Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 218 The technique of fog killing, the ghosts attack

Chapter 218 The technique of fog killing, the ghosts attack

To Su Poman, this was just like the principal's speech at the opening ceremony, long and boring, he just listened to it for a while before he felt sleepy, as if he had returned to the classroom.

Fortunately, the white-bearded old man did not procrastinate too much. After giving a speech, he fell back to the main seat, and the old god closed his eyes and meditated.

Below the stone platform, the lottery continues!
In front of Ling Xingxue and Ling Xingxue, male monks looked back frequently, with surprise and shyness in their eyes. No matter how thick the skin was, it was difficult for them to survive two breaths under her autumn-like eyes. Most of them were calmed down by shame and anger. After getting emotional, they mustered up the courage to "look back and look at the moon". This kind of behavior also made some "serious people" disdain, but after they turned their heads occasionally, they called Zhenxiang directly and joined the ranks of looking back and watching.

Ling Xingxue's expression was cold and glamorous, neither happy nor sad, but the more she was like this, the more she could arouse the desire to conquer in the man's heart.

Let me ask, is there any man who doesn't want to conquer an iceberg beauty, and wants to see another hot look of her tactfully and happily under his body.

"Junior Brother Su, those men are really annoying, they always look at me, come behind me!" Ling Xingxue said directly to Su Poman through voice transmission, with distress in her tone.

Su Poman nodded, and walked around behind her. Afterwards, Ling Xingxue turned around slowly and looked at Su Poman, leaving only a beautiful back view of the male in front.

The "looking back" people in the front team all showed regret, and they were even more jealous towards Su Poman.

[Where did the kid come from, he actually eats alone! 】

【So angry, the beauty actually turned around...】

[This back view is not bad, take a good look at it and remember it! 】


Seeing this, Su Poman couldn't help but said: "Senior Sister Ling, if you don't want to attract too much attention, you can try the 'veil and bamboo hat', it should be more useful than your veil!"

"Good idea, I have time to visit Qianzhifang!" Ling Xingxue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she secretly made up her mind that after today's martial arts meeting, she must go to Qianzhifang in Shanxiafang City.

The team in front moved very quickly, and it didn't take long before it was Su Poman's turn. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, then took out a jade tablet the size of a baby's palm, with the number [-] engraved on it. That is, his opponent's number is [-].

It didn't take long for everyone to draw lots, and a group of deacon disciples stepped forward and began to shout and gather the monks who had drawn lots to the sides of the arenas.

"No. [-] to [-] and No. [-] to [-] come with me to the first arena!"

"Numbers [-] to [-] and numbers [-] to [-] will go down to the second arena to prepare!"

"From [-] to [-]... and friends from [-] to [-], follow me to the third arena!"


Su Poman was in the second arena, while Ling Xingxue was No. [-] and was assigned to the third arena, so that the two would not meet in the first round of martial arts.

On each of the three arenas stood a foundation-building cultivator. They were responsible for serving as referees, and for saving lives in time to prevent disciples from being accidentally killed during the martial arts competition.In the past martial arts competitions, the number of times disciples have fallen in martial arts competitions is very small, but there have been many cases of missing arms and legs, or even serious injuries and dying.As long as you don't admit defeat, the martial arts will continue until one side loses all combat power, or is forcibly terminated by the referee.

The three arenas were surrounded by people, all of them looked up. At this moment, there were already six waiting monks standing above. Some of them were inevitably a little nervous because they were the first to enter the arena, and their eyes wandered around erratically. Go, and some looked calm, sizing up their opponents calmly, and silently formulating fighting strategies in their hearts.

After all the monks were seated, the long-haired old man who was originally in charge of drawing lots sang loudly: "The martial arts competition, let's begin!"

The sound of a gong spread in all directions, and everyone's spirits were invigorated with the sound of the gong.

On the second arena, a disciple of Xi Tuomen in green clothes was standing there, and opposite him was a monk of Ghost Spiritmen in black robe.

The referee elder is a black and thin old man, exuding the spiritual pressure of the foundation building period. His imperial weapon is suspended in the center of the arena, and he recites loudly: "No. [-], Xi Tuomen, Zong Beihuai, Against... No. [-], Ghost Gate, Meng Hetang! Are you two ready?"

Zong Beihuai and Meng Hetang nodded in unison, looked at their opponent cautiously, and quickly opened the distance.

Both of them are Dharma practitioners!


The black and thin old man shouted violently, and the spiritual pressure on his body was suddenly withdrawn, and everyone in the audience looked up.

