Chapter 163 Dispose of Zhao Mian!

It was night, and the Daming Palace looked more majestic.

Chunhe Palace, the main hall.

In the past, it should have been time to turn off the lights, but at this moment the lights are still on.

When Zhao Mian came in, he saw Zhu Xiongying reading a book, hurriedly stepped forward, and bowed down on the ground: "Minister, Zhao Mian, I have seen Your Highness Grandson!"

Zhu Xiongying didn't seem to hear it, and was still reading the book.

Zhao Mian prostrated himself on the cold ground, not daring to move.

Before coming here, he had already heard some rumors, so he was extremely disturbed at the moment. He started to follow Zhu Xiongying when he was still a civilian, but Zhu Xiongying has always been busy with state affairs. From the mutual market, to the development of coal, to today's post station, there are very few things that have dealt with officials.

Some have just beaten sapphire.

Therefore, Zhao Mian didn't know what Zhu Xiongying thought about the matter between him and the household department this time.

Seeing that Zhu Xiongying hadn't moved, Zhao Mian couldn't help but slightly raised his head and took a peek.

I saw Zhu Xiongying's face still blocked behind the book, and I didn't know what was going on.

The hall was quiet, and the air became more and more frozen.

Although it is not long after the new year, the weather is still very cold, but Zhao Mian's forehead is full of beads of sweat.

for a long time.

Zhao Mian felt his knees sore and unbearably sore, as if there were ants crawling on his body, he finally couldn't help it, raised his voice, and said: "Minister, Zhao Mian, I have seen Your Highness Grandson!"

Only then did Zhu Xiongying slowly put down the book and said, "Anthracene, Master Zhao is here? Get up quickly."

Zhao Mianru was granted amnesty, so he got up from the ground with some difficulty, and before wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he said, "The minister rushed over immediately after hearing His Highness' call!"

Zhu Xiongying nodded: "How are you doing these days?"

Zhao Mian secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "Fortunately, I was just thinking about the matter of the post station, and I was very anxious, so I wanted to come back quickly and implement His Highness's policy!"

Zhu Xiongying smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Master Zhao is bothering you, but I have already arranged other people to do the things about the station, so I don't need Mr. Zhao to worry about it."

Zhao Mian was taken aback for a moment, and his face twitched slightly.

Once again, the hall fell into silence.

After a while, Zhu Xiongying said: "Do you know, I don't need to spend so much time with you, I have been waiting for you, but unfortunately... I didn't wait."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Mian began to fidget, with a struggling look on his face.

Zhu Xiongying continued: "Zhao Mian, Hongwu 18th year Jinshi, Hongwu 23rd year, moved to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, from Jinshi to second-rank official, it only took six years, the promotion is fast enough!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Mian's froze face: "Your Highness is laughing. Compared with His Highness's talents, this little minister's ability is not worth mentioning."

Zhu Xiongying said: "To be honest, Gu admires you very much. You are smart, pragmatic and diligent, and you are a competent secretary of the household department."

Zhao Mian hurriedly cupped his hands: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment!"

Zhu Xiongying sighed lightly, and said, "Unfortunately... you have lost a responsibility."

Zhao Mian twitched slightly, forced a smile and said, "Hehe, thank you for your highness, I will pay attention to improving it in the future."

Zhu Xiongying shook his head: "Gu has mentioned something now, but you still haven't taken responsibility."

Zhao Mian froze all of a sudden.

"You still have to force Gu to speak out!"

Zhu Xiongying sighed, and said: "According to the investigation of the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts these days, during your reign, you made a total of 56 false accounts, embezzling 28 taels of ink and silver."

Hearing this, Zhao Mianru was struck by lightning.

After being stunned for a while, Zhao Mian still struggled and said: "No, that's not the case. I must have offended someone by following His Highness during this time, or I must have been envied by others. I have been wronged! Your Highness Mingcha!"

Apparently, Zhao Mian did not believe that Zhu Xiongying could check the accounts of the household department so quickly.

Because he knows the number of accounts of the Ministry of Accounts, and he made those fake accounts with great care. He is extremely careful about every amount, even if he is asked to find it by himself, he may not be able to find it in a short time. .

He believed that Zhu Xiongying and the others would not be able to find it, even if they found it, it would be a very small part, so he persisted.


Zhu Xiongying sneered: "Look for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Xiongying pushed all the piles of things on the desk to the ground.

Zhao Mian was startled, and after glancing at Zhu Xiongying, he slowly bent down to pick up a book, opened it and read it, his expression gradually froze...

Soon, Zhao Mian picked up another copy, and began to break out in cold sweat.

Another one...

Zhao Mian was completely panicked, looking at the superior Zhu Xiongying, his expression finally changed completely.


Zhao Mian finally knelt down, unable to hold on any longer, his expression began to contort, and he shed tears.

"Your Highness!"

Zhao Mian burst into tears: "I am confused, I am wrong, I deserve to die! Please also remember that I have done a lot of things for His Highness, and I will spare my life!"


Zhu Xiongying let out a long sigh: "If I had known the present, why bother?"

Zhao Mian kowtowed like garlic, and then raised his tear-stained face: "Your Highness, I came from a poor family background, and I also hate corrupt officials, but... But my wife, she was from a very good family since she was a child. A little salary can't support her at all, and she needs help from her natal family!"

"I am a man, and I have dignity. When those merchants put money in front of me, I refused repeatedly. But one time, I finally couldn't bear it anymore and took 300 taels of silver..."

"You don't know, after taking that little money, I couldn't sleep for three nights, but it was very strange. After the first time, I didn't panic so much the second time. Later... Later, I felt that I was Of course..."

"Until I met His Highness, I wanted to stop, but it was too late..."

As he said that, Zhao Mian's tears flowed down.

In fact, Zhu Xiongying can understand this kind of psychology.

Daming's salary is not high, and sometimes a second-rank official can't even compare to a merchant's income, which will definitely cause some officials to feel unbalanced.

If you have power, there will be people who want to seek personal gain.

It is indeed difficult to resist the temptation of material things, but this is not the reason for officials to be greedy for ink.

The old man will never show mercy to corrupt officials. It can be said that he is the strictest in all dynasties, even extremely cruel.

However, Zhu Xiongying agreed with the old man's approach.

Being an official means not getting rich!
Zhu Xiongying said solemnly: "The emperor's grandfather often said that my Zhu family came from poor people, and I dislike corrupt officials the most. As a second-rank official in the imperial court, you know how to break the law, so I will not protect you."

"I'll give you one night alone. If you have anything to say or do, hurry up and do it."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Xiongying waved his hands, stood up, and walked out of the hall.

Zhao Mian bowed to Zhu Xiongying's back: "I thank you, His Royal Highness, the Emperor Taisun!"


The next morning, the weather was a little groggy.

Zhu Xiongying who had just woken up received a message from Jin Yiwei that Zhao Mian committed suicide at home with his family...

(End of this chapter)

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