Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 351 Golden Horn and Silver Bull

Chapter 351 Golden Horn and Silver Bull
"What a bunch of trash! Hasn't the mountain-covering monster cloud array been activated? This can make people rush up!" the green-armored youth scolded, frowning.

Before the person in front of him could reply, a series of explosions sounded not far away, causing everyone to turn their heads at the same time.

The consciousness of the green-armored young man spewed out, and he swept towards the direction of the movement, and was surprised to see a figure rushing towards the entrance of the mine like a comet.

Layers of formations were forcibly torn apart by the figure, resulting in huge explosions and transparent ripples, and the sky filled with flames and smoke rose up almost to cover the Nine Demon Moons.


Everyone was stunned, two red lights pierced the sky, and fell vertically from the high sky. It was a pillar of fire as thick as a bucket. There were bursts of explosions.

The huge mountain was divided into three parts from top to bottom, forming two huge canyons with surging magma.

Seeing this power, the green-armored young man couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, but at this moment he turned around and saw several elder brothers had come out of the hall, he was relieved, and immediately turned into a ray of light to meet them.

"Where did you come from the fairy clan thief, dare to come to my Liangxi mine to play wild! Eat me a demon light wave first!"

He formed a phantom of a green-horned longhorn beetle behind him in mid-air, ejected a black wave of light from its mouth, and smashed towards the distant figure like lightning.

Before the light wave hit, the green-armored youth withdrew and quickly flew to the sides of his elder brothers, with a slightly ashamed expression on his face.

Obviously, the strength of this person in front of him is extraordinary. It is his limit to have the courage to send out a wave of demon light. He is not a fool. With powerful supernatural powers, he rushed forward foolishly to die.

Among demon cultivators with normal bloodlines, there is not a single idiot who can cultivate to the sky demon alive, and they are all good at saving their lives under various circumstances.

"It's a bit embarrassing to lose face, but it's better than rushing up and losing your life all at once!" The green-armored youth thought to himself, but on the surface he said with a smile on his face: "Brothers, I think this person's strength is extraordinary. , why don't I go up shoulder to shoulder and take him down?"

Si Ming glanced at the green-armored young man from head to toe, with a slight displeasure on his face, thinking that this kind of juncture has come, and he dare not go up to test the water, and this kind of boy will not be easy to use in the future.

Although he was displeased, but this was not the time to care about it, he nodded slightly and said: "Brother Fan Lin's words are reasonable, let's make a quick decision, let's do it!"

As he said that, Si Ming rose into the sky, confronting Su Poman who came from a distance like a comet.

The demon wave of black light emitted by the green-armored youth didn't hinder Su Poman in the slightest, and he didn't even stop in his footsteps. The formation ripples in the air were constantly torn apart, the mountains and rivers were cracked, and the earth veins were constantly shaking.

Seeing this situation, Si Ming frowned tightly.

"Brother Siming, this beast is coming in a menacing manner, should we notify Lord Fengling first?" A demon cultivator with blue eyebrows and white hair below suggested.

Si Ming shook his head slightly, staring at the distance, "We rely on the big formation here to compete with the monks of the real monster realm. If you bother Mr. Fengling with everything, what do you want me to do?"

"That's right, brother, then I'll hurry up and set up the formation!"

"Hmm..." Si Ming turned his head to look around, and said in a low voice: "Brothers, set up the formation!"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a golden command flag rose into the sky, turning into a yin and yang fish-like divine pattern covering the sky, covering the entrance of the entire mine.

The next moment, except for the green-armored young man, the other sky demon cultivators aroused the formation flags in their hands, turned into colorful beams of light and charged into the cover of the divine pattern.


A sound that seemed to come from ancient times sounded, and a majestic one-horned bull condensed in the space above the formation.

Although this divine bull was formed by the power of the formation, its body is like a living thing, its hair is barely visible, and there is a faint hint of agility in its eyes. Its body is covered with silver hair. At this moment, under the moonlight, its The waves on his body flowed like the finest silk and satin in the world.

The most eye-catching thing is the unicorn on top of its head. It is a golden horn that seems to pierce the sky. It is sprayed with terrifying power of law. All the laws gathered in the formation seem to be condensed in the horn. In the middle, it makes people feel thrilling at first glance, and the huge sense of oppression can force Yuan Yao's heart to stop suddenly.

"This formation can gather the power of fifteen complete laws, which is enough to compare to a low-grade true monster. Although this person's supernatural power is weird, but... hehe, he will definitely be easily suppressed by us!" Si Ming said with a sneer, He hangs in the air in a leisurely manner, and with the magic formula in his hand, the golden horned silver bull in the air immediately roars, galloping towards Su Poman above the sea of ​​clouds.

"Big brother mighty!"

"Fan Lin, look at our elder brother's boldness, learn from it!"


Above the sea of ​​clouds, thunder rumbled, every step of the Golden Horn Silver Bull would cause thunderbolts to be born under its feet, as if stepping on thunder, and its eyes were full of violence, rushing straight like silver clouds and lightning.

"Oh? Is there any other means..."

Su Poman's expression didn't change, the starlight on his chest flickered, a dimensional blade gradually took shape in his hand, and he swung it with his backhand——


Like a cloth being torn apart, a thousand zhang-long hole was torn out in the space, inside which was as black as ink and invisible.

The crack split into two directly from the center of the Golden Horn Silver Bull's eyebrows, and with a "click", the surrounding space exploded like a shattering mirror.

A terrifying force of space law erupted, directly disrupting the power of many laws in the body of the Golden Horn Silver Bull, and its transformed body also disappeared in the conflict of various laws, leaving only a mass of power in place. The power of chaotic laws is constantly destroying the space.

Seeing this scene, all the monsters in the formation were terrified.

"That's the power of space! This person has comprehended the complete law of space!"

"How is it possible, I see his aura as a fairy, how can it be possible to comprehend the law of the top grade?"

"Isn't the law of space only mastered by the Xuan Yao realm? How could he, a heavenly immortal, comprehend it?"

"You can't say that. There are also many races in the demon world who can comprehend the power of space in advance. For example, the Kunxu race, whose body is self-contained, can easily be imprinted with the complete law of space. There are also such existences in the fairy world, such as the descendants of those big forces or Even the descendants of Almighty will have the opportunity to get in touch with the top-rank law in advance..."

"This is too bad, this person's combat power must not be viewed with common sense!"


All the monsters were in chaos, and the original calmness was gone from their faces.

Si Ming's expression darkened, and he scolded angrily: "Calm down!"

"Even if this person comprehends the top-rank laws, he is only a fairy. He has less than ten laws, and it is impossible to comprehend all the top-rank laws. I have already notified Lord Fengling. We rely on the big formation to stick to it. Come, even if he is a person who defies the sky, he is definitely not the opponent of Yuanji True Demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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