Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 425: Scaring away the Demon Lord

The black projection instantly enveloped the entire Juyang City, as well as the surrounding area of ​​millions of kilometers, and even included all time and space within the range.

Countless monks felt like they were entering deep water as a mortal who couldn't swim.

Depression, helplessness, plus inexplicable fear...

At this moment, they realized how desperate it was to become Su Poman's opponent.

His cultivation turned into running water, and the laws of heaven and earth seemed to have become unfamiliar.

The one who was most suppressed at this time was the Evil Sheep Demon Lord!

I saw that the demonic energy on his body continued to dissipate, and even his body size shrank by more than half. The previous domineering look in his bloody eyes was no longer visible.

When Chunyu Guang saw this scene, he felt his hair stand on end. When he looked at Su Poman, he seemed to be looking at the figure of a freak falling on the ground, and he quickly took a few steps back.

During this trip to the Immortal Realm, the Evil Sheep Demon Lord never thought that he would fall here. Even if the Immortal Lord took action, he was confident that he could escape and ascend to heaven.

But the guy in front of him made him feel very unsure.

"This method is too similar to that of the Immortal Lord, and it seems to be even weirder. The laws of heaven and earth seem to have changed their owners... Do you really want to use that one?"

Thinking of this, the Evil Sheep Demon Lord felt a little painful. Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to kill the little guy who he thought was like an ant, but he also lost a precious and unusual life-saving means.

In that way, once the trump card is used, even in front of the Immortal Lord, one can easily escape, and its value is more precious than the Imperial Immortal Weapon.

When he hesitated, a mysterious force suddenly came. He felt as if he was a fish caught on dry land at this moment. His life had already fallen into a countdown. If he didn't resist, he would only die.

"We can't wait any longer!" The Evil Sheep Demon Lord was heartbroken and resolutely took out a piece of thin talisman paper that was dusty and exuded a ghostly atmosphere - the Netherworld Shadow Escape Talisman.

This talisman is extraordinary. It is a secret treasure spread in the demon world and contains powerful and mysterious demonic power. Although it looks simple, just a piece of almost transparent gray talisman paper, the demonic lines carved on it are extremely complex. Each line seems to contain a deep netherworld power, shining with a strange light intertwined with blue and pitch black. . These lines are sometimes still and sometimes moving, like the undercurrent of the netherworld quietly surging on the talisman paper.

The Evil Sheep Demon Lord touched the talisman with his purple-black finger claws, and the Nether Escape Talisman was instantly activated. In an instant, the demonic lines on the talisman paper seemed to be injected with evil vitality, twisting and spinning crazily, turning into an extremely deep netherworld vortex. The vortex exudes a cold and mysterious atmosphere, as if it is an endless void connecting the fairy world and the nether world, swallowing everything around it.

As the netherworld vortex formed, the figure of the Evil Sheep Demon Lord gradually blurred, as if being pulled by an invisible force, and quickly merged into the vortex. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of weightlessness, as if his entire soul had been stripped of his body, breaking free from the constraints of time and space. Even the Immortal Lord suppressing him with the law could not stop him from escaping.

"Oh, you were able to escape from the projection of the big universe... It's a pity that I have carved a unique spiritual imprint on you. As long as I have a little free time, I can easily cross the boundary and eradicate the roots!" Su Poman's eyes flashed. A sly smile.

Immediately, he walked slowly towards the referee elder, with a gentle and harmless smile on his face, as if he was a polite gentleman, and said softly: "This elder, I was just lucky enough to be on the list of geniuses." First of all, you won’t forget to give me the reward I deserve, right?”

The elder referee had a gloomy look on his face at this moment. He knew very well that Su Poman in front of him was very powerful, and if he resisted even a little bit, he would probably suffer an unreasonable disaster. He had no choice but to bite the bullet, squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, and responded in a dry voice: "Li... Mr. Li, the reward for the top spot is indeed extraordinary, but all the rewards are in the hands of Elder Lu Meng sent by the Immortal Alliance. In your hand." "Oh? Where is Elder Lu Meng?" Su Poman raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a hint of imperceptible urgency in his tone.

The elder referee swallowed and pointed at someone not far away with a trembling finger, "That's it..."

Su Poman looked in the direction pointed by the elder referee, his eyes penetrated the void, and directly saw the tall old man in golden robe. The aura on his body was actually in the late stage of Jinxian, and could be suppressed by his cosmic projection. There is no one who can resist even slightly.

"Elder Lu, you should have understood the purpose of my visit, right?" Su Poman spoke bluntly and had no intention of beating around the bush.

Anyway, now he is carrying the name of 'Li Xuezhe'. After doing all this, he will change his identity and walk in the outside world, so he is not afraid of offending the Immortal Alliance at all.

Lu Meng was currently under the pressure of the cosmic projection, and it was very difficult for him to move. Now that he was stronger than others, he could only nod his head and said: "It is really unexpected that our human race can give birth to such a talented descendant. You deserve this reward. I only hope that after receiving the reward, you will be noble and let us go, and never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

After saying that, he raised his hand with difficulty and threw a ring shining with red light towards Su Poman. Su Poman caught the ring and felt the rich reward in it, and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

He nodded solemnly and said, "Elder Lu, please rest assured. As a member of the Immortal Clan, I will naturally not persecute fellow Taoists. What happened today is just to get back my reward."

Lu Meng was relieved when he heard what Su Poman said, "Fortunately, this junior is not a murderous person, otherwise with his strength, he would really cause a catastrophe!"

Su Poman's eyes slowly turned to Chunyu Guang, and the look on his face gradually turned cold: "Linghuan Shenzong, I have long been aware of your plans against me. Now, it's time to make a reckoning!" His tone said There was an unquestionable majesty in it, which made Chunyu Guang feel an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

At this moment, he has realized the seriousness of the situation, and this freak-like existence does not seem to intend to let him go easily. He tried to stay calm and tried to find a glimmer of hope, but when faced with Su Poman's cold eyes, he felt a sense of despair.

"What kind of evil did you do to provoke such a monster? Once you break through the Golden Immortal, you can defeat even a half-step demon..."

As soon as Su Poyi had a thought, the pressure of the cosmic projection surged towards Chun Yuguang like a tide, suppressing him instantly and making him as powerless as a mortal. He felt that his immortal power was completely blocked and he was unable to exert any power. Under this absolute suppression, he seemed to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Immediately afterwards, two red rays of light suddenly penetrated Chun Yuguang's body. Before he could even utter a scream, he was instantly cut into countless tiny fragments by the terrifying light. These fragments of the immortal body were then swallowed up by nameless power in the void. At the same time, the treasures and resources on him were also taken into Universe No. 1 by Su Poman. It all happened so fast that no one else could react.

"The great elder of the Spiritual Fantasy Sect is dead..."

"He is a late-stage Golden Immortal!"


An indescribable chill arose in the hearts of countless people, and for the first time they felt a deep fear of the name "Li Xuezhe".

Lu Meng felt even more frightened. He was glad that he didn't act impulsively to annoy the other party just now. Otherwise, he would probably end up like Chun Yuguang and end up dead. (End of chapter)

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