In the vast starry sky, millions of rays of light of various colors rushed towards the depths of the Demon Race's territory like shooting stars.

Their aura was undisguised and mighty, attracting the eyes of countless monks in the entire Qianyuan world.

Tianhuo Ancient Star, within the Ten Thousand Monsters Hall.

All the scattered demons gathered together, and on the high seat, Yao Zuxuan lowered his eyebrows and stared at the top of the pool of turquoise unknown liquid below.

In the sky above the calm and waveless water, a cloud of blue light and shadow was blooming, and the one in the middle was Su Poman's face.

"Strange, why does this person feel familiar to me?" Xuan Chen frowned and thought carefully, as if he wanted to find similar characters from his long memory.

All the Sanyao elders stared at the light and shadow on the water surface, all with hidden worries on their faces.

This person's strength is difficult to understand, and he can also clone millions of clones with the combat power of Sanxian. His supernatural powers are strong enough to shake the peak group of Qianyuan Realm.

In addition, the top powerhouses among the evil cultivators are also on the sidelines.

Out of fear, they did not act.

The reaction of the Demon Race was extremely quick. In just a few hours, an army of Demon Cultivators was dispatched, and the top powerhouses among the star cultivators gathered together to form an eye-catching and powerful combat force.

In the starry sky, the banners of hundreds of thousands of miles fluttered like blood and fire under the power of the law.

With the Star Territory as the army, the Xingxiu as the regiment, and the Dongxuqi Moxiu as the soldiers, the monstrous demonic energy intensified to create a scene of swaying demonic flames.

Various magical cultivators of various shapes were suspended in their respective formations, and the ghostly shadows of terrifying monsters with different appearances were aroused in the sky above the formations of various shapes.

Countless demon monks formed a legion that stretched across hundreds of millions of stars. Even monks with supernatural powers could hardly see the end for a while.

This is the mobilization ability of the peak group, the true background of the demon group.

In the center of nearly a million formations, there are magic soldiers driven by high-level powder, swords, guns, swords, pagoda mirrors and rulers, etc. The magic light is connected with the outer formations, vaguely forming another vast giant. array!
This array is connected to countless demon cultivators, once activated, it has the potential to slaughter gods and demons!
In the very center of this starry sky formation, there is a huge black gold throne that is as large as a mountain and a river, on which sits a terrifying existence shrouded in pitch-black demonic energy.

"No matter what your origin is, since you dare to provoke the demons, this deity will trample you directly under your feet and grind you into scum!"

This battle is also an opportunity for the demons to show their strength to the entire Qianyuan world, and it happens to be an example to others.

In the future, whoever dares to provoke the demons must weigh his own strength in advance!
So what about the millions of scattered immortals, I will still slaughter them for you to see!

Mozun opened his mouth wide, showing a particularly penetrating sneer.

With the blessing of this starry sky giant formation composed of billions of demon cultivators, his magic body has immeasurable magic power. Even if a fairy comes, in his current state, he dares to fight!
Clenching his fists, feeling the fluctuations of terrifying power contained in them, a hint of fascination appeared on the rough face of the Mozun.

"If this kind of power can be possessed all the time, it will not be difficult to ascend to the Demon Realm!"


Oh oh oh!
In the distant starry sky, there was a buzzing sound that caused the starry sky to vibrate.

Su Poman took the lead, and his whole body instantly magnified, like an ancient god who grasped the stars and the moon, with a height of billions of feet, he kicked a huge star beside him.

The star was as big as Qiong Xing, and under the tremendous strength and ingenuity, like a ball, it turned into a meteor and rushed towards the range where the starry sky giant formation was located.

The impact of a huge star is enough to produce a force that can destroy the world.

The star was getting faster and faster halfway, tearing apart an inch of space, and finally crashed heavily into the phantom of the nearest bright purple monster with big eyes.

Accompanied by the sharp cry of the monster, the demon cultivators below were struck by lightning, and all of them were pale and bloodless.

The phantom of the monster suddenly dimmed a lot, but fortunately it withstood this terrifying blow.

The surviving demons stared into the distance in horror. If they came a few more times, they would definitely not be able to resist.

On the black gold throne, a ball of magic light flew out of the magic energy and exploded in the sky, brilliant like fireworks.

The various formations received the signal and immediately began to operate crazily. Under the Banner of Wanli, the auras of monsters and monsters merged into one.

Su Poman's body was full of bright starlight, and the red cloak was even more eye-catching. His body was like a giant spirit god, and his head was the size of a planet.

His towering chest muscles suddenly swelled, his eyes widened, and he opened his huge mouth to spew out chaotic air like an interstellar storm.

This air current is ice blue, engulfing planets of different sizes, forming an extremely terrifying offensive.

It contains a variety of law attacks!

The starry sky formation on the Demon Race's side has been fully activated, and they are chained together to form a huge defensive barrier as high as a million stars.


Planets and extremely cold fragments kept colliding with the defensive barrier, sending out earth-shattering explosions.

From afar, it looked like fireworks had exploded on a giant shield.The space at the point of contact was repeatedly torn apart and healed, and the shock waves formed by successive explosions instantly strangled the remaining meteorites and stars around them.

In just a few breaths, the battlefield was cleared into a vacuum, not even a piece of stone remained.

At this time, Su Poman returned to his normal body shape. He stared at the huge formation in front of him, and felt a little troubled for a while, "This is simply a stinky and hard turtle shell!"

"No, I have to think of a way!"

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sharp howl from the demon formation, and then a black spear filled with the power of tyrannical laws descended instantly.

The black spear is like a jade pillar supporting the heavens and the earth, spanning tens of thousands of stars, galloping from the center of the formation, with circles of black and red air wrapped around it, and a frightening cold light of killing flashes from the tip of the spear .

In an instant, the super brain sensed the terrorist crisis, and the body moved back involuntarily.

However, the surrounding space seems to be poured into fine steel at this time, and it is difficult to move at all.

The crisis of life and death came to mind in an instant!

Su Po stared intently at the sharp spear point falling on his brow, the berserk force of law instantly tore him into pieces, the spear light shot out tens of thousands of stars, and some clones who couldn't dodge behind him followed Turned into fly ash.

"Hahaha, the leader of the enemy bandits is too weak, so you will die if you touch it like this!"

Hearty laughter came from the center of the formation.

The demon cultivators around heard the words and immediately jumped up for joy. Due to the influence of the formation, most of their aura dropped a little, but it was worthwhile to kill the enemy leader with this.

"The Demon Lord is invincible!"


The sound of mountains roaring and tsunami spread all around, and the forces that were watching were also shocked.

"The power of that blow is enough to overwhelm a real immortal!"

"Worthy of being one of the pinnacle groups, there are such heaven-defying means! No wonder you are not afraid of the challenge from the Temple of Demon Suppression..."

"Will the Town Demon Palace just disappear?"


Just when the demons thought that the overall situation was settled, a voice came from the void, which instantly resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Hehe, you seem to be happy too early, don't you?"

In a flash of white light, Su Poman came back to life, and the aura on his body became even stronger.

"It's unscathed? What kind of method is this?"

In the human holy court, the red-haired Taoist couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In the demon area, all the monks seemed to have been poured cold water on their heads, and the jubilant atmosphere disappeared.

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