Chapter 275 Heavenly Tribulation
"Open the table, open the table!"

Inside the Lingtai, the eyes of the two primordial spirits showed salivation.

This person is so stupid that he actually wants to seize his home. He is really a scarecrow playing with candles and setting himself on fire!

After entering the sea of ​​consciousness, that gloom of light rushed towards Su Poman's two divine consciousnesses.

"What can the two primordial spirits do? This seat is a primordial spirit in the void stage, as long as you point lightly..."

The dim light dissipated, and a primordial spirit with a height of tens of feet emerged. Its appearance was [-]% similar to that of the skinny young man, but it was a little plumper, not so thin.

He looked a little contemptuous, looking at Su Poman Yuanshen as if looking at a dead person.

At this moment, Su Poman's two primordial spirits opened their mouths together, spewing out rays of light.

As soon as this glow appeared, Meng Xiao's primordial spirit trembled uncontrollably, as if encountering a natural enemy at the top of the food chain, a cold chill came from the deepest part of his soul.

"what are you……"

Before he finished speaking, Xia Guang smashed his soul into pieces in an instant.

Rewind the soul power!

A large amount of essence overflowed from the mouth and nose, and more than ten beads were condensed in the formation.

"Elder Meng Xiao has fallen!"

"This beast actually killed Elder Meng in the Hollow Stage. His cultivation level is definitely not as low as it appears on the surface. Hurry up and inform the other elders!"


Inside the Soul Lamp Pavilion.

First, several oil lamps in the fourth row were extinguished, and then five lamps in the third row were extinguished. Up to now, a soul lamp in the second row representing the Great Elder of Dongxu Stage has also been extinguished.

The guardian disciples in the pavilion turned pale with fright, and quickly notified the suzerain.

Outside the mountain protection formation, two more great elders of the cave stage appeared, which made the disciples present a little calmer.

But then, the two great elders lost all vitality in their physical bodies, and lay straight on the ground, looking as if their souls had been swallowed by some monster.

Not long after, the thundering bells spread all over the world, and even the ban could not stop the transmission of the bells.

"The bell of the Heavenly Soul is ringing, is the sect in trouble?"

In the secret room, an old man with yellow hair slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

With a swipe in front of him, he tore open a space crack that was as tall as a person. As the space crack slowly closed, his figure had disappeared into the secret room.


In another elixir room, a middle-aged monk with a fat face was staring nervously at the fireworks in the stove. The clock sounded suddenly, and his thoughts were in a mess. Smoke rises from the furnace.

"What the hell happened? The Heavenly Soul Bell was rung, which broke Lao Tzu's extremely precious Earth Soul Pill!"

The fat-faced monk walked out of the gate of the alchemy room with a gloomy expression, and his spiritual consciousness instantly covered the entire area of ​​the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect.

"That is……"

His eyes gradually widened, and then he became unbelievable, "The big monster is coming, I have to ask the ancestor to come out quickly to deal with it!"


In the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect, Su Poman first opened the 'Pupil of Judgment' and looked around, and found that except for those Taoist boys who had just joined for a few years, everyone else had done a lot of evil things.

Therefore, he directly turned on the 'buffet' mode, and shot repeatedly, the invisible biological force field covered the entire sect, even if the monks in it cried goodbye to their mothers, they could not escape the crushing explosion of their fleshy bodies, turning them into balls of blood mist In the end, the escaped primordial spirit was shrouded in the sun and turned into a sky full of energy.

"How do you feel... I am the real villain!"

Su Poman devoured the primordial spirit, and suddenly such a weird idea came to his mind, "No! I am doing justice for the heavens and contributing to the harmonious world of immortal cultivation!"


Suddenly, a white lightning flashed across the sky!
Three powerful auras emerged from the back mountain of the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect.


"court death!"

"Where is the evil spirit, dare to destroy my Heavenly Soul Dao Sect!"

Three reprimands spread in all directions in no particular order.

"It's saved! These are the three ancestors who have left the customs!" A disciple who was running around and trying to reduce his sense of existence said in surprise.

In the next moment, his physical body exploded, leaving only the dazed primordial spirit in place.

Immediately afterwards, from the perspective of Yuanshen, he saw a ray of light, and then his consciousness dissipated, and he died.

In front of Su Poman, three old men dressed in black appeared, the leader was covered with age spots, and his whole body was as thin as a candle in the wind, as if a gust of wind could send him away.

