Chapter 245 Huoyang Dao Tea
If there are great monks with clairvoyant vision here, they will definitely be able to discover the extraordinary things in this group of young people.

Every cell in their physical bodies is as smooth as jade, stained with various auras of heaven and earth, as if they are the darlings of the immortal way.

The cultivation bottleneck that is as difficult as a deep wall for ordinary monks, in the eyes of this group of people, is like a dead branch and a leaf.

If they are willing, many of them can conceive babies immediately and become monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

It's just that, for them, the Nascent Soul Stage is just a small step to a higher realm. What they want is to accumulate a lot of money, to accumulate foundations in the Golden Core Stage, to condense the best Nascent Soul, and to have a fighting spirit that is superior to the same level. At the same time, it can also lay a solid foundation for the future realm.

"Senior Brother Mu, I have heard that your 'Hao Ri Zhen Mo Kung' has already reached the third level. By taking this opportunity of 'Facing the Sun', you will be able to fuse the real fire of the sun into spiritual power? I really envy you... …" A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in a red jacket smiled and said, and beside him stood a stern young man in black.

Although both of them were at the Golden Core stage, the boy looked at the young man with a trace of admiration in his eyes.

The young man in black shook his head lightly, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's not that easy, the sun is really hot and overbearing, and if you are not careful, you will burn yourself. Although this trip to the sun will be beneficial to me, But at most it can absorb a small part of the real fire of the sun. As for the integration of spiritual power, it still needs to work hard! By the way, Junior Brother Rong, you still say that you started three years later than me. 'Haoyang Immortal Body' has already cultivated to the second level, what a talent!"

"Senior brother, it's ridiculous. I've only just broken through, and I haven't even stabilized my realm yet..." the red-coated boy said modestly.

At this time, another handsome young man with a white face smiled and praised: "Junior Brother Rong, don't be modest, we all heard that you have a 'fire dragon spirit body', and it is a single fire spirit Gen, this kind of talent makes our brothers and sisters envious!"

"Where is there..." The young man in the red coat was a little embarrassed by the praise, and waved his hands one after another with a blushing face.

At this moment, a brilliant light and shadow appeared above the stepping platform, followed by a two-foot-high pitch-black crack in the air, and an old man with long hair and white eyebrows slowly walked out of it.

The white-browed old man has a simple appearance, dressed in a wide star-blue Taoist robe, and the center of his brows is shining brightly, like a miniature sun.

"Quick! Elder Tiansong is here!"

"We pay homage to Elder Tiansong!"

All the young arrogances present knelt down and bowed to the ground.

Great Elder Tiansong is one of the few big monks in the Dongxu stage in the Haori Zhenzong. For them, the small monks in the Jindan stage, they are like an ancient sacred mountain.

Elder Tiansong nodded slightly, "Is everyone here?"

I didn't ask anyone specifically for this sentence, but at this moment, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage came out and said loudly: "Reporting to the ancestor, all 27 core disciples are here!"

"Then let's go!"

Elder Tiansong waved his sleeves, and all the monks present felt blurred in front of their eyes, and when they regained their vision, they were already on the deck of the huge blue ship.

The huge hull was intertwined with various auras, and the formation was quickly activated, forming layers of protective shields.

The whole body of the cyan spirit boat shook, and in the next moment, it disappeared on the stepping platform.

The deacon at the Nascent Soul stage raised his head and glanced up into the sky, and suddenly saw a small black dot that turned into a star and disappeared into the clouds.

"Going to the sun to practice 'Hao Ri Gong', tsk tsk, it's really enviable!" The middle-aged deacon showed a sigh of relief, and after sighing for a while, he went to the quiet room beside him to retreat.


The giant cyan ship flew rapidly, and it didn't take long to arrive in the wind layer.

On the deck, many disciples sat cross-legged, and at the very front sat an elder who taught skills of Haori Zhenzong. At this time, he was imparting some common sense in the world of cultivating immortals to these young disciples.

"This is Qiong Xing's Gangfeng layer. There are not only Hunyuan Meifeng, but also space cracks. If you want to pass through safely, you must have an ancient treasure-level spirit boat, or have a cave like the Great Elder Tiansong. With Xuqi's strength, he can easily tear apart the space!"

