Chapter 224
"Propose marriage?"

"Ditching, big news, it seems that the Yin Sha Sect is going to marry the Lie Yang Sect, oh no, it should be the Corpse Yin Sect!"

"No way, such a beauty is cheaper than that brat!"

"He is a genius with the 'Heavenly Yin Body'. He is about to achieve great consummation at a young age, and he will join the fifth-class sect Corpse Yin Sect in the future. His future is limitless!"


Su Poman's face was completely gloomy. He looked at the arrogant young man on the field with cold eyes, and said fiercely in his heart: "If you dare to snatch a girl from my young master, I really think I dare not deal with you!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Ling Xingxue blushed and said angrily: "Impossible, let me go, I admit defeat!"

As soon as the word "admit defeat" was uttered, the elder referee in mid-air fell down, "Nephew Gu, since the opponent has surrendered, you should let her go first!"

"What kind of onion are you? How dare you let me do things!" Seeing that the flirting was blocked, Gu Chuanzhi yelled at the referee elder at the foundation establishment stage.

The referee elder's face turned blue and pale, but he didn't dare to offend this corpse Yin sect's potential disciple too much, so he could only swallow his anger, pretending he didn't hear it, and saw elsewhere.

The onlookers under the arena were even more shocked by this scene.

"This guy is so arrogant, he doesn't even give the elder face!"

"He is a preparatory disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect. It is said that he has been designated as a disciple by a great cultivator at the transformation stage, and no one in Nanyue Kingdom would dare to provoke him."

"Hey, it's not good to be so disrespectful!"


Gu Chuanzhi turned his head, showing a spring-like smile, slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "Oh, I almost forgot, Da Zhuang, let go of this girl! From now on, she will be your mistress, hahaha..."

"Hey, shameless thief, who wants to be the hostess!" Ling Xingxue picked up the bamboo hat and put it on her head, spit lightly and jumped off the arena.

Under the eyes of all the male cultivators, Ling Xingxue walked to Su Poman's side.

"Senior Sister Ling, don't worry, I will teach this kid a lesson and vent my anger on you!" Su Poman comforted in a warm voice.

Ling Xingxue said via voice transmission: "Junior Brother Su, although this person is crazy, he is not weak. That refined corpse is not only invulnerable, but also extremely fast. I suspect it is a refined corpse in the foundation establishment period!"

"It's okay, you can just watch it later!" Su Poman smiled slightly, not paying attention at all.

Foundation period?
Is the foundation building period still too long to die at his hands?

There are even quite a few monks in the golden core stage, and he has countless ways to kill the mere corpses in the foundation establishment stage.

Next, there was another fierce battle in the arena, and finally the top eight places including Su Poman were decided, and the remaining two top ten places will be eliminated by Ling Xingxue and others Carry out the competition, and determine the specific ranking through fighting again.

The top eight are Yinshazong Gu Chuanzhi, Lieyangzong Su Poman and Zhou Fang, Wuxingzong Liu Changzhi and Zhang Xian, Fanyinmen Chengjing monk, Guilingmen Feiman, Xituomen Wang Sigong, In the next martial arts competition, these eight people will go to the field one by one to catch the competition, the winner will stay, and the loser will compete for the bottom four positions.

After all the monks rested for an hour, under the arrangement of the referee elders, the top eight fought against each other one by one. Many elders on the high platform also looked at this place. They also attached great importance to this martial arts meeting of the six factions. Let's see which one can get the top spot.

After drawing lots in the purple jade box, Su Poman got the jade card with the number 'one' engraved on it, and he should be the first to compete.

The black and thin old man glanced at the note sent by the deacon disciple, and recited loudly: "The first match will be filled by Lieyang Zongsu, the battle, the ancient legend of Yinsha Zong!"

Hearing this, Su Poman's eyes lit up, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, "I was just about to beat him up, but God arranged for it. Hehe, I can finally vent my anger!"

"Junior Brother Su, you must be careful, don't show off your power!" Ling Xingxue said softly through voice transmission.

Su Poman gave her a 'reassuring' look, and then jumped onto the arena.

On the other side, Gu Chuanzhi, who was carrying the black coffin, noticed this scene. He walked onto the arena slowly, with a wicked smile on his face, and looked at Su Poman very contemptuously.

"Boy of the Lieyang Sect, I advise you to stay away from Sister Ling, otherwise, will see me!" Gu Chuanzhi's immature face was full of ferociousness, like a junior high school student who was in the underworld. People look a little ridiculous.

Su Poman smiled coldly, but didn't speak, and made up his mind in his heart to teach this kid a lesson.

