Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 257 Adaptation to Evolution

Chapter 257 Adaptation to Evolution
The moment the 'Time-Stopping Domain' disappeared, streaks of golden light also dissipated. Thirty puppets of different shapes turned their heads and looked at Su Poman together.

An overwhelming pressure came from all directions.

Su Poman stood in the air, wearing a white training uniform, surrounded by a layer of transparent 'biological force field'.


With a yell, his pupils suddenly turned crimson red, his hair stood on end like steel needles, and his robe bulged without wind.


Two dragon-like wings protruded from Su Poman's back, his body climbed higher and higher, his muscles bulged explosively, and the surface of his flesh reflected a faint metallic luster, as if cast from molten steel.

Doomsday Zombie Progenitor Form!
Inside the golden palace.

Tian Lingzi stared at the scene in the light curtain without blinking, his eyes were full of surprise, "Hey, what kind of monster is this kid..."

The jet-black bone gun exuded an extremely evil aura. It was thrown from the hands of a skeleton demon, and the huge gun shadow seemed to pierce the sky.

Su Poman flapped his dragon wings behind him, and instantly disappeared in place. During his rapid flight, the edges of his wings cut open space, and an astonishing red light gathered in his eyes.

In the trial space, two red lights were like heavenly knives, sweeping from the ground to the sky, and then swept away at the fighting puppets.

chi chi chi~~~
The white mist was swept out of blank areas by the hot laser, and collided with the black bone gun.

The shadow of the gun was instantly pierced, and then the laser light fell on the body of the bone gun, and the terrifying heat caused its surface to continuously emit green smoke.

"What a tough bone gun, it can resist the cutting of 'heat sight'..."

As soon as this thought appeared in Su Poman's mind, a big bronze mace pierced through the air from behind him.

The huge force smashed the 'biological force field' until it made a muffled rumble, but for a while, it didn't break.

The other battle puppets were also not idle, and the overwhelming spells and ancient treasures formed a lore blockade.

The colorful rays of light shone together, and Su Poman's whole body was submerged in it.

Su Poman felt that his biological force field was torn apart in an instant, and his physical body was constantly being tossed away in this torrent like a flat boat in a stormy sea, and his injuries gradually changed from minor to serious.

As soon as the biological force field was condensed, it was scattered, and the physical body fell into the space crack.

However, Su Poman was very calm. Faced with such a disadvantage, he did not give up, but still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The huge Dan Ding crashed down, knocking him staggering, and flying his body to another corner.

Seeing Su Poman in such a state of distress, Tian Lingzi couldn't help but let out a pleasant laugh, "Hahaha, I've suffered a lot! But his physical body is something I've never seen or heard before. The attack did not endanger life, I don't know which kind of fairy body it belongs to..."

At this time, the surface of Su Poman's powerful flesh body was emitting a black brilliance, and with the activation of 'adaptive evolution', his flesh body began to develop a little resistance to the same attack method, and as time went by, this kind of attack The resistance is getting stronger and stronger.

Not only the physical body, but also the biological force field is undergoing evolution, its toughness is getting stronger and stronger, and its resistance to various spells is also gradually increasing.

The injuries suffered by his physical body were also constantly recovering. Under the attack of thirty combat puppets, Su Poman gradually had the ability to fight back.


When he emerged from the space crack again, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Poman's mouth, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

A wisp of white mist blended into the surrounding environment.

Many battle puppets lost their target, stopped immediately and began to search around.

"Strange, where did that kid go?" Tian Lingzi widened his eyes and stared carefully at every corner of the light curtain, but he searched around, but couldn't find any clues.

"This kind of concealment method is really terrifying. It seems that we can only use the power of Tianbao Pagoda..."

Tianlingzi closed his eyes, and his mind instantly became one with the pagoda, and the No.90 fourth-floor trial space immediately entered his control.

At this moment, he is like the way of heaven in this space, everything is in front of him, and there is no secret at all.

"This wisp of white mist shouldn't exist..."

Tian Lingzi opened his eyes, and immediately looked at an area that melted into the white mist, his expression became even more surprised.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? Even I can't analyze the power of law contained in it. How many secrets does this kid have..."

Just as Su Poman breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a sliver of murderous aura again, only to see that the puppets who were like headless chickens suddenly all looked at his direction at this moment.

"Been seen through? It shouldn't be..."

A puppet with the appearance of a sword repairman moved his fingers slightly, and the long sword behind his back clanked, and was instantly unsheathed, and then he jumped up, and the human sword merged into one, turning into a stream of light and slashing at Su Poman.

The streamer escaped into the space crack, and appeared in front of Su Poman in the next instant.