"The starry sky outside the Gangfeng layer is what we call the outer sky. The environment is very different from that of Qiong Xing. Under the Nascent Soul Stage, it is impossible to survive in the outer sky, so you must not think about it secretly. Leaving the spirit boat to find opportunities, or to get closer to the sun star, that will make you die without a place to bury you, and you will not even be able to escape your soul!"

"There are many defensive formations engraved on this spirit boat, which can absorb the harmful things in the sun's rays, and only keep the light that is beneficial to your cultivation. The death area within 500 million kilometers on the surface is the limit distance that a top-grade ancient treasure-level spirit boat can approach. Not to mention you, even if the old man leaves the spirit boat at that distance, he will be instantly burned into a cloud by the sun star. Flying ashes..."


The teenagers who participated in the "Journey to the Sun" for the first time were quite excited, and they would whisper with the people around them from time to time.On the other hand, those younger disciples who were slightly older were relatively calm, some were practicing with their eyes closed, and some were silently watching the scene outside the spirit boat.

The giant cyan ship shuttles quickly through the wind layer, and when it encounters a small space crack, it will directly slam into it brutally, and when it encounters a larger one, it will slightly change its direction and go around from the side.

In a burst of exclamation, the cyan giant ship broke away from the Gangfeng layer and entered the 'Tianwaitian'.

The vast and mysterious starry sky dazzled the youngsters, and they didn't even bother to listen to Elder Niu's explanation.

The blue light gradually accelerated in the vacuum environment, getting closer and closer to the sun star.

A group of young disciples felt the benefits, and began to close their eyes to practice the exercises of 'Hao Ri Zhen Zong'.

The exercises inherited by Haori Zhenzong include many categories, including the body training method "Haoyang Immortal Body", and the method cultivation methods "Haori Zhenmogong", "Haori Burning Heaven Kungfu", and "Huanyang Kungfu". ', there are also sword repairing methods 'Hao Ri Jian Jue', 'Qian Yan Jian Jue' and so on.

The exercises practiced by these core disciples are not the same, but the exercises of Haori Zhenzong have a common feature, that is, they can borrow the "power of Haoyang" to speed up their cultivation, and at the same time they can practice success methods All kinds of secret techniques contained in it, so these exercises are collectively referred to as 'Haoyang Gong'.

The boy in the red coat opened his eyes, and said pleasantly: "This outer sky is really suitable for practicing 'Haoyang Kungfu', it is two or three times faster than practicing on Qiong Xing!"

"Hehe, Junior Brother Rong, it's still early. When the spirit boat reaches the destination area, it will be able to accelerate dozens of times. That's the real holy place for cultivation!" The black-clothed youth smiled and said.

The red-coated boy opened his mouth wide, as if he could stuff a duck's egg, and said in surprise, "Ten times faster? No wonder I, Haori Zhenzong, can take the top spot among the seventh-class sects!"

"Hehe, that's natural! As long as your aptitude is not bad and you practice hard, your achievements will not be too low!" The white-faced young man smiled, then quickly closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Seeing this, the boy in the red coat didn't want to waste time on discussions, so he quickly closed his eyes and began to practice.

As the spirit boat continued to move forward, glowing red lights appeared on the faces of these arrogances, one by one holding high-grade spirit stones in their hands, constantly absorbing the spirit energy within.

Seeing this, the elder Niu didn't speak any more. He also pressed his hands and entered the state of closed-eyed cultivation.

The spirit boat of the ancient treasure level has the spiritual intelligence of a monk, and there is no need to control it at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, the monks were in the process of cultivation, the spirit boat suddenly shook, and the formation pattern on the surface produced a violent reaction.

"What's wrong? The spirit boat hit something?"

"No way, this is an ancient treasure-level spirit boat. It is impossible for ordinary meteorites to cause such a big reaction in the spirit boat!"

"Outside... Look, there seems to be a figure outside!"

"Human figure? Impossible, absolutely impossible! This is almost the death zone, how can anyone survive in this environment!"


Everyone stood up one after another and looked outside the spirit boat.

In the dazzling light, they actually saw a human being wearing a white training suit.

"God, look, there are actually people outside!"

"Which senior is it? How could it just stop in front of the 'Qingzun Shenzhou'?"

"It seems that you are not too old!"

"It may also be an old... senior who has cultivated for tens of thousands of years! How can the world of cultivating immortals only look at appearance, there are too many monks with good looks!"


Elder Niu looked at the figure outside cautiously, and he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Elder Tiansong: "Elder Elder, something happened, the spirit boat seems to have bumped into a strong man just now..."

