When Xue Ling heard this, she thought that 'Aze' was here for the trial and was not distracted. She nodded to express her understanding and said very seriously: "After the trial, I will come find you again!"

"Well...the Ancestral Cauldron Trial will start tomorrow. I'll go back and adjust my condition first!" Su Poman couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. After saying hello to everyone, he hurried back to his stone house. among.

"It's terrifying..."

In the stone house, Su Poman, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, recalled the majestic appearance of the clan leader's daughter, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

Silent all night.

Su Poman was concentrating on preparing for the trial, and no one came to disturb him, but the night in the White Ape Clan was not peaceful.

Because of the invasion of the ancestral land by outsiders, many elders in the Ling clan sat together worriedly and discussed corresponding countermeasures.

Inside the ancestral hall, the lights were brightly lit all night long. Many old apes stayed up all night to prepare for tomorrow's trial, and some younger members of the clan were also running around to collect the offerings needed for the big ceremony.

Early the next morning, the sound of trumpets sounded one after another.

An important ceremony before starting the trial of the Ancestral Cauldron, the ‘Grand Sacrifice’ began.

The clan tripod was now placed on a square stone platform made of stone. The light of the red flowing clouds in the sky was reflected, covering the originally deep black tripod with a layer of strange blood. yarn.

This tripod is two feet high, has two ears and four legs, and is engraved with red inscriptions. It exudes a strong blood evil aura.

At this time, demonic beasts of different sizes were being lifted onto the high platform, their necks were cut off above the mouth of the cauldron, and demonic blood of various colors was poured into the giant cauldron.

After a while, the black cauldron was filled with colorful demon blood, and then a young man from the white ape tribe stepped forward and cut his wrist to let out blood.

The demon blood that was already overflowing did not spill out after more than ten white apes donated blood. Instead, it inspired the red inscription on Ding's body.

After more than 20 young men from the White Ape tribe finished donating blood, the leader of the White Ape tribe looked at the shining inscription and felt that it was almost done. He climbed up the stairs step by step and took out a dark brown animal skin from his arms. He recited the memorial in his mouth.

Su Poman and five other strong White Ape clan members stood in a line beside the stone platform. The clan leader held an unknown silver branch, chanted sacrificial inscriptions, and gently tapped it on each person who was about to participate in the ancestral tripod trial. On the body of the heritage warrior.

"May Father White Ape protect you!"

After the clan leader recited the sacrificial inscription, the grand ceremony came to an end.

Next, comes the real highlight!
The clan leader stretched out his index finger and lightly touched a pattern in the center of the front of the ancestral tripod, and an invisible wave swept across the entire place instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Su Poman saw that the demon blood in the black cauldron swirled and quickly disappeared into the belly of the cauldron.

The whole body of the black cauldron shook, and it slowly floated into the air, leaping more than a hundred feet into the air, and then continued to rotate, forming a cylindrical ball of light and shadow.

Colorful light pillars spurted out from the hazy cylindrical light and shadow, impacting towards the red clouds floating in the sky.

"Hurry, the Illusory Realm is about to open, prepare for the inheritance sequence!" The clan leader turned his head and reminded loudly.

Boom boom boom!
When the inheritance warriors heard this, their expressions tightened, and they all responded by beating their chests.

Due to yesterday's battle, the original three heritage warriors were seriously injured and unable to participate in the trial, so now there are three replacements in the heritage warrior team.

At this moment, it is impossible for these young white apes who are participating in the trial for the first time not to be nervous.

However, the Black Cauldron Trial was an excellent opportunity to improve their own strength, and they naturally could not let it go, especially the three white ape warriors who came in from behind. There was a hint of excitement and expectation in their nervous expressions.

Following the instructions in advance, Su Poman and others stepped onto the high platform one after another, looked at the sky, and waited quietly.

Soon, the apes saw colorful light pillars rising continuously among the mountains, rivers and lands, where other forces belonged.

The clan leader squinted his eyes slightly, with a trace of doubt on his weather-beaten face, and murmured to himself: "It's strange, why is this trial so late..."

Su Poman, who has super hearing, naturally heard this sentence. He could understand after thinking for a moment that this trial was different from the past. Many outside demon cultivators occupied the original black cauldron. Naturally, they had no idea how to open the black cauldron. Not that familiar.

The moment the last colorful light beam hit the flowing clouds, an incomparably clear sound suddenly resounded from the sky throughout the entire secret realm, and an extremely illusory world slowly unfolded from the red flowing clouds in the sky like a scroll.

The originally spinning black cauldron stopped and stood upside down in mid-air. A pillar of mixed-color light descended from the mouth of the cauldron and landed on the ground.

"It's now! Inheritance sequence, quickly enter the aperture on the ground!" The clan leader stared at the slowly falling mixed-color light pillar and shouted violently.

Su Poman and others quickly moved their bodies and came to the area directly below the light pillar. Six people crowded together back to back, trying their best to shrink their bodies and try to control the range of everyone within the aperture.

Not long after, Su Poman felt his body suddenly become lighter and began to fly towards the mouth of the cauldron. Not only him, but also five other tribesmen also slowly turned into streams of light and fell into the mouth of the cauldron.

