My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1146 Suppression!

Chapter 1146 Suppression!

Bai Fengyu himself is extremely powerful, and under the blessing of "Ultimate Power" at this time, he can even crush the first-ranked masters among those immortals!
Chen Fan, who also activated the "Ultimate Power" at the beginning, had no resistance in his hands.

The surging golden light collided with the sword light that Chen Fan cut out.

The roaring sound continued, and terrifying air waves flew everywhere!

After activating the "Ultimate Power", Bai Fengyu's meritorious palm successfully defeated Chen Fan's sword light.

It's just that his face is not good-looking.

By urging the "Ultimate Power" by himself, the power of the move has reached an upper limit of his own, but it was only a move to defeat Chen Fan, and he didn't have any upper hand at all.

It can be seen that Chen Fan's strength is terrifying at this time.

"How could there be such a person..." Bai Fengyu's face was extremely ugly.

He only hoped that Chen Fan didn't have the "ultimate power" in his hands, otherwise he would definitely not be his opponent.

Chen Fan looked at Bai Fengyu at this moment, but he grinned: "Hundreds of years ago, in your hands, Bai Fengyu, I had no choice but to run around and barely save my life..."

"But now, times have changed."

A look of coldness flashed across his eyes, but he didn't choose to use the ultimate power directly, but rushed straight to the sky.

At the same time, between the turbulent and intertwined blood light and golden light of his skill, a black air suddenly spread out.

Tentacles in the void continued to rise.

At this moment, "Blood Fusion Technique" has broken through the twelfth level, and Chen Fan, who has completed the improvement, is already able to use the power of Tianyuan more freely and easily.

At this moment, without any concealment, he also cut out his thirteen moves of "Hongmeng Sword".

After Chen Fan became an immortal, he has not yet completed all the Beiming thirteen moves and other immortal-level swordsmanship. His two strongest swordsmanship at this time is the tenth move of "Ni Jian Jue", and the other is still the tenth move. Triple "Hongmeng Sword"!
In terms of kendo attainment, the tenth form of "Ni Jianjue" is naturally higher, but in terms of power, the tenth form, which has just stepped into the great way and has not yet completed the hang-up, is inferior to the thirteenth form of "Hongmeng Sword" of.

Although the thirteenth level "Hongmeng Sword" is still strictly speaking a swordsmanship at the level of longevity, the combined power of the five avenues is a swordsmanship that surpasses ordinary immortals.

Of course, if Chen Fan practiced the Beiming Thirteen Styles or Wuwu Sword and other immortal-level swordsmanship to the peak, the power would be equal to or even exceed the thirteenth stage "Hongmeng Sword". The time to break through to the immortal is still too short, but at this time, these sword skills have not yet been advanced to the highest level.

And the more powerful point of "Hongmeng Sword" is the characteristics of annihilating everything and assimilating everything. Although the power of merit is strong, it is not impossible to crack under the Hongmeng Sword!

With the blessing of the power of Tianyuan, the power of this sword is even more terrifying.

Even Bai Fengyu, who had activated the "Ultimate Power", had no time to react, and the golden light on his body was torn apart by the surging sword light in the blink of an eye!
The characteristics of the Hongmeng Sword are too terrifying!

Bai Fengyu's complexion changed slightly, golden light surged all over his body, and a set of illusory golden feather robes created a masterpiece of aura, but it kept blocking the power of Chen Fan's sword light. , suddenly grabbed at the sword light that Chen Fan had slashed out.

God's Palm of Merit!

Under the ultimate power, Bai Fengyu urged this move, but it is the ultimate move that he can display at present.

The big golden hand collided with the sword light, but it made a roar that resounded through the world!
Although the characteristics of the Hongmeng Sword are terrifying, but after all, it is only the sword technique of the longevity series, and the difference in realm makes the power of this sword still limited after all.

The big golden hand soon completely defeated the Primordial Sword Qi, and the rest of the fearful force rushed towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he decisively activated the power of the Golden Clothes Card.

Although a long time has passed, he has already repaired Lord Bai's injury, but in the battle of immortals of this level, Lord Bai's defense is somewhat unable to keep up.

The golden light shone on Chen Fan's body, but it was somewhat similar to the golden feather coat worn by Bai Fengyu.

The terrifying golden light slammed into the golden light on Chen Fan's body.

The protection of the golden clothing shield that floated above Chen Fan's body suddenly burst!

Chen Fan's body also continued to fall backwards with the remaining momentum of the terrifying force, and the flesh and blood all over his body began to splatter.

"The Golden Clothes Card is not a complete immortal weapon after all. It is okay against ordinary immortals and demon kings, but it is impossible to resist Bai Fengyu, who stimulates the ultimate power..."

Chen Fan looked seriously injured, but to him at this moment, it was just a minor injury.

His physical body is really strong to a rather exaggerated limit.

He shook his head: "Although my strength is strong, it is still not enough to deal with Bai Fengyu who activates the 'Ultimate Power' and is protected by a fairy weapon..."

Chen Fan's strength is indeed extremely terrifying, but it is impossible to defeat Bai Fengyu without using the "Ultimate Power".

He shook his head, but he no longer hesitated, took out an "Ultimate Power" left by Lorraine, and urged it decisively!

Compared with the "ultimate power" given to Chen Fan by the blood god at the beginning, the "ultimate power" that Lorraine left Chen Fan is more suitable for him.

After all, Chen Fan is an immortal who has achieved the Tao of the sword!

An extremely sharp aura erupted from Chen Fan's body!

Lorraine, who is also the "ultimate" and has achieved the "ultimate swordsmanship" by himself, is probably considered extremely powerful among all ultimates in terms of strength.

And the "ultimate power" that perfectly fits Chen Fan, the increase and improvement brought to Chen Fan is also extremely exaggerated.

Chen Fan, however, could feel the endless power continuously surging from inside his body.

An unprecedented powerful feeling filled Chen Fan's heart.

In contrast, Bai Fengyu's somewhat flustered and astonished eyes.

Chen Fan would be able to confront himself who activated the "Ultimate Power" without urging the "Ultimate Power". At this moment, when he activated the "Ultimate Power", how could he possibly be his opponent? However, at this moment, there was no fighting spirit left in his heart!

At this moment, Bai Fengyu was angry and retreated, but he turned his head decisively and fled to the distance!

Under Chen Fan's perfect "Universe and Space Secret Code", the people around Chen Fan can't move away through the space at all, but they can only move away if they choose to escape and widen the distance!

"Headmaster Bai is in such a mess, it's really disappointing."

With a sneer on Chen Fan's face, he turned his hand and took out the "star mirror".

After breaking through the Immortal, Chen Fan was able to perfectly display the power of this Nine-Nine Dao Artifact treasure!
And although the quality is equivalent to the Jiujiu Dao Artifact, it is one of the components of the Supreme Immortal Artifact after all, and its effect is not comparable to that of the ordinary Jiu Jiu Dao Artifact.

The divine light on the "star-fixing mirror" surged, but in the blink of an eye, it covered countless distances and flocked towards the retreating Bai Fengyu!

And the next moment, his body also froze in place suddenly.

Of course, the star-fixing mirror is only a ninety-nine tool after all, even under the urging of Chen Fan's divine power, the effect is still limited, and it can only affect Bai Fengyu for a moment.

It's just that for Chen Fan and Bai Fengyu's level experts, many things can be decided in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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