Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 255: Primordial Spirit Out of Body?

Chapter 255: Primordial Spirit Out of Body?

A huge phantom of the sacred tree descended behind Su Poman. Immediately afterwards, the energy in each cell was quickly extracted and combined with spiritual energy to form a brand new energy substance——Chakra!

Chakra uses the meridians of the whole body as channels, and quickly circulates through various acupoints of the physical body, as well as the eight gates of opening, resting, life, injury, du, Jing, Jing, and death. This chakra The number is still increasing, it seems that there is no upper limit.

Every cell in Su Poman's body is extremely powerful, exuding a lustrous luster, and the powerful vitality created almost endless chakra for him.

Under the impact of this brand new energy, Su Poman felt two small sounds coming from his head one after another.

Eight-door Dunjia, open the door first, open!

The eight doors are dunjia, the second door is closed, open!


Eight Dunjia, the third life gate, open!


Eight Dunjia, Seventh Shocking Door, open!

Eight doors of Dunjia, the eighth door of death, open!

On Su Poman's body first, green life energy like a torch soaring to the sky appeared, and finally turned into blood red steam.

At the same time, a series of cultivation insights about 'multiple shadow clones' appeared in his mind, and clones wearing blood-red steam appeared one by one in the cave.

"Even the eight doors of Dunjia were forcibly opened, this chakra is too much..." Su Poman looked at the bloody steam around him, and with a thought, he forcibly closed six of the doors, but the opening and closing of the doors But it can't be closed.

After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized that the function of opening the door is to release the restriction of the brain region, so as to achieve the purpose of exerting 100% of the physical ability, and overload the body energy to increase the attack and speed; while the function of closing the door is to release the physical strength. Fatigue limit, overloading the body to squeeze the energy to restore physical strength, and offset the fatigue caused by the energy consumption speed of opening the door.

The super brain possessed by the superhuman body has already untied these two restrictions, so these two doors cannot be closed.

Afterwards, Su Poman looked at the clones in the cave, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, "The clones can easily open the 'Eight Gates Dunjia Formation', my physical background is really strong..."

There are currently hundreds of shadow clones appearing in the cave, with different expressions, and there is a sense of agility in their eyes. Su Poman closed his eyes, and immediately obtained hundreds of perspectives from different directions.

In his mind, a picture similar to hundreds of split-screen monitoring emerged. With the ability of the super brain, he can easily multi-task, and at the same time, he can concentrate on controlling the consciousness of one of the shadow clones descending on the deity. manipulation.

With another movement of thought, in a flash of brilliance, the appearance of the shadow clones suddenly changed into people of the Fire Ape tribe with different looks.

"72 changes is indeed a great supernatural power involving the power of law, even the appearance of shadow clones can be changed at will..." Su Poman opened his eyes, with a smile on his face.

A few hundred shadow clones is not Su Poman's upper limit, but the space in this cave is limited. If he wants, he can easily create hundreds of thousands of powerful shadow clones.

The strength of these avatars is around the fusion stage, which is a big realm weaker than that of the main body, but all of them are top masters in the fusion stage, and can easily defeat the same level masters, and even can be more than one enemy.

There was another flash of light and shadow, and the shadow avatar transformed from the image of the fire ape tribe into men in black wearing bronze ghost masks.

"From today onwards, the 'Suppressing Demon Palace' will be established in the Immortal Cultivation World. My avatar is the Demon Suppressing Messenger, walking around the world, dedicated to cleaning up the evils in the Immortal Cultivation World and the mortal world!"

"In addition, we need to conquer various known secret realms and harvest energy points for me!"

Su Poman took out a low-grade spirit stone and threw it to one of the shadow clones.

Under the ghost mask, the shadow clone slightly closed its eyes, and the reminder of Ziyuan Roulette suddenly came from Su Poman's mind.

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"


"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 20 energy points!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Inside the cave, laughter shook the sky, as if hundreds of people were laughing at the same time.

"Go, small evils can be let go, big evils must be eliminated!"

Figures wearing bronze ghost masks flashed out, rushed out of the cave, turned into streamers of light and went in all directions.

"This world... is going to be lively!"

Su Poman walked out of the cave, looking at the gradually darkening sky, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


But it is said that Fu Niansheng, the suzerain of the Corpse Yin Sect, escaped by chance and hid in a small valley hundreds of thousands of miles away. At this time, he was hanging in the air and looking in the direction of the "Kingdom of Ten Thousand Caves", his eyes flashed A trace of apprehension.

