"My lord, you misunderstood!" Zhu Changfeng quickly explained, and then recounted what happened just now in detail.

After listening to it, Yantai Hengyan and the great powers of the human race who came later all showed surprise.

"It turned out to be the emissary who was active in the demon battlefield before..."

"My human race didn't hire them, why did they come here to help?"

"I've heard about the reputation of the Demon Suppressing Envoys for a long time, but I didn't expect their strength to be so terrifying. According to what you said, all the demons have been wiped out? Are there really no one left?"

"Seniors, I have seen with my own eyes that the demon-suppressing envoys are all supernatural. In just a few breaths, they completely wiped out the magic cultivators on the Langhe star! It's a pity that I didn't have time to climb up to thank them. One two!"



While everyone was talking, a bright brilliance lit up from Tai Hengyan's waist, attracting everyone's attention.

"It turned out to be a summons from the Holy Court. What is the urgent matter?"

Yantai Hengyan frowned, and with a slight movement of his mind, he obtained the information from the jade tablet in a moment, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"how can that be?!"

"Elder Yantai, what happened, tell us quickly!"

"The news came from the holy court that the group of demon-suppressing envoys has launched a full-scale war with the demons!"


"Crazy! They must be crazy!"

"What kind of force actually gave them the confidence to start a full-scale war with the behemoth of the demons?"

"It seems that the group of demon-suppressing envoys came here not specifically to rescue you, but because this area is the edge of the battlefield?"

"Recently, the practice solution is really not peaceful. Some time ago, the demon war just came to an end, and it's messed up again!"

"Fortunately, our human race can stay out of the matter and was not involved in these two turmoil!"

"Yeah, once a battle of this level is contaminated, countless practitioners will perish!"


Everyone present sighed endlessly. At this time, the entire territory of the Demon Race was caught in the flames of war.

As a supernatural power at the plane level, the upper limit of 'Spiritual Shadow Clone' is extremely high. As Su Poman's physical body is improved time after time, the number of chakras is already endless. In addition, every time he swallows the sea of ​​blood, the blood of the stiff god will Driven by the promotion of the physical body, under this series of additions, he exerted this supernatural power with all his strength, and directly differentiated into a billion clones.

Each avatar has [-]% of the main body's combat power!

With the help of the avatar, the passive and extraordinary evil power of the evil little mage has superimposed to an extremely terrifying level, and even awakened a trace of the law of destruction.

Not only that, if these avatars are recalled to the body, their combat experience, cultivation experience, absorbed starlight, and sunlight energy will instantly be added to the deity, and then Su Poman's combat power in all aspects will have an earth-shaking improvement.

With the combination of various forces, Su Poman already has full confidence to start a war with the entire demon clan.

Although the number of one billion sounds huge, falling into the entire demon clan is like a drop of water falling into the ocean. If it is an ordinary army of monks, there will be no waves at all.

However, these one billion clones can all have the combat power of the Four Tribulations Sanxian. Once they explode into the strongest combat form, all of them can wrestle with the Five Tribulations Sanxian!
The most important point is that everyone has the ability to travel through space.

In this way, although the Demon Realm is large, under the attack of one billion spirit shadow clones, it is like a grassland surrounded by the fire of the prairie fire. The weaker magic star does not even have the ability to resist two moves!

A massive war broke out, and the territory of the Demon Race continued to be defeated from the outskirts. The demon star exploded, and the demonic blood stained the starry sky!

This news was like thunder in the clear sky, and the entire Qianyuan Realm, big and small, was shocked.

There was silence in the Ten Thousand Monster Hall of Tianhuo Ancient Star. Even the demon clan, one of the three top forces in the Qianyuan world, felt heavy pressure when they heard the news that the demon clan was defeated.

"What kind of power is this demon suppressing envoy?"

After a sigh, no one was able to answer this question, and the demon ancestor with red eyes and purple lips fell into deep thought.

"If this force is not a fool, they probably wouldn't kill them all. Even if they wanted to do this, the people in the upper realm would definitely not agree!"

Thinking of this, Xuan Shen relaxed a little from the heavy pressure in his heart.

He turned his head to look in another direction, and he pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs, "I don't know what Tianlan and the human race will do?"


At this moment, Su Poman was walking in the starry sky. Every time he took a step, the breath on his body became stronger. The endless blood energy and demon soul were absorbed by him, and behind him was an abyss formed by a sea of ​​blood and soul power.

His stride seems to be small, but every time he takes a step, the surrounding starry sky will become blurred, and his figure has come to a place hundreds of millions of miles away from before.

In the space around him, masked avatars kept coming, pouring the harvested blood and soul power into the sea of ​​blood and the abyss of soul power.

The closer he was to the core area of ​​the demon territory, the more powerful people appeared in front of him.

From the beginning, the highest peripheral cultivation was only the demon cultivator of the fusion stage. Up to now, none of the demons in front of him is lower than the Mahayana stage.

Those with the highest strength have even reached the point of dispelling demons in the Six Tribulations.

But these are not his all-in-one enemies.

At this time, many cunning people among the demon cultivators have begun to flee.

The devil is not for himself, the heaven and the earth will be destroyed!
Encountering such a powerful enemy, it is impossible for the devil to fight to the death.

There are quite a few demons who choose to fly separately in the face of disaster, but not many can really escape.

Su Poman didn't care about these few fish that slipped through the net. Even if they escaped by chance with just those few demon bosses, once the demon clan is wiped out, it won't be a big deal at all.

In the end, it is impossible to say that you have to commit yourself to the evil way and become a member of the evil cultivator.

However, Su Poman didn't intend to let go of those evil cultivators!

If the demons are born villains, then the evil cultivators are a group of real perverts who will do anything to become stronger and have no bottom line.

If a practice world is dominated by evil ways, it will definitely create a strange and chaotic world like Crusu.

"Destroy the demons first, and then punish the evil ways!"

"As for the monster race, it may be too late, but the human race also needs a foreign trouble, otherwise it will definitely fall into endless internal strife."

If you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish!
This sentence also applies to a group of people.

Su Po was full of thoughts in his mind, stepping down step by step, a lotus bloomed in the void, shining in all directions, surrounded by stars, like the emperor of the galaxy.

When he took another step down, he suddenly frowned, and suddenly found something abnormal in the space around him.

At some point, a black-robed old man with two horns first appeared in front of him. His aura was as cold as ice that would not melt for thousands of years. Even if he was far away, he could fill the surrounding space with a bitter chill.

Su Poman stared at the old man, his face was as indifferent as usual, but his blood eyes were full of overwhelming hatred, as if he wanted to eat himself alive.

"Who are you?"

"Old Man Kuan Mozun, this trip is to avenge Ah Cha and kill you..."

The tone is flat, but it contains a thunderous will.

That will is like the iron of the Nine Heavens, which means that it will not achieve its goal and will not die.

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