Chapter 252 Expose?

"He turned out to be the number one Blue Star cultivator at the top of the ranking list of all races!"

Taoist Kunyu was shocked, and then he slapped his thigh and said bitterly: "Oh, I should have kept him!"

"Fortunately, Pindao has memorized his appearance, and he can make a lot of money by drawing pictures for pictures when he goes back!"


inside the palace.

Su Poman found a black ice jade slip floating in the hall, and he took it into the 'Cangyuan Ring' with a random move.The figure flashed and came to the white stone platform again.

A bright golden light bloomed on the stone platform.

No.40 floor!
In the vast white mist, the battle puppet slowly took shape, and a powerful aura diffused from it.

Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, half-step transformation into a god!
Su Poman stared at the puppet that gradually appeared in the white mist, and frowned, "According to this speed of condensation, it seems that we can't reach the 99th floor today!"

About half a quarter of an hour later, there was a slight vibration in the air.

The battle puppet disappeared in place, and appeared behind Su Poman in a teleportation manner.

Su Poman closed his eyes, and the biological force field turned into a transparent giant hand, wrapping the Nascent Soul stage battle puppet.

There was a muffled sound, and the battle puppets, which caused countless monks a headache, exploded into fragments, and the fragments gradually dissipated in the mist.

The stone platform slowly emerged from the white mist, Su Poman's figure flashed, and he came to it.

No.40 second floor!
Two battle puppets of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen realm slowly condense out.

Between the [-]th and [-]th floors, there are all combat puppets of this strength, but the number will increase step by step.

However, to Su Poman, there is no difference between a battle puppet and a hundred battle puppets, as long as they haven't reached the void stage.

It's all one-hit kills!

Su Poman's points on the 'Ten Thousand Races Ranking' are also increasing rapidly, and the gap with No.2 is getting bigger and bigger. Every time he passes ten floors, there will be a leap-forward improvement.

On the first floor, the fighting puppets of the early stage of transformation into gods began to appear, and their strength became stronger, and each one's combat power was comparable to that of the monster king in Qianfan Secret Realm.

Even in the face of the battle puppets in the transformation stage, Su Poman can still achieve instant kills with one blow, but the higher the level of the battle puppets, the longer it takes to condense, and the waiting time consumes a lot of time.

Time passed minute by minute.

At this time, many monks have stopped climbing the tower, some because of lack of strength, and some want to stop to recover.

Fighting at the same level, every battle will make people exhausted, not only the consumption of spiritual power, but also the spirit.

This Trial of Ten Thousand Races will last for a whole year. Although most people can't get too many points, they will also gain something during the process of climbing the tower or fighting.

Every battle that exhausts spiritual energy, every life-and-death crisis will bring about considerable transformation.

Many people will seek a breakthrough under the strong pressure, and some people will take the opportunity to hone their fighting skills to perfection and improve their combat power a lot.

For Tianjiao among the top ethnic groups, this is also a great opportunity to become famous.

In the trial tower, many young cultivators will challenge some famous figures in the Qianyuan world. They are willing to pay some points to seek a chance to give advice, or to gain more by taking advantage of the other party's reputation. practice resources.

Similarly, the [-] cultivators who have entered the Ten Thousand Races ranking list have also become very sought-after challenge targets, and countless challenge notifications light up in their palaces every day.

In the trial square.

This piece of heaven and earth seems to contain infinite space, separating trillions of monks under similar steles ranking the ten thousand races.

Countless monks gathered here, some were selling skills and secret arts, some were watching the video of the battle in the sky, and some gathered in groups of three or four to talk about the world.

"Look, the points of 'Blue Star First Cultivator' have started to rise again!"

"Oh my god, this speed is so fast, we will reach the 51st floor in a blink of an eye!"

"How do I feel that this human monk may have found some kind of loophole in the trial tower. What is the highest number of floors in the trial of ten thousand races in history? It seems to be only 60 floors? 51 floors... the battle puppet's The strength will increase by at least two big realms! Two big realms, it is simply unimaginable..."

"That's right. It is said that the first floor to the thirtieth floor are all battle puppets of the same level. From the No. 30th floor to the next floor, there will be battle puppets of a higher level. The first floor is already a two-tier battle!"

"If this person's cultivation is at the Qi refining stage, then what he's fighting against now is a puppet at the Golden Core stage? That's too perverted!"

"Look, the first floor has been cleared!"


