This director is very reliable

Chapter 891 Drunkenness

Chapter 891 Drunkenness
Deng Chao likes Lu Han very much...

In the third season of "Running Boys", Bai Jingting, Shen Teng, and Wu Jing left, and were replaced by Lu Han, Chen He, and Zhang Jing.

Lu Han's popularity is really high, and he is the one who made the word traffic popular!
Let's put it this way, the Weibo star power list is also generated because of him, and every time the rules are changed, it is also because of Lu Han, because the rules are not targeted, Lu Han will always dominate the list...

At the beginning of "Running Man", Deng Chao may have selfish intentions...

Lu Han belongs to super traffic, Deng Chao needs such enthusiasm to bring himself, get along well, and only then start making friends...

Lu Han is so unprofessional!
As long as you have read his interviews, you will know that in the past year, he basically watched football every weekend, ate chicken with his girlfriend, and played Werewolf with his classmates.

It doesn't look like a traffic that is too busy to die, but an office worker who is lying flat and laughing...

The most outrageous thing is that the 3 minutes trailer of "Sweet Crit" has to use dummies...

——I can't fall over my shoulder...

Some time ago at the "China Film New Power Forum", Shen Changlin degraded the Xiaoxianrou group to nothing, and later posted a Weibo to mock Guan Xiaotong's speech - I like to be close to life, which is very important for actors At least not floating in the sky, the common people won't like it if it floats in the sky, everyone likes to be grounded...

Shen Changlin directly sarcastically said, "Tsk tsk, a star is a star. Although there is no obvious privilege, but I have already looked down on all living beings... Before, they said that stars are gods in the sky. I still don't believe it. Now, I think stars themselves May have believed!
Since you already regard yourself as a god, why do you want to make money in the mortal world?Earn faith power?After that, when we read your works, we will ask for a confession? '

Of course, he sneered at the so-called Ge Ge by the way, "An elder who sings storytelling can be called Ge Ge?"Then my grandfather was the mayor of the town, am I not the third generation of officials? '

To sum it up, Deng Chao invited Shen Changlin as a guest, probably because he wanted him to let these two go...

After thinking about it too much, Shen Changlin was simply showing off his tongue for a while, and he almost forgot what the two of them had done.

When we met, we greeted each other very politely, and then handed Maotai to Deng Chao: "This is the special rice wine from 1981, and you can't buy it!"

"Where did you get it?"

"Brother Jackie Chan gave it to me. He gave me three bottles. I'll give you one bottle. Isn't that interesting!"

By the way, he explained: "Brother Jackie Chan has a lot of good wine... especially Moutai, he has a bunch of it in his collection... I don't like drinking, so he gave me three bottles of special rice wine... I haven't drunk it, but I think I can try it today!"

Deng Chao answered immediately: "Then shall we drink it today?"

Sun Li came over: "Changlin, don't you don't drink?"

"Yellow wine, low alcohol content..."


When the food was on the table, Deng Chao happily opened the wine...

Sun Li asked first: "When will "The Novelist" be filmed?"

"Old Han is scouting the scene, and the location of the location has been confirmed...The production list is being completed..."

Old Han is Han Qiming, Shen Changlin's royal photographer...

Lu Han suddenly asked: "What is the production list?"

Shen Changlin was speechless: "The shooting schedule..."

Deng Chao explained: "In the preparatory stage of filming, the first thing to do is to split the script. The main thing is to decompose all the shooting scenes. After decomposing all the scenes, the production team can add variables one by one. The distance between the two, whether the shooting time is day or night, indoors or outdoors, when the location is available; and then consider the actors: when can the film be made, who needs to work together, etc... "

"So troublesome?"

"...Making a movie itself is a very troublesome thing. Now, the middle-level crews start with 500 people..." Looking at Lu Han, Shen Changlin continued: "Some young people think that they can watch football games, how much time can they spend? Actually, He delayed the progress of the entire crew!"

Deng Chao quickly changed the subject: "Like "Assassination of Novelists", the post-production special effects team has 800 people, and the follow-up may increase to 2000 people..."

Guan Xiaotong answered in surprise: "2000 people!"

"...It's nothing. When I was working on "The Thief", I used 13 special effects companies across the country, and more than 6000 people worked together to make special effects... This time "The Wandering Earth" went a step further, using most of the special effects companies on the market. , almost eleven thousand people!"

"That's too much trouble!"

"No way, the entire Chinese film industry is still in its infancy. There are actually many gaps in the production process and methods. It can only be filled by manpower, more time and energy. This is called indigenous steelmaking! "

Guan Xiaotong was puzzled: "Can't we find a foreign special effects company?"

Shen Changlin looked at Guan Xiaotong with great interest: "They have asked me about your question, but let me tell you, the top foreign special effects companies are busy taking orders for Hollywood A-level productions, and they will not take the top team Arrange it for you, even if they accept your order, the one who will arrange it for you will be a third-rate planner and special effects artist who respectfully accompany you... On the one hand, I can't produce the effect I want, and on the other hand, the price is still expensive... So, I never "The Thieves" has been working on cultivating its own special effects team since the beginning..."

Deng Chao changed the topic: "When is "The Novelist" expected to be released?"

"The 19 summer vacation...has been confirmed!"

"So fast?"

"The special effects part has been done for three months, and the concept design has been started since the year before last..."

"That's when you commented on "Legend of the Conferred Gods"?"

"No, to be precise, I said it during "Havoc in Heaven"..."

"Havoc in Heaven" is really bad!

It’s fine if the plot is a mess, but the art department created “Thor”…

The oriental fantasy story sets the western aesthetics...



Shen Changlin was particularly chatty tonight, basically answering every question...

Had a glass of wine!

Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong were relieved, and Shen Changlin had no intention of targeting them at all.

Of course, there is no idea of ​​advocating...

However, Guan Xiaotong's legs are really long, and the sprint must be great...

After the meal, a few people were chatting in the living room, and Shen Changlin sat on the sofa: "Actually, I don't think resources can feed top actors. If you don't have talent, even Da Tiantian can only be regarded as a second-rate actor..."

Guan Xiaotong had a different opinion: "But without resources, it's not even second-rate!"

"...You two are considered top traffic, lack of resources? Let me tell you, as long as you don't violate the law and don't become a prison department, there are plenty of opportunities!"

"... "

The two of them didn't speak, Deng Chaomin sensed something: "Chang Lin, what you said is illegal..."

"literal meaning…"

"... Changlin?"

Sun Li took a look, and then said: "He fell asleep!"

Shen Changlin was already sitting on the sofa, motionless, listening carefully, he could still hear a slight snoring...

Deng Chao smiled: "I've heard before that Shen Changlin can't drink alcohol, he gets drunk when he touches alcohol... Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved!"

"I heard? Have you ever had a drink with him?"

"...No, he drank water before the green banquet!"

Sun Li nodded, and then said firmly: "I guess something happened!"

Deng Chao was speechless: "What could happen to him...does he have too much money to spend?"

"...How do I someone to take him back, or tidy up a guest room?"

"Shi Shi seems to be recording a show..."

"Then... let him sleep in the guest room!"

(End of this chapter)

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