Chapter 250
This nascent infant stage battle puppet had just condensed, and in the next moment, it collapsed into pieces in an invisible force field.


Su Poman had a calm expression on his face, and there was even a dull look in the depths of his eyes. With a flash of his figure, he came to the stone platform again.

Keep up the challenge!

"I don't know if I can get to the ninth floor of No.90 in one go today..."

In a burst of golden light, Su Poman was teleported to the next floor.

Next, the momentum was still overwhelming, and the time spent on each floor was only the time required for the puppet to condense. This kind of tower climbing speed can be called abnormal, which made the people behind even think of catching up.

At the same time, Su Poman's personal points were also increasing rapidly, and there was a gap of hundreds of points between him and No. 2. The huge golden font was ranked at the top of the stele of the Ten Thousand Races ranking.

The higher the ranking, the larger the font, and there will be visions appearing.

In each monk's palace, there is a huge stone tablet. No. 1 on the inscription is occupied by the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'. In the golden light, golden flowers are falling faintly, and fairy shadows are lingering.

At the same time, many cultivators and ancient cultivating forces are paying attention to this trial, and many geniuses who have risen like comets have officially entered their sights.

"Hey, the number one 'Blue Star Cultivator' turned out to be a human monk from my Liuguang Starfield! Please hurry up and ask the ancestor to go out and go to Qiongxing to find this person himself!"

"What is the origin of this 'Blue Star First Cultivator', go and find out!"

"What, Qiong Xing? Hurry up and get the transfer order, I want to send it to the Liuguang Starfield myself!"


After six hours, all the people in the trial space were cleared out.

This is a special mechanism of the Pagoda of Heavenly Spirit Ten Thousand Races. All monks participating in the trial can only stay in the pagoda for six hours a day.

Meteors returned from the huge light tower outside Qiong Xing, and all the monks were sent back to their original positions under an inexplicable force.

After a short exchange and communication, Qiongguo's world of cultivating immortals completely exploded because of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'.

At this moment, countless people were discussing the deeds of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', and some were frantically inquiring about his true identity.

In the past, who is No.1 on the Ten Thousand Races Ranking has nothing to do with them.

But this time, after climbing the tower on the first day, they were surprised to find that the monk from Qiongxing ranked first in the ranking of all races!

Up to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, down to the second-class sects, everyone is discussing this matter.

On the stele of ten thousand races, among the billions of monks, only 10 people can make the list, and the title of 'Blue Star's No. [-] monk' has aroused discussions among various ethnic groups.

At this time, in a large hall floating above the endless sea, two Sanxians and five Mahayanas gathered together, discussing the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'.

"This person... has unsurpassed fighting power, and he can suppress the Taixu Dragon Clan below him. He is indeed an incomparable genius in the Qianyuan Realm!"

"I just don't know if this 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is from my Qiong Xing, or is it really just passing by as the rumors say?"

"Ahem, even if we pass by, we still need to make some good friends. Those who have such combat power will have unlimited achievements in the future. Even in the upper realm, they will easily become a giant!"

"Having said that, I don't think this 'Blue Star No. [-] Cultivator' will be able to hold the No. [-] spot on the Ten Thousand Races Ranking for long. It's only the first day now, and many Tianjiao figures probably haven't exerted their strength yet!"


Just as everyone was discussing intensely, an old man with a long beard and a strange face in a white robe slowly appeared from the hall.

"Master You, why are you here?"

"I have seen the leader!"

All the people present stood up to worship.

The old man with long beard strolled to the highest seat, stretched out his arms and pressed slightly, motioning for everyone to take their seats.

The seven most powerful elders of the Cultivation Alliance looked a little embarrassed in front of this bearded old man, as if they were juniors. After they took their seats one by one, they all looked at the highest-ranking old man.

The old man with long beard smiled slightly, and said slowly:

"I already know about the matter of 'Blue Star's First Cultivator'. This matter is my Qiong Xing's luck. At that time, Fire Ape Star produced a character who entered the list of ten thousand races, so he got a lot of cultivation resources. Thus becoming the overlord of the Flowing Light Star Field, this time, if we can seize this opportunity, we will have the opportunity to reverse the decline of human monks in the Flowing Light Star Field, and it is not impossible to even surpass the Fire Ape Clan in one fell swoop..."

