Su Poman's chest rose high, and he suddenly opened his mouth to take a breath, and the dark purple thunderballs suddenly accelerated and came to him.

It was as if there were pairs of invisible giant hands all around, wrapping the thunder ball, and after pressing and rubbing it, it formed into a thunder bead the size of a glutinous rice ball.

Immediately afterwards, a strong suction force was generated, and the thunder beads lined up and jumped into the mouth actively.

bang bang bang...

After a few muffled sounds, Su Po exhaled a stream of green smoke with tiny purple electricity from his mouth, and burped at the same time.

"It tastes good, is there any more?" Su Poman looked at Ning Wanhu provocatively.

Ning Wanhu's heart trembled, but he sneered on the surface and pointed the green-skinned gourd in his hand at Su Poman.

The dazzling red light covered the top, and there were two fairy flying swords coming one after another.

The giant mountain seal above the head finally completed its momentum at this moment and crashed down!
Su Poman broke the rune chain with a random movement of his body. The red light above his head seemed to corrode the trapped body, but it did not have any impact on him.

Although it is a top-quality magic weapon, Ning Wanhu cannot exert its full power, and at most it can only hurt a true immortal-level monk.

"Break it for me!"

His figure was like a cannonball, soaring into the sky and directly colliding with the flaming seal.


The huge mountain-like seal was shattered, and the chaotic energy formed waves that spread far away.

The flying swords of the two sword cultivators of Team [-] were blown several miles away, their sword bodies were damaged, and their spirituality was greatly reduced.Being implicated in this, they, as sword masters, felt uncomfortable, and a bright red overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

Only the red light emitted by Ning Wanhu using the magic weapon gourd was still there, firmly locked on the figure in the smoke and dust, but it didn't seem to cause any substantial damage.

Under this situation, the remaining members of the Fourteenth Team did not understand that the man in front of them was a guy pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Even if they risked their lives, they could not be his opponent.

A fierce look flashed in Ning Wanhu's eyes, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of golden blood. His breath suddenly became weak. The blood fell on the surface of the green gourd and disappeared instantly, as if it had been swallowed by some monster. .

The green-skinned gourd is originally a magic weapon. Once activated by the essence and blood, the gushing blood instantly turns into substance, like a red horse. The horse transforms into a ghost claw in mid-air, and its five claws are filled with soaring demons. Yan, carrying a strange spatial fluctuation, moved towards Su Poman.

"Interesting, did it actually activate the space laws attached to this magic weapon?"

Su Poman narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression was slightly touched, but it was only touched, and it didn't make him feel afraid.

After all, he has also mastered the laws of space. The power of the laws inspired by such a top-quality magic weapon is not complete. In his eyes, it is full of loopholes.

For true immortals, there may be nothing they can do, but if they encounter monks of Xuanxian level, they can be broken with a wave of their hands.Although Su Poman is not yet in the Profound Immortal Realm, he has completely mastered the laws of space, and he can break through it with ease.

As Su Poman's figure flashed, he broke through the grasping force that blocked the space, teleported to Ning Wanhu, and sneered: "Is this your trump card?"

Ning Wanhu's face turned pale. He never expected that his most powerful trump card would be destroyed so easily. Even the True Immortal Yuanji would be hard-pressed to hit this blow from the best magic weapon, but everything that happened before him , which made him panic in his heart, and for the first time he began to wonder whether he had chosen the wrong target for revenge.

"You..." Before the words came out of his mouth, he felt a strong sense of suffocation in his throat.

Seeing Su Poman grabbing his neck, and then slowly tightening it, it was as if two sacred mountains were pressing against him. The powerful pressure instantly deformed his neck.

"Needless to say, I'm too lazy to waste time on you!"

A cold light flashed in Su Poman's eyes, and his right hand suddenly increased its strength. He instantly grasped Ning Wanhu's neck until it broke, grabbed his head and threw it lightly, then raised his foot and shot with great force, directly blasting his head and soul into pieces. The sky was filled with blood.

"Don't even try to run away!"

Su Poman jumped into the air, and afterimages flashed like a teleport in front of the remaining horse-faced man and the others. They only had time to release their body shields, but they were powerless to resist. There was a series of of explosions.

Whether it's a punch or a foot, it's a fatal blow, clean and neat!


The moment Ning Wanhu fell, a stream of light escaped menacingly from the border guard camp.

"Who killed my great-nephew!"

Ning Hai frowned, with murderous intent in his eyes. He turned his palm and a miniature golden altar appeared. A bit of spiritual fire in it showed the scene Ning Wanhu saw before he died.

"This man is wearing the silver armor of the frontier guards. How dare he disrespect the military law and kill his comrades privately. He is almost rebellious!" His face was full of anger, but he didn't go directly to arrest people, but shouted into the camp: "Is the captain of the supervising army here?"

With a shout, five more rays of light suddenly flew out of the camp.

The current one was wearing black armor, with golden feathers on both sides of his helmet, and a stern face. He came closer and said solemnly: "Grand Governor Ning, what on earth happened to make you so angry?"

"See for yourself!" Ning Hai snorted coldly, threw the miniature altar in his hand, and fell into the opponent's hands, "This is the last scene before the death of one of my great-nephews. He was a member of the border defense team in the Bingchen camp. Captain, he was actually killed by his comrades outside, what do you think we should do?"

"Murder in the same robe? This is a crime forbidden by military law. This person is so bold. According to the law of the border guards, he should go to the Xiantai!" The black-armored sergeant said with a bit of indignation, and then bowed to Ning Hai , "This is a dereliction of duty on the part of our supervisors. Governor Ning, please relax. I will personally go there and bring this villain back to hold him accountable!"

"I will go with you. If this boy dares to resist, I will kill him with my own hands! Execute these villains on the spot, Colonel Lin, you won't stop me, right?" Ning Hai He glanced sideways and said in a bad tone.

Although Lin Fan is the Supervisory Colonel with a special status, he is only a late-stage True Immortal, but he is a True Immortal. Ning Hai feels from the bottom of his heart that he is one level higher than the Supervisory Colonel, so he does not speak the same language. It was very polite, but it was vaguely threatening.

When Lin Fan heard this, his face twitched, and he frowned slightly and said: "It is our job to catch the criminals in the army. How dare Governor Lao Ning take action? When the villain confesses his crime, he will naturally be punished by death. , it will be up to Governor Ning to decide how to deal with it when the time comes!"

"That's it... that's okay!" Ning Hai frowned deeper and looked a little displeased, urging: "Then don't delay, hurry up and leave, I don't know where I'm going to go!"

"Captain Ning, you can rest assured. I just looked up this person's appearance in the military register and found his true identity. As long as he doesn't lose his merit badge, he can't escape!" Lin Fan said, taking out a piece of inlay. The jade and bronze mirror hung in front of him. He crossed his hands and cast several spells. A red aura suddenly emerged from the mirror. "Let's go, Governor Ning. Follow this aura and you can catch him!"


Ning Hai snorted coldly, stepped out first regardless of everyone, and instantly caught up with the spiritual light.

Lin Fan and the four supervisors behind him also took up the escape light and chased in the direction of the spiritual light. (end of this chapter)

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