My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1132 Sword Immortal Lorraine, set off again

Chapter 1132 Sword Immortal Lorraine, set off again

Seeing another Kaine Demon God King arrive, Chen Fan also stood up quickly.

But when he heard what he said, Chen Fan couldn't help but startled: "Have the Kayin clan visited other sword immortals before?"

Nezula hurriedly said:

"This is Daigula, the former patriarch of my Kayin clan. Before you, Chen Fan, Sword Immortal, there was indeed a sword fairy from my Kayin clan, but it was a sword fairy who was kind to my Kayin clan tens of thousands of years ago. A human sword fairy master from the Yin clan, named Lorraine..."

"Lorraine, sword fairy Lorraine..." Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words.

Demon kings and immortals, the power that they can sense when they are called, comes from the way of heaven.

Because in the world of ancient trees, the Dao of Heaven cannot cast its gaze, so it is directly called life, but it will not be perceived by immortals and demon kings.

Needless to say, this sword fairy is most likely the sword fairy master who killed the giant sky-swallowing crocodile when he first entered this world!

There is not only one demon god king and immortal in the ancient tree world, but the possibility of two sword immortals is really too low.

"Immortal Lorraine...Senior Fu Ling, have you heard of a sword fairy with this name?" Chen Fan also immediately asked Fu Ling in his heart.

Fu Ling's tone was subtle: "The sword immortals I know are all from that era, but I have never heard of anyone with this name or title. This Lorraine may be just a pseudonym."

"Okay." Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

The thoughts in my heart are constantly turning.

The demon king Daigula who came in later was also full of emotion:

"That lord Lorraine is the most powerful immortal I have ever seen in my life, and the three demon kings of my Kain tribe are not his enemy together... It is a pity that since we parted that year, that lord has continued to fight against the tree of gods." We haven't seen him since the upper climb..."

What Daigula said also made Chen Fan's heart itch.

But he quickly asked: "Do you all know where this Lorraine Sword Immortal lives in the ancient tree?"

Nezula shook his head: "The strongest expert of my Kain tribe is Lord Daigula, even he can go to three-quarters of the ancient tree at most, but that adult is far above here, what is there? How high is it, I don’t know if I’ve climbed to the top of the ancient tree.”

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

The Demon God King of the Moon Singing Demon Clan waited at most halfway up the ancient tree, and the strongest Kain Clan was able to reach three-quarters of the position, which is already very powerful, but the Sword Immortal was even higher on it, probably not far from the top. Not much left.

What made Chen Fan feel embarrassed was that with his current strength, if he couldn't catch up with the opponent's progress, how could he talk about seeing the opponent's way of swordsmanship?
He shook his head, but he didn't leave this place in any particular urgency, and went to chase that sword fairy.

Some things cannot be rushed.

According to Nezula, the sword fairy entered this world at least hundreds of thousands of years ago. If it took such a long time, if he could climb to the top of the ancient tree, he would have already climbed it. for a while.

And even if the other party has climbed to the top of the ancient tree, he should not have left this world.

After all, Lan Ruo said that the other party never came out.

Afterwards, Chen Fan took a good tour of the Cain Tribe. In the end, the Cain Tribe gave Chen Fan a lot of special products as an apology, and Chen Fan himself exchanged some unique resources of the Cain Tribe with the Cain Tribe. He and Treasure bid farewell to the Cain Clan and continued to gallop towards the ancient tree.

But when he flew to about one-third of the height of the ancient tree, he couldn't continue to fly any further.

At this moment, countless rainbow lights intertwined in the surrounding air, covering the sky and giving people a terrifying pressure.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows but landed on the branch next to the ancient tree, and then started to move forward along the twisting and entangled branches of the ancient tree.

Relying on flying is extremely stressful, but at this moment, stepping on the ancient tree, a lot of the power is also shared by the ancient tree under his feet, so Chen Fan's pressure is naturally much less.

It's just that the speed of climbing is naturally much slower when circling the old tree.

And at this height, on the ancient tree, there are no creatures at all.

All the way up, Chen Fan soon reached half the height of the ancient tree!

But here, Chen Fan also felt great pressure.

"No wonder the Moon Song Demon God couldn't continue after only halfway through..."

Chen Fan's physique is extremely strong, and he is not weaker than the average Demon God King master.

The eleventh level of "Blood Fusion" is no joke.

It's just that he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the average demon king.

Relying on his own body alone, it is difficult for him to continue upward.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan actually triggered the berserk.

Under the rage, he was able to continue to climb upwards.

However, even if he activates the double rage, he can only reach three-quarters of the height of the ancient tree at most.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan chose to retreat temporarily.

Came to half of the ancient tree.

Although under the eleventh level, the upper limit of the second level of berserk that Chen Fan can maintain is quite long, but it still needs to consume external blood to replenish his strength.

Unable to continue upwards, Chen Fan didn't need to waste his blood.

Chen Fan was also quite helpless.

It's fine if he can't climb to the top of the ancient tree, but he can't even see the face of the sword fairy master, which makes Chen Fan feel disappointed and helpless.

Shaking his head, he also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry.

He licked his lips.

"When my "Blood Fusion Technique" breaks through the twelfth stage, there's no reason I won't be able to climb to the top of the ancient tree!"

Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique" keeps hanging up, the more his "Blood Against God" is released, the stronger his physical strength will be.

Chen Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately got into the Immortal Mansion and began to retreat and practice painstakingly.

As his own physique became stronger, his resistance to the maximum time flow of the Cosmic Light Nucleus also became much stronger.

At this time, it is easy to maintain a time flow rate dozens of times greater, and after a while, it will definitely not be difficult to maintain a hundred times greater speed.

And as he killed several Demon God Kings, he had too many resources, and it was enough to practice for millions of years under the Cosmic Light Core.

Chen Fan said he was practicing "Blood Fusion", but in fact, the progress of Blood Fusion depends more on his own hang-up.

However, he himself did not let go of the pondering and improvement of various avenues, as well as other supernatural powers and secret methods.

He unlocked all the mystical powers of the temple, and he was able to hang up a lot.

Time passed by so slowly...


Under the core of Zhouguang, hundreds of years of retreat have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Chen Fan who was in retreat suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp red light and killing intent flashed in his eyes.

His expression is indifferent:
"The Avenue of Slaughter has finally broken through the sixth level of longevity..."

After killing many demon kings, his way of killing has been greatly touched. With so many original fragments in his hands, his way of killing has also advanced rapidly, and finally successfully completed the breakthrough.

It's a pity that although the Holy Church has a lot of supernatural powers that use the Dao of Slaughter, it doesn't have many supernatural powers that combine the Dao of Slaughter with the way of the sword.

For Chen Fan, the breakthrough in the Avenue of Slaughter is naturally not a small breakthrough, but it can't bring much improvement to his own limit strength.

His strongest move is undoubtedly the thirteenth-layer "Hongmeng Sword", a breakthrough in the Dao of Slaughter, but it will not bring about an improvement in this move.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan started to continue to retreat to enlightenment. For him, the most critical breakthrough at this time is "Blood Fusion Technique"!
(End of this chapter)

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