Chapter 814 Fixed Angle (44)

The meeting place is a teahouse...

Shen Changlin actually likes to drink tea, but he never showed it.

This is what Shen's father told him——Leader, don't reveal your preferences, otherwise, if you are good at the top, you will not be good at the bottom.

Shen Changlin didn't doubt at all whether the script of "The God of Medicine" could impress Duan Yihong.

After all, from his point of view, "The God of Medicine" is definitely a good script. After the change, the police line becomes a bystander, not the child's uncle...

Nor did they accuse the Swiss pharmaceutical companies of selling drugs at high prices...

In conclusion, there are three kinds of tragedies in the world, the first is that there are bad people making troubles, deliberately making things difficult for good people;

The second type is accidents that come from the sky, bad luck and bad luck;
The third is a structural dilemma. There are no bad people, nor is it a matter of luck, but a helpless internal contradiction in the environment. When you are in it, you will suffer.

Mainstream commercial films show more of the first type, because it is simple and easy to understand, and the solution is also very clear: find the bad guy and blow his head, and the good guy can be saved. Isn't that cool?

The second type is very difficult to deal with. Some things happen as soon as they happen. For example, a meteorite fell and smashed the roof of your house, or your car was parked in the parking lot and someone reversed and hit it...

This kind of problem can be summed up as a matter of luck, but there is room for acceptance psychologically: Well, what can you do if you are not lucky?
What can you do about accidental disasters?
I can only accept it, I can only endure it, at worst, go to the temple to burn incense sticks!
The most troublesome one is the third one, because the situation is complicated, and finding the reason requires detachment from emotions and feelings. Simple blaming is not enough, and interference must be eliminated and analyzed from a completely rational and logical point of view. Many people do this. Less than, cannot be properly attributed;

Even if the attribution is correct, as long as the structural contradiction does not change for a day, it still cannot be resolved!

Not only can it not be solved, but you have no object of hatred, because this is not someone deliberately trying to make things difficult for you, but a kind of helplessness in the real situation!
The script of "The God of Medicine" is the third type.

It was the villains who sold the drugs at a high price in the first place. It was their greed that was harming the patients. They were villains!Murder for money and death, do not save!

Then, through the mouth of the police, he said, "The high price of medicine is not made out of thin air. It doesn't mean that it can be very cheap, but the price is high purely because some people are greedy. It is not cheap in itself!" '

'If everyone does not protect patents, then no one will develop them. Where can generic drugs be imitated? '

'You need countless people to spend their energy and time to cure a disease, relying on the knowledge I have accumulated over the years, as well as day and night research, and many experimenters in the third phase of clinical trials. Just say that the Indian generic drug you sell is successfully developed by a genuine company investing nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars! '

Finally, borrow the phrase "there is only one disease in the world, poor disease" from the mouth of drug dealer Zhang Changlin!
So how can some people get cured after getting this disease?

If you have money, you can take good medicine, but if you have no money, you can only wait for death?

A cruel fact is before us: human suffering will not disappear just because he is a good person, or the scene is full of good people, life is meaningless, suffering is random and inevitable, no matter what you do, in In your long life, suffering, disorder, and imbalance will always fall on you!

This is what Lao Tzu called: Heaven and earth are inhumane, and everything is a humble dog!

Cheng Yong is not the god of medicine, and he can't be the god of medicine!

This script is completely shaped according to the stage of civilian heroes, and its succession can be called a textbook level...

Few actors can refuse such a character with Huguang—the premise is that they are good actors with basic judgment.

That's obviously the case with the old section!

So, he came early, and when Shen Changlin arrived, he had already set up tea...


The environment is good, the decoration is not gorgeous, but the overall environment in the store is very good, giving the tea drinkers a sense of comfort.

Under the guidance of the staff, Shen Changlin went to the window seat in the corner, and the old Duan was already there.

Seeing Shen Changlin, he quickly stood up to say hello.

The old duan just disdains the doggy, it's not that he doesn't have any emotional intelligence at all!

Shen Changlin smiled, sat down, and chatted about homework...

Mainly talk about Wang Baoqiang and Zhang Yi, because these two people have intersections with Shen Changlin and Duan Yihong.

After chatting for about half an hour, Shen Changlin changed the subject: "Two things, first, you have to experience life, it is best to talk to a peddler, you are too upright and too tight, giving people a feeling of being too sharp..."

"I know, what else?"

"It's better to gain're not fat enough..."


"It's just a little bit of fat... a middle-aged man with strings on his body, keys on his belt, foaming at the corners of his mouth drinking tea... You understand it yourself..."

After thinking for a while, he said, "If you're free, you can watch Brother Xiao Ming's "Splendid Fate"... By the way, there is also Chen Sicheng's TV series... They both bring their own oil field!"


Shen Changlin ignored him, and continued: "Cheng Yong was annoying in the early stage, but transformed in the later stage...and then returned to his current figure for shooting, is there a problem?"

"No...that's what I should do."

"Come with me tomorrow to record a show... "I Am an Actor", we will choose Lu Yiyi and Liu Sihui!"

Old Duan nodded: "Where is Huang Mao and Pastor Liu?"

"I found Peng Yuchang, Pastor Liu, and Teacher Fan Wei to play in friendship..."

"Teacher Fan Wei?"

"Yes, Fanwei!"

"Will it be too comedic?"

"...Our movie is recorded according to comedy and plot..."

Old Duan hummed, and then asked doubtfully, "Director, why did you choose me?"

"...that's what I asked."

Shen Changlin really didn't know how to answer, but he still said: "You are suitable!"

The old Duan didn't speak, picked up the tea, replaced the wine with tea, and made a toast...

What Shen Changlin was thinking in his heart was: Xu Zheng and Zhang Yi had accidents one after another, old Duan, hold on...

It seems that people really can't be too popular!
That's not right, Wu Jing is fine...

It's a matter of personal training.


After discussing the role with Lao Duan, Shen Changlin has initially solved the problem of "The God of Medicine"...

The main character has been determined, and the rest is the normal process, forming a shooting team, setting up scenes in the early stage and so on...

There is no rush to shoot, anyway, Shen Changlin's planned start-up time is April next year!

He is ready to rest for half a year...

Intensive work is really exhausting. He is still a director. Even if every shooting goes well, the crew has cooperated many times, and he knows what to do with just one look...

But it still takes brains!

He's ready to... enjoy enjoying life.

To be honest, with his status and worth, he should give more opportunities to young directors...

Then, when he told Shi Shi that he was going to take a vacation...

She was full of joy: "Then let's go traveling!"

 Still very hard!

(End of this chapter)

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