Chapter 404 Purple Source Sutra

"Yandao Xuantong!"

The pupils of Su Poman's eyes were instantly replaced by a dark blue light, and then there seemed to be endless Tao Yun generated. At this moment, he felt that the world between heaven and earth had changed drastically.

His original super vision allowed him to vaguely see the patterns of laws crisscrossing the sky and the earth. However, compared with the 'Yandao Xuanpu', it was as different as clouds and mud.

At this time, in his sight, the material structure between heaven and earth completely disappeared, leaving only extremely conspicuous and clear textures of the laws of heaven and earth.

He even felt that he could touch half of these law lines. In his eyes, one root and one stripe seemed to have entities.

These laws do not only exist in a single dimension, most of them run through the void. Some exist in two dimensions, and some exist in three or higher dimensions.

"This one feels very familiar, it seems to be the law of space..."

Su Poman lowered his head and fiddled with a black law line beside him. The next moment, his figure gradually became blurred, as if he was about to escape into the void.

"It turns out that there is such a mystery to the laws of space!"

With the addition of the super brain, his understanding of the laws of heaven and earth increased instantly. The realm of Yuanshen Daoguo increased crazily at this moment, and the progress of each law continued to increase.

Time passed like water. Su Poman didn't know how long he had been immersed in the laws of heaven and earth. When he felt a sense of fatigue in his mind, he suddenly woke up. With a thought, his eyes suddenly returned to their original appearance.

At this time, he was surprised to find that his spiritual cultivation had reached the Earth Immortal Realm, and the power of several laws had exceeded the progress of the fifth level.

"The Yan Dao Xuan Pu is simply invincible. For those who possess this pupil, it is simply too easy to practice. The laws of heaven and earth are nakedly displayed in front of you. I am afraid that even if you have not been exposed to any magical powers, you can understand them from the laws that are visible to your eyes. Develop your own great magical power! This is only an auxiliary training function of Yan Dao Xuan Pu, its real power lies in its ability to directly reproduce all the laws of heaven and earth!"

With a thought, Su Poman's spiritual thoughts suddenly descended into the soul space, and then he took out a crystal ball emitting various fairy lights from the Tianbao Tower, and the pupils of his eyes were once again covered with deep blue light.

This inherited treasure left by Immortal Emperor Jinghong could not block his eyes at all, and the imprint of the law within it was immediately reflected in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, Su Poman's body seemed to be frozen, only his eyes kept flashing, and the power of completely different laws was being reproduced by the 'Yandao Xuanpu'.

These imprints of the laws of heaven and earth continued to turn into light groups of different sizes and colors, which were stored in the depths of his mind.

He was distracted and touched one of them with his mind. He was immediately struck by the powerful information flow and law power contained in it, and almost fainted from the impact. His soul felt a little swollen, as if he had indigestion.

However, the effect is also remarkable. In his Yuan Shen Dao Fruit, the progress of a new law has soared by 10%. This is simply equivalent to swallowing the Dao Yuan Fruit.

"If I had known that there was such a heaven-defying pupil technique, why would I have looked for the Principle Source Fruit!"

Su Poman seemed to be under a restraining spell, his eyes fixed on the crystal ball. After three days and three nights, he closed his eyes and sat down directly.

"This pupil technique is strong, but it consumes too much mental power, which means I am mentally strong. If an ordinary monk were to engrave a law, he would have to be drained of mental power and fall into a coma!"

He closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a moment under the sunshine of the Immortal Sun. When he opened his eyes again, his mental energy was restored to full state, and his whole person looked even more energetic.

At this time, in Su Poman's mind, three thousand light balls were rising and falling. These were the three thousand laws of heaven and earth reproduced through the 'Yandao Xuanpu'.

"The next step is to imprint the Three Thousand Laws in the particle universe so that the laws within it are complete and have the potential to be promoted to the Great Thousand Worlds!"

Su Poman felt a little excited in his heart. He felt that when this step was completed, there would be earth-shaking changes.

After clearing away the distracting thoughts in his heart, he focused his consciousness on the particle. Su Poman's pupils were once again covered with dark blue light. He stared at the particle and activated the ability of 'Yan Dao Xuan Pu', and instantly there were rays of light. It flew out of his eyes, traveled through the void, and fell directly into the particle universe.

Compared with the re-engraving of the laws, it was faster to imprint these laws with the pupil technique, but at the same time, it also quickly consumed Su Poman's mental power.


The moment various laws appeared, the particle universe expanded crazily, and layers of mist in the endless void continued to dissipate. The moment the law of space fell into it, the space inside it instantly increased hundreds of times, and it was still expanding, as if there was no end.

When the law of time fell into it, the concept of time seemed to exist in the particle universe, and traces of the law began to appear on planets.

Immediately afterwards, the law of life caused traces of life to appear on each livable planet...

The advent of each law has brought unimaginable changes to the particle universe, making it more and more like a real big universe.

The moment the last law fell into place, a shocking phenomenon appeared in the outside world.


Nine-color divine thunder flashed across the sky, and then the fairy sun dimmed, the magic star swayed, and even the nine demon moons disappeared into the clouds.

Countless powerful beings shook their spiritual platforms, as if an extremely terrifying existence had awakened in the world.

In the land of reincarnation, countless ghosts cry and howl, and some taboo places that even the immortal emperors find difficult to set foot in, each have different astonishing visions.

The highest heaven.

In a very grand residence, Guyang Tianzun opened his eyes. At his level, things that can cause mood swings are very rare.

At this moment, he felt a strong fluctuation in his heart, but after careful calculation, he couldn't figure out anything at all.

"The thing that can cause strange phenomena to appear in the world of immortals, demons and demons at the same time, could it be a visitor from outside the world? It shouldn't be, even the Heavenly Lord can't hide my calculation..."

With doubts, Guyang Great Heavenly Lord calculated several times again and tried various calculation methods, but found that they were all in vain and could not figure out the source of this abnormal movement at all.


In the dark, Su Poman suddenly felt that there seemed to be a gaze from the end of time looking at him, and there was no hostility in that gaze.

"Strange, who is that?"

At this time, he was fully focused on the changes in the particle universe, and did not notice any changes in the outside world. After a long time, his consciousness left the particle universe.

"This technique has been deduced. It is a path that is completely different from cultivating immortals. It does not correspond to the realm of immortality. You have to try it to know its combat effectiveness!"

"Next, if I spend time turning all the particles in my body into this kind of particle universe, then my technique will be complete! But before that, I should give this technique a name!"

"What's a good name?"

"If it is too long, it will be unqualified. It is best to be similar to the 'Tao Te Ching'. As long as the technique is powerful enough, no matter how simple the name is, it will become a god in the hearts of future generations..."

"Superhuman power? That's too vulgar!"

"Hongmeng Taoist Scripture? No, it doesn't seem relevant..."


After thinking hard for a while, he still couldn't think of a satisfactory name. However, as his eyes crossed the 'Purple Source Roulette', he suddenly had inspiration in his heart. He had to overcome obstacles all the way to achieve today's achievements, although most of it was by himself. Although he has made great efforts, the role played by 'Purple Source Roulette' in his growth process is also remarkable.

"Why not, let's call it Ziyuan Jing!"

"Well, that's right. This name sounds familiar and pleasant to my ears. I was just prepared for it!"

The next moment, he noticed that in the skill column on the Purple Source Roulette light screen, the three characters "Unnamed" gradually faded away and turned into three gleaming characters of "Purple Source Sutra".

(End of this chapter)

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