The anger in Zhu Yu's heart had been suppressed to the limit at this time. He stared coldly at Su Poman's playful and provocative face. Out of his anger, he had the murderous intention to smash him to pieces, and said in a solemn tone. : "Later, I hope your bones will be as hard as your mouth!"

Then, he turned around and bowed to Chi Zili, saying: "I accept this person's challenge, and I also ask Elder Chi to arrange a battle for the two of us as soon as possible!"

Chi Changlao nodded, glanced at Su Poman with a complex look that was slightly sympathetic and said that "licking a dog will lead to a good death", and then took out a life and death contract.

"If you two want to fight, you must first sign this life-and-death contract. I will arrange a competition venue immediately!"

Su Poman took the deed first. Without reading the content and terms, he directly wrote the three characters "Li Xuezhe" at the signature with a stroke of his pen.

Seeing this, Zhu Yu stepped forward with a cold face, grabbed the signed deed, condensed it into pen and ink with his immortal power, and wrote his name on the other side of the signature.

"You two, come with me!"

Chi Zili put away the contract, shook it off in a big way, and led the other two monks from the Piaomiao Immortal Alliance to stride outside the guild hall.

"Someone is going to have a fight to the death, come and see!"

A shout attracted many people, and the crowds gathered more and more, attracting thousands of people outside the guild hall. Countless good people acted as spectators, and some speculative traders took the opportunity to open the market.

Generally speaking, when major venues challenge each other, they will choose a nearby competition venue.

But coincidentally, the competition ground closest to the Panic Guild Hall was currently occupied, and it was also surrounded by a large number of monks watching the fight.

Seeing a group of people coming and leaving in a mighty manner, many people became suspicious.

"Which two guilds are going to fight?"

"The Panic Guild Hall and the Wuyun Guild Hall, come and see, it's a life-and-death fight between Master Bai Sha and an unknown casual cultivator! The casual cultivator has already filled up his hatred, and he will definitely fight with real fire!"

"Hey, that's fun, let's go together!"


Lin Maosheng was originally waiting in front of this competition ground, but unexpectedly saw a familiar figure. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. When he looked again, he was finally sure, and a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face, "Then Is it Brother Daoist Li who wants to fight Master Bai Sha? Hey~~ Wait a minute, Brother Liu, take a good position for me first!"

In an arena not far away, Su Poman and Zhu Yu stood at a distance. Chi Zili, the inspection elder of the Immortal Alliance, stood in the middle. He looked at the two of them and cleared his throat. Said: "Before you two fight, I will explain the rules clearly to you first, so as not to prevent anyone from violating the rules of the battle between geniuses!"

"Under the cover of this martial arts arena, you can use any magical powers and secrets, but you must not use the life-saving means given by the master. If you are cultivating talisman or array, you must use the immortal talisman or array that you can carve or arrange. .

The level of magic weapons in the Mysterious Immortal Realm cannot exceed the top-grade fairy weapons. Exotic treasures are not restricted due to their special characteristics. However, you must understand that the more powerful the exotic treasures are, the greater the cost of using them. If you are not sure of succeeding with one blow, , don’t use powerful exotic treasures easily, otherwise your magic energy will be drained, and you will be killed by your opponent’s counterattack before you have time to admit defeat, and you will suffer the consequences..."

"Both of them are talented people in my immortal world. Although they have signed a life-and-death contract, if things cannot be done, they can admit defeat as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties."

When he said this, Elder Chi gave Su Poman a deep look, as if to remind him.

Su Poman smiled and nodded in response, but thought in his heart: "This old man is a kind-hearted person! But what he should worry about most is my opponent..."

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure outside the formation, jumping and waving to him, opening and closing his mouth as if calling his name.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is here to watch the battle..." Seeing this, Su Poman also turned his head and raised his hand to say hello outside the formation.

Outside the formation in the martial arts arena, Lin Maosheng burst out laughing when he saw Su Poman's response. He pulled the person next to him by the shoulder and said, "I'm not lying to you. I know this fellow Daoist Li well! Go and spend a day for me." One hundred... oh no, let’s go for fifty yuan, if you buy a low-grade immortal stone for fifty yuan, you’ll win, Fellow Daoist Li!”

With that said, Lin Maosheng threw a small cloth bag to the man in brown clothes.

The man took the bag and nodded thoughtfully, thinking, "Does Li Xuezhe really have some special ability that no one knows about?"

Just as he was about to turn around and place his bet at the handicap, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder.

"Wait a minute, that fellow Daoist Liu, if you work harder, help a friend of mine buy Master Baisha Sheng. Here, this is the eight hundred middle-grade immortal stones!" Lin Maosheng quietly stuffed a larger cloth bag into Liu's hand. Chess's arms.

"Ah? You..." Liu Qi looked puzzled and looked down at the big bag in his arms.

Lin Maosheng glanced left and right, pushed him hard, and urged: "Go quickly, the market will be closed if it's too late!"

Seeing Liu Qi squeeze through the crowd and go to the handicap, Lin Maochang breathed a sigh of relief, looked in the direction of the competition field, and murmured to himself: "Fellow Daoist Li, Friend Daoist Li, I threw fifty pieces of low-grade immortal stones, no?" Let’s hope that we live up to the friendship between you and me…”

In the formation, after Chi Zili read out some precautions, he activated the formation, and the battle between the two officially began.

Zhu Yu stared at Su Poman with sinister eyes, as if he felt that he was sure to defeat him. Now that he could kill him, he was not too anxious. He laughed angrily, with a cruel smile on his face, and said: "It's just a mere killing." Even if you are a casual cultivator, you dare to jump out and provoke me. Now you want to regret it, but you will regret it. Next, I will entertain you well!"

"You are worthy of it!" Su Poman's eyes were covered with a layer of dark blue at some point. His immortal power had not been stimulated and he was loose, as if he had not put up any defense.

This scene made everyone below look a little puzzled.

"This is too careless. It doesn't even activate a decent magical shield. It won't be destroyed instantly with one move!"

"That would be too boring. It would be useless for me to give up another battle to watch their fighting skills..."


"I really don't know who gave you the confidence, go to hell!"

"All evils will be destroyed!"

As soon as Zhu Yu finished speaking, a huge amount of evil energy surged up behind him, and like black smoke, a sharp eight-clawed spike suddenly formed. From a distance, it looked like a giant spider possessing him.


The eight-clawed evil thorn suddenly rotated and cut through the void, instantly arriving in front of Su Poman. The strong spatial fluctuations caused the broken hair on his forehead to float.

Su Poman's expression was condensed, the deep blue light in his eyes flashed away, and the same evil spirit spikes suddenly appeared behind his back. As he retreated violently, he softly said in his mouth: "All evils will be destroyed!"

A rotating eight-clawed spike came first and was directly in front of him, neutralizing Zhu Yu's evil attack in the air.

"What?" Zhu Yu looked shocked, his eyes were a little dazed, and he exclaimed: "How can you know the magical power of my Tiansha Sect!" (End of this chapter)

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