"In a short time, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back. The fire ape clan monster cultivator may be waiting for a rabbit..."

"But fortunately, this day's 'Trial of Ten Thousand Races' will start soon, and I can inform the people of the main line in the square of the trial tower!"

Fu Nianchang sighed, landed, and muttered to himself: "The ancestors have all died in battle, and I don't know how the main line will punish me. The Fire Ape Clan, I must avenge this revenge!"


At night, at midnight.

A series of meteors soared into the sky.

'Trial of Ten Thousand Races' starts again!
After Su Poman entered the palace, without any hesitation, he directly stepped onto the white stone platform of the climbing tower, and his figure disappeared in a bright golden light.

No.70 floor!
This layer condenses the battle puppets in the early stage of fusion, which is three realms higher than Su Poman's cultivation level!
Fighting across three levels has never happened since the opening of the "Trial of Ten Thousand Races"!

However, this kind of difficulty was nothing to Su Poman, and he could even solve it by only sending out shadow clones.

A powerful spiritual pressure rose from the white mist, and the moment the puppet was condensed, the transparent biological force field had already locked it.


Su Poman spat out a word faintly, then turned around and walked towards the direction where the stone platform was about to emerge from the trial space.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the fragments all over the sky shone with dazzling aura.

A white stone platform emerged from in front of him, he stepped on it, and quickly teleported to the next floor.

On the trial square.

Numerous monks followed the dynamics of the Ten Thousand Race Rankings, seeing the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' climb the tower again, immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"It's over 70 floors. Does this person really want to climb to the top of the 99th floor?"

"Blue Star's number one cultivator...if he really has such combat power, I am afraid that the reincarnation of the immortal gods will not be as good as him!"

"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it! I heard that many Sanxian masters have gone to the Liuguang Starfield to find this person!"

"Improbable. On such a huge planet, there are hundreds of millions of creatures. To find a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"Don't underestimate the methods of Sanxian. For us, it's like finding a needle in a haystack, but for those who stand at the top of the world of cultivating immortals, it may be as simple as finding something out of a bag!"

"This is a catastrophe! The birth of an ancient evildoer must be accompanied by a catastrophe. If you can survive it, you will soar into the sky. If you can't survive it, you can only turn into ashes, or be plundered by others..."

"There is always a silver lining in everything. This 'Pagoda of Ten Thousand Races' has existed for countless years. Once this person climbs to the ninth floor of No.90, he might get some heaven-defying rewards. Besides, he now has so many points, After the trial is over, you can also exchange for many treasures!"

"Hehe, do you think he can survive until the end of the trial?"



Qiong Xing, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance.

The atmosphere in the floating hall was a little dull.

"Leader You, the rebellion in Qiong Xing has been cleared up recently, but the disciples of the observatory discovered that there have been many powerful alien races appearing in Tianwaitian recently, and they should be directed at the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'. How should I respond?" An old man in a golden robe slowly broke the quiet atmosphere.

You Fanghong frowned, he knew that due to the appearance of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', more and more practitioners would rush to the vicinity of Qiong Xing, which was unavoidable.

"The most important thing right now is to find the trace of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' and protect it well. For those foreign monks with evil intentions, don't worry about it..."

"But...Leader You, what if those monks from different races unite and want to put pressure on us?" the golden robed old man said worriedly.

You Fanghong waved his hand, and said calmly: "Hehe, don't be afraid, my human race also has powerful monks, and I will definitely not tolerate them wantonly slaughtering the top geniuses of my human race!"

The old man in the golden robe nodded, took a sip of the tea in his hand, and stopped talking.

On the table, another middle-aged monk in a light blue Confucian robe said lightly: "The seventh-class sect 'Hao Ri Zhen Zong' has recently received news that they have found a person who looks similar to the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'." It’s a casual cultivator, but that person’s cultivation is at the void stage, and he denies that he is the number one monk of Blue Star..."

"How similar are they in appearance?" Another monk in red robe asked.

"I heard from that person that ninety-nine percent of them are similar..."


You Fanghong stood up directly from his seat, and said eagerly: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go to Haori Zhenzong to see together!"


The space was torn apart into a huge portal, and several figures from the floating hall flashed into it one after another.

Haori Zhenzong.

Song Daoyuan was pacing back and forth in his own cave. At this time, he recalled the appearance of 'Han Li', and felt that his appearance was more and more similar to that of 'Blue Star First Cultivator', and he felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

A huge space crack emerged from above, and figures with eight terrifying auras stepped out of it.

