My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1119 Bai Fengyu

Chapter 1119 Bai Fengyu

"Do not!!!"

Not far away, Yan Zu, who was spouting blood and with a weak breath, looked at this scene full of anger and despair.

At this moment, endless annoyance and regret filled his chest.

If he knew that he might risk the lives of his two demon kings, he would not choose to fight Chen Fan to the end anyway.

But in fact, without knowing Chen Fan's real means, with the confidence and pride of the Night Dire clan, it is impossible for him to bow his head to an immortal.

Who would have thought that a mere immortal could be so strong and still have the "ultimate power" in hand? !
After killing Mo Tian.

Chen Fan also decisively put away his remains.

Although the evil force on his body is quite terrifying, it can't affect the Immortal Mansion at all. Chen Fan will naturally have a way to resolve it through "Origin Technique" and Yuanzhu!
After putting away Motian's remains, he turned his head to look at the last Nightmare Ancestor.

The corners of Yan Zu's mouth twitched, and black energy lingered all over his body, but the incomplete short blade swelled up in front of him again!

Chen Fan rushed forward resolutely, and slashed at him with a sword!

Although Nightmare Ancestor is stronger than Hei Shen and Mo Tian, ​​he is not that strong, and the immortal weapon in Qi's hand is also incomplete, but he is not Chen Fan's opponent at all.

Of course, he was not easily killed by Chen Fan like Hei Shen and Mo Tian!

However, as Chen Fan's sword fell, his aura continued to weaken, and his injuries became more and more serious.

It stands to reason that the master of the Demon God King, whether it is recovery or vitality, is extremely astonishing, but under Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword", all of this is nothing but falsehood!
And with the fixed star mirror, star seal and "Universe Secret Codex" in hand, this Nightmare Ancestor had no choice but to escape and could only passively fight Chen Fan.

As he fought Chen Fan again and again, his face was also full of despair.

At this time, Chen Fan is too powerful, he is no match at all!
All he can do now is to maintain enough time, and wait for the time of Chen Fan's "ultimate power" to pass, so that he has a chance of survival.

It was at this time.

The Linglong Pagoda in the distance began to tremble crazily. In the turbulent phantom light, the Linglong Pagoda was blown away by a surge of sword energy.

Two figures emerged from it.

It was the young immortal in black and the sword immortal Beiming!

At this moment, the boy in black looked at Bei Ming in astonishment: "It turns out..."

From the time when Beiming was suppressed into the Linglong Pagoda to the time when he broke out by force, only five or six breaths have passed, let alone ten breaths!
The strength that Beiming displayed exceeded the expectations of the boy in black.

Bei Ming's eyes were so cold that he didn't even look at the boy in black, and looked directly at the place where Chen Fan and Yan Zu were fighting in the distance!
But when he saw the situation clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

I thought that even if Chen Fan could survive until now, it was only in the hands of the three demon kings, but the current situation shocked him greatly.

In the midst of the turbulent and surging forces, Chen Fan was unilaterally beating Yan Zu!

""Hongmeng Sword"..."

Bei Ming looked at Chen Fan in a daze: "This kid has actually cultivated the Hongmeng Sword to this level..."

Even for an immortal with a long lifespan and free time, it is quite difficult to get into all the six avenues and practice to this level!
In fact, the thirteenth-fold "Hongmeng Sword" is powerful, but the strength that Chen Fan can explode at this time is something that can be achieved with a thirteen-fold "Hongmeng Sword"!

At this moment, not only Bei Ming was surprised, but also the boy in black.

In his opinion, even if Bei Ming could break through the Linglong Pagoda ahead of time, within this period of time, the Three Great Demon God Kings should have killed a Changsheng long ago...

"Am I crazy, or is the world crazy?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he decisively put away the Linglong Pagoda, turned his head and ran away.

Beiming glanced at him with twinkling eyes, but he didn't take the initiative to chase after him. He turned his head, but continued to look at Chen Fan, who was unilaterally beating Yan Zu, and he also didn't intend to actively intervene in the battle between the two. .

It was at this time.

Bei Ming suddenly raised his head.

The void was rippling, the stream of light spread, and a figure suddenly appeared in the distance.

"Enough, Chen Fan, stop."

The person is none other than the head teacher of the Yuhua Sect, Bai Fengyu!
Under Chen Fan's "Secrets of the Universe", even a master immortal who travels through space cannot directly come to his body, so at this moment, there is a certain distance between Bai Fengyu and Chen Fan.

Seeing the person coming, Yan Zu also showed surprise on his face, and hurriedly said: "Teacher Bai, save me—"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but as if he had never heard of it, the sword light in his hand once again slashed at the extremely weak Yanzu!
Yanzu let out a miserable howl, and his body was like a lone boat in the violent sea waves, crumbling.

"Chen Fan!"

Accompanied by Bai Fengyu's angry and icy voice, a scroll emitting golden light suddenly rose up in his hand, and infinite golden light spread from his body, rushing towards Chen Fan.

This golden light is the power of merit!

It was at this time.

But Beiming's eyes flashed, and the crystal-like sword in his hand slashed out.

The sharp sword edge fell, but it blocked the countless meritorious powers that spread out from Bai Fengyu!
"Senior Beiming... what do you mean?" Bai Fengyu's eyes were extremely cold.

Bei Ming sneered:
"Bai Fengyu, when Chen Fan was dealt with by the three Demon God Kings, you didn't make a move? When Chen Fan counterattacked and gained the upper hand, you came out? Do you want to be ashamed?"

But Beiming didn't give Bai Fengyu any face at all.

Bai Fengyu's eyes were cold when he heard the words, but he didn't see any embarrassment or self-blame. He stared straight at Beiming:

"Senior, you should know what kind of person I am..."

"If I knew that Chen Fan had this kind of strength, I would definitely come here immediately to prevent the Night Dire clan from attacking Chen Fan. I will never let internal friction at my level happen easily."

"The matter has come to this, I can also ignore and forgive Chen Fan for killing the two demon kings, but since I am here, I will not allow him to continue killing..."

After all, Zhou Jinguang's body became brighter and brighter.

And even if it was as strong as Bei Ming, his complexion changed abruptly under the power of Bai Fengyu's terrifying merit.

The sword light in his hand slashed out, but he couldn't defeat the surging golden light at all.

And the turbulent golden light rushed towards Chen Fan in the blink of an eye!
This is not the first time Chen Fan has faced the power of merit.

It's just that unlike Zhou Bolan back then, the power of merit in Bai Fengyu's hands is so strong that Chen Fan is a little suffocated.

Even if his body was as strong as his, he was greatly hindered by the power of this terrifying merit, and his body was bloody in the blink of an eye.

And you know, he is still wearing the White Emperor Armor!
What's even more frightening is that the injuries he received had some kind of special power. Even Chen Fan's Yuanzhu couldn't recover completely and immediately.

The turbulent power of virtue kept leaving deep scars on his body!
"This Bai Fengyu's strength is so strong that even Senior Beiming can't stop him!"

His eyes flickered, but he took out a healing elixir with a flip of his hand, swallowed it directly, and then ignored the long golden light, and slashed at Yanzu again!
At this time, he had killed two Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan, and he had formed an irresolvable enmity with the Dire Clan. In this situation, it was impossible for him to let the Dire Ancestor go, otherwise there would be endless troubles!
(End of this chapter)

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