minions live

Chapter 492 The Shrewd Yingpan

Chapter 492 The Shrewd Yingpan


A piercing and depressing wind blew.

The gray and black sky suddenly shone brightly, as if the sun had risen all of a sudden.

Everyone, including Wu Mochang, shuddered, and couldn't help but look up to the sky.

Just now, the catapult group on the top of the mountain launched a large-scale attack.

In an instant, bright bridges of light seemed to be erected in the sky.

Countless fireballs whizzed past with thick smoke and huge flames, and slammed down towards their targets.

In seconds.

Boom boom boom.

A dull voice sounded.

Not too loud, but continuous.

Wu Baichang in the middle of the mountain and Tufei and Ren in the middle of the mountain were all terrified when they heard it.

Looking at it, Wu Baichang suddenly felt that his mouth was a little dry.

"Iron Tree, your caravan brought a lot of rubber?"


Iron Tree Trunk laughed.

The Gu family has now become a large-scale caravan, so naturally a lot of goods can be transported at one time.

He couldn't help but raised his head and glanced far to the south.

Guangxin or Nanfeng, which are rich in rubber, are not close to Huayang County. Even if the rubber is not as heavy as the Panlong Rock in Dingxi County, it will take two or three months to transport it.

Two or three months...

At that time, the Yulong Fleet had just returned from Baekje, and Huayang and other coastal counties had just announced the discovery of large-scale Japanese pirates.

Before the direction of Xingji City even gave a response, Yingpan did not hesitate to let the Gujia caravan filled with a caravan full of waste rubber drive over here.

Rubber products are easy to sell in the north, such as shoes, rubber barrels and tires, etc. are in short supply, but it takes a while to sell them.

Not bad this time.

Zhang Yang tried it out for a while, and bought all the rubber without hesitation, and also strongly recommended forward Mo Canghai and East China Sea barrier Lu Pingan.

As for silver, the Yunchui treasury now has plenty of money.

Even if the Ministry of Households likes to argue, Huayang County is one of Yunchui's top ten counties, and the county guard will not hesitate to buy it with money, and the more the better...

Second line of defense.

Hayato Doi huddled in the solid stone castle, looked up at the continuous fireballs in the sky, his face was ashen.

He punched the wall hard.

"Who will tell this general what's going on? Didn't Zhang Yang say that they have no ammunition?"

What are these stone balls flying all over the sky, fireballs, and those smelly and sticky things that burn?

The guards also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"General, we have been harassing and attacking the third line of defense for the past two or three days. Zhang Yang at the high point did not help out as usual. He should be busy looking for materials in the surrounding counties."

"As we all know, the post roads and roads in Huayang County are very smooth. As long as Zhang Yang wants to find them, he should be able to find some."

But no matter how hard he tried, it is estimated that the number would not be too many.

The others nodded in agreement.

"General, let the brothers hold on for a while, the attack on the high ground will stop soon."

Hold on, hold on!
Doi Yong spun around a few times in a hurry.

Now the focus of the trebuchet's attack was on the second line of defense and the Japanese pirate soldiers who followed up. Although the small stone fort where he was located was occasionally attacked, it was only a few hits and it was not serious.

Still, the smell in the air choked many people.Many people even covered their throats and coughed repeatedly, as if they were about to cough up their lungs.

If this is the case here, Hayato Doi can fully imagine the situation of the Japanese pirate soldiers who are in the key strike range of the attacking trebuchet.

Arrows can be blocked by shields; heavy horses can be trapped by tying ropes; stones falling from the sky can support thick wood or fishing nets; fireballs can be extinguished by falling sand; own minions.

Doi Hayato was a little helpless.


He sighed.

I hope that it is true as the military advisers and personal guards said, Zhang Yang really doesn't have much such ammunition in his hands.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the attacks from the sky began to become sparse, but Hayato Doi's face became more and more ugly.

He is also considered a general of hundreds of battles. Looking at the situation in the sky, he knew that it was not Zhang Yang who had run out of ammunition, but that he had smashed the area around the second line of defense, and now he began to shift the direction of attack.

Sure enough, the attack direction of the catapult group slowly moved westward, falling to the second and third lines of defense.

"Come on!"

Doi Yuto couldn't sit still any longer.He looked murderously in the direction of the high ground.

"Send an order to General Mizuno, let him immediately lead all his subordinates to support Kazumi, and take down the trebuchet on the top of the mountain at all costs."

"Yes!" The orderly turned and left in a hurry.

The military divisions were taken aback.

"General, the Mizuno is a warrior-class ship, and there are nearly fifty battalion-class ships under its command. Sending so many people to attack those hills, isn't it..."

Is it a little overkill?
Doi Hayato glanced at the speaking military adviser indifferently.

Originally, he asked his nephew to lead the troops to attack the high ground, just to relieve the demons of Tufei and Ren.

Looking at it now, it is not only the third line of defense in front that determines the outcome of this battle, but also those small high grounds.

third line of defense.

The Japanese pirate soldiers have already covered their mouths and noses vigorously, but the effect is not great.

The strong and smoky smell is still tenaciously invading the throat, nose and eyes through the wet cloth.

Boom, boom, boom!
At this time, the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground resounded everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

cough cough cough.

Even more intense than these were the coughing sounds that sounded from all directions.

"General, ahem, brothers can't take it anymore. Ahem, I would rather let the horses hit and trample to death than stay here and be smoked by the smoke."

"Order the general, let's kill!"

"The central army on the opposite side is vulnerable, maybe we can scare them to death if we charge directly."


Amid all the turmoil, Yamamoto, who was covered with a thick wet cloth, wiped the smoked tears from his face.

He raised his sword high up.

cough cough.

"Brothers, attack. Go to the Central Army, there is no smoke."

The harsh offensive whistle was blown.

The soldiers under Yamamoto's command cheered up. Although they were still coughing to death and their eyes were dazzled by tears, they all threw down the wooden planks they were carrying, grabbed their spears and swarmed towards the west.

There are war horses, but no poisonous fumes.

At this time, they would rather die under the horse's hooves than fix their positions in the poisonous smoke.

Central Corps, Watchtower.

"Fuck him!"

Although Lin Hanmo didn't have binoculars, he could see clearly at this meeting, so he couldn't help cursing angrily.

"The infantry launched an attack on the cavalry? You really think our Central Army is a soft persimmon, right?"

"Pass down the order, since the pirates want to die, we will fulfill them."

"Heavy cavalry strikes! Light cavalry shoots arrows. Everyone, get on!"


The sound of hoofs sounded.

More than a hundred heavy cavalry led the way, followed by densely packed light cavalry, and directly killed the Japanese pirate soldiers not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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