The grand occasion of Ziyangzhou will continue until the end of the Mainland Prodigy War, and the most lively place now is 'Juyang City'.

Listening to the news coming from all directions, Su Poman quickly figured out some of the latest information about the war between the mainland's geniuses.

Now that the 'Millions of Continents War' has ended, the top five monks from each continent in the Piaomiao Continent are eligible to participate in the next Mainland Prodigy War, which is expected to be held in 'Juyang City' in half a month.

Before that, combatants from all continents would live in guild halls on both sides of Lieyang Avenue. A long time ago, in order to hold the Tianjiao War, the organizers spent a lot of money to build millions of guild halls on both sides of Lieyang Avenue. Each guild hall They all represent a continent in the Piaomiao Continent. During the Tianjiao War, the participating players and their accompanying teachers and servants will stay in each guild hall.

With a sudden thought, Su Po appeared on the slightly crowded Lieyang Avenue. This avenue was entirely made of sapphire slabs. There was a guild hall with a black roof and white walls every 100 meters on both sides of the road. The foyer of the guild hall There is a signboard with the name of the continent written on it.

He noticed that next to the foyer, there was a black stone tablet that was more than three feet high. When he got closer, he found that it was carved with dragons and phoenixes. On the top was written "Tian Shuzhou Tianjiao List" in six large seal characters. In the title Below, thirty names emitting a faint white light are arranged from top to bottom, namely the Mysterious Immortal List, the True Immortal List and the Celestial Immortal List.

There were crowds of people all around, and the atmosphere was very lively. Many monks were walking around, looking at the stone tablets at the entrances of various guild halls, and appreciating the talents of geniuses from different continents. Some of them gathered at the entrance of the guild halls representing their own continents, sending greetings and gifts. When entering to meet the genius of his own continent, whether it is to win over him or to cheer him up, everyone has different thoughts.

On the central axis of Lieyang Avenue, at regular intervals, there will be a competition field containing space arrays for the geniuses of each major hall to compete and challenge each other.

Before the Mainland Prodigy Battle, there was an unwritten rule. If someone felt that he was strong enough, he could challenge the top five talents in a certain guild. If the challenge was successful, he would be qualified to participate in the Mainland Prodigy Battle.

However, this type of challenge is very offending. It is equivalent to stepping on other people's faces to become famous. Generally, those who are challenged will not show mercy. Most of the losers who are not strong enough to challenge will end up with serious injuries or even death.

This challenge mode usually gives those participants who have ranked six to ten in the continental battle a chance to prove themselves. After all, the development of each continent is uneven. In some continents, there are many geniuses, and the competition is very fierce, even for the tenth-ranked genius. , in other continents where the competition is not too fierce, you can get the top five places. The organizers of the Prodigy Battle also took this into consideration, and this is why there is such an unwritten rule.

Before each challenge, a letter of challenge must be submitted through the official Tianjiao Zhan, Piao Miao Xian Alliance, and this letter of challenge will be sent to the person being challenged through official channels. Once the other party accepts the challenge, the two sides will fight under the witness of the patrolling elders of the Prodigy Battle of the Piaomiao Immortal Alliance. If you win the challenge, you will get a place to participate in the mainland Prodigy Battle. If you fail the challenge, you will be responsible for the consequences. Before the battle, both parties will sign a life and death contract. According to the contract, once there are casualties during the battle, the forces behind both sides shall not be held accountable on this basis.

"Brother, are you also a monk from Tianshu Continent? I am Lin Maosheng, a monk from the Golden Pen Sect of Tianshu Continent. Liu Sect, the ninth on the list of geniuses, is my senior brother. I am here to cheer him on. !" A young man with a clear face saw Su Poman stopping in front of the stone tablet for a long time, and approached with a smile and asked.

Su Poman shook his head and said with a kind smile: "I am Li Xuezhe from Jingpanzhou. He just came here by teleportation array from the mainland a few days ago. It was the first time he came to Lieyang Avenue. When he saw the geniuses from all continents gathered together, he was in a trance for a while. !”