Seeing that both of them were ready, the referee elder stepped on the magic weapon and flew away, and at the same time put away the spiritual pressure on his body.


Everyone in the arena was staring at the arena closely, and all the elders on the high platform were also paying attention to the situation in the second arena.

The stellar energy on Su Poman's body erupted, forming a fiery red shield around his body, and the flying sword behind him was unsheathed instantly.

Taking a light step forward, the whole person disappeared in front of Gu Chuanzhi.

"Huh?" Gu Chuanzhi narrowed his eyes, and quickly swept around with his divine sense, at the same time, a thick black mask rose up and wrapped himself in it, "It's interesting, hum, but it's still a victory, Da Zhuang, Come out and give me a hard lesson for him!"

He leaped up and stood on top of the vertical black coffin, black corpse breath spewed out from the gap, and the blue-skinned refined corpse walked out of the coffin.

"This kid is so fast, could it be that he has practiced some secret technique?"

On the high platform, an elder in the Foundation Establishment Stage had doubts.

"Maybe it's a secret method of movement, it's really not common, this disciple of Lie Yangzong has some skills!" Another elder agreed.

As soon as the Qingfu refining corpse came out of the coffin, Su Poman had already arrived behind Gu Chuanzhi. He breathed out the fiery red sword energy with his two fingers, and pointed directly at the black shield.

"Haha, idiot, this is the spiritual shield produced by Xuanming Coffin, how can you, a little monk in the Qi refining period, break through it?" Gu Chuanzhi couldn't help showing sarcasm after capturing this scene with his divine sense He didn't even hide, just quietly waiting for him to return in vain.

The black mask rippled and then burst with a "snap".

"how is this possible?"

Gu Chuanzhi's expression changed drastically.

Then Su Poman raised his leg, kicked Gu Chuanzhi's stomach fiercely, and shouted: "I'll let you pretend! Little bastard, kick your grandpa first!"


The sound of broken bones came.

The huge force kicked Gu Chuanzhi directly for a distance of several tens of feet. He clutched his stomach and howled in pain. He still couldn't figure out how to break the shield created by the spiritual weapon with just two fingers.

That's a shield comparable to the Foundation Establishment Stage!

Gu Chuanzhi's face was contorted, blood spurted out of his mouth, he quickly swallowed a healing elixir, pointed at Su Poman and roared frantically: "Da Zhuang, tear him apart!"

"Tear me apart?" Su Poman had a sneer on his face, and his figure disappeared in place again.

On the high platform, two foundation-building elders from the Yin Sha Sect couldn't help but stand up. After all, Gu Chuanzhi was a potential disciple of the Yin Sha Sect, and they had a great connection. They were worried about accidents.

Under the arena, everyone who was watching the battle was also shocked.

"How fierce is this Daoist from the Lieyang Sect, who can crush and beat the Yin Sha Sect's Heavenly Yin Body!"

"That kick was really heavy. The sound of ribs breaking could be heard from far away. The power of physical training should not be underestimated!"

"Haha, why do I feel inexplicably happy seeing that kid from the Yin Fiend Sect suffer a loss?"

"That kid is too crazy, he doesn't respect his elders, and he doesn't take other monks of his generation seriously. It's very satisfying to be taught a lesson!"

"That's right, a kid with eyes on his forehead is just annoying!"


When Ling Xingxue saw the scene in the arena, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she felt a sense of elation in her heart.

The speed of Qingfu's corpse refining was not weak, and his figure flashed, disappearing from the sight of everyone in the arena.

"It's your dirty paw that touched Senior Sister Ling, right? You're going to die!"

Su Poman's voice spread throughout the audience, and in the next moment, he appeared above the arena, half of the sword blade was exposed at his fingertips, and the fiery red and crystal light flashed away.

On the high platform, the two Jindan stage monks on the main seat opened their eyes at the moment the half blade appeared.

"A magic weapon?" The white-haired old man said in shock, "A small Qi Cultivation Stage cultivator actually possesses a magic weapon, and the grade doesn't seem to be low!"

"I really misjudged!" The middle-aged Confucian scholar on the side stared at the arena, "Which one of the disciples of the Taoist friend is so generous, and bestowed such a heaven-defying treasure on his disciples?"

At this time, the Krypton Flying Sword, after a long period of "basking in the sun", has been upgraded from a low-rank to a middle-rank magic weapon, and its power has become stronger.

The fiery red sword light flashed, and the power of the magic weapon level flying sword poured out immediately.

A blue-gray head flew high, and was then burned to ashes by the flames left by the wound.


The natal corpse was destroyed, and Gu Chuanzhi Yangtian spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and he shouted in disbelief: "Big Zhuang! My natal corpse..."