Beside him is a red-skinned old man with black dots between his brows, which looks very strange, and his pupils are dark green, like a wolf demon.

The remaining old man looked normal, with a yellowish complexion, wearing a white scarf, holding a multicolored feather fan, and a white Confucian robe.

These three people exuded the spiritual pressure of the transcending tribulation period, and they were staring at Su Poman with gloomy eyes.

"No matter what your origin is, today you kill my disciples, even if you die a hundred times, you will not be able to escape the blame! Please die with peace of mind!" The old man in the Confucian robe said angrily. The end was formed, and then it flew towards Su Poman unsteadily, seemingly extremely slowly, but as if it could cross space, it was in front of it in the blink of an eye.

While talking, the other two also shot together. The thin old man sacrificed a pitch-black chain with a huge hook and sickle at the end. When he was born, there was a gust of wind howling. The tingling sensation came.

Immediately afterwards, the chain hooks became longer and longer, thousands of feet long, criss-crossing, as if they were about to cast a net.

The red-skinned old man rubbed his palms together, and a puff of indigo smoke came out from between his palms. With a single finger, the smoke turned into a blue dragon.


Su Poman snapped his fingers, and the time and space around him suddenly fell into a state of stagnation. His face tightened, and he realized that the effective time of this ability had been shortened a lot, so he teleported over and punched three times in a row.

Under the tremendous force, the heads of the three people were directly blown to pieces, leaving only three sluggish primordial spirits.

Su Poman's primordial spirit opened his small mouth, spewed out the soul-stirring glow, and successfully swallowed two of the primordial spirits. Just as he was about to devour the primordial spirit of the thin old man, a sudden change occurred!
I saw that the stagnant primordial spirit was suddenly stained with a little black silk, and an inexplicable breath spread out instantly.

Before Su Poman could react, he was surprised to find that the time and space around him started to rotate again.

"Strange, why is my time suspension broken?"

Su Po said curiously to himself.

"This person is in the late stage of the tribulation. He has been hiding his breath on weekdays. He is afraid that the catastrophe will come to him. After you smashed his body, he will be sensed by the catastrophe. This is the power of the whole world, and it can naturally be broken. Your timing is amazing!"

Tian Lingzi's voice suddenly sounded in Su Poman's mind.

"So that's the case, thank God for clarifying the confusion!"

"Hehe, you kid, you still have a lot to learn!"


"What just happened?"

"Oh my god! The two grand masters have fallen, and the Mo grand master is only left with the primordial spirit!"

"How is it possible, the demon cultivator just now must die! Why is this happening!"


In the arena, at the moment when time and space were restored, the thin old man's primordial spirit seemed to sense something, his complexion changed drastically, his eyes were filled with horror, and he gave Su Poman a vicious look.

"You... dammit!"

"Old man Mo Dao has lost his physical body, how can he survive the catastrophe! I'm afraid Sanxian will not be able to do it now... All the previous preparations have been in vain. The way of heaven is above, won't you give me a chance for evil cultivators?" The emaciated old man's face was ashen, and the black aura of doom above his primordial spirit was getting stronger and stronger.

woo woo woo...

Sounded like an ancient trumpet.

Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up, and the sky turned a dull red!
With a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, all living beings felt a sense of God's power above them. The ants lay down in their nests, the birds lost their voices, and even some ferocious beasts were so frightened that they lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

The dark red sky puts a strong pressure on people, it is a kind of majesty, even Su Poman feels breathless, which makes him subconsciously retreat a certain distance.

The dark red sky slowly rotated, like a vortex in the ocean, the surrounding void was stirred into it, purple electric snakes were born from nothingness, and then sucked into the vortex that became like a huge funnel middle.


A huge sound resounded from the horizon, like an ancient chariot passing by the horizon from far to near.

The vortex became more and more turbulent, and the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of millions of miles was completely chaotic. Huge electric snakes meandered in the vortex. Gradually, the vortex stopped spinning and turned into a purple cloud of calamity.

Under the dark red sky, there is a purple calamity cloud floating, and thunder and lightning are flying around the cloud, every trace of power is enough to make people tremble.

"Heaven, is there any difference in the power of this cultivator?" Su Poman floated to a distance and watched quietly. He was the only cultivator present who could stand, and everyone else was frightened by the power of the sky. He lay down on the ground, fearing that he would be smashed into flying ash by the thunder disaster.