In the sky, a vivid picture slowly appeared on the scroll of the illusory world.

If a modern person saw that scene, they would definitely think it was a 3D movie being played.

In a canyon filled with pungent blood, a group of demon cultivators in green robes breathed a sigh of relief.

"After all the hard work, I finally sent the young master into the legendary illusory world. I wonder if the young master will have a chance to obtain the bloodline treasure!" "It doesn't seem to be easy. I heard that this secret realm has opened up too much. For a long time, it has attracted many strong players from the demon world, including even the descendants of the demon king!"

"That is indeed difficult. Our Gulu tribe is not very powerful in the demon world. Young Master has just entered the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If he can get some other benefits from it, it is considered a worthwhile trip!"

"Look, there's something strange in the sky!"

When the monsters heard this, they quickly looked up and saw the first creature appearing on the vivid picture!
A small green snake with eyebrows and beards was swimming rapidly, and it looked extremely flexible. The scene shown in the scroll was exactly the spirit of the first monk who entered, and there was a small suspended on its head. The Yuan Shen pattern. If you look closely at this pattern, you can clearly see the appearance of the monk represented by this little green snake.

"That's the young master!"

"Great, the young master is indeed the first one to go in! If you have the opportunity to seize it first, the young master will definitely gain a lot this time!"

"However, please allow me to say something, how come the young master is not even a dragon? Didn't the information collected say that in the illusory world, monks can turn into dragons?"

"Is it possible that the degree of transformation has something to do with the strength of the bloodline?"


In the secret realm, many outside demon cultivators have entered at this time. Most of them are servants or guardians who come with them. They are now distributed in the mountains and plains, and they all look up eagerly and become onlookers.

Not long after the little green snake appeared, there was a flash of light somewhere, and another creature appeared.

This creature looks closer to a dragon than the little green snake. It is as big as a mountain python. When it opens its mouth, strong winds come out. It swims at extremely fast speeds, leaving the little green snake behind in an instant.

The symbol of the soul next to the giant python is a fierce-looking man. The giant python he transformed into is wandering rapidly in the illusory world, looking for opportunities.

Not long after, he accidentally glanced and saw the little green snake trying to swallow a walnut-sized light spot into its mouth.

"No matter what bloodline you have, you dare to come in and compete with me for opportunities!"

The giant python quickly passed through the space, and with a flick of its tail, it flew the little green snake away. It opened its mouth and swallowed the light spot into its belly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the size of the giant python he had transformed into had increased again. This discovery shocked him mentally. At the same time, a mysterious feeling emerged in his heart. He suddenly understood that as long as he fought for With enough such light spots and other opportunities, there is a chance that a python body can transform into a dragon, or even a real dragon!
After understanding this, he became even more excited, looked around in his eyes, and started swimming rapidly.

As for the little green snake that he slapped away, he had long forgotten about it.

At this time, snakes of different shapes continuously appeared in the paintings in the sky. Among them, those with poor bloodlines turned into small snakes with a thickness of dozens of centimeters like chopsticks. Those with slightly stronger bloodlines turned into body shapes. Boas can be several meters long, and even more powerful ones can transform into anacondas that are over ten meters long!

"Damn it, look, a dragon appeared in that area!"

"This size is simply much larger than other monks. What level of bloodline does this have!"

"Looking at the pattern of his soul, it seems that he is the Golden King from the Tongtian Demon Mansion. He has the bloodline of the Golden Roc Clan. His ancestor is the legendary Golden-winged Dapoc that is comparable to the True Dragon Clan. The strength of this bloodline is really extraordinary!"

"Look, there's another dragon over there!"

"I recognize this one. That is the young master of the Twin-Winged Sky-Swallowing Python Clan, Lin Nian! He himself is of the dragon-snake genus. This time he will compete in this illusory world, and he will definitely get a big advantage!"

"The dragons have begun to appear. I didn't expect so many monks with powerful bloodlines to come to our demon world!"

"Oh my God, what is there to the west? Why is it bigger than a dragon! It also has dragon claws. Could it be that a certain monk's bloodline is too strong and he turned into a real dragon directly?"

"It doesn't look like it. I read an ancient book. This image and shape seem to be that of the legendary Chilong. Look, it doesn't have dragon horns!"

"The soul pattern seems to be that of a female cultivator. She is so powerful!"

"Another chi dragon appeared in the north. It is said that it is the young master of the Zimo clan who is the descendant of the demon king!"

"In this secret realm competition, I'm afraid the final winner will be between these two!"

"I saw that female cultivator outside the secret realm yesterday. She was escorted here by a golden immortal!"

"Yeah, it looks like it has quite a lot of power!"

"It will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers, but I don't know who will win in the end!"


Su Poman sensed constant waves of relief. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that he seemed to be tied up in a golden giant egg.

When he looked at his body with his spiritual consciousness, he was suddenly shocked.

There is a majestic golden dragon horn on its head, dragon scales are stacked, golden light shines, and there are five extremely thick claws on its abdomen. The space around it seems to fluctuate as its long beard flutters.

"Have I turned into a five-clawed golden dragon?"

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