At this time, not only the monks under the arena were stunned, but also many elders on the high platform were intimidated by the power of the magic weapon that had just disappeared in a flash, and they left their seats and stood up.

"I don't think it's wrong. It's definitely the breath of the magic weapon. I once felt it when the elder Zongtai used the magic weapon!"

"What the hell is going on? How could there be the breath of a magic weapon on a disciple in the Qi refining period!"

"Fellow Daoist Jia, what's going on here? How could your disciple of the Lieyang Sect bring a magic weapon to participate in the martial arts meeting? Isn't this too bullying?"

"That's right, there's no such thing as playing. If it's like this, why don't you let the Supreme Elders fight for your disciples!"


Jia Feng also showed a complex look on his face. He stared at the figure off the field, feeling a little at a loss, "Junior Brother Su, you can cause trouble!"

After the Qingfu corpse was beheaded, Gu Chuanzhi's eyes turned red with tears in his eyes. This corpse has some origins, it was refined by his best childhood playmate, and he has a deep bond with him and emotion.

"Da Zhuang..." His anger rose from his heart, and after forcibly suppressing the injury, he looked at Su Poman viciously, "You are doomed!"

Seeing that the situation in the arena was about to develop in an uncontrollable direction, the black and thin old man hurriedly flew down, trying to stop it.

"Anyone who wants to block me will be an enemy of the Corpse Yin Sect. I, Gu Chuanzhi, will kill this person today. If anyone dares to intervene to stop me, I will ask Master to slaughter him!" Gu Chuanzhi's eyes widened, his expression ferocious. Threatening towards the people on the high platform, he didn't pay attention to the two golden elixir stage grandparents at all.

After all, his master is a great cultivator at the transformation stage, and a monk at the Golden Core Stage is not worthy to lift shoes, and even ordinary disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage.

This threatening word made many monks on the high platform stop their movements, and even the two on the platform glanced at each other and shook their heads secretly.

Such threatening words are not empty words. For those big men who are high-ranking and cultivating the country, as long as there is a reason for enmity, destroying a sect is a matter of flip-flops. No chance.

The black and thin old man's face was ashen. As the referee of this arena, he was equivalent to being framed here. He couldn't get down, and it was extremely embarrassing to go up. See.

Gu Chuanzhi's eyes were red. Looking at the tragic scene of the headless corpse refining, he couldn't help but bleed in his heart, and the picture of getting along with his friend "Da Zhuang" in the village when he was a child kept appearing in his mind.

"Xiaozhi, I can't practice without spiritual roots. You have entered the fairy gate, can you take me with you? The children in the village don't play with me..."

"This elephant armor skill is so difficult to practice, and my body has grown taller recently, Xiao Zhi, I have to write to my mother and ask her to make some bigger clothes for me."

"Xiao Zhi, it was so painful when the Elephant Armor Kung Fu broke through. Fortunately, you came for the 'Yin Blood Pill' for the sake of it... I can protect you from being bullied when I practice to perfection in the future!"


Scene after scene, until the moment when the 'Da Zhuang' Elephant Armor Kungfu was perfected, in order to keep friends forever, Gu Chuanzhi erased most of his spiritual wisdom, disregarding the teacher's dissuasion, and refined it into his own. The natal refining corpse.

"Haha, that's great! Da Zhuang, you are alive again, and you can play with me again! Don't worry, I will definitely make more corpse mothers to be your wives in the future, and we two brothers can enjoy the cold and lubricated little ladies together! "

In the Yin Sha Sect's residence, a young man happily rode on the neck of the tall corpse, shouting excitedly.

Gu Chuanzhi's immature face showed hatred, he stared at Su Poman, and said murderously: "Do you think... that only you have the magic weapon?"

"What a lunatic, dead body refinement is like dead parents, little bastard, since you want to kill me, what's the point? Show your methods!" Su Poman felt that he couldn't do better today, so he simply No longer concealing the magic weapon of the flying sword, he opened his mouth, and a fiery red flying sword sprayed out.

A crisp sword chant came, and the Fenji sword flew around Su Poman affectionately a few times, and then a trace of sword intent enveloped Gu Chuanzhi on the opposite side.

Gu Chuanzhi spat out the word "good" from between his teeth. He felt the heavy pressure from the sword intent. Then he slapped his forehead, a black line appeared between his eyebrows, and then a miniature bronze coffin slipped out of the black line. drilled out.

The bronze coffin swelled in the air, becoming more than two feet high. It was carved with various patterns of strange animals. It looked very gorgeous from a distance, and at the same time, it was filled with a frightening pressure of terror.

(End of this chapter)

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