"It shouldn't be so fast. This is a battle across two levels. Could it be that he has the legendary fairy-level spirit body? Or does he have the 'Super Spiritual Root'?"

"Even if the immortal is reincarnated, he can't pass the level so quickly, right? I feel that what fellow Daoist Xiong just said makes sense. Maybe this person has found a loophole to quickly clear the level!"


Just when everyone was discussing enthusiastically, a middle-aged Taoist priest in sloppy clothes walked in from outside the crowd.

He coughed lightly, and interrupted: "Everyone, you want to know what the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' looks like. Here is a picture of his deity in Pindao, and it only sells for five points!"

"The video image of the first monk of Blue Star? Who are you lying to?" The yellow-faced monk wearing a soap towel had a look of disbelief on his face.

The middle-aged Taoist grinned, "The poor Taoist will not lie about this, you see, this is the image I rubbed from the 'Trading Spirit Formation', when the first monk of Blue Star bought a secret door at my booth. Art, I naturally know what he looks like!"

A jade slip was passed into the hands of the yellow-faced monk. He looked inside with a sense of consciousness, and immediately showed surprise, and then quickly passed the jade slip in his hand to the person beside him.

"It turned out to be true. This is the video of the transaction between Blue Star's first monk and Taoist Kunyu!"

"This fellow Taoist is really lucky to meet that human genius the next day!"

At this moment, a bear-headed demon cultivator sneered and said, "Hehe, it's not certain whether it's Tianjiao! Maybe it's a shameless villain who relied on the loopholes in the trial tower to climb the tower! It's not like me waiting for demon cultivators to rely on All of them are real combat power!"

"Hey, you are jealous! The Trials of Ten Thousand Clans have been passed down for countless years, so how can there be loopholes? I think you demon cultivator can't see the rise of our human race, so I hold you waiting!" the yellow-faced monk sneered with squinting eyes.

Xiongshou Yaoxiu snorted coldly, and said with disdain on his face: "Your human race is a weak race. If this person hadn't appeared, the top two on the ranking list would be my demon cultivators!"

As soon as these words came out, many human monks present glared.

"Demon cultivator? Could it be that you haven't woken up? The Taixu Dragon Clan is a genus of real dragons, how can you be counted in the ranks of your demon cultivators! You are really busy trying to find relatives! Don't look at what you are... ..." the yellow-faced monk said without any pretense.

The Xiongshou demon cultivator was furious when he heard the words, with a fierce look in his eyes, "Ah, ah, human Zhuzi, if you have the ability, go and fight me! Let's see if you, Grandpa Xiong, can tear you, a human monk, into pieces!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The yellow-faced monk showed a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing that the two of them were about to choke out real anger, the middle-aged Taoist hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted: "Two fellow Taoists, don't get angry, let's talk about this video first..."

Cultivator Xiongshou rolled his eyes, and suddenly remembered the killing order issued by the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters. His heart moved suddenly, and he said, "That Taoist priest, I want a copy of the video!"

On the other side, an old man in a Confucian robe stood up, walked to the side of Taoist Kunyu, and said in a deep voice: "If you reveal the face of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', isn't it a bit inappropriate? , the foreign monk will definitely not let go of the opportunity to kill this person!"

"This old man is right. You are also a member of my human cultivator. How can you leak the information of your fellow cultivator to the demon cultivator?" The yellow-faced cultivator asked in a bad tone.

Taoist Kunyu rolled his eyes and said with a dark face: "Do you two love me or not? Don't hinder my business. What does the life and death of the first monk in Blue Star have to do with the poor Tao? Can he increase the poor Tao's chance of surviving the catastrophe? "

"That's right, it's not relative, why would you give up the chance to earn points for a stranger? Fellow Daoist Kunyu, leave them alone, let's go trade first!" Xiongshou Yaoxiu smiled at the middle-aged Taoist priest , looked at the yellow-faced monk and the old man again, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Taoist Kunyu nodded lightly, and then he yelled at the others, "Those who want images, follow the poor Taoist!"

After seeing the two leave, many people followed.


Meteor star field.

On several abandoned ancient stars not far from the ninth-class sect, a beam of light that reached the sky lit up.

That is the light of the interstellar teleportation array.

The cost of teleportation across star fields is extremely high, and it is often not used once in hundreds of years, but in these two days, it seems to be extremely frequent.

The power of the human race, the monk of the monster race, the demon race...

