Chapter 690

Qin Minsheng did not refuse, "Okay."

The burden was huge, and the things were stuffed so tightly that Feng Hui didn't even pull out the things underneath. Qin Minsheng went up to help, and then took out the things underneath.

"It's actually a cotton padded jacket!" Feng Hui beamed with joy.

She clutched the cotton padded jacket and was very moved.

"Qingqing, you are a worthy friend! Treat Tangtang well, it's not easy to have a friend who won't be jealous when you're in your prime, and won't abandon you when you're down."

She has made so many friends with Lao Qin, none of them can compare with Tangtang.

Don't talk about having a family, life is hard.

The friendship of adults is mixed with interests, but it is not as sincere as that of children.

Qin Suqing looked at the big cheering pattern on the letter, with a warm smile on her face.

"Tangtang is very good."

She will try.

When I go back, I will have dinner with Tangtang, look at flowers, and gossip...

It's cold where the farm is.

It gets colder when the sun goes down.

The Qin family lived in a thatched hut with very little furniture, only two broken beds, and Qin Qiaomu temporarily laid hay on the ground to get by.

It wasn't warm in the room either.

The cotton coat that Lin Tang sent just came in handy.

She sent two cotton coats, a half-worn military overcoat, and some cloth and cotton.

Feng Hui: "Lao Qin and Qiao Mu will settle down for a few days, and I will make your cotton clothes when I have time."

Qin Qiaomu felt that he was very angry and not afraid of the cold, "I'm not in a hurry, let's do it for my dad first."

Feng Hui glared at him angrily, and said with a smile: "Who was shrunk into a monkey in the toilet last night?"

Qin Qiaomu: "..."

What a metaphor!

Qin Suqing covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

The coldness in the dilapidated house was half dispelled.

Qin Minsheng saw that there were a lot of good things in the bag, and suddenly said: "Let's find someone to make a kang!"

At this moment, Feng Hui pulled out two green hot water bottles from the fabric.

“Hot water bottle!!!”

Looking at Qin Suqing, she said happily: "Qingqing, use one. Didn't you say that your feet are cold at night? Let me fill you with a thermos before going to bed at night."

Thinking of the Kang mentioned by her husband, she nodded in agreement.

"It's okay to set up a kang, before it's completely cold, take the time to gather firewood, and burn the kang when it's cold..."

Thinking that the firewood placed at the door was often stolen, Feng Hui frowned slightly.

"What do you guys think of us getting someone to fence the yard?"

Qin Minsheng nodded, "It must be surrounded."

The people on the farm have different personalities.

There are good people, and there are people who love to take advantage.

He also felt distressed when the firewood the children worked so hard to collect was taken away.

It's not impossible to surround a yard and the family can live a peaceful life.

Seeing that there was smoke in the things Lin Tang sent, Qin Minsheng had a plan in mind.

"I'll go out and find someone later."

One cigarette per person, more people are willing.

Feng Hui saw what her husband was thinking, and nodded, "Okay, I'll cook first."

Qin Suqing went out with her, "I am together."

Because of the food, the Qin family's dinner is a bit thicker today.

The fragrant rice porridge is scattered in the air, mixed with the smell of pickles, very fragrant.

Gollum! !

Qin Suqing smelled the fragrance and her stomach growled.

Feng Hui said distressedly: "It will be fine soon."

The little girl's face became hot, "I'm not in a hurry."

Qin Minsheng rubbed his daughter's head and sighed quietly.

Both Qingqing and Qiao Mu are good boys!
After the rice porridge was cooked, the aroma became stronger. An old lady came over, her eyes fixed on the broken pot of the Qin family.


The Qin family vaguely knew that this old man picked up the firewood they worked so hard to pick up, so they didn't want to talk to her.

Feng Hui twitched the corners of her mouth, with a smirk on her face, "Isn't it time for dinner..."

The old lady laughed along, her face was wrinkled, and she took another step towards the pot.

Qin Qiaomu was very dissatisfied with this person's character, so he went up and stood in front of the pot, looking at him expressionlessly.

"Don't get so close, rice is something that goes into your mouth."

Although he was a little thinner, he grew taller.

It's not easy to mess with a boyish look on his face.

It's not easy to mess with at first glance.

The old lady's expression became stern, and her tone became preachy.

"I said, why do you young people disrespect the old people so much? I'll just see what's wrong. If you look at it, you won't be able to eat it. You can't talk..."

Qin Suqing was not happy that her younger brother was accused.

The voice was tinged with anger.

"My Qiao Mu can't talk anymore. I think you, an old lady, can't talk. My family's pot, we don't want you to see what's wrong?"

Who knows if this pot will go to your house when you look at it, just like the firewood we put at the door!We don't want to take this risk. "

Qin Minsheng and Feng Hui were relieved to see that their daughter's mouth was much better.

They were also worried that Qingqing was too weak-tempered and would be manipulated by others.

That's fine now.

The old lady had a mean face, "You little girl is so talkative, how can you find your husband's family!"

"I'm an old woman, and I can't gather firewood. What's the matter with some firewood from your house? It's too stingy."

When he said these words, this man was not generally righteous.

Feng Hui held back her anger and said: "You are not stingy, give us the firewood from your house."

"How can I do that!" The old lady immediately retorted, "I don't even have enough firewood to burn myself, so how can I give it to you..."

After seeing the sarcasm on the faces of the Qin family, he was speechless.

His face also turns blue and white.

Feng Hui ignored her and greeted her family members, "Come in for dinner."

Qin Suqing waited to act immediately, without giving the strange old lady a look.

Qin Qiaomu was the last to enter, looked at the old lady with disgust, and slammed the door shut.

"Stingy!" The old lady spat, glanced away, and walked away with the half-burned firewood.

When Feng Hui saw it through the window, everyone laughed angrily.

"Wrap around the yard, immediately!"

Why are there such annoying old people?
Qin Minsheng patted his wife on the shoulder and comforted him, "I'll go find someone after dinner."

Being stared at by this kind of person really can't live in peace.

Feng Hui: "Well, let's eat first."

Worried about the pot being taken away, they brought all the pots into the house.

Qin Suqing brought the bowl carefully, "Here comes the bowl."

They only have four bowls, and they can't do without one.

So be careful every time you take the bowl.

Feng Hui served the meal, and the whole family sniffed it at the same time, with expressions of enjoyment and nostalgia on their faces.

"It smells so good!" Qin Suqing exclaimed.

A smile spread across his tanned face.

"It's really fragrant. I don't know where Tangtang got the rice." Feng Hui said.

Thinking of Lin Tang, Qin Suqing's eyes became hot.

...She really misses those days when she talked with Tangtang.

Qin Minsheng took a sip of the rice soup, and the strong rice fragrance stretched out the pores.

"I never thought that drinking rice soup would be so comfortable."

He is not the only one who sighs.

It is difficult for the Qin family to adapt to today's life from extravagance to frugality.

Qin Qiaomu used to be obsessed with eating meat every few days, but he didn't say a word when he came to the farm, and he grew up all of a sudden.

Right now, he is drinking rice soup with a satisfied expression on his face.

It made Qin Minsheng and Feng Hui very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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