My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1116 Purity and Danger Perception

Chapter 1116 Purity and Danger Perception
Southeast domain.

Close to the remote area of ​​the Eastern Territory.

In the void, a figure suddenly emerged.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the empty place not far away, his eyes flickering.

He floated to the ground, and then stepped forward calmly.

As he stepped forward, water-like ripples flickered past in front of him, but a Taoist temple appeared in front of Chen Fan.

The word "Qingxu" is written on the Taoist temple.

This is the view of emptiness!
At this moment, the closed door of the Taoist temple suddenly opened, and a young man with a sword eyebrow and starry eyes walked in through it.

The person was exactly the temple master called "Ling Yun" that Chen Fan met when he arrived.

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Fan solemnly: "I don't know why this friend came to my 'Qingxu Temple'?"

When he was weak at that time, Chen Fan only knew that the temple master was extremely powerful, and he didn't know his specific strength at all. He only knew that he was Changsheng.

But at this time, Chen Fan was able to see through his cultivation at a glance.

But there are six levels of longevity!
You must know that this Qingxu Temple is not a hermit sect, nor is it a sect that was born after the great change of the world. Its people can have this kind of strength, but they are quite powerful.

And even if he doesn't do anything, Chen Fan can be sure that this person is by no means an ordinary sixth-level longevity, and he must at least have the strength of a feudal lord!

Of course, it doesn't make any difference to Chen Fan whether he is a Marquis or a King.

Chen Fan smiled:
"Chen Fan, Master Lingyun may not recognize me. Hundreds of years ago, a disciple of Yuhuamen named Guanqiu Jing once brought a group of powerful warriors into Xiaoqingxu. Master Lingyun should still remember ?”

As soon as this remark came out, Ling Yun was also taken aback for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and soon a look of astonishment flashed across his face: "Are you... the kid who didn't even have a tenth weight?"

As a master of the sixth level of longevity, he can naturally remember who Chen Fan is by looking through his past memories a little bit!
Chen Fan nodded and smiled: "I am that kid!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Ling Yun's face was also extremely subtle, but he coughed quickly and said:
"I was so surprised that I neglected Your Excellency, please forgive me and say sorry to Your Excellency."

Less than a thousand years later, Chen Fan was promoted from a martial artist who did not reach the tenth level to the sixth level of longevity, so Ling Yun couldn't help but be surprised.

Chen Fan shook his head: "The viewer is really polite. At the beginning, I was able to enter Xiaoqingxu, but it helped me a lot. I should have come here to leave the inheritance when I was promoted to longevity, but at that time I really couldn't leave... ...that's why it's been delayed until now..."

Ling Yun nodded, and then couldn't help asking:
"Your Excellency calls himself Chen Fan. Could it be that Chen Fan who participated in the Meihui to join the church?"

Chen Fan smiled and nodded: "It's me."

Ling Yun was stunned, then turned his body sideways, and hastily made a gesture of invitation: "I also invite Your Excellency Chen Fan to come in and talk about it."

Chen Fan also smiled and followed Ling Yun into the Qingxu Temple.

At this time, with Chen Fan's eyes, looking at the Qingxu Temple again, it can be seen that this Qingxu Temple is also transformed by a special treasure, at least at the nine-star level, which is quite extraordinary.

In Qingxu Temple, apart from Ling Yun himself, there are no other masters, and longevity is very rare.

After visiting the Qingxu Temple for a while under the leadership of Ling Yun, Ling Yun took Chen Fan into the small Qingxu.

The lingering smoke ripples and rises.

Sensing everything in Xiaoqingxu, Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

He looked straight at Ling Yun: "If my guess is right, Xiao Qingxu should be created from the fragments of the real 'Xiantian', right?"

Ling Yun also nodded when he heard the words:
"Your Excellency's insight is really extraordinary. I, Lingyun, can achieve what I have achieved today because I got a part of the fragments and inheritance of 'Qingxu Tian' by accident. The reason why I created 'Xiao Qingxu' is also to hope that one day, Reshape the glory of Qingxutian."

Chen Fan couldn't help sighing when he heard the words: "Master Ling is so ambitious, I admire you..."

