Chapter 209 Journey to the West

"Look, Uncle Su is here!"

"Mr. Su Da is finally here. I wash my ears on purpose today, just waiting to hear the story, so I get out of the way. I want to sit in the front row!"

"Master Su is so handsome, and he is so young and promising. I wonder if he has a Taoist partner now..."


As soon as the crowd saw Su Poman, they immediately gathered around, those who saluted saluted, and those who occupied their positions occupied their positions.

For a moment, the deck was bustling with excitement.

Su Poman walked slowly through the crowd, walked to Ling Xingxue's side, stood still and said slowly: "Dear friends, don't worry, today we will talk about the life and history of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven..."


Su Poman slapped the armrest behind him, making a crisp sound like a gavel, instantly attracting the attention of all the monks.

"In other words, Pangu created the world, the three emperors ruled the world, and the five emperors established the ethics. The world was divided into four major continents: the East Shengshenzhou, the Xiniuhezhou, the South Zhanbuzhou, and the North Juluzhou. In Shengshen Continent, there is a country overseas called Aolai Country. The country is close to the sea, and there is a mountain in the sea called Huaguo Mountain. This mountain is the ancestor of the ten continents, and the dragon from the three islands. After Hongmeng's sentence, he became..."

With this opening, the deck instantly became quiet. Even the communication was limited to the sound transmission of the spiritual consciousness. The surroundings were quiet, and many people squinted their eyes, drawing a picture of a brand new world in their minds.

"Pangu opened the world, so bold, who is Pangu? Who are the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors...Could it be a fabricated illusory world?"

"Dongsheng Shenzhou, haha, our Lieyang Sect is in Dongshengzhou, which is very immersive!"

"That's right, our spirit boat flies to Nanling Continent, doesn't it correspond to Nanzhan Buzhou? Interesting and interesting..."

"The ancestral lineage of the Ten Continents? Then this Huaguo Mountain is too miraculous, the aura of heaven and earth on this mountain should be very strong!"


The monks who are familiar with each other communicate quickly with their spiritual consciousness from time to time, enjoying the joy of communicating and sharing with others.

As the story unfolded, everyone gradually fell into a state of obsession, and each of them sat motionless in place without making a sound, as if they had been immobilized.

With the death of the old monkey, the stone monkey came up with the idea of ​​learning from a teacher. With the help of the monkey's grandson, he made a raft and embarked on a journey of seeking immortality alone.

All the monks also admired the stone monkey's heart towards the Tao. After all, Dahai told a mortal monkey that it was too dangerous.

As the plot continues to unfold, the stone monkey finally finds the location of the fairy fate according to the woodcutter's guidance, and starts his cultivation career.

"Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, Slanting Moon and Three Star Cave, what a strange name, it should be a fairy gate!"

"I don't know what kind of immortal sect is Xiuguo. It sounds pretty good. I don't know what kind of skills can be taught to the stone monkey..."


Everyone was intoxicated by the plot, and when they heard that the exercises taught by Patriarch Bodhi can directly cultivate into a fairyland, Qiqi showed incredible expressions.

"Great grade Celestial Immortal Art? Do you want to avoid three disasters and five calamities? Could it be similar to the thunder calamity we and other cultivators go through..."

"I really envy this monkey, who learned the magic of immortality by mistake!"

"Blessed by nature, this stone monkey has extraordinary heels!"


Su Poman talked from early morning to evening, and everyone listened fascinatedly, attracted by many plots in Journey to the West.

In the middle of the night, he taught the Dharma, practiced the celestial formula, obtained 72 supernatural powers, and the secret method of soaring clouds such as somersaulting clouds. Because he showed off his supernatural powers in front of his fellow disciples, he was kicked out of the mountain gate by the Bodhi Patriarch. After returning to Huaguo Mountain, he broke into the Dragon Palace again. Forcibly took the Dinghaishen needle, and took the cloak given by the old Dragon King.

From then on, a beautiful Monkey King wearing a gold chain armor, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and lotus root silk boots, with unruly eyes and a wishful golden cudgel in his hand, appeared vividly in front of everyone.

Later, he was seduced by the underworld, and the book of life and death was forcibly sold. The Dragon King and the King of Hades joined forces to ask the gods to arrest Monkey King, but was persuaded by Taibai Jinxing and recruited him to be a Bi Mawen.

The setting of the Dragon Palace and the Underworld is refreshing for the monks. They have never heard of such an institution in the world. One governs the ocean, and the other is in charge of the longevity and reincarnation of all living beings.

Afterwards, he called Qi Tian, ​​made troubles in the Heavenly Palace, killed hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, and threw away his helmets and armor...

When the story was told here, the sky was slightly dark and it was almost evening.


Su Poman patted the armrest again, pulling everyone's thoughts to the front, "If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

"Uncle Su, it's not too late, so please tell me one more paragraph!"

"That's right, Uncle Su, let's talk about it for a while, what happened to Monkey King in the end, did he become the Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace?"

"My heart is itching, I really want to know the follow-up!"


Everyone begged earnestly, and many people scratched their heads anxiously, obviously breaking the chapter here made them very uncomfortable.

It felt like she was about to climax, but she suddenly lost her breath.

One can imagine the discomfort.

Su Poman shook his head firmly, and explained: "Dear friends, this story will continue tomorrow, and I have something to do next!"

"Okay, since Uncle Su has said so, let's listen to it tomorrow!"

"Everyone is gone, Mr. Su has been talking to me for a whole day, so he should take a break!"

"That's right, Uncle Su, I'll come to listen tomorrow, you must come then~"


Zhou Fang, who was squatting in the corner, also stood up slowly at this time, passed through the monks, and walked into the corridor.

When he turned his back to everyone, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in a low voice: "Monkey King, what a domineering name!"

After all the monks dispersed, there was a solemn silence on the deck.

Su Poman turned around and looked out of the spirit boat. At this moment, the sun was setting and the sky was full of sunset clouds. The lights and shadows of various colors intertwined together, forming a beautiful picture scroll.

Ling Xingxue looked at Su Poman's side face, and asked curiously: "Junior Brother Su, there is still a long time, why don't you continue talking?"

"Because..." The corners of Su Poman's mouth curled up, "I don't do anything while watching the sunset!"

[Hahaha, I give myself 99 points for this pretense! 】

Su Poman was laughing wildly in his heart, but on the outside he looked as if the clouds were calm and breezy, still silently watching the distant clouds, as if the peerless beauty around him didn't exist.

Ling Xingxue was startled when she heard the words, and felt that these words seemed to have some magical power, which shocked her heart suddenly, and when she went to search again, she didn't find anything.

[I don’t do anything while watching the sunset...]

【What a strange person... What is he pretending to be in his heart? 】

Ling Xingxue looked at that handsome side face, and was a little stunned for a while, as if she was in deep thought, or distracted.

I saw-

Under the setting sun, the tall nose bridge, the jade-like skin, the sword-like eyebrows slanted into the strands of black hair at the corners of the temples, and...the deep eyes seemed to hide thousands of mysteries.

The whole person seemed to be shining brightly, even the sunlight shining on him was somewhat dimmer than other places.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ling Xingxue shook her head quickly, and turned her gaze elsewhere, but in the bottom of her heart, it seemed that there was a magic voice calling her, which made her want to turn her head to look at the man beside her.

But dare not...

[What if he finds out, oh, what a shame, Ling Xingxue, what happened to you!Calm down, be sure to calm down! 】

(End of this chapter)

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