Chapter 215 Star Luofang City
"Thank you uncle for reminding me, I will prepare well when I go back!" Fei Man nodded and said.

The elder of the Five Elements Sect who was in charge of welcoming him couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing the words: "Fellow Daoist Hua, your Ghost Spirit Sect is truly outstanding. This nephew has practiced extraordinary skills. I'm afraid he will be able to build a foundation within half a year!"

"Fellow Daoist, that's amazing!" The gray-haired old man waved his hands, but he couldn't hide the hint of arrogance at the corner of his mouth.

Since the master of Ghost Spirit Sect came back from that big tomb, he brought out a lot of miraculous skills, and the combat power of the disciples in the sect has also been greatly improved, and now it has the appearance of a big sect.


Su Poman thought about the origin of that evil eye for a while, and found that he had no clue, so he didn't think about it any more, and turned around to go to the market.

All kinds of utensils are sold at the stalls by the roadside. In the faint light and shadow of the array, items such as magic utensils, talismans, and array plates are looming. It seems that the quality is not low. Compared with the items in Sanxiufang City, the quality is higher A lot came out.

Lingxiu Building is located in the very center of Xingluofang City. Since it was afternoon, it seemed a little deserted.

Su Poman went up the stairs, crossed the threshold, and entered the Lingxuan Building.

As soon as he entered the door, a clever young man hurried up to meet him.

"Welcome, guest officer, how many are you?"

The boy had a clean face, a smile on his face, and an aura of refining Qi, obviously he was also a cultivator.

"Both of you, I plan to book a private room at the Lingxuan Building for dinner tonight. Is there any room available?" Su Poman asked casually.

The young man nodded, with a complex expression on his face, and said: "Yes, yes, but you two may not be able to meet the standard for booking a box. You don't know. Recently, many people from the six factions have come here There are only a limited number of private rooms for dining in the Lingxiu Building. If you are a guest officer, you can choose to dine on the first floor. If you do not want to eat in a private room, you must spend at least 50 Lingshi, or pay an additional [-] yuan for the stator of Lingshi Money! In fact, the environment on the first floor is not bad, separated by a screen, the environment is considered quiet..."

"Book a box for me!" Su Poman patted the storage bag, took out a small cloth bag from it, and handed it to the servant.

The boy turned out to be a cloth bag, swept his consciousness inside, and immediately beamed with joy, knowing that he had met a high-ranking customer, the smile on his face was even worse, and he quickly said with a flattering smile: "Okay, son, I will go and make an appointment for you right away." Private room, if you spend over 200 yuan of spirit stones, then the 50 yuan of spirit stones will be included in the bill, so you don’t have to worry about it!”

The servant brought Su Poman to the counter, and he handed the small bag of spirit stones to the shopkeeper with the mustache, and then recorded Su Poman's origin and name on the jade book, and received it soon A jade tablet engraved with the word "Ling Delicacy".

"Mr. Su, please keep it. In the evening, you can come to eat with this jade card, and the box will be reserved for you until tomorrow's Maoshi!" The servant half bowed his waist, and handed over the jade card with both hands.

Su Poman took the jade card, flipped it through, and found the words "Linglong Pavilion" engraved on the back, he guessed that this should be the name of the box, and smiled at the servant: "Thank you!"

"Young Master Su, you're being polite. If there's anything you need to do, you can just tell the younger one..." The boy said with a smile on his face.

After leaving Lingxuan Building, Su Poman wandered around in Xingluofang City. He didn't enter the shops, but just walked and stopped along the two main streets of Fangshi.

"Uncle Su?"

While wandering around, he suddenly heard someone calling him, turned his head and found that it was several female monks from the same sect, and standing beside them was a disciple named Gao Feihong from the Five Elements Sect.

"Nephew Qiu, you are here too!" Su Poman nodded with a smile, glanced at several people, and greeted them.

The tall and straight Gao Feihong also showed a gentle smile, and politely cupped his hands and said, "I've met this fellow Taoist!"

"You're polite!" Su Poman slightly arched his hands.

"Uncle Su, are you here to buy the Five Elements Stone too?" Qiu Hongling asked with a sweet smile, and the female disciples beside him also kept stealing glances at Su Poman, with a faint look in their eyes.

These people are Su Poman's loyal listeners. It is no exaggeration to say that they are fans. They were moved to tears by the plot of the story. People like Gao Feihong came together.

Recalling what Gao Feihong said before when he led them into the sect, Su Poman can easily guess that these people probably want to buy the Five Elements Stone at a discounted price through his channel.