Tian Lingzi nodded slightly, and said: "There is a difference. It has something to do with personal luck and karma. In addition... many crooked ways will be tolerated by the Dao of Heaven, and the power of the catastrophe will increase a lot. This person will definitely not be able to survive it." God damn it!"

"Then if someone crosses the tribulation, can other people help resist it?" Su Poman asked.

Tian Lingzi looked serious, and said: "No! If someone takes action to resist, the power of the catastrophe will be greatly enhanced. The catastrophe that could have been overcome by oneself, if an outsider joins in, it will probably end in ten deaths and no life. !"

"So that's it! Then I'm going to try it and help him resist one or two!"

"Boy Su, don't do stupid things..."

Before Tian Lingzi finished speaking, he saw Su Poman teleport directly to the top of the thin old man's head, grinned at him, and nodded slightly.

"Come on, let the stronger!"

The thin old man was stunned. He looked at Su Poman with disbelief, "This man must be mentally ill. How dare he intervene in Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Hehe, that's okay, he caused me to lose my body, so I just dragged him to die with me!" A trace of sarcasm flashed in Mo Dao's eyes.

"Boy Su, what are you doing? Don't be crazy, get down quickly. The catastrophe is no joke. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many monks have fallen under the catastrophe. This is the rule of heaven and earth, not a child's toy!" Tian Lingzi said almost angrily.

Su Poman quickly comforted him: "Old God, don't worry, I can escape into the Tianbao Pagoda when there is nothing I can do!"

"This old man is going to be mad at you. Whether you are really stupid or not, you must go through the catastrophe head-on. Otherwise, even if you temporarily hide in the Tianbao Tower, once you show up outside, you will be sensed by the power of heaven and descend More powerful Thunder Tribulation!" Tian Lingzi said even more impatiently, seeing his posture, he was about to take tough measures.

Su Poman waved his hand, "Alright! Alright! God, don't stop me. If you stop me, you will block my great opportunity. What if you can't avenge Immortal Emperor Jinghong?"

"What a big chance, what are you talking nonsense about?" Tian Lingzi only felt that his heart was extremely tired, and his head was getting bigger.

"It is said that Lei Jie can quench the body, and at the same time, it contains the essence of life, and the other is my secret, it is inconvenient to tell you!"

"Hey... I really can't do anything about you, kid, okay, but you have to promise me that if nothing can be done, I will let the old man take you into the Tianbao Pagoda, and practice in the tower until the late stage of the tribulation before you come out!"

"Haha, no problem!"


After the two communicated with their minds, dozens of breaths passed, and the air around them became more oppressive, as if they were frozen.

There was a loud thunderclap.

A purple thunder and lightning that looked like a winding dragon bypassed Su Poman and struck towards Mo Dao's Primordial Spirit.

At this moment, Su Poman's figure flashed over, secretly activated the 'Doomsday Zombie Ancestor' form in mid-air, and changed his body shape by '72 Transformation', stopping in front of the purple thunder.


An electric current rushed through, and Su Poman felt numb all over, and the fiery red hairs on his body stood on end.

"It's okay... This kind of intensity is not unacceptable!"

The purple lightning entered every cell, penetrating the bone marrow, and a trace of imperceptible impurities escaped from his body, and the ability to 'adapt to evolution' was stimulated.

Su Poman's move seemed to enrage Heavenly Tribulation. High in the sky, the vortex was formed again and became bigger and bigger, finally turning into a robbery cloud that was three times bigger than before.

"Hehe, you are going to die too!" Mo Dao said with a sneer and gloating.

Su Poman snorted softly, "Old Clapper, I'm afraid I will disappoint you!"

"If you dare to stop the catastrophe, there is no way to survive. The old man will watch you die with his own eyes! You should feel it now? The catastrophe has locked you in, and you can't go anywhere now!" Mo Dao said playfully. Smiling, as if looking at a brat who wanted to die.

The moment the purple calamity cloud condensed, Su Poman's physical body seemed to be nailed in the void, unable to move a single bit, but his consciousness and mana could be freely controlled.

Another purple thunder struck down from the sky at high speed. Compared with the first thunder, this thunder was thicker and the purple light was more dazzling.

Su Poman was at the top, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't use mana, but chose to resist directly with his body, and he didn't even activate the body-protecting Gangyuan of the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong' .

(End of this chapter)

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