Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 233 New Form: Doomsday: The True Ancestor of Zombies

Chapter 233 New Form: Doomsday: The True Ancestor of Zombies

Su Poman smiled when he heard the words, patted the storage bag again, took out more than 40 jade boxes with talisman papers in succession, and waved them to Ouyang Hong.

"These are..." Ouyang Hong's expression froze, he stared blankly at these jade boxes, and then dipped into them with his spiritual sense, with an inconceivable expression on his face, "How is that possible?"

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Su Poman angrily, "Stinky boy, you really went to the Qianfan Secret Realm without telling me! Are you desperate to go to such a place..."

"No, Master! These were all bought in the secret market..." Su Poman flatly denied.

Ouyang Hong pointed at Su Poman with trembling fingers and said angrily: "You are a fool to be a teacher, but you still want to fool me! You, alas... this time I must teach you a good lesson, and let you grow up." Memory is better than going out and risking your life!"

"Master, what I said is true..."

"You still dare to talk back, it's really against the sky! You little bastard is only at the foundation stage, and you actually ran to that kind of place, just for these few weeds, in case you lose your life, you want to be a teacher?" Do you feel guilty for the rest of your life?"

Cursing and cursing, Ouyang Hong suddenly felt a little sour in his heart. He recalled the scene of Qianzhuzong being destroyed, and thought of those filial and lovely disciples under his knees. Looking at Su Poman, he sighed and cursed again. No sound.

After all, this bastard took this risk for himself, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was desperate.

I really didn't expect that the one move I made back then when I came to the Lieyang Sect to serve as an elder, unexpectedly allowed him to harvest such a disciple with excellent character, not only excellent in talent, but also emphatic in love and righteousness.

Seeing Su Poman with his head lowered and giggling, Ouyang Hong felt indescribably moved. He secretly made up his mind that after recovering from the injury of his soul this time, he must protect this little apprentice. The sorcerer took his life.

"Get out now!"

Ouyang Hong shouted angrily with a bad expression on his face.

"Hey, master, this disciple is stepping back! Hurry up to recover from your injuries, and this disciple will visit you later!" Su Poman saluted with a smile, then turned around and slipped out the door as if fleeing.

"Don't go to that secret realm again!"

While walking on the stairs, Su Poman suddenly heard Ouyang Hong's voice transmission in his mind, he nodded subconsciously, and replied: "Understood!"

After a long while, he suddenly realized that the corner of his mouth twitched, and he thought, "Isn't that answer just now a self-report? My dear, you are indeed an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. You are so old and mature!"

Looking back at the top floor, he saw Ouyang Hong with a dark face and heaving chest.

"Slip away, this stubborn old man, he is still so angry after giving him the elixir to heal his wounds, it's evil!"

Su Poman curled his lips, and returned to the small courtyard on the top of the cliff in a flash.

After seeing Caier and Ruizhu, he suddenly recalled the threatening words of the father-in-law before he left, and said with a little guilty conscience: "These two are my personal maids, so it shouldn't be considered a mess, and In the feudal society, it should be quite common to have big girls in the house..."

"Young master, you are back!"

Rui Zhu rushed forward in surprise and gave a choppy hug.

Nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, delicious and Q-bomb!
Su Poman hugged Su Poman in his arms and thought about it for a long time, Cai'er at the side didn't want to be outdone, she jumped up and hung on his arm to swing, the three of them quickly had a commotion.

"My lord, you said before that you can give me and my sister a way to stay young forever, don't forget, we want to serve you all the time!" Rui Zhu bit her ear and exhaled a warm and fragrant breath.

Cai'er's eyes also showed anticipation. In the eyes of both of them, her young master is a god-like figure with great supernatural powers. It is a ridiculous goal for others, but for her young master, it is not impossible to achieve.

"Well... let me think about it carefully, which method is more suitable for the two of you!" Su Poman laughed softly, feeling a little guilty for the two girls.

Not long after they came back, it is estimated that they will go out again in a few months. These two little girls are looking forward to it every day. They will indeed be afraid of their mortal status. After a few years, they will grow old and have no face to face him.

