minions live

Chapter 19 Promise

Chapter 19 Promise
Ren Ning turned his head and thought for a while.

Men and women are seven years old and sit in different seats. After a few years, he really can't remember what this sixth younger sister looks like for a while.

But the only thing I remember clearly is that when the predecessor was small enough to go in and out of the back house casually, most of the brothers, sisters or cousins ​​in the family dismissed him.

Only Ren Xi was willing to play with him.

Ren Ning carefully read the letter in his hand again.

The content of the letter is very simple.

Ren Xi is now 13 years old, and women in ancient times can marry when they reach 15 years old.

The aunt had already chosen a partner for her, who was the son of a small family in a remote town.In two years, when she reaches the age, she will be married off.

This letter from home is a routine notice.

It would be best if Ren Ning could ask for leave to send her back to get married at that time.Otherwise, once a woman marries far away, the mountains and roads are far away and transportation is inconvenient these days, and it is estimated that she will never see her again in this life.

Nanshu City!
Ren Ning stared at these three words, and the anger in his eyes came out little by little.

He knows the town.

If the Yanzhen Fortress is located in the west of the Yunchui Empire, then Nanshu City is the southern border of the Yunchui Empire.

It is as far away as the imperial capital Xingji City and Yanfeng Fortress.

Although the name of this small town has the word "Shu" in it, living in that place is not comfortable at all.

It is located in a primeval forest, and it is usually difficult to get in and out.

In addition, the local climate is hot and sweltering all year round, and miasma attacks people.In addition to the terrible poisonous insects infested on the ground, there are bandits and robbers who have no king.

In previous years, it had always been the place where the Yunchui Empire exiled prisoners.

Ren Xi, a girl who has never left the imperial capital, is almost the same as sending her to death after traveling all the way to marry her.

Ren Ning silently read the letter in his hand again.

The handwriting is ugly, but the lines between the lines are very plain.Even the patterns that replace the text are still drawn smoothly, as if the owner has accepted his fate.

But what if you don't accept your fate?
The noble and the humble, the difference of one word, the fate is very different.

The mother-in-law holds the fate of the concubine daughters, and she can marry whomever she wants to marry the concubine daughters, and send them wherever she wants.

Unless it is too exaggerated to force the clan's wife to come forward, no one will care about the marriage or fate of a little concubine.

After all, concubines gave birth to concubine children.

Concubine, Li daughter also.

When the master is sitting, she stands aside and waits to be served. This is a concubine.She is just a man's plaything and has no property of her own.

The aunt uses her dowry or property to raise children for her husband's concubine.

If it's just one or two, it's acceptable, but if you want to raise ten or eight, you can be regarded as a good wife if you don't kill them directly.Still want them to spend a lot of effort to find good marriages for the many concubine children?
Don't even think about it!

Silently put down the family book in his hand.

If he remembered correctly, before joining the army, his predecessor promised that he would go back to the imperial capital to pick up Ren Xi when he became famous.

From then on, the brothers and sisters formed their own mansion, and drew a clear line with the high-ranking Taishi mansion.

It just seemed that Ren Xi couldn't wait for that time.

Just as he was thinking, Gao Deming, Ren Ning's superior, walked in.

He was not surprised to see Ren Ning leaning on the bed and reading a letter from home.

"Hey, the boy is reading a letter from home." Gao Deming pulled a chair and sat down, "Didn't Mrs. Zhang tell you to take a good rest?"

"I've met the general." Ren Ning put the letter away, quickly collected his mood, and struggled to get up and salute.

"Lie down!" Gao Deming held him down with a blush, "Don't be a mother-in-law. It's just a courtesy, your body is the most important thing."

This kid was the only one who came back from the last batch of scouts who went west.

Very baby.

Gao Deming chuckled, "Is the spirit still able to hold it? If you can hold it, please tell me what's going on in the west."

Ren Ning nodded, slowly talking about what happened after he went west.Hearing this, Gao Deming's face kept clouding.

"Old man Ge, the fire on the grassland was actually started by the people of Xiliang? Just to force you out?"

"Yes." Ren Ning nodded.

"Then the others..." Gao Deming's voice suddenly became hoarse.

He naturally knows what the scouts under him can do, and being able to force the enemy to set fire is enough to explain everything.It's just that the fire is ruthless, and the chances of others coming back alive are infinitely close to zero.

It is not easy to train a qualified scout, and that time a total of ten teams of 50 people were sent to the west, but only one Ren Ning came back.

Thinking of this, Gao Deming's heart became entangled.

Ren Ning turned a blind eye.

He just honestly told what he saw and heard, such as the fire or the flood.As for other things, he didn't say much.

In such a huge fortress, there are countless generals with flexible minds.What action to take when coming down to the fortress, it is not up to him, a small soldier, to dictate.

"Have a good rest. If you still think of anything, send someone to tell you." Gao Deming patted Ren Ning on the shoulder, got up and prepared to leave, "Your military exploits will be counted in the next few days, I believe it will be not small."

Ren Ning nodded, lowered his eyes silently, neither happy nor sad.

As a scout, every time I set off to perform a mission, I dance on the blade and walk before the gate of hell.

However, no matter how great their military exploits are, they have no chance of promotion.If he can live until the day he retires, the only way out is to serve as a nursing home for the rich or generals...

Just thinking about something on his mind, Gao Deming over there spoke again.

"By the way, Mrs. Zhang said that you have to rest for three or four months. During that time, you should take a good rest."

"Yes. General!" Ren Ning cupped his hands.

Gao Deming nodded, and his eyes fell on the spike on the table next to him, "Is this the spike that Liu Dashi entrusted to you before his death?"

"Yes!" Ren Ning pointed at the two wolf teeth, "The short one is the one. The long one is what I got when I met a wolf and killed it."

Gao Deming walked over to watch carefully.

He had known from other soldiers that Ren Ning had encountered a pack of wolves and killed them bloodied, so he was not surprised.But he was quite surprised that a seriously injured soldier could still fight his way out of a pack of hungry wolves.

"It's thousands of miles away from Liu Dashi's hometown, and Langya can't be sent back for a while, so we have to wait. Wait until Qingming next year."

Ren Ning nodded.

Yunchui pays attention to people returning to their families when they grow old, and returning to their roots when fallen leaves.

Every four years, Yanfeng Fortress will send a group of dead heroes back to their hometown for burial.And next year will happen to be the next year to welcome spirits back to their hometowns.

Gao Deming's eyes fell on the long fang again.

"Such long fangs are very rare, so keep them safe. When you have time, find an eminent monk to consecrate it. It is said that it can protect you for a lifetime."

"It's just that there is only one?" He laughed, "If it's a pair, I would like to ask you for one."

Ren Ning had a strange expression on his face, "It was originally a pair. But I accidentally lost the other one."

"That would be a pity." Gao Deming sighed a few words, put down the spike, shook his head and left.

Ren Ning watched him go away, and returned his eyes to the long and short spikes on the table, with a complicated look on his face.

He wasn't telling the truth.

As long as anything goes into the ration bag on his waist, unless he dies, it is impossible to lose it.

(End of this chapter)

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