Piaomiao Continent, the Nine Swords Immortal Domain.

This is the fairyland area under the name of Lord Nine Swords. It is vast in area and rich in resources. Fairy spirit is everywhere, and treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere. It is not as remote and poor as the northwest border area.

Since Lord Nine Swords is a famous sword cultivator, many sword cultivators come here to settle down and practice. From time to time, you can see the light and shadow of flying swords passing through the sky. Even the swords used by the Chamber of Commerce The flying boats are all made in the shape of giant flying swords.

If you look at Zhongyuan City, the most prosperous city in the Nine Swords Fairy Domain, from a high altitude, you will find that more than [-]% of the monks coming and going are carrying their own sword boxes, or they are directly binding the flying swords behind their backs with magic power, following them like a shadow. Some of them are carrying their own sword boxes. For those with a large number of flying swords, the fairy swords spread out behind them like peacocks spreading their wings, like aliens with wings.

Although the Lord of Nine Swords has no intention of such worldly things as power, in order to facilitate management and collect donations from various immortal cities, he founded the 'Nine Swords Pavilion' lineage many years ago to suppress all directions. Now it is the number one immortal sect in the Nine Swords Immortal Domain, with countless swordsmen. A place that practitioners dream of joining.

In addition to the Nine Swords Pavilion, there are also two mountains, eight gates and thirteen floors in this Immortal Realm. They are all the more famous immortal sects in the Nine Swords Immortal Realm. Together with the Nine Swords Pavilion, they are known as "one pavilion, two gates, eight gates and thirteen buildings". "Building" is a good name.

The two mountains are Emperor Ta Mountain and Immortal Beast Mountain respectively. The sect's strength is comparable, second only to Jiujian Pavilion. There are many disciples in the sect, and just one of them can become the number one immortal sect in the northwest region.

The eight gates are Baoxiang Gate, Jade Sword Gate, Ziqi Gate, Lingdong Gate, Yuanfu Gate, Evergreen Gate, Luansong Gate, and Tianzhen Gate. Although the strength of the sect is not as good as the first two, it is not something that ordinary monks can easily do. To join, each sect has strict requirements on the talents of entry-level disciples, and their strength can be ranked among the first-class immortal sects in other immortal realms.

As for the composition of the Thirteenth Floor, it is more complex, not inferior to the sects and others, but more like a loose organization, mainly engaged in chamber of commerce transactions, killer organizations, escorts, law guards, etc., relying on various tasks and contributions to unite members , has a relatively transparent promotion system, and core members will enjoy the training of a large amount of resources. Some people with outstanding talents will be as successful as the elite disciples of famous schools.

On this day, when Jiujian Pavilion was recruiting new disciples, Zhongyuan City was extremely busy. Sword lights came from all directions and gathered here. These sword cultivators were like mortal scholars who came to Kyoto to take the exam, carrying uneasiness and fear. I am anxious and hope that I can pass the test of Jiujian Pavilion, so that I can reach the sky in one step.

The inheritance of Jiujian Pavilion comes from the Master of Nine Swords, who is among the best in the entire immortal world in terms of martial arts and swordsmanship secrets. Once upon a time, a disciple of Jiujian Pavilion used a domineering and unparalleled attack. The sword array defeated the direct disciple who came out of the Immortal Lord-level inheritance sect.

For a time, the reputation of the Nine Swords Pavilion became so great that even the family forces in the nearby fairyland sent their children to participate in the selection of the Nine Swords Pavilion. This also led to the continuous improvement of the entry standards of the Nine Swords Pavilion, and it became more and more difficult to join the Nine Swords Pavilion. .

In order to join Jiujian Pavilion, some casual cultivators came directly from other immortal realms and settled here. The scale of Zhongyuan City has also been continuously expanded. It has been expanded on a large scale three times in total. Now it has been divided into outer city, ring city, A three-story area in the inner city.

The central area of ​​Zhongyuan City is also the most prosperous area. A circular area is cut out by a huge formation. It belongs to the forces of Jiujian Pavilion. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. There are not too many buildings here. Between the mountains, stands a huge white jade fairy gate.