Monks have a long lifespan, and a single retreat may pass for several years, but for mortals, this is equivalent to a large part of life.

Three years and three years, how many three years are there in the short life of a mortal?

Su Poman looked at the two women eagerly, feeling pity in his heart, thinking about what kind of ability to extract to make the two women have immortality.

【Bloodlines?No, except for the ancestor of the blood race, they are all restrained by the sun, and they will die in sight of the light!And it has a strong dependence on blood, and it has some conflicts with my superhuman physique's characteristics of basking in the sun! pass! 】

[The Longevity species also has the Corpse Race, but that thing is equivalent to the mutation of the corpse, which is a bit abnormal, and the consciousness must be reshaped, and it must be passed! 】

[In addition, only zombies are left that can be endowed to other people through physical fitness, and Feng Shui Yin corpses must also be excluded. Those who die first, have low intelligence, and are like wild beasts. Another system is "I have a date with zombies" It is an excellent choice. The reason why mortals become blood-sucking monsters after being bitten is because they lack energy and cannot support the body to evolve into a perfect Pangu tribe. They can only suck soul blood to survive , the real Pangu people, such as generals, don't need to suck blood to live at all, and they can also eat ordinary food, just like ordinary people. Extraordinary ability...]

[After thinking about it, the bloodline of the Pangu tribe in the 'Stiff Covenant' is more suitable for the current situation. I spend more energy points, and it is best to draw the bloodlines of the first generation Pangu tribe generals...]

After making up his mind, Su Poman whispered to the two women: "I have already figured out a solution, you guys wait a little while, let me plan it!"


"That's great! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollees!"

The two girls were so happy that they almost jumped up on the spot. There were tears in their eyes, and they were quite emotional.

"Okay, you guys go down first! When I'm ready, I'll come to you!"

"Yes, son!"

With smiles on their faces, the two women bowed their heads together and left here.

Su Poman jumped onto the training platform, and activated the isolation formation with a wave of his hand.

A layer of blue light covers the entire cultivation platform, making it impossible for others to see the scene inside.

Closing his eyes, Su Poman skillfully opened the Ziyuan roulette, immersed his consciousness on the light curtain of the roulette, and tapped lightly on the word 'click to extract' with his thoughts.

In an instant, more than 5 million energy points were reduced from the light curtain, and it turned into a bright light and disappeared on the purple source wheel.


The simple and mysterious roulette spins rapidly, and lights and shadows representing different abilities flash on the roulette, constantly disillusioned and replaced.

"Among the search targets..."

"Determined that the target of this draw is Zombie World - the first generation of Pangu tribe - Zombie King - Jiang Zhenzu!"

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spend 568 energy points, draw successfully, and get a new ability [Zombie Covenant First Generation Pangu Clan Bloodline], you have obtained the Pangu God Body, and you have awakened the bloodline abilities: psychic communication, levitation, fake shape, telekinetic power , teleportation, dark vortex, lightning control, defensive barrier, time stop, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, watching the moon and swallowing China... You can develop the second generation of Pangu people through blood energy, and the life and death of all descendants are in your mind."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Early stage of foundation establishment
[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The blood of the first Pangu clan (100%)

[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Water resurrection (the current resurrection water is not anchored, if you change the location after anchoring, it will cost 1000 million energy points each time.)
4. Pangu Divine Body
[Energy Points]: 0 (minimum 10 energy points can be extracted once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of draws remaining this month is 1)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

A phantom of a bat with giant wings descended from the void, and landed on Su Poman's body. The extremely cold energy of the Yin attribute continuously flowed into his body and collided with the original superhuman blood pulse.


Su Poman floated up out of thin air, and let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice. His pupils gradually changed from black to blood-red. At the same time, the golden energy in his body suddenly emerged, as if resisting his body. Variations arising from the above.

Chi Chi!

There was a sound of cloth breaking, and two dragon-like wings burst out from Su Poman's back.

At the same time, a wave of golden energy gradually eroded the two giant dragon wings, and the original demonic pattern began to change.