"The old man already knows..."

The huge cyan building boat stopped, and a blue shadow escaped from it.

"I don't know which fellow daoist is in front of you? I am the great elder of the Zhenzong of Haori, whose name is Tiansong. Just now, my sect's spirit boat accidentally rubbed against fellow daoist when it was moving forward. I sincerely apologize for this!" Elder Tiansong The sound transmission of his spiritual consciousness appeared in Su Poman's mind.

Su Poman smiled, and also replied with his spiritual sense: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Tiansong, Han Li is a casual cultivator, are you going to the Sun Star?"

In fact, Su Poman discovered this spirit boat a long time ago. The reason why the spirit boat was able to hit him was because he did it on purpose. He first turned into a meteorite and deceived the ancient treasure spirit's perception , at the moment of collision, they turned into an ordinary-looking young man again.

The reason is simple, he wants to get on board!

After approaching the sun for 600 million kilometers, Su Poman discovered that the strengthening efficiency of his superhuman body had reached a terrifying level. He wanted to move on, but unexpectedly found that the clothes on his body could no longer support him.Although there is a biological force field protection, but when gradually approaching the range of 600 million kilometers of the sun star, this protection is obviously not enough, all kinds of rays will easily pass through the biological force field, and then pass through his clothes to be "superman" body' absorbed.

These rays are very destructive, but they can't damage the superhuman body, so they are ignored by the biological force field, but the clothes can't withstand the extremely high energy rays. The practice clothes also began to be damaged.

Originally in this starry sky, no one would see even if he was naked, and he also has '72 Transformation', which can easily transform into a suit of clothes.

Just when Su Poman decided to bask in the sun naked, this huge cyan spirit boat flew towards him from afar, which also gave him another choice.

After observing for a while, he decided to take a boat ride, and thus the scene just now happened.

"That's right, the old man took the youngsters in the sect to practice near the sun star! Fellow Daoist Han, why don't you come on the boat and have a talk?" Elder Tiansong invited with a kind tone, but he muttered in his heart.

[Cause cultivators in the void period are cheating ghosts!But his aura is a bit weird...]

Su Poman nodded, smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you fellow Taoist Tiansong!"


Elder Tiansong waved his hand, and a vortex of misty colors was opened on the top of the blue building boat.

Seeing this, Su Poman flew directly into the vortex without the slightest hesitation, not worrying whether there would be any danger in it.

There was a flash of light and shadow in front of my eyes, and an antique courtyard appeared. Several black strange trees with fiery red leaves were planted in the courtyard, and stone tables and stone benches were placed in the center of the courtyard.

Elder Tiansong also came to the courtyard at this time, came to the stone table and stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han, please sit down!"

As he spoke, he took out an ink-colored teapot with a wave of his hand, and picked a few fiery red leaves and put them into it.


A scent soon came from the teapot.

Elder Tiansong sat across from Su Poman, poured some tea into the teacup, and then raised his hand to signal: "Fellow Daoist Han, try the Huoyang Dao tea I planted myself!"

"Thank you!"

Su Poman raised the teacup while speaking, and took a sip lightly.

As soon as he drank the tea, he felt that it was like magma, extremely hot.

The burning sensation traveled down the throat to the stomach, and then exploded.

Waves of berserk fire-attribute aura scattered in all directions, and Su Poman felt that his cultivation base was continuously rising, like riding a rocket.

Not long after, a sweet and fragrant taste appeared in his mouth, his whole body was warm, and his limbs were very comfortable.

Su Poman was indifferent on the surface, but he was extremely shocked in his heart. At the same time, earth-shaking changes took place in his dantian.

The 'Golden Crow Transformation Sun Art' started automatically, and the round droplets of spiritual power continued to grow in size, and with the appearance of another droplet, Su Poman's cultivation broke through from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

[Fuck, what kind of tea is this? It works better than medicine! 】

Su Poman didn't show any abnormality on the surface, he opened his mouth and exclaimed: "Good tea!"

"Hehe, as long as you like it, fellow daoists, this Huoshudao tea can only be picked once in 1 years, and it tastes very good when paired with the mysterious ice spring that I came from the extreme north. It is also my favorite thing in my life !" Seeing this, Taoist Tiansong dispelled all doubts in his heart.

Although this tea is good, it is not something that ordinary people can enjoy. If you have not reached his level, drinking it rashly will cause serious injury.

(End of this chapter)

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