This sword, surrounded by the power of the sword, cannot be avoided!
Su Poman's face was calm, and at the moment Feijian approached him, his eyes burst into light, the white mist suddenly turned into the appearance of the deity, his body moved forward instead of retreating, he turned to one side, and then swung his big hand out suddenly.


At this time, the timing was just right, five fingers formed a palm, and through the sword light, they slashed at the head of the puppet of the sword cultivator.

A half head flew high, and the headless body and the ancient treasure flying sword were shot into the white mist further away by inertia.


Su Poman glanced at the puppets present, then waved the dragon wings behind his back, and instantly disappeared in place.

In the white mist, Su Poman moved his hands together, his fingers dancing like phantoms.

First the right hand is horizontal, the left is vertical—


Place your right fist in the palm of your left hand.


Thumbs overlap, left thumb on top.


Thumbs overlap, left thumb on top.


Place your right fist in the palm of your left hand.


Make a half fist with both hands down.


Thumbs overlap, left thumb on top.


The middle finger and index finger are close together facing the sky.


"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Su Poman's body suddenly erupted with a strong air current, and his figure was revealed amidst the turbulent white mist, and the imprint in his hand shone with a faint light.

The next moment, the entire trial space was instantly filled with shadow clones.

Dense, overwhelming.

The appearance of each one is exactly the same as Su Poman's current appearance!
Seeing this scene, Tian Lingzi was stunned, with a look of seeing a ghost on his face.

Under the blessing of the 'Supernatural Power Level Ancient Breath Containment Technique' and '72 Changes', it is impossible to observe the specific strength of these shadow clones with divine sense.

That is to say, in this situation, even Tian Lingzi felt that it was difficult.

"Are these phantoms?"

Tian Lingzi's voice was a little dry, and he closed his eyes again, wanting to use his power of authority to find Su Poman's true deity.


"That's not it!"

"Where the hell is that guy?"


Tian Lingzi opened his eyes, looked at the hundreds of thousands of shadow clones, and felt very mad, "I hope these phantoms have no strength, as long as we destroy them all, we should be able to find his true self..."

In the arena, hundreds of thousands of 'Blue Star First Cultivator' in the form of 'Doomsday Zombie Progenitor' all showed smiles.

"Hehe, let's see who has the most people this time!"

Voices came from all directions.

The 29 combat puppets showed no fear on their faces, and they cast various spells, as if they were about to wipe out the hundreds of thousands of shadow clones.

The terrifying fire lotus exploded, forming a rain of fire that instantly annihilated hundreds of shadow clones.

When the shadow clone was shattered, it passed some experience to Su Poman's main body, and the 'adaptive evolution' was activated instantly, and his physical body's resistance to fire attribute spells instantly increased by a large amount.

Although the strength of these shadow clones is only at the fusion stage, the ants killed many elephants, and under the encirclement, they instantly separated the remaining fighting puppets.

Su Poman was very cunning right now, he turned into a hair on the clothes of one of the shadow clones, and when he got close to one of the puppets, he shot suddenly!

A slender finger pierced the puppet's face.


Without giving the puppet a chance to make a move, a knife-like nail suddenly shot out from that finger, piercing his brow directly!

"the second!"

A bright smile appeared on Su Poman's face, and his figure flashed before disappearing into the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Su Poman repeated his old trick, defeating each of them. Although he lost many shadow clones, he finally killed all the remaining puppets.

"This guy is simply a pervert!"

In the golden palace, Tian Lingzi's exasperated voice came out.

No.90 five floors!
Looking at the forty battle puppets that slowly condensed, Su Poman calmly formed the seal, and once again displayed the 'Multiple Shadow Clone Technique'.

On the ground, in mid-air, there are shadow clones standing in forests.

After a few breaths, the battle starts again!
This time, Su Poman was not in a hurry to make a move, but hid aside, quietly watching the shadow clone being crushed by various means.

Sword energy, spells, ancient treasures, strange treasures, divine consciousness...

Every attack will trigger the ability of 'adaptive evolution'.

These fighting puppets have a lot of means, and this kind of secret technique and magic skill, as if they don't need magic power, they are constantly displayed.

The shadow clones in the fusion stage fell down in pieces and perished in various attacks.

Once the number of shadow clones drops sharply to one-third, Su Poman will perform the 'Clone Art' again, and the Chakra in his body is almost endless, and the chakra can be restored to full state in the interval between performing ninjutsu twice , there is no need to consider the issue of consumption at all.

In the golden palace, Tian Lingzi couldn't help being a little puzzled when he saw this scene.

He stroked the white beard on his chin, with puzzled expression in his eyes, he said, "Why didn't he continue to attack?"

Time passed by every minute and every second. As the pagoda spirit of Tianbao Pagoda, Tianlingzi knew every change in the trial space like the back of his hand.

