The new round of ranking battle involves the battle to advance to the top 100, so the battle will become more intense.

Every participant is gearing up, trying to adjust their state, and strive to display higher combat effectiveness in the next battle.

In Juyang City, it was a sunny and sunny day, with wispy clouds and a gentle breeze mixed with a hint of moist coolness.

Su Poman walked out of the small courtyard, passed the avenue filled with people, and came to the small square where the participants in the Xuanxian Realm drew lots.

The remaining one hundred and twenty-four participants gathered here. Seeing Su Poman's arrival, many people cast various looks at him.

There is scrutiny, there is questioning, there is also disdain...

But more importantly, I still wait with dignity, not wanting to encounter this pervert too early.

In the square, a group of people surrounded a handsome young man like stars holding the moon. He was dressed in a glazed gown and had a graceful demeanor, like a peerless and independent young man.

This person is the youngest son of Immortal Lord Piaomiao. Little Lord Lingxun is the default candidate for the top spot among all the forces in the mainland Prodigy Battle. It is said that he has comprehended part of the power of the law of time.

When one has reached this level of cultivation, he is considered to be on the road to the Golden Immortal, and his combat power far exceeds that of his peers, the Xuan Immortal.

Su Poman found a corner and stood there, with no intention of chatting or making friends with anyone else.

In his opinion, as long as you don't give him gifts, there is no need to waste your time.

Thinking of the resource rewards for the top 100, he now wished he could challenge more than a hundred other participants and collect the rewards directly.

Every time the rankings are updated, the Immortal League will hand out generous and enviable rewards. If he wins another game today, he estimates that he will get at least 10,000 purple energy as a reward.

The process of drawing lots is not complicated. The main purpose is to ensure that it is fair and impartial. Therefore, the random drawing is conducted under the joint witness of all guests, which is more transparent than the previous rounds.

In the center of the square, on a stone platform between two waiters, there was a square black box stored.

Its surface is engraved with a formation that shields divine consciousness, and the material is also extremely special, able to block the sight of immortals.

Everyone stepped forward to draw lots one by one, and a waiter next to them recorded it and sang it loudly.

The number Su Poman drew was 'thirty-four'. His opponent was a tall, white-faced Confucian scholar whose cultivation was also in the late stage of Xuanxian. His expression was calm and spoke little, and his eyes seemed to contain a light of wisdom. , the divine pattern between the eyebrows is engraved with a circular formation pattern the size of a copper coin.

After everyone drew lots, Su Poman and the white-faced Confucian scholar followed the waiter into a suspended arena.

High in the sky, dozens of golden immortals were sitting on Qingyun, watching the battle here.

"I'm Xuanzong of Wanzhen, Gongsun Changce, please come!" The white-faced Confucian scholar stood on the other side of the arena, took a few steps forward, and bowed his hands in a salute.

Su Poman stood there, cupped his hands, smiled and said, "Rogue cultivator, Li Xuezhe!"

Under Yan Dao Xuan Tong's eyes that analyze all kinds of magic, he clearly saw that when Gongsun Changce took a few steps, he had quietly arranged dozens of exquisite and secret formations in the surrounding space. The array method was so powerful that he couldn't help but marvel at it.

"As expected of a formation cultivator..."

Although Su Poman was surprised, he had no intention of wasting time here. A bright star appeared in the depths of his pupils, and the entire arena was instantly shrouded in an oppressive darkness.

Gongsun Changce had a look of surprise in his eyes. He obviously didn't expect that the other party would not give him any time to form a formation. He gritted his teeth and spat out a mouthful of golden blood. His long hair on the sideburns was windless and he yelled: "Let's form a formation!"

The blood essence turned into runes and stirred up the surroundings, immediately activating the ninety-nine and eighty-one serial formations he had laid out in advance, and the blue formations of light burst into shape.

He knew that if he didn't activate the formation immediately, once he fell into the opponent's weird territory, he would become a piece of meat on the chopping block and could only be slaughtered by others. At this time, amid the continuous explosions, each thousand-foot-long formations stood tall and took shape. There were only the last ten formations left from the eighty-one chain formations!

"Hurry! It's's too late!"

Gongsun Changce looked at the enveloping darkness and felt extremely anxious. He had already activated his essence and blood to speed up the formation, but he didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so quick.

From the moment he spurts out blood essence and forms a formation, to the time darkness falls, it only takes a moment.

However, when darkness fell, Gongsun Changce could no longer feel the power of immortality in his body, and even the laws of heaven and earth outside seemed to have disappeared. The formations powerful enough to trap and kill Xuanxian were like candles in the wind. went out one after another.

"How could there be such a thing..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his head and fell into deeper darkness.

Su Poman did not absorb the opponent's cultivation this time, but just plundered all the resources he brought with him. After all, those who can advance to the Top 100 are considered true geniuses and have the foundation of the fairy world. He is not easy to do. Too outrageous.

On the other hand, the reason is that there are so many powerful golden immortals watching the battle above their heads, and there may even be immortal kings watching the top 100 ranking battle. This method, which is similar to the magic cultivator, can easily be caught.

Compared with the rewards of the Tianjiao Battle, the purple energy transformed from absorbing cultivation is too little, and it is not worth the risk for him.

After putting away the cosmic projection, the situation in the arena fell in front of everyone. There is no doubt that he has won another round and has firmly entered the top 100 of the Miao Continent's genius list.

After receiving the reward, Su Poman returned to the small courtyard where he lived. The most important thing was to quickly convert all the resources into purple energy.

The reward for the top 100 did not disappoint him. Together with the resources obtained from Gongsun Changce's storage ring, a total of eighteen thousand rays of purple energy were transformed, which can be said to have greatly exceeded his expectations.

Including the previous 39,000 wisps, the purple energy he now possesses has reached more than 57,000 strands. He feels that he should be able to embody the law of time.

Once he has the laws of time, his Yuan Shen Dao Fruit will be very different. Even if he does not use the power of cosmic projection, he is still an invincible existence in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. As long as the number of laws exceeds 500, he will be promoted to a statue that can travel the long river of time. The golden immortal is powerful.

Golden Immortal monks are powerful enough to dominate the entire world of immortals, monsters and demons. If there is no major disaster, they can survive almost to the end of the years.

In the training room, Su Poman's eyes were full of excitement.

"Let's start now!"

Su Po satisfied with his thoughts and descended into Universe No. 1 within his body. Balls of purple energy poured out from an unknown space and poured into the imprint of the law of time like a stream.

A hundred wisps!

Two hundred wisps!

Five hundred strands!


A thousand wisps!

Five thousand strands!

Ten thousand wisps!

Thirty thousand strands!

Fifty thousand strands!

After all fifty thousand wisps of purple energy poured into the imprint of the Law of Time, a divine light that seemed to fly from the river of time transformed into a golden pen and lightly touched Su Poman's forehead.

Then, there is a golden mysterious pattern in the law pattern between the eyebrows, which gives people a sense of the vicissitudes of time at a glance.

"It's done!"

Su Poman opened his eyes. He felt the existence of the law of time, which vaguely echoed the law of time existing in the physical Dao Fruit. It seemed that there was some connection between the two.

"Now my Yuan Shen Dao Fruit has the power of 481 laws including the laws of time and space. I still have nineteen more laws to reach the number of 500. When the time comes, my cultivation will be It will be a matter of course to be promoted to the golden fairyland..." (End of this chapter)

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