My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1142 Bai Fengyu's Heel

Chapter 1142 Bai Fengyu's Heel
Purple Moon Secret Realm.

Some gorgeous hall.

The two sisters Ziyun and Ziyan sat facing each other, discussing something.

It was at this time.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Zi Yan frowned deeply, looked outside the door: "Didn't I say, don't let anyone disturb us!"

A man's voice sounded outside the door: "I have something important to do, I want to ask the two sect masters."

When this voice sounded, the expressions of Ziyun and Ziyan sisters changed strangely.

The Ziyue Secret Realm has been blocked for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, and insiders are not allowed to leave. How could a man sneak in?

But this voice sounded somewhat familiar.

The two looked at each other with subtle expressions.

But at this moment, Chen Fan pushed the door open and entered.

"Two sect masters, long time no see."

Seeing the person coming, the two daughters also had strange and subtle expressions: "Chen Fan, you... are you still alive? How did you enter the Ziyue Secret Realm?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "I have some encounters of my own... I'm surprised why the Ziyue Secret Realm was banned. What happened...?"

Ziyun sighed: "Only Xiaozu knows exactly what happened, but Xiaozu was also seriously injured and comatose until today..."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes, "Take me to see Miss Lan Ruo, maybe I have a way to wake her up..."


Chen Fan still has more healing elixir in his hands.

Although Lan Ruo has superb means, but she has not yet recovered the demon god level, and the elixir naturally plays a very important role in it.

At this time, Chen Fan had broken through to become an immortal, and his own "divine power" could also help Lan Ruo get rid of the remaining injuries in his body.

With Chen Fan's help, Lan Ruo quickly regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes and looked at Chen Fan, but a daze flashed in his eyes, and then the daze turned into surprise:

"You's breath... have you realized the Dao?!"

After all, Lan Ruo is a reincarnated demon god, even if she has not recovered her strength, her eyesight is still very tricky.

As soon as this remark came out, Ziyun and Ziyan next to him were stunned.

Chen Fan nodded, "If it wasn't for the 'Cosmic Light Core' you gave me, I'm afraid I would have had difficulty making such a breakthrough before the catastrophe."

Seeing Chen Fan nodding, Lan Ruo quickly asked, "Which avenue are you a breakthrough immortal?"

Chen Fan said bluntly, "It's the way of the sword."

As soon as these words came out, Lan Ruo's eyes flashed with regret, and then she said: "The way of the sword is also very good..."

Chen Fan was naturally keenly aware of the regret in Lan Ruo's eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "Does Miss Lan Ruo think that the way of swords is not strong enough?"

Lan Ruo shook her head: "That's not the case... It's just that the way of the sword is difficult to cultivate, and it's extremely difficult to go further. If you understand the Dao of Flame, maybe..."

Lan Ruo didn't continue
Hearing Lan Ruo's words, Chen Fan also thought of what the Blood God said, but a lot of curiosity arose in his heart.

According to the words of the two, it seems that Flaming Avenue has an easier way to enter the country?

After breaking through the Immortal, Chen Fan's spirit also experienced an unprecedented transformation, and Chen Fan's own thinking speed also increased quite exaggeratedly.

His hang-up slot was unlocked again, and the efficiency of all his hang-up skills has increased by more than a hundred times out of thin air.

If he wants to understand other avenues, the possibility will be much higher.

Chen Fan shook his head, but he didn't think too much about it. Since Blood God and Lan Ruo didn't say anything about the Flame Dao, they had concerns, and Chen Fan didn't continue to entangle in this matter.

He asked: "What happened after I left, how did you become like this, and... who sealed Ziyue Secret Realm?"

Lan Ruo raised her brows slightly, but didn't take a moment: "It's the head teacher of Yuhuamen... Maybe it's because I helped you back then, I wish you escape, he is a warning and punishment to me."

Lan Ruo didn't mention Bai Fengyu's name, because as an immortal, he would be able to sense it whenever it was mentioned.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, "Sure enough..."

Lan Ruo looked at Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan... Since you have come back, with your natural strength, you were able to fight him back then. I am afraid that you will not be weaker than him at this time. However, his status is quite special. I do not recommend you to fight him to the death. ..."

