Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 428: The Immortal Beast that Defends the City

The treasures of Tianxing Taoist family have not escaped his notice. His consciousness swept across like a strong wind sweeping down fallen leaves, and he easily found the place where the treasure was hidden in the warehouse. In the blink of an eye, he had all these precious treasures in his bag, and the warehouse suddenly became empty.

The storage equipment of those in high positions were also not spared. Su Poman put these equipment and the treasures in his bag one by one, and then left with satisfaction.

These resources may not be considered abundant for a Golden Immortal, but when accumulated, a lot of purple energy can be transformed.


The endless hills of the Qingyun Mountains are dotted with white snow. Under the shadow of the mountains, there is a majestic and magnificent city rising from the ground, towering into the clouds. It is the legendary 'Cangluan City'. Viewed from a distance, the outline of the city is looming, as if shrouded in a layer of mysterious fairy mist, exuding an otherworldly aura.

The city wall is tall and strong, forged from the unique treasure material of the immortal world - 'Xuanyu Immortal Gold'. This material is not only indestructible, but also can automatically absorb the immortal energy between heaven and earth, providing a steady stream of energy for the city. The surface of the city wall shone with a faint light, as if it were inlaid with countless stars, so dazzling that people dared not look directly at it.

At the gate of the city, two huge immortal beasts - the 'Flame Kirin' and the 'Blue Wave Dragon' stood majestically. The powerful and compelling aura exuded from their bodies made the immortals who came and went feel awe.

The whole body of the flaming unicorn was surrounded by red-gold flames, as if it were a mythical beast leaping out of the sea of ​​blazing fire. Its body is majestic and its limbs are strong and powerful. Every step it takes is accompanied by the movement of flames, as if it is about to ignite the entire ground. Its skin presents a unique golden scale, each one shining with fiery light, as if it were inlaid with countless flaming gems. Its head has a pair of spiral horns, the tips of which shine with dazzling firelight, as if they can penetrate all darkness. The tail of the Double Flame Kirin is long and thick, with a ball of blazing fire burning at the end. When it swings, the flames splash in all directions, which is daunting.

The Bibo Dragon is completely different from the Flame Kirin. Its whole body is covered with green scales, like emeralds in the deep sea, exuding a faint light. Its body is slender and elegant, like a green ribbon swimming freely in the water. There is a pair of bifurcated dragon horns on its head, and the tips of the horns flash with a faint blue light, as if they can see into people's hearts. The eyes contain the power of the deep ocean, revealing a mysterious and distant aura. The Bibo Dragon's tail is long and powerful, and it can stir up layers of waves when it swings.

These two powerful immortal beasts - the flaming unicorn and the blue wave dragon, are the patron saints carefully raised by the lord of Cangluan City, Taoist Huntian. They sit at the gate of the city and shoulder the important task of protecting the entire city. Whenever an immortal steps into the city gate, they will cast a vigilant and penetrating gaze, carefully detecting the aura of each visitor to ensure that monks from the demon world cannot sneak in and cause trouble.

Su Poman stood at the gate of the city, his eyes involuntarily attracted by these two beasts that seemed to come out of myths. He looked at their majestic and radiant figures, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of envy in his heart. This feeling is just like the surprise and yearning that a fledgling college graduate feels when he encounters a Lamborghini sports car speeding past on the street.

For an immortal, it is undoubtedly a supreme honor and pride to own a mount of an immortal beast with strong bloodline and extraordinary might. Such fairy beasts not only represent the identity and status of the owner, but are also a symbol of the owner's strength and taste.

At this moment, Su Poman slowly realized this. He planned to catch a pure-blood beast to be his mount when he had time.

After his spiritual consciousness was released, he quickly found the information about Baishen Palace among the noisy and chaotic information.

Baishen Palace is located in the center of Cangluan City. The palaces are majestic and towering into the clouds, like an insurmountable fairy fortress. Its location is so prominent that no matter where in the city, you can look up at the palaces exuding a solemn atmosphere.