"I just came here to take a look!" Su Poman shook his head and said.

Another female monk named 'Chu Hanyan' suggested: "In this case, Master Su, why don't you come with us to the Zhenbao Building to buy some Five Elements Stones. With Senior Brother Gao here, there should be some discounts!"

When Gao Feihong heard the words, there was a trace of displeasure in his eyes, but this expression was quickly concealed, and except for Su Poman, the others failed to notice.

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Su, if you want, you can also go to the Treasure Building with me. As the captain of the patrol team, I'm still a bit of a scumbag in Xingluofang City!" Gao Feihong came out with a smile on his face. voice invited.

Su Poman had been staring at Gao Feihong's expression changes, feeling a little disgusted in his heart by this smiling tiger-like guy, although he concealed it well, but as a man, he could see through the little tricks in his heart at a glance.

Looking at the ignorant and naive female cultivators of the Lieyang Sect, he pretended to speak slowly and said, "This is not good..."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the corners of Gao Feihong's mouth turned up slightly, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, and then Su Poman changed the subject and said, "Since fellow Daoist Gao strongly invites you, let's go and have a look!"

The smile on Gao Feihong's face froze, and then he reacted instantly, grinning and said: "Okay, let's go then, the three-story wooden building in front is the Treasure Building, and the opposite is our Xingluofang City's building." "Lingxuanlou", their food is made of monster meat and Lingzhi. It is not only delicious, but also can improve your cultivation. If you are free in the evening, I invite you to try it! "

"Wow, Senior Brother Gao is too generous, to invite so many of us to dinner, it must cost a lot of spirit stones!"

"That's right, Senior Brother Gao is too enthusiastic, and he is so kind. This should be similar to our Baiweilou under the Lieyangzong Mountain. It seems that we can have a good meal tonight!"

"Wouldn't that be a bad idea?"

"Oh, don't think too much about it. At worst, let's get together and supply the spirit stones to Senior Brother Gao. It's rare to come to the Five Elements Sect. If you don't try the local specialties, you'll be in vain!"


"And your Senior Sister Ling, can you invite her to come with you tonight?" Gao Feihong asked pointedly.

When the girls heard the words, most of them showed embarrassment, and many of them even glanced at Su Poman. After getting along with each other for a long time, they also saw that his relationship with Ling Xingxue was somewhat ambiguous.

"Senior Brother Gao, Senior Sister Ling is cold-tempered, so she probably wouldn't participate in such a gathering..." Qiu Hongling looked a little lonely. At first, she was a little moved by Gao Feihong, but when she heard this just now, she suddenly realized that she and others might just be approaching Ling Xingxue's tool man.

Gao Feihong's face froze, and he said with some regret: "Since this is the case, there is no way to force it. Let's go, let's go to the Treasure Building first!"

The space on the first floor of the Treasure Building is very spacious. There are more than a dozen uniformly dressed maids waiting at the door. They are tall and handsome, but they have no cultivation, and they are specially here to greet and send them off.

As soon as everyone entered the door, several maids greeted them with smiles on their faces.

"Several distinguished guests, I don't know what you need when you come to the Treasure Building. Whether it's magical artifacts, talismans, or medicinal materials, they are all for sale here!" The leading maid introduced with bright eyes.

Gao Feihong waved his hand and said, "Where's Guanshi Liu on the first floor, tell him that I, Gao Feihong, are here!"

"It turned out that I was looking for Guan Liu. Please wait a moment, my honored guest. I will report to you now!"

A maid hurried upstairs.

Not long after, a fat middle-aged man with a big belly and luxurious clothes came down the stairs. This man had a white face and a gleam in his eyes from time to time. He looked extremely shrewd and his cultivation was at the late stage of Qi refining.

"It turns out that Captain Gao of the patrol team is here!" The white-faced fat man cupped his hands while walking, "I'm really sorry, the following group of maids have just been dispatched from Tiannan City, so they don't know you!"

"It's okay, Manager Liu. I brought a group of friends to buy some Five Elements Stones. I wonder if I can pay the price I told me earlier?" Gao Feihong said straight to the point.

Hearing that there was a business coming, Guanshi Liu showed joy on his face. He first took a look at the female cultivators behind Gao Feihong, then paused on Su Poman, and said with a kind smile, "Since we are Captain Gao's friend, That's all right, why don't we come to the second floor to have a cup of tea before discussing the purchase of the Five Elements Stone?"