Behind the White Jade Immortal Sect, there is a small world connected to it, where the sect of Jiujian Pavilion is located.

There are thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains in it, and the boundaries are unknown. The space is so large that it can be compared to a lower realm like the Qianyuan Realm.

There is the sky shaking the vast sea, thousands of miles away, there is the chaotic ancient divine abyss, and there is no magma even if you go down thousands of feet. There are also green mountains and sacred mountains, hundreds of millions of feet high, like divine swords piercing the sky, which makes people feel sad just looking at them. The shock that broke the sky.

There is also a big sun in the sky, and thousands of stars are shining brightly, connected by a mysterious law to form a fairyland of stars.

In the most central area of ​​Jiujian Pavilion, there are nine giant floating islands. From bottom to top, one is covered with another, stacked in the shape of vertical towers to infinite heights.Next to the island group distributed in the shape of vertical towers, there are also tiny islands dotted like stars. Their number is as many as the sands of the Ganges River and it is impossible to count.

Compared with the main island, these micro-islands may seem small, but their area is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, enough to compare with a continent in the lower world.The floating island at the top belongs to the dojo of Lord Nine Swords. Except for his direct disciple Ling Yaozi and the elder Cang Jian of Nine Swords Pavilion, no one else is qualified to board it.

Generally speaking, the higher the status and the stronger the strength, the closer to the Nine Swords Master's dojo.

The disciples of Jiujian Pavilion with different strengths live in different floating islands. From top to bottom, the hierarchy is very clear.

New disciples usually live on the first island, but not all disciples can live on the main island. Those with average talents will be assigned to satellite islands around the floating island, and the treatment they enjoy will naturally be worse. Up some.This is similar to a company's headquarters and branches. Although they are nominally in the same company, the resources they have access to are quite different.

However, satellite islands also have the advantages of satellite islands. The competition will not be as fierce as the main island. Even if you don't have many resources, you can still be an ascetic monk with peace of mind and rely on your extraordinary character and understanding to complete the counterattack.

In the long history of Jiujian Pavilion, there are countless examples of this. The disciple who defeated the great sect before was also from a satellite island. He was usually a quiet person, but he showed his prowess in a great wilderness trial. For He had unique insights into the sword formation, and was later accepted as a disciple by a Xuanxian elder who was delighted to see him and trained him personally.

At this time, in the dojo at the top of the 'Nine Sky Island', brilliant brilliance bloomed in the void.

"It's Master who's back!"

In a training room in the dojo.

A woman in a golden dress with picturesque features and high breasts suddenly opened her eyes, a look of joy appeared on her face. She checked her clothes and her makeup, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she looked like Ling Yan turned into golden light and left here.


The smile on Dai Qinghuan's face paused when she saw Su Poman behind Qiu Lengming. She didn't expect that the master would bring an outsider back today.

At this time, Su Poman was curiously scanning the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness, and had a preliminary understanding of the nearby situation.

Although he had guessed that the cheap master in front of him might have a large dojo, when he got here, he was still greatly shocked.

The entire floating island is made of an unknown material. Just by perception, he knows that it is extremely strong and can even be compared to defensive immortal weapons. It is also equipped with various immortal formations, which makes him feel like he is The newly exchanged space-time outer formation seems to have no use.

"Ha, it's Qing Huan. Come on, come over and introduce me to you. This is my new disciple, your junior brother, Su Poman. You two will be the same disciple from now on. You are so familiar with each other! Qiu Lengming said with a smile and then introduced to Su Poman: "This is your senior sister Dai Qinghuan. She is the direct disciple that I took in 9 years ago. Although her cultivation talent is not as good as yours, her understanding of the sword is definitely far behind." Those who are far better than you should ask more for advice from now on."

Su Poman quickly responded "Yes" and only then did he have time to take a closer look at Dai Qinghuan.

This sight made him feel amazing. The blond hair, golden skirt, long legs, fair skin, and delicate and beautiful facial features were like God's favorite artwork. There were vague shadows of swords in the dark green pupils. , looked at each other deeply, and felt a tingling sensation in their souls.

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