Waves of huge spiritual consciousness descended suddenly, and the array in Haori Zhenzong seemed to be empty in front of such spiritual consciousness.

"This is……"

Song Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, when a sound transmission sounded from his mind.

"Seventh-class sect, the master of Haori Zhenzong, Song Daoyuan, hurry up and meet the leader You!"

"Master You?"

Song Daoyuan's face froze, and then he showed a look of panic, "How could you attract the leader You to come in person!"

He didn't dare to be negligent, and at the same time as passing the tribulation patriarchs through sound transmission, he quickly dodged to the sky above the sect.

"Song Daoyuan, Emperor Zhenzong of Haori, welcome to the leader of the alliance, and to the seniors of the alliance!"

Song Daoyuan didn't fly too high, he was several tens of feet lower than You Fanghong and others, he knelt on the void from a long distance, and made a big salute.

At this moment, fluctuations appeared in the void again.

Old men on the verge of death appeared one after another. They were all the ancestors of Haori Zhenzong during the catastrophe period. As soon as they appeared, they bowed respectfully to those few people to the end.

"I've met Leader You, Elder Mu, Elder Bai Zun..."

You Fanghong nodded slightly, and said lightly: "They are all members of the alliance, there is no need to be polite, where is that person?"

During the tribulation period, the patriarch showed doubts and turned his attention to Song Daoyuan.

Song Daoyuan looked straight, and said: "Seniors, the cave of fellow Taoist 'Han Li' is on Pinggu Peak in the back mountain! I will lead the way, seniors, please follow me!"

With that said, Song Daoyuan opened up the mountain protection formation with a wave of his hand, and quickly flew in the direction of Pinggu Peak.

You Fanghong and the others stood in the air, their legs did not move, but their bodies followed closely behind Song Daoyuan, neither far nor near, always keeping the same distance, floating like ghosts.

Soon, everyone came to the cave of 'Han Li'. Song Daoyuan activated a sound transmission symbol with a wave of his hand. Seeing that there was no response for a long time, he turned around and said respectfully: "Seniors, that Fellow Daoist Han is probably in the trial tower right now. , maybe not in the cave."

"No, he's in the cave..." You Fanghong's eyes were shining with a white light, and he looked straight at the cave, his gaze seemed to pass through many formations.

Song Daoyuan smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Could it be that he is in retreat, or why can't he see the sound transmission symbol?"

"Daoyuan, directly activate the formation!" An ancestor of Haori Zhenzong's crossing the catastrophe said slowly, and he glared at Song Daoyuan, with some sense of blame in his eyes.

Seeing this look, Song Daoyuan's heart jumped twice, his expression tightened and he said: "Obey, this disciple will activate the formation immediately!"

As he spoke, he flipped his hand, took out the Sovereign Token, and waved at the formation in front of him——

The green light flowed, the formation burst open, and the stone gate also rose up rapidly.

This Sovereign Token is the hub of all formations, and can open all formations in the 'Hao Ri Zhenzong'.

The crowd drove straight in and came directly to the training room, where they saw 'Han Li' sitting on the jade platform with his eyes closed and practicing.

"Strange, we have already come before him, why is this boy still practicing with his eyes closed? Could it be that his primordial spirit is out of his body?" Song Daoyuan looked at 'Han Li' on the stone platform with a strange expression.

You Fanghong and the others also showed surprise. This kind of situation is really like the state of "the primordial spirit is out of the body, and the mind is wandering into the void".

"It's not quite right. Even if the 'primordial spirit is out of the body', at least there is a 'spiritual attraction' on his body, but there is no breath leaking from this child, just like a stubborn stone. However, this person's appearance is indeed the same as that of the 'blue' Star number one cultivator' is exactly the same..." the old man in golden robe from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance said suspiciously.

Although You Fanghong's cultivation was as high as the sky, his spiritual consciousness kept scanning 'Han Li', but he didn't find anything. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally looked at the person behind him, saying: "Bai Zun, you stay here, Wait until his primordial spirit returns to his body!"

"Yes, Leader You!"

A refined middle-aged man in a loose white robe nodded.

At this time, the jade pendant around Mu Jiexing's waist suddenly lit up. After he grabbed it, he closed his eyes for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes, leaned up to You Fanghong and said in a low voice, "Leader, just now there is a message from the people below, 'Blue Star The first monk is currently climbing the tower, and this person is still on Qiongxing, which means that this person is not the "first monk of Blue Star"!"

(End of this chapter)

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