"Therefore, the old man decided to issue an order immediately, mobilize all forces to find out the true identity of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', and give him the highest courtesy. If his cultivation level is not high, then we must protect him closely , To prevent assassins of other races, such characters will definitely arouse the hatred of the monster race and the demon cultivators... In addition, it is time to close the net, start the plan in advance, and find out all the spies of the foreign race!"


The behemoth Cultivation Alliance began to operate, sweeping away the old illnesses before, one after another secret orders were quickly conveyed to every corner of Qiong Xing through the dark guards.

In addition, killings were also happening one after another. It seemed that the entire Qiong Xing's sky changed all of a sudden!

In Gai Kingdom, the fourth-class sect, Shengxu Sect.


After a loud noise, a pale-faced Nascent Soul escaped from the smoke and dust.

It screamed in horror, "Sect Master Liu, how could you attack me, I am the elder of the Shengxu Sect!"

"Hehe, Elder, I think you have been taken away by evil thoughts! Now that things are going on, is there still a need to pretend?" A middle-aged monk wearing a white Confucian robe slowly appeared, with a cold tone He said, and beside him were two Supreme Elders who were in the stage of transforming gods, and they also looked murderous.

The Nascent Soul's face froze when he heard the words, the horror and paleness on his face disappeared, and the third magic eye appeared between the brows, and the Nascent Soul, which was originally crystal clear as jade, was stained with a thick layer of blood.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect this seat to be hidden so well, but you still found it. You idiots alone can't keep me!"

The blood-colored Nascent Soul showed a rampant face, and endless demonic nature exuded from its body. In an instant, the blood burst out, as if it was about to escape into the sky.

At this moment, a chain emitting blue light broke through the air.

The five-clawed sharp hook suddenly spread out from the chain-shaped magic weapon, and layers of cracks were vaguely torn in the air.

"Not good, why do you have the 'Claw of the Heavenly Crusher'?"

The blood-colored Nascent Soul turned pale with fright, and the demonic eyes at the center of the brows instantly escaped, turning into wisps of demonic energy and fleeing in a hurry.

"Hmph! It's late..."

A dark guard wearing a black mask and blue armor emerged, and the five-clawed sharp hook emitting blue light sealed the void, and then captured the red light.


Amidst a shrill howl, the magic eye shattered.

"Thank you for your cooperation, I still have a task ahead of me, let's go first!"

The dark guard bowed slightly, turned around and disappeared in place before waiting for others to reply.

The middle-aged monk bowed slightly to the two elders at the transformation stage, and stared fixedly at the void.

"It seems that the alliance is going to take action against these foreign spies!"

"Yeah, there is a high probability that it has something to do with the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'! If there is no sudden appearance of a monstrous character, this plan may catch even bigger fish!"

"If we can find that 'Blue Star First Cultivator', then I, Qiong Xing, will have a great chance!"


Su Poman had already returned to the cave at this time, on the white jade stone platform, he looked inwardly at the miniature light tower in the spiritual platform, and after seeing the points value, his face suddenly showed satisfaction, "Sure enough The higher the number of floors you climb, the more points you can get!"

"I don't know what good things these points can be exchanged for after the trial is over, I hope I won't be disappointed!"

"The trial space is very magical, such a method of creation is somewhat similar to the 'Cangyuan Ring'!"

After thinking for a while, Su Poman turned over his hands, took out another jade slip, and began to study it calmly.

At this time, in Haori Zhenzong, because the first day of trial had just ended, it was extremely lively, and many disciples gathered together to communicate with each other about the topic of "the trial of immortals and demons".

"The trial tower is too difficult. I really can't pass the fourth floor. Ten monks of the same level are also good at the method of combined attack. How can I survive this!"

"Senior Brother Liu, I was also eliminated on the fourth floor. It seems that if I want to get more points, I can only participate in the competition!"

"Oh, it's not easy to compete. There are hundreds of trillions of star fields in Qianyuan Realm. The number of geniuses in each star field will add up to a very terrifying number. Although we are seventh-class The disciples of the sect, the skills they practice are not bad, but...there are too many monks like me, even the disciples of the seventh-class sects are very mediocre in the battle, you didn't listen to the elder What do you say? If you have not reached the level of core disciples, it is not recommended to start the battle, and it is not recommended to start the battle even at the same level..."

"Not at all! The disciples who can enter my sect are at least three-spiritual-rooted, but there should be more monks with four-spiritual roots participating in the trial!"

"Senior Brother Zhang from Qinglu Peak, do you know?"