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lan Ruo: "Miss Lan Ruo, do you know his details?"

Bai Fengyu is a fairy in this era, but his strength is stronger than that of a sword fairy like Beiming, but his trump cards and methods are more, including "ultimate power" and fairy weapons!

Chen Fan suspected that Bai Fengyu might be related to an ultimate existence!
Lan Ruo looked solemn: "You should know the merit list of Yuhuamen, right?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, wondering why Lan Ruo suddenly said this.

Lan Ruo raised her eyebrows: "The Gold List of Merit and Virtue was originally a supreme fairy weapon, but it was a treasure in the hands of a certain supreme being."

"Supreme Immortal Artifact? Supreme?!" Chen Fan frowned, and then asked: "Supreme means 'ultimate' master?"

Lan Ruo nodded solemnly.

Chen Fan couldn't help but change his expression.

Needless to say, the ultimate willingness to put such things as the gold list of merits and virtues in Yuhuamen is enough to explain the relationship between Bai Fengyu and him...

Lan Ruo continued:
"With the help of that supreme being, the instrumental spirit of the Gold List of Merit and Virtue split into tens of thousands of souls, reincarnated and rebuilt..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, but he couldn't help but think of Lorraine, and he couldn't help but said: "Is that bastard from Yuhuamen the reincarnation of the artifact spirit from the Gold List of Merit?"

The bastard Chen Fan mentioned was naturally Bai Fengyu.

Lan Ruo nodded: "There are thousands of weapon spirits differentiated on the golden list of merit. Although the Yuhuamen did not awaken Su Hui, by various chances and coincidences, he was successfully promoted to immortal, and he is the only one who has become an immortal on the golden list of merit... in that In the eyes of a supreme being, the person will naturally be different..."

No wonder Bai Fengyu is so powerful because he only achieved immortality in this era. There is such a background and reason.

Bai Fengyu's strength is already extremely strong, coupled with the "ultimate power" and immortal artifacts, there is no match for immortals and demon kings, an absolute first-grade master, and behind him is this ultimate backer, regardless of strength or background. All amazing.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, his thoughts turned, but his eyes were extremely firm:
"No matter what his status is, he and I must make a decision!"

If before, facing Bai Fengyu who had the ultimate backer, Chen Fan might have had to retreat, but at this moment, Chen Fan is also holding a thigh behind his back, that is the ultimate Lorraine!
Because he is the ultimate in the way of swordsmanship, and he is an ultimate achieved by himself, and his strength will never be inferior to some old-fashioned ultimates.

Lan Ruo hesitated to speak, but shook her head with a wry smile, and didn't say anything more.

Chen Fan became an immortal, and his strength naturally improved by leaps and bounds. However, Bai Fengyu is not a weak person. As long as Chen Fan doesn't kill Bai Fengyu, everything will be fine. In the end, he will not easily get involved in this level of battle.

"By the way, I plan to rebuild the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect. If Miss Lan Ruo is fine, I can come and see the excitement." Chen Fan said again.

When Lan Ruo heard the words, she also knew that Chen Fan's rebuilding of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect was a fake. In fact, she was probably using this opportunity to show her skills and strength to the outside world. She nodded immediately:

"Of course I will."

Chen Fan nodded with a smile, but bid farewell to Lan Ruo immediately.

"I won't bother Miss Lan Ruo, you're recuperating later, let's take a step first—"

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at Ziyun and Ziyan again: "You two sect masters, I'll go first."

The second daughter was all sincere and fearful: "Immortals are polite."

When Chen Fan strayed into the Ziyue Secret Realm, he was not even immortal, and the two daughters were already at the second level of longevity and the third level of longevity.

At this time, Chen Fan had already realized the Dao and became an immortal, but the two were only at the fourth level of longevity and the other at the fifth level of longevity. This was due to Lan Ruo's point and the blessing of their own talents.

No matter what the second daughter's impression of Chen Fan was in the past, at this time Chen Fan is a high-ranking immortal, even if the Ziyue immortal is still intact, they still have to treat him politely, how dare they neglect him.

(End of this chapter)

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