"Several junior sisters, what do you think?"

"I think so!"

"I'm fine!"

"What about Fellow Daoist Su?"



Seeing that everyone had no objection, Gao Feihong smiled slightly, and led the crowd up the stairs to the second floor and into a closed private room.

Everyone sat down one by one, and soon a maid brought up two pots of spiritual tea, and there were also plates of bright red precious fruits.

"I don't know what to call this friend?"

Liu Guanshi's first words were towards Su Poman, which made him somewhat unexpected.

Gao Feihong was also a little surprised. He glanced at Guanshi Liu in some puzzlement, and then took a sip of the spiritual tea by himself.

"Under Su Poman!" Su Poman replied with a smile.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Su. I think the sword case on your back is a bit extraordinary, but is it carved from dragon scale wood?" Guanshi Liu asked with a smile, his eyes fixed on the sword case behind Su Poman, and his eyes were a little fiery .

Su Poman nodded, and said calmly: "Your Excellency is really astute, yes, the sword case below is indeed made of dragon scale wood."

"Fellow Daoist Su, I don't know if I should say something..." Guanshi Liu showed a look of impatience, and scratched his head to himself.

Su Poman frowned, and said frankly: "I would like to hear the details."

"I'm from an array cultivator. By chance, I got an ancient array arrangement. It's just that some dragon scale wood is still missing in the array materials. Can you give up your love, fellow Daoist Su, I'd like to pay a high price for your dragon scales Sword box!" Liu Guanshi said slowly.

Su Poman shook his head, and said, "I'm sorry, I have no plans to sell this sword case. Guanshi Liu should look at other channels!"

"That's really a pity, but it's okay. I'll wait for a while..." Guanshi Liu was somewhat disappointed when he heard this, but soon put on a kind smile again, "We still Let’s talk about the sale of Five Elements Stones! Captain Gao, how many Five Elements Stones do your friends want to buy?”

Hearing this, Gao Feihong turned his head to look at Qiu Hongling and the others, with an inquiring look on his face, "How many junior sisters? You..."

"Guan Liu, how many spirit stones are there for the Five Elements Stone?" Qiu Hongling asked aloud.

Guanshi Liu took a look at Gao Feihong, smiled and said to Qiu Hongling: "This fellow Taoist, the price of Five Elements Stones sold in Zhenbao Building is 20 yuan for a low-grade spirit stone, but for Captain Gao's sake, the lowest price can be given to you." To the price of 18 Yuan Lingshi!"

"If you buy more than three, you will get a book on how to use the Five Elements Stone, which is worth two low-grade spirit stones!"

"Then I'll buy three first!"

"I'll take three too!"


Out of curiosity, Su Poman also bought three. After the transaction was completed, he left the Treasure Building alone, without continuing to wander around inside.

Although Xingluofang City has some special products, compared with other places, there is not much difference. After strolling around, Su Poman left Fangshi and walked along the stone stairs. Go to the residence halfway up the mountain.

After the Ghost Spirit Sect arrived, the six factions gathered together, and the martial arts competition will be held on the top of Qianshan Mountain three days later. A huge arena was opened there, and a stronger formation was added for the disciples participating in the martial arts competition to fight .

After Su Poman returned to his small courtyard, he tried to use a five-element stone, and found that its effect was not very useful to him, but it was helpful for ordinary monks in the initial stage of practicing five-element spells.

Time passed, and soon it was evening.

Su Poman looked at the sunset in the sky, couldn't help showing a smile, he opened the restriction of the small courtyard with a light wave of his hand, and walked out slowly.

The small courtyard of No. [-] is not too far from Su Poman's location. After walking quickly, it took only a dozen or so breaths to arrive at the gate of the small courtyard where Ling Xingxue was.


Exhaling deeply, Su Poman patted the storage bag, took out a sound transmission talisman, twisted it in his hand and whispered a few words, and then injected spiritual power to activate it instantly.

call out!
The sound transmission symbol turned into a flame and flew through the formation into the small courtyard.

Not long after, the formation in the small courtyard moved suddenly, opening an entrance.

When Su Poman saw this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Junior Brother Su, do you really want to invite me to dinner?"

Ling Xingxue walked out of the small courtyard slowly. Her eyebrows were like green hills, her eyes were like autumn waters, her figure was exquisite and her curves were extremely hot. Her pretty face was very serious, as if she was not going to eat, but to go to a dragon's pool or a tiger's lair.

 Two in one
(End of this chapter)

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