Su Poman swept his spiritual sense and found that the cultivation bases of the two were comparable, both at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but the aura of Zong Beihuai from Xi Tuomen was obviously stronger.

In the arena, the two of them each sat in a corner, murmuring words and began to use their means.

The two protective spirit shields lit up one after the other.

Zong Beihuai's spirit mask was dark green, as if it contained deadly poisonous gas, and there was a light green gas remaining in the air between actions.

On the other hand, Meng Hetang's spiritual hood was gray and full of ghostly aura. It seemed to contain some yin energy, but it didn't give people a troublesome feeling.

call out!call out!call out!
Zong Beihuai was the first to attack, throwing three cyan balls at Meng Hetang one after another, and the balls turned into afterimages and flew away in the form of the word 'pin'.

A ghost howling sound came.

Not to be outdone, Meng Hetang took out a white paper umbrella, inside which floated a ghost with a long tongue and extremely large pupils, which seemed to have a soul-stirring effect.

As soon as Li Gui's tongue stretched out, like a spring, it stretched several tens of feet away, directly blocking the three round beads.

The cyan ball exploded in an instant. The strange thing is that the explosion of the ball did not produce any power, but three groups of blue and blue mist appeared in the arena, covering most of the area of ​​the arena. Meng Hetang lost the opponent's power. If there is no trace, the ghost can only let the ghost attack the enemy by itself.

"Hmph, little ghost, dare to be rampant!" Zong Beihuai sneered coldly, his body gleaming green, he had obviously performed the 'lightness technique', he jumped to avoid the long-tongued attack, and then muttered something , his fingers pinched the formula like a butterfly wearing a flower.

"Mist killing technique, disease!"

A light and shadow came out of his hand, and instantly shot into the large group of blue mist.

The mist seemed to come to life, churning violently, like boiling hot water, and finally formed a huge and ferocious one-horned dragon.

"Suffer to death!"

Zong Beihuai locked Meng Hetang's position with his spiritual sense, with a confident look on his face.

The cyan-blue mist-shaped dragon let out a silent roar, flipped its figure in the air, wrapped in invisible power, and went straight to swallow Meng Hetang.

"What a powerful spell!"

"This person is really smart. He actually thought of using the green mist poison ball to perform the 'fog killing' technique. In this way, its power will be greatly increased!"

"The kid from the ghost spirit gate is going to die, right? Faced with such an overwhelming mist killing technique, even if the realm is higher, there is no way to do it, and the cloud and mist poisonous gas emitted by the green mist poisonous ball is also extremely poisonous. , can corrode the shield..."

"Hehe, don't talk nonsense, just wait and see, my junior brother Meng doesn't just have these methods!"

"Guangcheng's tongue is fast, let's see, the kid from Ghost Spirit Sect will die later!"

"You are looking for death, dare to belittle my ghost gate people in front of me, are you impatient?"

"Calm down, both of you, there are so many elders above watching, no one will have good juice to eat after making trouble!"

"Hmph, just wait and see, my junior brother Meng will slap you in the face, and I hope you can still be so stubborn!"

"Heh~ I'm not only stubborn, but your grandma, hahaha..."

"Looking for death, what is your number, just wait, if you meet me, I will definitely make you look good!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed? I'm No. [-]!"


When the conflict in the audience was about to escalate, the black and thin old man in mid-air glanced sideways, and then said lightly: "Give me a little peace of mind!"

At this point, the conflict between the two did not completely break out, they just stared at each other, and were pulled aside by the same door beside them.

Meng Hetang in the field dodged one after another, but the dragon formed by the poisonous mist was too huge, and he was accidentally caught several times, but the attacking ability of the mist killing technique was limited, and he was blocked by the protective spirit shield on his body .

But at this time, everyone could see that Meng Hetang's situation was not very good, the blue poisonous gas was constantly eroding his protective shield, and the long-tongue ghost was entangled with Zong Beihuai, but he was beaten back and forth.

There was no trace of panic on Meng Hetang's stern face. A cold look flashed in his eyes. He patted the ghost bag, and a beautiful female ghost in revealing clothes floated out of it. She had fair skin, a straight figure, and her important parts were vaguely covered. The ghostly aura shrouded in it, but other places were exposed, making everyone present couldn't help but breathe harder.


The glamorous female ghost groaned coquettishly, like the words on the bed, seductive.

Many males under the arena couldn't help shivering.

"What the hell, it's too terrible!"

"Ghost Spirit Sect actually has such benefits... Is it too late to judge the Sect?"

"I'm sorry, this female ghost is so charming, I am willing to let her suck up my yang energy!"

"If you die under the peony flower, you will be a ghost!"