The mutation is still going on!

Su Poman roared again, his body was getting taller and taller, the muscles on his body were constantly exploding, and his hair stood on end like steel needles. From a distance, he looked like a Super Saiyan with dragon wings.

The dragon wings behind him flickered slowly, as if there was an energy penetrating the void, and an extremely strong sense of power emerged in Su Poman's heart, which was intoxicating. In this current state, he felt as if he could Slap to death the old dragon in the 'Mirror Realm'.

Su Poman observed his current state with his spiritual sense. His face didn't change much, but his height exceeded two meters. The muscles on his body were like big muscles, full of violent aesthetics, and he waved two dragon wings behind his back. , just like a demon god descending into the world.

At this moment, the voice of Ziyuan Roulette came from his mind.

"Ding, the bloodline of Superman and Pangu has mutated, and you have obtained the form of 'Doomsday Zombie True Ancestor'. When you open this form, all your attributes will be multiplied. The growth rate depends on the degree of emotional arousal, including love. Desire, anger, hatred, resentment, etc., you will get all the abilities of "Doomsday", including regenerative ability, adaptive evolution, space transmission, Doomsday spores..."

[Regeneration ability]: Even if it is destroyed to only one cell, it can absorb the energy of sunlight and slowly revive. (Also choose to instantly resurrect from anchored waters)

[Adaptive Evolution]: Passive ability, after receiving multiple fatal attacks of the same type, this form will gradually adapt to such attacks until it is completely immune.

[Space Teleportation]: Use the Phantom Zone to open a portal to jump between planets. (Since there is no Phantom Zone in the current world, it cannot be used temporarily.)
[Day of Destruction Spore]: It will devour all the vitality around it, and use their vitality as nourishment to grow continuously.After the main body is destroyed, it can parasitize others, and gradually devour the host until it is revived again on the day of destruction. (Currently, the form of Doomsday is incomplete, and this ability cannot be used temporarily.)

After seeing this line of information, Su Poman's face showed ecstasy, and he couldn't help laughing: "It's a surprise that a new form has mutated! The regenerative ability is not bad, just like Because of Majin Buu's 'immortality' ability, but this 'adaptive evolution' is very perverted, combined with my resurrection ability, it is simply against the sky! In the future, the same method cannot be used on me for the second time, hahaha... ..."

At this time, because Su Poman was in the form of 'Destruction Day·Zombie True Ancestor', his voice was muffled and became much thicker, and his laughter was even more like that of a villain in some anime.

Although the name 'Adaptive Evolution' is unremarkable, its potential is beyond doubt. It can be said that it is currently the most buggy ability besides 'Resurrection'.

"The same move can only be used once against a Saint Seiya!" Su Poman posed in an incomparably secondary pose, hovering in the air pinching his waist and laughing.

Fortunately, there is a soundproof restriction here, otherwise this weird laughter would definitely frighten the two girls in the yard.

Su Po was so satisfied that he was immersed in the resource roulette, and sure enough, he saw that there was an additional form column in the line of data on the light curtain. With a thought, he instantly retreated from the form of Doomsday Zombie Prime Minister.

"Tsk tsk, my new form looks very different from that of the human race! If I go to the monster race area, I'm afraid I will be regarded as the same kind..." He thought so, and the scene of himself going to the monster race as an undercover agent appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but Laughed again.

Su Poman changed into new clothes, then he closed the isolation formation with a wave of his hand, and flew off the training platform.

At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the two women in the hall hadn't fallen asleep yet, and they were discussing something excitedly with each other.

"Sister Cai'er, what method do you think the young master will use to keep us young forever?"

"I heard from Yan'er that there is a kind of panacea called 'Zhuyan Pill' in the world of cultivating immortals. After swallowing it, the user can retain his appearance and never grow old!"

"Ah, there is this kind of elixir! That young master may be going to open a furnace to make alchemy, hehe, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"It's not necessarily true, Ruizhu, although our young master has great powers, it seems that he has never been in contact with alchemy before!"

"Huh? What could that be?"


(End of this chapter)

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