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Li from Jingpanzhou. Jingpanzhou is not close to here. It's too expensive to ride in the teleportation array once. Meeting each other is fate. This is the first time for Fellow Daoist Li to come here, so he must not be familiar with this place. I happen to have nothing to do recently. You can't stay in the guild hall, how about I be your guide and give you a brief introduction to the situation of this million guild hall?" Lin Maosheng said with a gentle smile.

Su Poman looked slightly surprised, and then bowed solemnly, "There is Taoist Brother Lao Lin over there. I didn't expect to meet such a warm-hearted monk as Taoist Friend Lin in this foreign land!"

"Hey~ Fellow Daoist Li is being serious. I've been bored lately, and I just wanted to come out for some air. I've been around here for a while, and I know a lot about this place. When I met Fellow Daoist Li, I happened to have a colleague to talk to!" "Follow me from the Jinbi Sect! Those who came to participate in the battle, except for me, were all seniors from the sect who were permanently stationed in the guild hall. My senior brother was also in retreat to adjust his condition, and planned to challenge the fifth "Izumo Taoist" of Lingfeng Continent in some time. , if we can enter the Mainland Prodigy Battle, our Jinbi Sect’s trip will be considered worthwhile!”

"Let's go, Fellow Daoist Li. As we walk, I will introduce you to the general situation of each guild hall. These information are not secret. Just ask around and you will know that the guild hall next to the Tianshu Guild Hall is the 'Bi Yuanzhou' guild hall." , the top one on the list of Tianjiao Xuanxian Continent is Gu Feng, who is good at controlling beasts, proficient in thunder techniques, and has unfathomable strength..."

"This 'Jingyun Continent''s top genius is very powerful. He is the direct grandson of 'Rebellion Immortal Lord'. His fighting power crushes his peers, and no one is dissatisfied! The top spot on the True Immortal List is also somewhat similar to 'Rebellion Immortal Lord' The relationship is that he is the disciple of Immortal Lord's direct disciple..."


The enthusiastic guide in front of him, 'Lin Daoyou', is indeed a wonderful person. He is very familiar with the situation of various conference halls, and also knows a lot about the characters on the Tianjiao List. Su Poman listened, sometimes echoing, sometimes pretending to exclaim. , very cooperative with Lin Maosheng’s explanation.

Lin Maosheng was accustomed to Su Poman's reaction, and there was a faint smile on his lips, as if he was quite proud of his ability to explain.

Along the way, Lin Maosheng's explanations really opened Su Poman's eyes, and he gained a unified understanding of the geniuses from all continents.

"I can only say that everyone here is rubbish!"

A strange color flashed in his eyes. Su Poman had no intention of listening to these useless information anymore. He happened to see the Jingpanzhou guild hall not far ahead, so he cupped his fists towards Lin Maosheng and said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, listen. Your explanation has really opened my eyes, thank you very much, I plan to visit the Panic Guild Hall next, and please forgive me, fellow Taoist Lin!"

"You are so polite, Fellow Daoist Li. You are from Jingpanzhou, so you should pay a visit. Go quickly, I will go for a walk by myself, and we will meet again if we are destined!" Lin Maosheng held up his hand, with a look of unfinished expression on his face, obviously not yet. Excessive 'explanation' addiction.


When Su Poman saw Lin Maosheng leaving, he turned around and walked in the direction of the Panic Club, "This Lin Maosheng is quite interesting. If he were born in Blue Star, he might become the number one live broadcaster on a certain platform! Haha..."

When he came to the door of the guild hall, he wrote a temporary greeting note in handwriting, put it into the hands of the guard, and said with a smile: "Jingpanzhou casual cultivator, Li Xuezhe, come to pay a visit to all the geniuses of the Jingpan guild hall!"

The guard had a cold expression on his face. After taking a deep look at Su Poman, he directly opened the entrance to the formation and said, "Go in directly. If there are no elders from the sect, you can go to the Frightening Station inside to stay..." ( End of this chapter)

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