Although it is difficult for Xiao Qingxu to reproduce the brilliance of "Qingxu Tian" in the past, it can also help many talented warriors grow faster.

Ling Yun smiled and waved his hands: "It's just doing what I can."

Chen Fan nodded, his eyes diverged, and when he entered Xiaoqingxu again, Chen Fan's consciousness could easily spread throughout Xiaoqingxu.

He can easily sense all the caves that exude an unreasonable atmosphere.

"Are there any special requirements or restrictions for building a cave in Xiaoqingxu?"

Chen Fan looked at Ling Yun again.

Ling Yun shook his head: "Everything is up to you. As long as you don't destroy other people's caves and inheritances, and don't leave harmful magic skills, you can build them however you want."

"You can leave the cave in all the empty places in Xiaoqingxu."

Chen Fan nodded, and asked again: "Can I leave multiple inheritances?"

Ling Yun nodded: "Of course, but for different inheritances, you'd better set different assessment restrictions. Although Xiao Qingxu aims to cultivate more geniuses, he must also pay attention to teaching students according to their aptitude, and gain something by their own efforts..."

Chen Fan smiled: "I understand."

His eyes flickered and his consciousness moved, but he saw a magnificent tower suddenly appearing in the void, and then flew towards a clearing on the top of a distant mountain.

Amidst the roar, the high tower suddenly stood on top of it.

Chen Fan also turned into a streamer and charged into the tower immediately.

This tall tower was a building he randomly selected from the Immortal Mansion.

About half an hour later, Chen Fan flew out of it.

At this moment, Chen Fan has quite a lot of supernatural powers and secret methods in his mind.

After careful selection, he chose a dozen or so acceptable magical powers and secret methods that he could teach, and then set different assessment conditions according to different magical powers and secret methods...

After that, he turned around with a smile and looked at Ling Yun who was waiting outside: "Okay."


After leaving the inheritance, Chen Fan also rejected Ling Yun's request to keep him as a guest, but left immediately.

Qingxu Guan and his party also solved one of his own concerns, but he was able to move towards the Dao of Enlightenment without distraction.

Sword Sect.

On this day, Chen Fan was sitting in the Jiange discussing with his ancestor He Gu, when he suddenly raised his head with a slight expression on his face.

After completing the Star God Seal, the abilities of all his spells have been improved in different ways.

Under the word "Jie", Chen Fan had a whim, and suddenly felt that the danger was approaching...

"What's wrong?" He Gu looked at Chen Fan in astonishment.

Chen Fan's expression changed slightly, "It's a small matter, it's okay, I'll go and take a look."

As he spoke, his body suddenly disappeared in place.


in the void.

Hei Shen and several figures stood in the void, looking down at the distant mountain gate indifferently.

"Is this where Chen Fan's secular sect is?"

A tall night-gaunt, whose aura and shape were very close to the Black God's, asked.

The Black God was also very respectful when he heard the words: "'Yaozu' said it is right, that is the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, and it is also the position where the boy Chen Fan himself is located based on my deduction from the heavenly secret..."

Yan Zu nodded: "If the identity of this child is confirmed, then act quickly and solve it..."

His expression was helpless: "For the sake of the longevity of a human race, I let the 'night-dire' clan, three demon gods attack together, and asked for foreign aid..."

As he spoke, his eyes shifted, but he looked at the fourth person besides the three Night Dires.

This is a human youth dressed in black.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and he held a pagoda-shaped weapon in his hand.

Hei Shen looked directly at him: "'Twilight Immortal', whether our plan can succeed this time depends on you."

His eyes turned, and he also looked at the three Demon God Kings of the Night Dire clan:
"I have to make this clear in advance. My Linglong Pagoda can only suppress that Beiming ten breaths at most. If it is within ten breaths, the three of you can't kill that Chen Fan. I won't help you fight Beiming." Ming that lunatic."

As soon as this remark came out, the Black God said indifferently:

"Don't worry, even if there are other immortals behind Chen Fan, it's impossible for me to wait for the three of us to attack together. Ten breaths are enough for us to kill him thousands of times!"

(End of this chapter)

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