"The Golden King has an order to kill this immortal, and reward him with a true immortal-level Dao Enlightenment Bead, and ten high-grade Daoyuan Fruits!"

While he was speaking, he took out a long curved horn, from which sound waves turned into immeasurable blue light and scattered around, falling into the body of the sky demon behind him.

"I will assist you with the Soul Song of Enhancing the Demon Holy War. This is a promise made by the Golden King himself, and it will be fulfilled after leaving this place. If you dare to escape before the battle, you will be killed without mercy!"

For a moment, the group of demon cultivators only felt that they were in excellent condition, as if they had inexhaustible strength all over their bodies.

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man, coupled with the "kill without pardon" edict, they have no choice but to bite the bullet and fight back.

The sound of the horn continued, and layers of blue light blessed the group of sky monsters, giving them great courage and confidence.

"I can't help it, fellow daoists, although this person is unfathomable, we are not a soft persimmon. Let's fight together. Even if he is the true biography of the Golden Immortal, we have to drink our hatred on the spot today!"

"That's right, with our joint efforts, even if a true immortal descends, we can still fight!"

"That is the Dao Enlightenment Bead of the True Immortal level, which can directly raise our comprehension of the law to the True Immortal level. You don't want it, I want it! A mere fairy clan scares you like this, what a bunch of cowards!"


Su Poman didn't have time to wait for them to discuss it before making a move. His body turned around in mid-air, facing them, the crimson light under the broken hair on his forehead projected from his eyes.


Two fiery lasers spewed out, infinitely vertical and horizontal, as if they were about to break through the barrier of the formation.

On the chest, the six-petal starlight shone brightly, and the laws of time and space were immediately blessed by the physical Daoguo in the thermal sight. For a while, the ray of light seemed to break through the barriers of time and space. Refracted from one position to another through space cracks, a densely intertwined laser net was formed in an instant. Time seemed to freeze at this moment. The group of demon cultivators had no time to react, and their bodies were covered by lasers. The net swept across.

Outside the big formation, Jin Zetian only noticed that the crimson light inside flickered away, and when he looked again, nearly a hundred sky demons had turned into pieces, broken limbs and arms that were burning.

Not long after, those corpses turned into wisps of green smoke.

Outside the formation, those sky demons who hadn't had time to enter all widened their eyes, all of them were terrified. Even the few real monsters looked like they had seen hell. Although they were a big realm higher than the sky demons, But he thought he couldn't kill nearly a hundred sky demons in one move.

When Jin Zetian noticed this scene, his heart twitched twice for no reason, and his face darkened.

Hebai's face also changed, he was a bit shocked and puzzled, he turned his head and asked: "Golden Eagle, did you catch an emperor to come in, why is this fighting power so scary! It takes only a second for one move! Hundreds of heavenly demons of the same realm?"

"This..." Jin Zetian was a little hesitant at this time. The restriction he had placed before was lifted, and the seven people disappeared in the formation strangely. These methods are not like ordinary immortals can do. After He Bai's reminder, he really began to wonder if he had caught someone who shouldn't have been caught.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up. He always felt his neck was chilly, as if something was watching here, and if there was an accident with the celestial being in the formation, it would cause catastrophe.

"Something is wrong. The restriction I planted on them with the law of space just now was untied by him. The only person who can do this is Xuan Yao, or this person has fully comprehended the law of space in the realm of the celestial being..."

He Bai frowned when he heard the words, thought carefully, and analyzed: "Anyone who can comprehend the law of space in the realm of celestial beings is likely to be followed by at least a golden immortal. It's okay if it's just a golden immortal. It's the demon world, and it's not a place where the immortals can act recklessly. If you kill the younger generation of Jinxian, you will kill them. If you are an immortal emperor, then things will be a little troublesome, you should know that when you reach the emperor level, you will not care about the division of camps, the immortal emperor and demon emperor are enough to run rampant in the three realms..."

"It can't be an immortal emperor. There are countless emperors in the entire fairy, demon and demon world. There are few children in the next life, and it is difficult to be born. A direct disciple will not just be a fairy-level existence. Moreover, if this person is accompanied by guardians , how could it fall into my hands?" Jin Zetian shook his head and said with a sneer.

Hebai nodded noncommittally, and when he looked at the formation again, his brows relaxed slightly, "What are you going to do next? If the outer formation can be broken, I probably won't be able to enter it. Attract more people from other forces, and then the things inside will not be enough to share!"

"This is indeed a problem. If it doesn't work, let the real monster go in and try it. Maybe this formation won't reject the monks of the real monster level!" Jin Zetian said while pinching his chin. The area where the true demon stands, "You..."

At this moment, the red light piercing the sky suddenly disappeared, and the formation barrier formed by the outer ring formation gradually disappeared, and the red light gradually faded, finally completely exposing the inner space of the formation to the space. middle.

"This is the eye of the outer formation has been broken!" exclaimed a demon cultivator who knew a little about the formation.

At this time, in front of Su Poman was a huge mountain, and a huge passageway eight feet high opened at the foot of the mountain, bursts of glaring blood gushed out from the passageway, accompanied by an astonishing smell of blood, as if the passageway What is connected is a world with a monstrous sea of ​​blood.

"That's... the breath of the Great Sage's Blood Fetus Fruit!"

There was ecstasy in Hebai's eyes, "This time it really is the right time, if I can get this fruit, then my bloodline will be able to sublimate again, maybe even the ancestors who can surpass my Yunhe lineage! "

"Hmph, then you have to grab it first, do you think I don't exist? The blood fetus must be mine!" Jin Zetian's fair face flushed a little, and he looked extremely excited. He looked at Hebai At this time, there was an undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

He Bai was disdainful, and raised his chin provocatively, and then the white light burst out all over his body, and suddenly disappeared in place as a white light.

Jin Zetian made a prompt decision, refused to take a step behind, took a step forward and directly used the power of space to teleport to the front of the passage. He didn't even have time to look at Su Poman, and he and He Bai turned into two streamers of light, chasing each other to escape. in the channel.

The aura emanating from it made all the demon cultivators fall into a state of madness.

"I feel the opportunity for the evolution of the bloodline. This time, I'm sure!" The pupils of a bald monk carrying a huge thunder hammer erupted with astonishing splendor. The formation barrier dissipated, and then he felt a strong attraction from the smell of blood.

With a greedy expression on his face, he directly used the escaping technique to escape. His whole body was wrapped in the thunder light, and he quickly passed over the heads of the monks and came to the front of the passage.

Beside the entrance of the cave, the real monster glanced sideways at Su Poman, mouthed the word "idiot" sarcastically, and then flew past Su Poman before flying into the passage.

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