In Cangluan City, everyone knows the status of Baishen Palace and no one disrespects it. It is not only a gathering place for golden immortal monks, but also a holy place in the immortal world. Only monks who have reached the Golden Immortal level are qualified to step into the gate of Baishen Palace and become one of them. Even the gatekeeper disciples are all Xuanxian-level beings, and their strength is powerful enough to deter anyone with evil intentions. Many times, even the city lord, Taoist Huntian, had to give three cents less when facing Baishen Palace, which shows the respect of his status.

Su Poman walked step by step towards the solemn gate of Baishen Palace. This move undoubtedly caused many people to stop and watch.

"What is he going to do?"

"Could it be that you are going to visit an elder from Baishen Palace?"

"It doesn't look like it. With such a strong evil spirit, I'm afraid it's someone coming to seek revenge!"

"This guy is so bold, he even dares to mess with Baishen Palace!"

"But having said that, he is indeed a character if he has such courage." "Huh, courage is commendable, but it also depends on whether he has the strength."


Every step he took seemed to step on everyone's hearts, causing a shock.

"Who is here? You know this is the Baishen Palace. Please don't enter unless you have any permission!" Although the gatekeeper's tone was respectful, there was a trace of imperceptible arrogance in his eyes.

Su Poman raised his head slightly and looked directly at the gatekeeper disciple with cold eyes. He did not answer the gatekeeper disciple's question, but directly shouted: "Taoist Tianxing, come out and die!"

The sound was like a bolt from the blue, echoing in the silent air, shocking everyone. The faces of the gatekeeper disciples turned pale instantly. They obviously did not expect that the monk in blue shirt would dare to be so arrogant in front of the White God Palace.

"You, how dare you be so rude!" the gatekeeper disciple stammered, but the arrogance from before was no longer in his voice, replaced by fear and uneasiness.

Su Poman sneered, as if he didn't hear the reactions of the two gatekeepers. He put his hands leisurely behind his back, held his head high and held his chest high, like a pine or a cypress. A majestic momentum belonging to the Golden Fairyland poured out unstoppably like a mountain torrent at this moment.

The two gatekeepers felt an invisible force coming over them, as if there was an invisible mountain pressing on their chests, making it difficult for them to breathe. Under the pressure of this momentum, the two of them involuntarily took several steps back, their faces as white as paper, and their eyes full of fear.

"You, wait!" One of the gatekeepers yelled with anger, "White God Palace is not a place where you can act wild!"

However, Su Poman turned a deaf ear to their threats and just stared coldly into the depths of Baishen Palace.

At the same time, the monks in Baishen Palace were also awakened by this sudden momentum. In a teahouse decorated with antiques, Tianxing Taoist and a majestic bearded man were sitting opposite each other, drinking tea and discussing Taoism.

However, when this momentum hit, the expressions of both of them could not help but change slightly.

"Shangguan Tianxing, it seems that your enemy has already arrived!" The bearded man with a golden sword flashed in his eyes, and there was a hint of a smile on his face as he teased.

Taoist Tianxing's face darkened and he glared at the strong man displeased. He naturally knew that this bearded man did not really care about him, but was looking at his own joke. However, at this time, he had no time to care about this with the other party. He just sighed and said: "Pindao, go meet him, and you can hold the battle here. Once there is a need for you to take action, you will be paid according to the rules afterwards." .”

After saying that, Taoist Tianxing stood up and walked outside the tea room. His heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He didn't know who the monk in blue shirt was who dared to challenge him in front of the Baishen Palace.

It seems that he has not offended other golden immortals, right?

However, what happened today left him a little confused, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart.

However, he was still angry, and Tianxing Taoist also knew that this was not the time to act impulsively. He must go out and accept this challenge, not only for his own face, but also for the inviolability of the majesty of Baishen Palace. If he shrinks his head at this time, then he will no longer have to hang out in Baishen Palace!

Thinking of this, Taoist Tianxing took a deep breath and put the distracting thoughts in his mind behind him. He straightened his robes and stepped out.

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