Slowly, he discovered the clue.

The shadow clone, which could be killed with one blow, now takes two or three times to destroy.


Tian Lingzi couldn't help but gasped. It was the first time he had accompanied his old master in the fairy world for countless years, and this was the first time he had seen such a strange supernatural power.

"The strength of these phantoms is increasing? Or... these phantoms are gradually adapting to these types of attacks?"

Thinking of this, he felt that everything in front of him was a little unimaginable.

With a thought, the battle puppet in the trial space suddenly changed its methods, as if it was a different person, the original fire attribute spell became ice attribute.

The shadow clone began to die suddenly on a large scale again, and then began to gradually adapt, gradually being able to withstand more attacks.

"If that's the case... Such an ability is really abnormal. If it is combined with Tianbao Pagoda's inheritance, his potential in the future is simply unimaginable!"

"How many years have passed, old master, this old servant has finally waited for you an outstanding disciple, I believe he will be able to avenge you!"


In the trial square.

'Blue Star's First Cultivator' once again caused a large-scale shock, and the golden fairy seal on the ranking list shook the hearts of every cultivator.

"More than 90 feels a bit unreal."

"Fighting across the third level has never happened since ancient times. I don't know where this person came from!"

"Haha, we are lucky to be born in such a golden world with such an ancient evildoer born out of nowhere!"

"The golden age also means a great catastrophe. The era of arrogance is often accompanied by great turmoil!"

"Blue Star's number one cultivator is too evil, I'm afraid this time is a blessing or a curse!"

"I heard that Tianlan Ancient Star has sent several high-level Sanxians to introduce this character, Tianjiao, into the Tianlan Clan, and promised to give him the Princess of the Dynasty as a Taoist partner!"

"There is such a thing. I heard that Princess Tianlan looks like a fairy, like a nine-day mysterious girl descending to the mortal world. I am really envious!"

"Hehe, those who grow up are called geniuses. My Wan Yao Temple has promoted this person to the first place in the must-kill list. I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape from the sniping of high-level loose monsters!"

"Not only that, the demons have also sent many masters, and they should have arrived in the Liuguang Starfield by now. After the trial is over, how can this person escape?"

"It would be a pity if it was really killed by a foreign race!"

"Do you think there is no one in the human race who is attracted to this person? Now countless people want to get the great opportunity from him, especially the old monster Sanxian who is about to pass the catastrophe..."


Nanyue Kingdom, in a small courtyard on the top of a cliff.

Kong Qi and others also participated in the "Trial of Ten Thousand Races". Although they passed the first floor by luck with the spiritual weapon in their hands, they were eliminated on the second floor.

On this day, Cai Yaner came to the backyard to visit while she was practicing.

"The spiritual root qualifications of the few of us are not as good as Brother Kong's. The progress of cultivation is extremely slow. I feel that the golden core in this life is hopeless. It is over to break through to the foundation building stage. After entering the 'Ten Thousand Races Trial Tower', I realized that , The gap between people is so big! Some geniuses, at my age, are already Jindan stage real people. I tried a duel once, and I was so abused that I didn’t have the motivation to continue practicing... and Yin Wan That guy Qiu was full of confidence before, but after a few battles, he was hit a bit hard, if he can't pull himself together, it may be difficult to build a foundation!" Cai Yaner sighed, her eyebrows frowned slightly, she looked Turning to Cai'er who was sitting beside her, "Headmaster Su doesn't know when he will come back, if he is here, there must be a way to inspire that guy's fighting spirit!"

"Young master has been away for a long time, I don't know when he will come back..." Rui Zhu secretly sighed.

After Cai'er heard the words, her eyes flashed with thoughtful light, she smiled slightly, and said softly: "Sister Yan'er, since Yin Wanchou was hit because of lack of strength, does it mean that if you have the strength, you can regain your strength?" Have you regained your confidence?"

"That's right, but he also went to see Lord Ouyang, but the cultivation of the immortal way has to be done step by step, so how can there be any shortcuts?" Cai Yaner smiled helplessly.

"Then you can ask him to ask General Zhao... is there any way to quickly increase his strength!" Cai'er said meaningfully.

When Rui Zhu heard this, her eyes showed surprise, "Sister Cai'er, you mean to let him..."

"Before the young master left, he mentioned this matter!" Cai'er nodded and said.

Cai Yaner was taken aback for a moment, her face showing confusion, "What's the matter?"

"Sister Yan'er, if you want to become stronger, Ruizhu and I can help you!"

"What, Sister Cai'er, aren't you and Rui Zhu mortals? Then you know how to cultivate immortals..."


 Daoists who have a monthly pass cast their votes~
  I haven't drawn a prize yet, I don't know if there is hope for this month

(End of this chapter)

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