The daily life of American TV agents

Chapter 4 Secret Meeting and First Aid

Chapter 4 Secret Meeting and First Aid

At the same time, downstairs in an unknown apartment in Los Angeles, two bare-legged men were shivering in the cold wind.

That's right, these two unlucky-looking men are the unlucky ones who were ordered to beg for the TV for Penny, Sheldon and Leonard.

It's a pity that not only did the TV not come back, but even the trousers of the two people were blown up and equipped. How can there be such a miserable word?
When the wind blew, Sheldon got goosebumps all over his body, and quickly hugged his body tightly.


"What's the matter?" Leonard put his hand back into his pocket helplessly, he was better than Sheldon, at least he still had a coat left.

Sheldon: "My mom bought me those pants."

Leonard: "Sorry."

Sheldon: "You need to call and talk to her."


Ron drove, Toretto navigated, and the two soon came to an unknown small restaurant. As soon as they found a place to sit down, Toretto couldn't wait to speak.

"Why, I want to know why, why did you come back to me again? Didn't I tell you clearly, I don't want you and Mia to meet again!"

"Calm down, Dom, I don't intend to reconnect with Mia," Ron raised his hand to beckon an extremely frivolous waitress to finish ordering. Before leaving, the waitress scratched Ron's palm provocatively.

Ron has long been familiar with this, but he has no interest in it. He swears, it's not just because of the other party's ugliness, well, although she looks like a girl against the backdrop of another black-haired and big-breasted waitress. Ugly duckling in general.

But when she got closer, Ron smelled the pungent heather, which made him lose his appetite at all, and pushed the plate forward, while Dom took a big bite of the burger and ate it with relish.

"So, you're really just looking for that drug dealer? But he's obviously not very famous. There are very few locals who know about him, and his shipments are not large. I don't understand. Why do you have to find him?"

Toretto expressed his incomprehension, and Ron took out two powdery things wrapped in small plastic bags and placed them concealed in front of Toretto, explaining patiently.

"As you can see, this pack of white powder is the most widely circulated one on the market, with a purity of only about 90%, while this blue powder has a purity of 96%!"

Toretto shook his head. "You know I've never done anything like drugs, so I don't understand what a 6% difference means? I know you never do nonsense."

"Okay, so let me tell you, what does that 6% difference mean?
This is a brand new drug making technology!Higher addiction, higher high, and more money, believe me, all addicts are crazy about it, and to those who experience it, other drugs are like child's play Ridiculously boring.

I have a strong hunch that this thing will be sold all over the country soon!
In other words, if the technology can allow large-scale manufacturing, the guy who made this thing will make a fortune. This guy is really an out-and-out chemical genius. "

Ron sighed. He always felt that the name Heisenberg and this new blue drug were inexplicably familiar. It seemed to be a character in an American TV series, but he just couldn't remember it.

After all, although he watched American dramas in his previous life, they were usually comedies, and he never watched crime dramas.

Toretto was completely indifferent when Ron was talking, he was only focused on dealing with his burger, and didn't wipe his mouth with a tissue until he was done eating.

"So, you plan to arrest this guy?"

Ron gave you that first day you've met me look: "I'll say it again, Dom, I have no interest in bringing him to justice, that's the job of the DEA.

The only thing we at the IRS care about is that this guy didn't pay his taxes, and all I care about is how much bonus I'm getting for finding this guy.

God knows how much money this stuff could make if it was sold all over America. "

Ron spoke as above, and Toretto didn't look surprised at all.

"Have you gone to other law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI or DEA, to inquire about information?"

"Of course there is, but they don't have any reliable information, but since you ask this way, I guess I have a high probability of being deceived, right?"

Ron's expression was as usual, and his tone was as calm as ever, but Toretto, who was familiar with him, knew that Ron was already angry.

Toretto shook his head again: "I don't know, but if it is a high-purity drug, it has appeared on the market for a while before.

Not long after that, a blue crystal appeared in the hands of a drug dealer named Tuku. It is said that there was an explosion in Tuku's old lair before that, so many people speculated whether it was Tuku himself. new drug.

You know, I have a genius from Harvard under my command. He said that the technology was immature at the beginning, and he might have found some new experience in the failure of the experiment. "

Ron expressed a little interest in this Tuku: "Tell me more about this man? Where can I find him?"


"What?" Ron suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. The word just now was obviously not a place name.

Toretto signaled Ron to look at the TV in the restaurant with his eyes. The news channel was reviewing the city's recent anti-drug results, including the news of the killing of the big drug lord Tuku.

"You know I'm a devout Catholic. I've always believed that if you get involved with this thing, you will go to hell. Maybe you can go to hell and find him."

Ron smiled helplessly: "Who can tell me how to go to hell other than death? Do you want me to find a guy named Constantine?"

"Who's that?" Toretto asked.

Ron: "The characters in the comic "Hell Detective" seem to have been made into a movie, haven't you seen it?"

Toretto: "I don't like movies."

"Curious how you and Letty dated? Well, back to the topic, I'll check with the DEA tomorrow, the cop who killed Tuku is called Hank, isn't he? Maybe I can get more out of him clue.

Of course, it's impossible for me to put all my hopes on him. I just arrived in Los Angeles. Do you have any friends with wilder paths that you can introduce to me? "

Ron wrote down the names of the policemen mentioned in the news on his phone, and continued to ask Toretto.

"Listen, at eleven o'clock tomorrow night, I will hold an underground drag racing competition. There will be a lot of people coming, maybe you will want to meet some new friends."

Toretto put his hands on the table and looked at Ron fiercely: "But Mia will come too. To be honest, I really don't want you to meet again."

However, the serious atmosphere was interrupted by Ron's mischievous cell phone ringing. He looked down and saw that it was Sheldon calling.

"Don't worry, I can cover my face~ I'm sorry, I have something to do at home, I need to leave early, just like you, I also attach great importance to my family." Ron raised his phone, put the meal bills under the plate and went out to connect. Telephone.


Sheldon's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ron, can you bring me a pair of pants? Also, Leonard also wants a pair. We are..."

Ron frowned and interrupted, "I wonder what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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