Those with the lowest cultivation bases all have the cultivation bases of the Transcending Tribulation Period!
A majestic figure rushed out of the Gangfeng layer, and stood in the "Tianwaitian". He has short hair, a face like a wolf dog, blue-black skin, and sharp claws growing on a pair of fleshy palms. He is obviously not a human monk.

The short-haired man closed his eyes for a while, and then opened his dark green pupils with a little disappointment, and said lightly: "This star field has such a thin aura! This kind of place can also give birth to the number one character among all races. ? Haha, I hope this king will not let me come here for nothing!"


Several hours later, the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' cleared the ninth floor of No.60, setting a new record and causing a huge shock.

It didn't take long to clear the No.70 floor!

Such a record is already unprecedented and unprecedented!
According to speculation by many practitioners, after the No. 70th floor, the strength of the battle puppet will increase by three major realms.

Fighting beyond the third level, this level of combat power has begun to make many people suspect that the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is the real reincarnation of a fairy.

There is another theory circulating among cultivators of other races.

That is, Blue Star's first monk found a loophole in the trial space, and he was able to climb the tower at such a terrifying speed by virtue of this loophole, and he himself was not too strong at all.

Fighting over the third level, and the speed of clearing each level is extremely fast, it seems that there is no need to consume spiritual power at all.

In such a weird situation, anyone would have doubts!
At the same time, images of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' gradually spread.

It was a young man with an ordinary face, and his facial features looked unremarkable, the kind that could never be found again after being thrown into the crowd. He had no characteristics and was completely different from what everyone imagined.

"If he is really the reincarnation of an immortal, or has a heavenly spirit body, then his appearance is too ordinary! It stands to reason that the more powerful a creature is, the more perfect his appearance is, but this number one Blue Star cultivator... "

"I feel that image is fake. How could the No. [-] genius of the human race be born so ordinary? It is probably an illusion deliberately fabricated by someone with a heart!"

"Probably not, the Taoist who sold the image jade slips did have a relationship with the first monk of Blue Star..."

"Is this what he pretended to be?"

"It's possible. If I were the number one monk of Blue Star, I would definitely not show my true appearance when dealing with others!"


After Su Poman returned to the cave of 'Hao Ri Zhen Zong', he didn't go out, but studied the 'Supernatural Power Level Containing Breath Technique'.

"Concentrate the mind and concentrate the mind to transform Shen Yuan, calm the mind and get out of the scorpion, the spiritual light is hidden and unconscious, hiding the moon is not enough to win the empty line..."

"It really is the same kind of secret technique, haha, this time it can be regarded as a leak!"

After some comparison, his face showed joy, and then he put the black ice jade slip between his eyebrows, and began to realize the advanced version of the 'ancient breath restraint technique'.

With the introductory chapter as the basis, and with the assistance of the 'super brain', Su Poman's comprehension can be said to be extremely fast.

Since this secret technique is called a supernatural level secret technique, it has its own strength.

Once the cultivation is completed, the cultivation of the immortal way can be completely eliminated, and even the immortals of the Yuan Immortal Realm cannot be broken.

In addition, after cultivating this secret technique to the perfect state, it can also block the detection of the technique of derivation of heavenly secrets.

The so-called Tianji derivation technique is a secret technique that includes hexagram images, metaphysics, and geomantic omen. It is mainly used for treasure hunting and tracing. Those who practice more deeply can even rely on this technique to avoid disasters and predict the future.

Among the various peak ethnic groups, there are generally practitioners who have refined this technique.

Once the Tianjiao in the clan accidentally falls, someone will find out the truth through the secret technique of the heavens, so the existence similar to the "Corpse Yin Sect" dare not attack the geniuses of these clans at all.

Once caught, it will be a disaster.

Once, a monk in the Dongxu stage who was near the end of his lifespan took away the body of Tianlan's human race, and wanted to use Tianlan's blood to go one step further and become an immortal.

It didn't take long before this person was discovered by the Tianji Pavilion of the Tianlan Human Clan. This monk in the Hollow Stage had a miserable end. His soul was pulled out, and the soul lamp was lit. After tens of thousands of years of torture, he was freed. , his clan was also implicated, and his entire family was massacred overnight.

As long as the 'supernatural power-level breath-holding technique' is practiced to a perfect state, it will be able to block the derivation of the secret technique of heaven.

While comprehending the secret technique, a flame suddenly flew in from outside the formation.

"Sound Transmission Talisman..."

Su Poman frowned, "At this time, what does the old man want me to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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