"I know, that's Elder Fei's direct disciple, with great strength!"

"His points were deducted due to successive defeats in the duel, and now he can no longer enter the trial tower..."

"What? Can't even a genius like Senior Brother Zhang earn points through duels?"

"Many disciples of low-level sects are well aware of their own strength. They can't even pass the second floor of the tower. They will definitely not choose to fight. Those who dare to start the fight are monks who are quite confident in their own combat power! Although Some of them are arrogant, but more of them do have tricks!"

"So that's it. If only I had the strength of 'Blue Star First Cultivator', I'll definitely get a lot of points from rivals at the same level!"

"That's right, the number one monk of Blue Star really gave us Qiong Xing a face. It would be great if he was really our Qiong Xing's monk, Lan Xing... have you heard of Lan Xing?"

"No, someone seems to have checked before that there is a star cultivator named Jia Lanxing in the Skyscraper Star Field, but there is really no star cultivator named 'Blue Star' among countless star fields!"

"Haha, maybe it's because Qiongxing has too many ocean areas, so he called his hometown 'Blue Star'!"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible!"


Taixu Ancient Realm.

The void energy rises and falls, like the tide in the ocean.

Here, mighty and terrifying space tides can be seen everywhere.

Huge dragon shadows crossed the sky, and in the gray mist one could vaguely see the scales and half of their claws when the clouds cleared and the fog cleared.

On a pitch-black island in the deepest part of the void, dozens of mountain-thick giant dragons coiled around, and in the center stood a huge palace made of void crystals.

Thick pillars support the dome, and the whole palace seems to have the power of a virtual mustard seed. Once the giant dragon that is as thick as a mountain gets close to it, it will shrink continuously.

In a girly pink boudoir in the palace, the little dragon princess opened her eyes, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in the circle of golden pupils.

"Hmph, it's so much more than this princess, it's so annoying!" Little Lolita gritted her silver teeth angrily, clenched her tender little fist, and the surrounding void instantly vibrated in circles. ripple.

Just then, there was a sound at the door.

"Who made our Princess Tuantuan angry again?"

At the door, walked in a tall and straight young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and dragon horns on his head. He was smiling, and his eyes were full of doting on the girl.

"Oh, big brother~~ How many times have I told you, knock on the door first when you enter my room! If you do this again, I will start a formation!" Long Qiantuan said angrily, looking very cute with his teeth and claws open.

The dragon youth gave a helpless smile, walked over and patted her little head, stroked the pair of dragon horns with his fingers, and said, "Okay, brother understands, Tuantuan, you are doing this for that 'Blue Star No. Is a monk 'angry?"

Long Qiantuan rolled his eyes and turned around, "How is it possible, am I the kind of dragon who can't afford to lose?"

"Oh~~~ So it wasn't! Forget it, I wanted to find that human monk and vent my anger on you. Since you are not angry, then I will not send anyone to find him!" The dragon youth revealed With a look of sudden realization, he smiled slightly and said.

Long Qiantuan turned around abruptly, not noticing that the dragon horns on her head had created a long and narrow crack in the space above, she pursed her lips and said, "Don't, don't, brother, I want to teach him a lesson myself. , you should hurry up and send someone to find that nasty guy!"

"Don't worry, Tuantuan, my brother has already sent people from his tribe to look for him, once we find him, we will send back the news! At that time, I will take you to find him together!"

"Brother, don't lie to me!"

"Haha, Tuantuan, how can you talk like that, it really makes me sad! Ever since I was a child, has my brother lied to you?"

"Hmph, have you cheated enough? Last time you said you would take me to play in Beiming Mountain, but you went there secretly and didn't take me at all!"

"No way, little girl, this happened hundreds of years ago, how do you remember? You were only 80 years old at that time, and you didn't even take human form!"


Ancient Star of Heavenly Fire, Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The blue and red demonic aura billowed everywhere, and the air in Xiu Xing was already polluted by the demonic aura.

Once a mortal steps into this planet, he will be assimilated into a demon within an hour or three quarters.

A grand and indifferent voice came from the hall, and it spread throughout the entire Xiu Xing like thunder.

"Here's an order to set the 'First Cultivator of the Blue Star' as the tenth place on the monster clan's must-kill list. Whoever kills him will be rewarded with a half-demon weapon! Give half of the Heavenly Demon Collection!"

"Kill kill kill!"

All of a sudden, countless big monsters soared into the sky and flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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