
Like a watermelon falling to the ground, the head exploded in Su Poman's hands, and the blue and white scattered over a large area.

A ray of sunlight rolled back, and Kuang Tianye's demon soul was sucked into Su Poman's nasal cavity in a daze, and was swallowed up by the swallowing soul in an instant.

At this time, Su Poman's soul power increased by a large amount, and even the soul law in Yuanshen Daoguo had a considerable increase. It once surpassed the Great Sun Law he majored in, and became his current Yuanshen Law. The highest comprehension of the law in the realm of the gods, and the cultivation base has also risen because of the law, and has reached the realm of the late Yuanxian.

"That's right, the Law of Thunder in the Dao Fruit of the physical body has also increased significantly. It seems that there are more Laws of Thunder contained in this Heaven's Punishment!"

Su Poman looked at the screen of Ziyuan Roulette, then he glanced at the remaining group of monster cultivators, thought for a moment and said: "Leave them alone, now it's time to explore the secret realm, the treasures inside can't Let those two guys go..."

With a wave of his hand, he collected Kuang Tianye's headless monster body, which had been transformed into its original form, and stored it in a continent specially used for storing items in the Kingdom of Soul God.This is the corpse of a real monster, whether it is making barbecue or extracting its blood essence for Caier and Ruizhu to improve their strength, it is a good choice.

After doing this, he glanced into the distance, and frowned slightly, "It seems that someone is coming again!"

While turning around and taking steps, Su Poman's figure disappeared in place, as if teleporting, and appeared at the entrance of the passage the next moment, and stepped in.

Not long after, those demon cultivators who had been hiding away because of Heaven's Punishment Jieyun returned to the vicinity of the outer ring formation with a little hesitation. They all noticed the blue pool of blood on the ground, and felt somewhat sad in their hearts; It was the demon world, and those who fell were also members of the demon clan.

"That fairy clan is so strong, it's really too..." a real demon cultivator with feathers in his ears said with a complex expression.

At this time, another thick black man with a green mane buzzed: "The monks who can achieve this level generally have a big background, like those descendants of immortal kings, sons of the emperor, and the like. Killing enemies across borders is like eating It's as simple as drinking water, and I can't compare it to others. This guy from Wulei Cave is also unlucky. He offended people to death with his unobstructed words, and he didn't seem to notice that the fairy killed hundreds of people in an instant with one move. Situation of the same level!"

"It's just a pity that the God's Punishment Token, even with such a treasure, failed to kill that person. It would be great if it was given to me!"

"Dream, this kind of treasure that can compete with Xuanyao is not something that ordinary demon cultivators can get. Even if you are lucky enough to meet one in the Black Corner Auction, the price is not something I can afford, that unlucky bastard It is estimated that there is some status in Wulei Cave, if this happened, Wulei Cave will send people to investigate soon, the fall of a true monster is not a trivial matter for any force!"

"What can people do? With the means of that fairy clan, there may not be no means of countering!"

"That's right, I'll just wait and watch the show. Don't talk about it, that person should have gone far away. I'll go explore this secret realm, maybe I can meet some opportunities!"

"Let's go together! I'm waiting for the loose monsters in the mountains, so I should watch out and help each other. Otherwise, when I meet those powerful people, I'm afraid I have to give up the chance to get it."

"I suggest, let's swear by the heavens to form a temporary alliance, enter and explore the treasures obtained, and share them equally according to the contribution!"


Outside the giant mountain, after several true demons entered one after another, those heavenly demons who were waiting eagerly also watched the wind and moved, or three or five people, or seven or eight people formed small groups and entered the passage.

At this time, Su Poman had already landed in the secret realm. Although this place was only a secret realm, its vastness far surpassed his resemblance, almost comparable to a small world.

There are crimson flowing clouds in the sky, and those clouds shine on the earth with light, as if covering the earth with a bloody veil.

On the ground, there are patches of low shrubs and small red grasses, the veins of which are similar to maple leaves, and there is a trace of blood in the lowness.

There are also aborigines in this world. There are different monsters such as green snakes, short-tailed sky deer, dark night jackals, and vigorous white apes. They seem to be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom at birth. An alternative demon cultivator that cannot be transformed.

These special monsters are extremely bloody, walking in the mountains and forests, like ovens, can steam the water stains on the ground into mist.For those who are powerful, smoke rises above their heads, faintly connecting with the crimson flowing clouds in the sky.

These monsters have already formed tribes. There are occasional conflicts between different tribes, and there may be wars after a few years. At the center of each tribe is a huge black cauldron, with two ears and four legs, and a whole body. Carved with red inscriptions, it seems to be a sacrificial utensil.

"What a strange world!"

After Su Poman came to this world, he used his divine consciousness to cooperate with his 'super vision' to observe. Under the analysis of the super brain, he quickly obtained a lot of useful information.

The aura of treasure that makes one's blood pumping seems to be hidden in the clouds high in the sky.

But what puzzled him was that even if he flew into the clouds, he couldn't find the existence of that treasure, as if it was hidden in another very hidden space.

The aura of that treasure obviously feels very close, but I can't find it. This feeling is very maddening.

Jin Zetian and Hebai who had entered this world before had no clue. They even captured the elders of many large tribes and searched for their souls. The only useful information they got pointed to the sacrificial activities of these tribes every ten years.

According to legend, each tribe will send a team of bloody warriors to open the Black Cauldron for every sacrificial activity. In the world, the dragons that have transformed into different forms have experienced many tests and fought with each other to compete for a "Dragon Transformation Pearl".

However, for so many years, no one has actually obtained the dragon ball. This sacrificial activity has gradually evolved into a contest between various tribes to deal with grievances and resource division, and its form and scale have undergone great changes.

As long as they are not stupid, they can guess that the "Dragon Transformation Pearl" is very likely to be the treasure that they feel can enhance the potential of the bloodline.

However, there are still three years before the sacrificial activity can be started. Before that time, the black cauldron cannot activate the illusory realm.This means that if another method of obtaining treasures cannot be found in a short period of time, then there will be many outside competitors entering here, and Jin Zetian and the others will also lose the opportunity to enter first.At that time, if the true biography of the demon king, the son of the great emperor, and other favored sons of various forces come here for trials, their advantage will be even smaller.

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