Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 391: Someone from the Tiansha Sect comes

The spectators below were talking a lot, and the focus of the topic was the new disciple of Lord Nine Swords.

In their opinion, this young True Immortal Realm cultivator has nothing outstanding about his appearance.

"My master is invited below, the Master of Nine Swords!"

Dai Qinghuan turned slightly to one side, her round and smooth legs were slightly staggered, and she bowed and raised her hands in an inviting gesture.

Everyone's eyes also moved away from Su Poman at this time, and all looked towards the sky.

There, a tall figure slowly descended, with nine flying swords standing behind him. The golden light shone brightly, and his long silver-white hair moved without wind, revealing his graceful face. His eyes were sharp and affectionate, and when he smiled, Warm and friendly, but there is a sense of sharpness unique to sword cultivators between his eyebrows.

Just the moment he appeared on the scene, it aroused the exclamation of all the female cultivators present. The handsome face that has survived the vicissitudes of life and the unique temperament accumulated over many years are like a glass of aged wine. Time has not only not deteriorated it, but has brewed it. It has a more mellow flavor.

Su Poman noticed that stars seemed to be rising in the eyes of his cheap senior sister, and there were many brilliant lights in her eyes.

"No way, is this forbidden love?" He thought secretly in his heart, "That's right. Such a handsome uncle also has strong strength. No female cultivator can easily resist it. It's interesting and interesting. I don't know what will happen in the future. How should I develop as a senior sister? Do you still want to become my senior wife?"

Thinking of this, Su Poman couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and looked at his master with a strange expression.

Qiu Lengming saw the strange look on Su Poman's face and felt a little confused, "Is it possible that my disciple is not suitable for such an occasion? Or does he have other thoughts..."

However, the ceremony was in progress in front of everyone, so it was difficult for him to ask.

After the Master of Nine Swords landed on the ground, all the Nine Swords Pavilion disciples patrolling or standing guard in the field saluted to the high platform at the same time.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


After three consecutive calls, everyone present also reacted and quickly stood up and followed them to worship.

After all, this person is the true controller of the entire Nine Swords Immortal Realm. A single word can determine the rise and fall of a force and the life and death of countless people. It would be bad if he was remembered for being disrespectful.

"No need to be polite, Qiu is very happy that you can come to participate in my discipleship ceremony. Please sit down and don't feel restrained!"

Qiu Lengming raised his hand and said a few words with a smile, which made many people present feel a little scared.

Over the years, some of them had seen the Nine Swords Venerable several times, but they had never seen such joy on his face.

After everyone in the venue sat down again, Dai Qinghuan spoke again: "Now, please invite Su Poman, the new disciple of Lord Nine Swords, to come forward and offer tea!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two maids in palace attire from the Heavenly Realm flew up with tea sets and walked respectfully to Su Poman. One of the maids held a tray, and the other maid carefully picked up a cup of tea and handed it to Su Poman. Hands full.

Just when Su Poman was about to take the tea cup, something strange happened in the field!

A sharp scream resounded throughout the entire venue, and then, a huge space crack was torn out of thin air above Su Poman and Lord Nine Swords.

A tyrannical pressure came, and everyone present was embarrassed by this sudden pressure. Those with lower cultivation levels fell directly to the ground, while those with stronger abilities could only hold on, and their bodies were bent down.

The maid who was passing the tea cup was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. She fell to the ground and the tea also fell to the ground.

"Nine Swords, why, don't you know how to invite me to such a lively scene?"

An eagle-eyed old man holding a black fan stepped on the void and fell from the crack. His face was ferocious, with wrinkles on his face, big ears hanging from his shoulders, and he was dressed in a purple-black fairy robe. He exuded an evil aura.

Behind him, there is also following a white-faced young man, wearing a ruby ​​crown, long hair, handsome face but faintly revealing a feminine and fierce aura, wearing a pearl-white fairy robe, with a sarcastic smile on his face Looking around.

The eagle-eyed old man walked down from above everyone's heads, not paying attention to the others at all. There was a fierce light in his eyes, as if he would kill someone if he disagreed with him.

In the VIP seat behind the screen on the high platform, an old man with a simple face changed his expression and said, "Why is he here? This evil star is not easy to mess with!"

"I know, it must be because the disciples of Jiujian Pavilion stepped on the disciples of Tiansha Sect and became famous last time, which made the elders of Tiansha Sect unhappy. The power of Jiujian Pavilion has developed too fast in recent years, and there are rumors about Jiujian Pavilion. Its secret method is far superior to that of the Tiansha Sect, which has caused a considerable loss in its reputation..." A fat man with a yellow face analyzed the mustache beside his lips with one hand.

