After returning to the secret room, Su Poman quickly immersed his mind in Universe No. 1.

There is no doubt that this harvest is particularly gratifying!

The loving assistance provided by Mr. Ling Xun alone amounted to 130,000 wisps of purple energy. At this time, he had not yet included the rewards from the Tianjiao Battle.

He turned his hand, and a faint blue ring appeared on his palm. After his spiritual consciousness entered it, the surprise on his face became even greater.

"It is indeed a reward for the decisive battle. It is really rich!" Su Poman was very satisfied and estimated that these rewards could be converted into at least 100,000 purple energy.

With a thought, he transferred all the rare treasures and cultivation resources in the ring to Universe 1.

In addition to the 150,000 purple energy obtained previously, when the transformation of these resources is completed, he will have about 400,000 purple energy.

Such a huge foundation is enough to support him to take a big step forward on the road of Golden Immortal!

The future is expected!

Su Poman closed his eyes to digest everything he had gained, and spent the rest of his time integrating the innate chaotic gods and demons.

The Yuan Shen Tao Fruit has immediately reached the Golden Immortal level, and the physical realm cannot lag behind.

Compared with the tranquility in the small courtyard, the outside world has been turned upside down because of Xiaojun Lingxun's defeat.

Various arguments and quarrels arose, and there were even accusations that 'Li Xuezhe' cheated and illegally used magical powers given by his elders.

At this time, Li Haoran, the divine son of the Linghuan Shen Sect, was also at the forefront of the storm. Many people were encouraging him to represent fairness and justice and reveal the secrets of Li Xuezhe's methods.

The fermentation of these remarks has affected the credibility of the Immortal League. They had to issue a statement that before the final round of the Tianjiao battle, the referee elders would personally "check" Li Xuezhe to eliminate any possibility of cheating.

At this time, several elders from the Golden Immortal Realm who had accompanied the Linghuan Shen Sect were sitting in a secret room, planning for the Son of God.

"There is still one step left, and Haoran will reach the top of the list!"

"If the Son of God can really reach the top of the list of geniuses, it will be of great benefit to our sect!"

"Yes, the Son of God may take this opportunity to unleash even greater potential and lead our Spiritual Fantasy Sect to a further step!"

"So the most important thing right now is to help the Son of God resolve the roadblocks..."

At this point, the secret room fell into silence.

Not long after, an old man sitting in the front seat said in a slow tone: "So, do you have any way to help the Son of God deal with Li Xuezhe's methods?"

Others looked at me, and I looked at you, and then shook their heads slightly.

"Young Master Ling Xun has a strong family background and cannot restrain himself from it, let alone us." An old man with yellow hair and red eyes said in a dry tone.

When the octogenarian heard this, a pair of turbid eyes suddenly erupted with a ferocious light like a tiger descending from the mountain. After sweeping the crowd, he said: "Then find a way to prevent the opponent of the Son of God from participating in the decisive battle. You do it, I only want one result! "

"Yes! Great Elder, I'll go down and make arrangements soon!"


Outside the small courtyard, undercurrents were surging, and a storm was quietly brewing.

In the early morning of the next day, the weather in Juyang City was still sunny, and there were still four days left before the decisive battle of the Prodigy Battle.

Without warning, a group of idlers gathered outside Su Poman's courtyard, clamoring to challenge Li Xuezhe.

However, Su Poman naturally didn't bother to pay attention to such a crude method. He turned off the formation and lay on the lounge chair in the center of the courtyard, basking in the sun leisurely. He didn't feel nervous at all before the decisive battle.

The clamor outside also attracted many troublemakers to watch, which also caused those provocateurs to become more and more unwilling to restrain themselves, and the words in their mouths became increasingly unclean.

However, due to the existence of the formation, it did not affect Su Poman, but this did not mean that he did not hold grudges. The faces and breaths of those people were all recorded by Su Poman.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

After the Tianjiao war is over, he will make these people pay the price for their bad words!

With the ability of 'teleportation', these people cannot escape from his grasp even if they run to the ends of the earth.

Su Poman turned over, looked directly at the fairy sun that was blooming with thousands of rays of light, and said softly, "This sunshine is really beautiful, praise the sun!"

At this moment, he frowned slightly and found that the group of people outside started to attack the formation. The most strange thing was that the guards of Juyang City seemed to be blind and did not show up.

"It's really boring to live, a bunch of unlucky people who are pioneers for the king!"

Su Poman raised his right index finger and tapped the center of his eyebrows lightly, and a clone wearing a bronze mask instantly separated from his body, "Go, since you are here to seek death, then kill them!" The clone nodded, and in a burst of light and shadow, , turned into the appearance of 'Li Haoran', directly tore open the space and escaped to the outside world.

"Get out and die!"

"Li Xuezhe, aren't you awesome? Why are you acting like a turtle?"

"Don't think that you can escape the attack of us righteous people by hiding inside. Your achievements all come from despicable and shameful cheating!"

"get out!"


The Mysterious Immortal Realm monks with different appearances continued to use their magic to attack the formations in the small courtyard. Although they were unable to break through them, they caused the formations to flicker and the surrounding space to fluctuate constantly.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing?"

The clone that transformed into 'Li Haoran' through the 'Seventy-two Changes' hung in mid-air and shouted loudly.


The dozen or so people all turned around and looked obviously startled when they saw 'Li Haoran'.

"No...the elder said it was the Son of God who asked us to come?"

"What kind of trick is this?"

"What does the Son of God want to do?"


They looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Could it be that the mission has changed?"

"Or is it that the Son of God wants to eliminate suspicion in this way? It seems that this is the only understanding..."

Slowly, everyone came back to their senses, and their faces once again wore righteous and stern expressions, as if they were full of resentment.

"You are the divine son of the Linghuan Divine Sect, right? As expected, you look like Yushu Linfeng, with extraordinary bearing... This matter has nothing to do with you, it's just that a few of us can't stand Li Xuezhe's despicable and shameless style!"

"That's right, that god... Mr. Li, please leave it alone. We and Li Xuezhe are at odds with each other, and we must teach him a lesson!"


Everyone showed off their acting skills, and many even secretly flattered them.

"Damn! There's something wrong with you guys!" Su Poman's clone muttered with a dissatisfied expression, and then took action boldly. He raised his hand to cover the surrounding time and space with the laws of time and space, and then used lightning-fast means to instantly Killed more than a dozen people.


I don't know who shouted.

"Is Li Shenzi crazy?"

"If he does this, isn't he afraid that the Immortal Alliance will disqualify him from participating in the war?"

"Those people are helping him, I don't understand!"

"Look, the patrol guards from Juyang City are here!"

"Now we have a good show. I don't know how this Shenzi Li wants to end it!"


Not only were the surrounding spectators confused, but even the third elder of the Linghuan Shen Sect lurking nearby felt that his cerebellum had shrunk.

"Son of God, Son of God, why did he do this?"

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