Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 435: Devouring the Universe

Chapter 435: Devouring the Universe

"Fellow Taoist, are you enlightening? Tell me quickly, how can you achieve the Great Way?" The smile on the face of the weird man on paper seemed to be carved on it, cold and stiff, with a kind of hair-raising feeling. Evil.

Su Poman was interrupted from thinking, and he was angry in his heart. He pushed the palm away fiercely, frowned and stared at the weirdo on the paper and said coldly: "What? If I am really enlightening, isn't your behavior destroying me?" Path?"

"Hehe, I don't care. If you see Daodao, you must share it with me, otherwise I will...I will crush you to death! I will crush you to death, hahaha!" The weirdo on the paper showed a sly smile, and then his expression gradually became clear. Crazy, with huge hands in the shape of scissors, constantly rubbing the void. It is obvious that this is a monk who has gone astray.

Su Poman frowned slightly, and after turning the Dao-Evolving Mysterious Pupil, he saw the strange black energy entwined on the strange Dao Fruit on the paper, as well as the soul that was no longer in human form. This is no monk at all, he is clearly a monster in human skin!

At the same time, there were countless monsters and evil cultivators in the surrounding area who were looking at them. They seemed to be using this crazy paper weirdo to test Su Poman's strength. Once they discover that he is not strong enough, these monsters and evil cultivators will swarm up like hungry wolves and devour him cruelly.

"Seeking death!" Su Poman's eyes flashed with fierce murderous intent. A terrifying red ray suddenly shot out from his eyes, instantly piercing the head of the monster on paper. Then, with a wave of his hand, he put the remains of the paper monster into the projection of the universe. There, the Tao Fruit of the paper monster was shattered, the law was absorbed, and everything left was transformed into Hongmeng Purple Qi. Even alienated monsters cannot escape the digestion power of the particle universe! Those chaotic and crazy thoughts were swept away!

When the people watching around saw this scene, they all turned their gazes in horror. The existences in the darkness also caused some commotion, and they seemed to be wary of Su Poman's strength.

“Another one is here that’s not easy to mess with!”


"Let's go, let's go, there's no meat here!"

Several murmurs came from the void.

However, Su Poman did not give up there. He squinted his eyes and quietly marked the greedy glances cast by everyone with his mind. A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You don't think this is the end, do you? Haha! No one who dares to covet me can escape! A bunch of dirty and shameless things!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Poman's figure had disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he appeared in a cave filled with yellow water. The foul and unpleasant smell permeates the surroundings, which is nauseating. However, in the center of the cave, there is something like a 'yellow mud monster'. It was also one of the beings that had spied on Su Poman before. Now, it will become Su Poman's next goal!

This yellow mud monster seems to have no fixed shape. It is like liquid loess, shaping terrifying shapes while squirming. Sometimes it looks like a collapsing hill, sometimes it turns into a twisted human form, every detail is full of indescribable fear, and there are faint white bones emerging from the yellow mud soup. A mixture of decay, death and the unknown filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. Everything around it would become dead silent, as if all life shrank before its horror.

The skin of the yellow mud monster is rough and hard, like an ancient rock polished by time and darkness. Every inch is engraved with traces of time and unknown runes. The two eyes are deep black holes from which no light can shine, yet they seem to be able to swallow up all the light around them. When you gaze into those eyes, you will feel a strong dizziness, as if you have been sucked into an endless dark vortex from which you cannot extricate yourself. "This is actually a monster from the Golden Fairy Realm!" Su Poman already had a conclusion in his mind. Through the insight of Yan Dao Xuan Tong, he discovered that the method of law used by this monster was extremely weird and special, with an indescribable strange aura.

Su Poman didn't want to have any communication with such a filthy existence. Therefore, the moment he stepped into this cave, he activated the "Great Universe Projection" without hesitation.

At this moment, his body has given birth to three golden fairyland-level "particle universes", especially universe No. 1, whose number of laws has exceeded . This makes the power displayed by the "Great Universe Projection" far beyond the reach of the Golden Fairyland.

When the projection of the big universe appeared, Su Poman felt as if he had become the ruler of this world. He even had the illusion that he could directly drag the yellow mud monster and the entire cave world into his particle universe, and then slowly digest them all.

With a thought in Su Poman's heart, he activated the "Purple Source Sutra". With the operation of the technique, the newly opened particle universe in his body suddenly lit up with a bright and dazzling spiritual light. An invisible suction force is quietly generated from the "projection of the big universe", making this area seem to turn into a huge mouth swallowing up the world, and like the summoning aura inspired by the magical power "The Universe in the Sleeve", in an instant The yellow mud monster and the "Yellow Spring Cave" it opened were pulled into Universe No. 18.

Under the absolute suppression of this cosmic projection, the yellow mud monster was deprived of even the ability to struggle and think. It could only watch as it fell into a cosmic starry sky that made it feel fear and trembling. There is no trace of the power of law here, but the power of law contained in it is like water dripping into the sea, leaking out crazily.

The strange earth-yellow Tao Fruit split automatically without the need for external force, and the power of law within it flew to the crystal wall of Universe 8 one by one. The power of these laws resonated with the corresponding imprints of laws, and was gradually assimilated into the power of its own laws by this universe. Except for the Dao Fruit, everything turned into balls of Hongmeng Purple Qi, filling the universe.

Su Poman witnessed this scene, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily. He sighed with emotion: "This efficiency has indeed improved a lot! It seems that it is not difficult for me to practice the Purple Source Sutra to reach the perfect state. After all, there are still many evil and weird existences like this! To let It’s good that they help me practice!”

"At this moment, these two magical powers should be given simpler and more domineering names. The method of 'Great Universe Projection' that has been used to suppress all directions will be called 'Absolute Space-Time' from now on! And my newly created Devouring Universe Let’s call this technique ‘Swallowing the Sky’!” After saying this, he cast his deep gaze towards the distant place of Chaotic Sky Territory, his eyes shining with the unique brilliance of a hunter when he discovers his prey.

"Are you ready?" Although his voice was soft, it seemed to penetrate endless time and space, carrying a hint of indescribable majesty and domineering.

In that indescribable depth, many beings who had secretly spied on Su Poman before suddenly felt a tremor originating from the depths of their souls. This kind of throbbing seems to be an early warning, and it seems to be a call of fate that they cannot ignore.

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