Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 211 5-Line Rotation Secret Technique

Chapter 211
At this moment, for Zhang Cang, the whole world seemed to lose its color.

He moved away in a daze, and when he left, his back became extremely lonely and desolate.

After turmoil in his mind for a long time, finally, Su Poman's face suddenly appeared in Zhang Cang's mind, and the resentment in his heart seemed to have an outlet to vent.

For an infatuated person, seizing love with a sword is bound to be an endless hatred.

The surrounding crowd moved away one after another, as if they all felt the suppressed anger on his body.

【It's all because of him! 】

Zhang Cang stopped suddenly, didn't turn around, turned his head, and looked at Su Poman in the posture of a wolf.

Su Poman sensed Zhang Cang's killing intent towards him, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart, "If you make a move, you will definitely die!"

This kind of person has some psychological problems. From the beginning, he has a distorted mentality to occupy others. Even if Su Poman doesn't show up, one day, Ling Xingxue will resent and resist him.

Such a person with unstable personality and emotions is a dangerous element in itself, and may do dangerous things at any time. The moment Su Poman sensed his killing intent, he had already sentenced him to death. If he had the chance, he would I will definitely get rid of this disaster with my own hands.

Although Su Poman is not afraid that he will use methods to deal with him, what he is afraid of is that the people around him will be implicated. Su Poman will not be like the Holy Mother bitch in some novels. , It wasn't until the other party killed his relatives and friends that he killed him in a fit of anger to vent his anger.

People are dead, what's the use of revenge?
Although Su Poman is not a bad person, he is not a good person with great morals. For this kind of hidden danger, what he has always pursued is to cut the grass and root out the root, so as not to leave any future troubles!
The two elders also saw the dispute that happened just now, but these are some personal issues after all, and they are not too easy to ask.

The dark silver spirit boat galloped high in the sky, and after entering Nanling Continent, the concentration of the Five Elements spirit energy around it gradually increased.

Different from the Lieyang Sect's exclusive fire attribute method, the Five Elements Sect has a total of five lines of inheritance, corresponding to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The secret method can use the spiritual power of a single attribute to urge spells of another attribute, and the power will not be discounted too much. The higher the cultivation base, the more spell attributes that can be transformed.

Generally speaking, the disciples of the Five Elements School in the Qi Refining Stage will only practice spells of one of the attributes. Reaching the point where the five elements are complete and endless, only the elders in the alchemy stage can master it.

Of course, there are also some outstanding talents among them, who can master spells with two or three attributes during the Qi refining period, and practice the five-element combined strike technique.

The so-called Five Elements Combination Technique is the combination of spells of two attributes to produce a power of one plus one greater than two.

For example, the wood-type poison ivy entwining technique plus the flowing fire technique can form a powerful spell that can control and deal a lot of damage, and its effect is even comparable to ordinary mid-level spells.

The Five Elements Sect is inherited from the "Good Fortune Sect" of the fifth-class Xiuguo, and it belongs to the same level as the "Ziyang Sect" of the previous sect of the Lieyang Sect. There are all powerful monks in the integration period sitting in the sect, but after the Ziyang Sect was accidentally destroyed , Lieyangzong was incorporated by the Ziyangzong's Shangzong "Haori Zhenzong", and became a peripheral force of Zhenzong.

Although Haori Zhenzong is one of the best sects in the seventh-class Xiuguo, Lieyangzong lacks the fifth-class sect as a link because of its low rank, so it is not valued at all. Doesn't hurt, uncle doesn't love' embarrassing state.

The gap can be seen from the previous "dream-eating calamity". The Five Elements Sect asked for help from the "Good Fortune Sect" and was given a precious formation that could be integrated into the mountain protection formation, but the Lieyang Sect only asked for a set of arrangements. The complicated 'Zhenyang Lishen Great Formation', if you ask again, there is no news. From this, you can infer that the situation of Lieyangzong these years is not very good, and the channel for recommending geniuses to the Shangzong is completely blocked Already, compared with the other two sects, it is slightly in decline.

Being able to defend the territory of Dongshengzhou now is the result of Chi Zaiyue's painstaking efforts for many years. For this reason, he has delayed his practice. But he stopped moving forward, still staying at the bottleneck of the early stage of Jindan.

Among the three major sects in the world of cultivating immortals in the Nanyue Kingdom, the Yin Sha Sect is a subordinate sect of the Corpse Yin Sect. In recent years, a Tianjiao with a special spiritual body has emerged, so he was given a lot of cultivation resources by the Corpse Yin Sect. After the foundation building of the Tianyin Body is completed, they will go directly to the Corpse Yin Sect in the Ten Thousand Grottoes to continue their cultivation, and the Yin Sha Sect will also get a lot of benefits, enough to train more outstanding disciples.

Whenever he thinks about this, Elder Jia Feng feels a little anxious in his heart. Although the group of disciples on the deck are not weak in cultivation, compared with the other two sects, they may still be slightly weaker. Fortunately, the dream-eating disaster some time ago This caused the Five Elements Sect to lose a lot of elite disciples, otherwise, the Lieyang Sect might not even be able to keep its top three position.

Looking at the billowing clouds, Elder Jia Feng shook the purple fan in his hand, full of thoughts in his heart.

Not long after, the spirit boat began to descend suddenly, piercing through the heavy clouds, and swooped towards the ground.

After feeling the movement of the spirit boat, the people waiting on the deck all showed joy.

"It's finally here. After sitting in the spirit boat for more than ten days, if Uncle Su didn't tell us stories, I'm afraid we'd be bored to death!"

"That's right, it's over. I don't know what the Five Elements Sect looks like. I'll have to take a good look around later!"

"I heard that a material called Five Elements Stone will be sold in the market of the Five Elements Sect. It will be of great help to the practice of Five Elements spells. I will buy two pieces and try it later!"


While talking, everyone watched the scenery under the spirit boat.

Two giant mountains approached, shaped like the two humps of a camel, at first I didn't feel much, but as the spirit boat approached slowly, the outlines of the two giant mountains were gradually revealed, attracting many disciples exclaimed.

"Wow, what two tall mountains, the Five Elements Sect is built on these two giant mountains?"

"This should be the rumored 'Hengduan Liangyi Mountain'. The entire sect of the Five Elements Sect is indeed located on these two mountains, but I didn't expect that these two mountains are so majestic!"


The spirit boat dived toward the ground for a while, then slowed down slowly, and landed on a spacious platform made of blue-black rocks.

The water-curtain-like shield formation on the spirit boat fluctuated for a while, and then slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, all the disciples jumped off the spirit boat one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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