"Hehe, your cultivation base is still too low, and you haven't practiced spiritual eyes. Just now I took a look at it with a small-level spiritual eye. That female ghost is not as beautiful as you can see with your naked eyes... Tsk tsk, that maggot Yo, they all came out of the eye sockets!"

"Go, go, don't interrupt this beautiful moment, illusory is also very beautiful, isn't it?"

"That's right, just admiring the phantom is also very good, it's too much for you to use spiritual eyes to see it!"


The moment Su Poman saw the female ghost, he suddenly recalled the question Ling Xingxue asked himself, and now he somewhat understood the strange look in his eyes.

Under the spirit eye technique, the appearance of that beautiful female ghost was indeed a bit horrible, even a bit disgusting.

"Lang Jun~~"

With a soul-stirring scream, the glamorous female ghost joined the battlefield.

Meng Hetang took several talismans one after another, forming layers of thick protective shields, which could withstand the culling of the blue dragon, and then he muttered something, as if he was casting some spell.

On the other side, Zong Beihuai was cornered by two fierce ghosts. Although he was an elite disciple of Xi Tuomen, most of his cultivation was above poison kung fu, and it was extremely difficult to deal with this ghost. The two green pendants immediately came alive, turning into two green shadows like bamboo chopsticks and flying towards Meng Hetang, trying to interrupt his spellcasting rhythm.

Every time the glamorous female ghost's eyes burst into light, Zong Beihuai's mind would be a little dazed. He bit the tip of his tongue to stay awake, then his right hand turned into jade, and he stuck into the cloth bag on his waist, and took out a handful of Fiery red fine sand.

"In order to deal with your Ghost Spirit Sect monks, I spent all my money. This handful of fire, poison, and yang sand is enough for you two ghosts to drink a pot!"

With a flick of his hand, the fiery red fine sand immediately turned into a sky full of red lights and covered the two ghosts.

chi chi chi...

"Ah ah ah..."

Green smoke rose from Long Tongue Li Gui's body, and the light fine sand seemed to have a hot temperature, directly piercing through its soul body.

On the other hand, the glamorous female ghost was even more unbearable, her skin was directly torn, revealing her ugly appearance, and at the same time she couldn't stop howling, which formed a stark contrast with the original charming image, which made many monks in the audience Called 'heavy mouth'.

But at this moment, Meng Hetang knocked down the two winged flying snakes with a magic weapon, and shouted loudly: "Ghosts and evils combine, yin and yang are judged, Fengsi opens the way, ghosts are real, sick!"

A seal of gray light descended from the clouds.

The bodies of the two fierce ghosts swelled up suddenly, and then their bodies were connected together, with the flamboyant ghost on top and the long-tongued ghost on the bottom, and the ghost energy on their bodies also gradually increased as if they had taken a large tonic.

"Ghost eater!"

Meng Hetang's voice came again, and the huge ghost suddenly opened its mouth, its long tongue trembling in waves.


The invisible roar formed circles of black light across the void and directly printed on Zong Beihuai's body.

His body froze suddenly, his eyes lost their expression, and he stood there motionless.

Because the Mist Killing Technique lost control, the blue mist-shaped flood dragon suddenly dispersed, revealing Meng Hetang's slightly embarrassed figure.

I saw that his lips were slightly purple, his breath was a little vain, and the spiritual power on his body was also ten to nine. At this time, he was taking a detoxification pill, and the spiritual power was slowly expelling the toxins in his body.

The black and thin old man descended slowly from high altitude, looked at Zong Beihuai's state, and then announced loudly, "This battle, Ghost Spirit Gate, Meng Hetang wins!"

Stretching out his hand to grab Zong Beihuai, Zong Beihuai was caught close to him, and he hit him with a clear light on the face with one hand.


Zong Beihuai slowly regained consciousness, feeling as if his head had been hit by a sledgehammer, and it sank heavily.

"You just suffered a mind-soul attack and fell into a state of delusion. Go back and cultivate yourself for a while!" the black and thin old man said slowly.

Zong Beihuai's face was a little ugly. The injury to the soul was not like other injuries. Although the injury did not look serious, without the help of the elixir, it would be impossible to recover to its full state within a year or so.He first saluted the black and thin old man, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Elder Guan!"

"Well, let's go!" Guan Yue said lightly.

Afterwards, Zong Beihuai gave Meng Hetang a vicious look, as if he wanted to engrave his appearance in his mind.

Meng Hetang directly ignored Zong Beihuai's gaze, he bowed respectfully to the black and thin old man with a smile all over his face, and then jumped off the arena gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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