Another old man in Taoist robes said with a solemn expression: "This should be the Huagu elder of Tiansha Sect. It is rumored that his strength has firmly entered the half-step of the Immortal Lord level! The person who came here is not good. You are all the Nine Swordsmen." This guy’s best friend, if there’s a conflict later, we can’t help but help!”

"That's the Tiansha Sect, and I'm still in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. How can I help? If I offend this Bone-shaping Elder who will definitely take revenge, I'm afraid he will personally come to my door in two days!" The yellow-faced fat man said with a complexion. As soon as he collapsed, he couldn't help but send a message to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone present's expressions darkened, and they all felt the difficulty of the current situation.

"Let's see how Jiujian wants to deal with it. Although Tiansha Sect is strong, Jiujian's swordsmanship is extremely tyrannical. If he is really pushed to the edge, Tiansha Sect may not have a hard time either!" the old man in Taoist robe said slowly.

At this time, before the Lord of Nine Swords could attack, Su Poman's face had darkened, and he thought to himself: "Fuck! What kind of dog dares to bark at my head?"

Although the pressure was considerable, it could not trap his superhuman body. The biological force field continued to rise and resist, making his body stand upright.

This is the dojo of Master Nine Swords. If he cares about the master's face, it is naturally not his turn as a disciple to take the lead.

At this time, the Nine Swords Venerable's sword eyes had slowly revealed murderous intent. As soon as he raised his hand, a golden fairy sword appeared on his palm, and said in a solemn tone: "The visitor is a guest. , Huangu, please, I will teach you what it means to be a guest first!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but raise his hand and tear open a gap in the space that was more than a thousand feet high. His body directly transformed into a sword shadow and carried the transformed bones into the space.
Naturally, the fight between the Golden Immortal-level powerhouses could not take place in the secret realm of Jiujian Pavilion. Qiu Lengming directly opened up a space battlefield with great magic power.

"Humph, are you afraid?" The eagle-eyed old man snorted coldly, with a strong murderous intent on his face.

Controversy over orthodoxy has always been about life and death.

The Tiansha Sect is an Immortal Lord force, how can a Nine Swords Pavilion be used as a stepping stone?
This trip is to rectify the name of the Tiansha Sect and let the world see that the power of the Immortal Lord cannot be insulted!

After the two entered the space battlefield, the gap in space across the sky closed instantly, and no one could see what was going on inside.

In the space battlefield, there was only one fairy sword in front of the Lord Nine Swords. With an arrogant expression on his face, he looked at the bones coldly and said: "Although you have also taken this step, I only need this sword to deal with you." Mixed gold sword!"

"You are so shameless!" Anger flashed in the eyes of the Bone Eagle. As soon as he raised his hand, there were two pairs of black wings formed by the dark evil energy behind him, and there were huge ghost claws composed of black mist under his hands.


A trace of anxiety flashed in Dai Qinghuan's eyes, but at this time, the master had already left. As the master's disciple, she must stay here to take charge of the overall situation.Her phoenix eyes were slightly cold as she looked at the young man in white robe who came with the eagle-eyed old man. She glanced at him with consciousness and was slightly startled.

I am in the early stage of Xuanxian, but the young man in front of me has the strength of the middle stage of Xuanxian. He is a level higher than me and is very difficult to deal with.

In the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the gap between the early stage and the middle stage is huge, almost equivalent to the difference between Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal. There are not many people who can fight beyond the level, but very few!
However, as a direct disciple of the Master of Nine Swords, Dai Qinghuan has confidence in himself. He should be able to fight with this young man. If he uses secret techniques, he might have some chance of defeating him.

After making up his mind, he was about to invite a fight, but he saw the young man in white robe taking the initiative to come to Su Poman and said in a condescending tone: "Are the direct disciples of Jiujian Pavilion this kind of thing?"

As he spoke, he glanced sideways at Dai Qinghuan, his eyes full of provocation. After taking a closer look at Dai Qinghuan, he couldn't help but lick his lips, and a trace of desire flashed in his eyes, "You look like It still looks good, why not be me..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt an evil wind blowing in his ears. Under his consciousness in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, Su Poman's movements naturally could not escape his detection, "You brat, you're just a true immortal, how dare you make a sneak attack?"

"Huh? No! My body...why can't I move?" Zhu Yu was shocked.

Everyone in the audience watched helplessly as the arrogant Tiansha Sect member was slapped by a big force and flew out without even the strength to resist.

