could have such looks, they would be willing to cut their lives by 20 years.

Su Poman felt his heart beat twice suddenly, and then made up his mind instantly, "This girl is so beautiful, I want it, if there is a chance, I must take it!"

"you wanna die!"

A furious shout came from Zhang Cang's mouth.

In the next moment, a jet-black black iron flying sword came out of its sheath with a "squeak", turning into a stream of light and piercing through Su Poman's face.

This person actually made a move regardless of the occasion!

Everyone present had no time to exclaim in surprise, the flowing black flying sword had already reached Su Poman's chest.


A wave of spiritual pressure struck, and a short and fat figure appeared in front of Su Poman like a phantom. He directly blocked this attack with his big hands of spiritual power.

"Zhang Cang, you are so brave. How dare you use sword control on this spirit boat. If you destroy the formation, all the disciples in this boat will be buried with you!" Jia Feng shouted coldly.

Zhang Cang glared at Su Poman fiercely, and then said extremely coldly: "Elder Jia, since I make a move, I am sure in my heart that I will not destroy the formation on the spirit boat!"

"Don't think that your grandfather is an elder of the Upper Taoist Academy and you can do anything wrong. If there is a next time, the old man will teach you directly. I believe your grandfather will not say anything if he knows!" Pressed, pressed towards him.

Zhang Cang turned pale, but still had a stubborn look on his face, "He provoked me first, why didn't you ask me the reason for the attack?"

"Zhang Cang, could it be that you have forgotten the rules of the sect? On this spirit boat, no matter what the reason is, you are not allowed to use spells to fight for courage. If you have any problems, you can ask the old man to solve them!" Jia Feng said with a frown .

Zhang Cang curled his lips, disapproving, raised his head and looked up to the sky, still a bit dissatisfied on his face.

"Hey, you two... come with me!"

Jia Feng hesitated, feeling that this matter was a bit tricky, one was the grandson of the elder, and the other was the direct disciple of the tutor, if it was not handled properly, it would cause misunderstandings and cause irreconcilable conflicts between the two.

He shook the purple fan, turned around and walked into the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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