Star boss she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 495 495. Qin Shaoheng who laughed out loud, heart = preference?

Chapter 495 495. Qin Shaoheng who laughed out loud, heart = preference?

And Qin Shaoheng on the other end, he immediately checked the message that Charlotte replied to him.

How should I put it, he has actually been paying attention to her reply all the time, and for this reason he has increased the frequency of checking the optical brain.

Even though there was a slight time difference between the two of them, Qin Shaoheng subconsciously paid attention to her news.

After estimating the time, he speculated that she had probably arrived in Minerva's Vlasois city, so he wanted to express his condolences as soon as possible.

He thought that this might be due to the deepening friendship between the two.

All intentions are nothing but personal subjective tendencies and preferences.

With the opening of the information interface, Qin Shaoheng couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing the "Come on Duck" holographic emoji that popped up suddenly.

His brows and eyes were all smiles, and he just looked at the little expression on Charlotte's face carefully.

The naive little yellow duck has a very soft and cute feeling to him in the gesture of fighting and cheering.

He seemed to be able to see through this message that she was thinking about how to reply to this message.

Yes, this message must have been carefully considered by her.

In the past, she had never used this kind of emoji to him.

Qin Shaoheng knew Charlotte well. When she got along with him, she always knew how to control the distance between each other and had a full sense of proportion.

It looks polite, but it's not really intimate.

Now she will use this kind of emoji for him, which shows the change in her mentality.

It's just the simplest text reply, and with this emoticon package, it becomes more vivid in an instant.

The little girl can always do something that surprises him.

But for some reason, seeing the "Come on Duck" who was encouraging him, his mood lightened up.

After watching this silly little expression for a while, Qin Shaoheng gradually stopped his thoughts and closed the information interface again.

As for what he is thinking, no one knows, and he has always been good at hiding his true inner emotions.

And at Zhan Zhi 8 headquarters, the next morning, Charlotte went to the training ground for a morning run as usual.

This is not a military academy, nor is it a front-line combat force, so there are not so many collective exercises in the morning.

However, like Charlotte, there are quite a few people who have the habit of running in the morning.

Charlotte was already an early riser, but there were plenty of early risers like her in this kind of place.

Most of these morning joggers are wearing uniform fitness suits, and it is impossible to tell who is a soldier and who is an officer.

Some of them have traces of animalization, while others do not.

However, among these morning joggers, there was only one intern, Charlotte.

And she's a girl, which makes it all the more compelling.

However, these people who have been in the army all year round have basic qualities, and they can control their curiosity well in some unexpected situations.

They also paid attention to Charlotte at the beginning, and didn't stare at her all the time, and soon focused on their morning exercise again.

While running, Charlotte looked carefully at the training ground.

It was dark last night, even with street lights, it was not as clear as during the day.

The training ground of the Army Group Headquarters is very large, open and magnificent.

In addition to the runway and lawn in the middle, there are other fitness equipment around.

All facilities appear to be under daily maintenance and are very clean and tidy.

In fact, when shopping around yesterday, Charlotte also discovered an indoor training place, which is located in a dedicated gymnasium.

At that time, several of their interns took a quick look outside, and it seemed that there were facilities such as swimming pools, not to mention other facilities, and there were many types of venues.

It can be said that in this place, whether it is extremely ordinary sports or very professional training, it can be well taken into account.

It's just that for most people, indoor exercise is not as enjoyable as outdoor exercise.

In the morning in Vlasois, the weather is still relatively cool, at least recently.

Running with the wind blowing, the whole person's mood will be much more comfortable.

This good state from the morning makes more people tend to choose outdoor training.

Indoor training venues, it is estimated that rainy days will be more popular.

After the morning run, Charlotte returned to the dormitory, took a shower, and changed into the usual uniforms provided by interns.

In fact, after she changed her clothes, it was not too late.

The boys downstairs only woke up one after another at this time. They all slept late last night, and several of them even visited each other.

Just as Charlotte was about to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, Justin texted her, inviting her to join them in the cafeteria.

So, the six interns set off together.

The breakfast at the headquarters is still rich, with porridge, noodles, cakes, bread, wontons... there are all types.

Everyone chose their favorite food, while Charlotte drank a bowl of porridge.

After breakfast, the soldiers and officers with official establishments went about their own affairs.

The interns like Charlotte didn't have jobs for the time being, so relatively speaking, they didn't eat breakfast in such a hurry.

When several people returned to the dormitory after breakfast, Palton's people finally arrived.

Charlotte was resting in the room and could hear some noises downstairs.

It was only when they were eating together at noon that she realized that only two people from Palton came to the headquarters this time.

One was Ouyang Zongzhe, whom Charlotte had dealt with before, and the other was Li Zeyu, from the Palton Strategic Command Branch.

Ouyang Zongzhe and Li Zeyu came all the way, and they can be regarded as busy.

So far, all eight interns have finally arrived.

When eating at noon, 8 people directly occupied a table.

When he first met Charlotte, Ouyang Zongzhe was also quite surprised. He really didn't expect to meet her here.

Not long ago, the two were rivals in a friendly match, but in the blink of an eye they were interns in the same unit, which is really incredible.

During the communication between several people, Charlotte finally found out that it turned out that Palton had really occupied three internship places in the 8th Army.

However, because the other intern had a different major, although he also came to Minerva, he did not come to Vlasois, but went to a research institute in another city.

That person, Charlotte also knew, was a student of the Palton Armament Branch—Bot Thompson.

At the celebratory dinner of the friendly match before, he and Charlotte made speeches on the stage on behalf of Palton and Geworth respectively.

At that time, Charlotte had some small interactions with him on the spot.

This time, Bert Thompson also reported for the 8th Army of the battle branch where Ares Randall was.

To be precise, his target is the 5th Armament Research Institute under the Group Army, its full name is "Star Federation Weapon Equipment 5th Research Institute".

(End of this chapter)

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