Due to the departure of the eagle-eyed old man, everyone in the field had regained their ability to move. They looked at the scene on the high platform in shock, and some people couldn't help but rub their eyes.

"Am I not dazzled? The most famous young master of the Tiansha Sect, Master Baisha, was actually slapped out by a true fairyland monk?"

"How did he do that?"

"It's unbelievable. A real immortal beats a mysterious immortal? Did you see it?"

"No... this is too outrageous. If Ling Yaozi, the eldest disciple of Lord Nine Swords, takes action, I can still believe it, but that is a junior disciple, and there is only a true fairyland!"

"Is this a secret method from Jiujian Pavilion that enhances combat power?"

"Isn't it possible? A secret method can make the true immortal defeat the mysterious immortal? If there is such a secret method, then Jiujian Pavilion would have become the power of the Immortal Emperor!"

"Maybe it has serious side effects?"

"That's absolutely impossible!"


At the VIP table, all the Golden Immortal Realm monks also widened their eyes. The fat man with a yellow face almost pulled out his sparse beard and said in surprise: "This kid is a bit amazing! Did you see it? He actually understood the time. Law! Law of time!”

"Now I finally understand why that guy from Nine Swords is so happy. He really has accepted a freak as his disciple! With such a talent, I'm afraid he has a chance to become the direct descendant of the Immortal Emperor!"

"I'm a little jealous. This guy from Jiujian has really found a good successor. In the future, when this kid's realm improves, he will definitely become the mainstay of Jiujian Pavilion!"

"Not only that, there is also the Mainland Prodigy List. This boy will definitely be on the Hidden Dragon List! And if he participates in the Prodigy Battle, he will definitely be at the top and get a coveted reward!"

"I'm telling you! I'm telling you, Jiujian is such a cold and arrogant person in normal times. Why is he so happy now!"


"You idiot, you dare to show off in front of me?"

At this time, in front of everyone's shocked eyes, Su Poman was already riding on Zhu Yu's face and firing his bow from left to right, and rhythmic "snap" sounds continued to be heard in the field.

Although Zhu Yu was protected by the power of many laws, he was overshadowed by the laws of time.

Time is the most important thing, it’s not just a matter of words!

Coupled with the blessing of the Law of Power, the Law of Space and other high-grade laws, the fist formed by the superhuman body easily broke through its defense and slapped Zhu Yu hard on the face.

Su Poman's attack power had been tested before his realm had been broken through, and his attack power had already reached the Xuanxian level.

His hands were like phantoms, capable of striking a million palms in one breath. The face of the young man in white robes soon swelled up and turned into a pig's head.

Dai Qinghuan's beautiful eyes widened and she covered her lips with one hand. She looked at this harmless-looking little junior brother with some disbelief, "Is he actually... so strong?"

At this time, Zhu Yu was almost unconscious, not from being beaten, but from anger.

The leader of the young generation of the Tiansha Sect, Master Baisha, was unexpectedly slapped in the face by a true immortal in front of everyone.

If this gets out, will I be ashamed?
The raging anger continued to gather in his heart, and he kept roaring in his throat. The power of various laws in his body rioted, impacting the restraints of the power of the law of time.

The body-holding technique was constantly being impacted, and Su Poman could clearly feel the powerful impact coming from his technique.

"This guy is quite capable of resisting..."

"But the more you resist, the more excited I get!"

A cruel smile appeared on Su Poman's face, and an unknown divine light bloomed in his eyes. At this moment, he inspired the prototype of the technique he had deduced.

In an instant, a large hole on his body burst out with immeasurable light. The rays of fairy light from the sky were completely absorbed at this moment, and only the figure with the dazzling light was left in the field.

"Make you crazy! Make you resist! Are you trying to show off to me?"

Everyone was surprised to find that the speed of the figure's palm shot increased hundreds of times in an instant. Those with low cultivation levels could no longer see the action of the palm shot. They could only see a group of light flashing continuously, and Master Bai Sha's head seemed to be affected. After violent bombardment, it fell heavily again and again, like a giant hammer falling to the ground, and the ground continued to shake!

Su Po's hair was flying, his eyes widened, his expression on his face was filled with excitement and a hint of perversion, his arms were constantly crossing and beating, and he kept muttering slightly nervous whispers in his mouth.

The whisper quickly spread throughout the entire venue, and even the immortals in the VIP seats fell silent after hearing it.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Are you convinced? Are you still pretending?"


They were shocked as they looked at the god-like and demonic figure in the field, as if they were seeing an immortal emperor from ancient times.

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