My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1148 The Death of Bai Fengyu

Chapter 1148 The Death of Bai Fengyu

Lorraine nodded towards Chen Fan, and then looked at the figure in the golden light:
"Supreme to intervene in the battle of the immortal level, is it a bit bullying the younger?"

"Besides... Heavenly Dao attaches great importance to Chen Fan. Your Excellency can't see it. If you insist on making a move, don't you want to forcibly eat this backlash from Heavenly Dao?"

As soon as Lorraine said this, the golden figure shook his head:
"It turns out that this son is related to your Excellency. If that's the case, then I have no reason to make another move..."

It's fine if it's just a backlash from the Dao of Heaven. There is actually a real ultimate behind Chen Fan, so there is no need for him to do more for Bai Fengyu.

While speaking, the person didn't even look at Bai Fengyu, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Lorraine turned his head and nodded to Chen Fan again, before also disappearing in place.

Seeing that the two ultimates disappeared, Chen Fan was astonished, but he was also relieved.

However, what the two ultimate dialogues said made Chen Fan realize some key points.

Although Jin Guangjiu planned to attack him, he didn't really want to kill him, it seemed that he was worried about the backlash of heaven...

"Is it because I am the Child of Destiny, or is it because of something else special about me?"

Shaking his head, Chen Fan restrained himself from miscellaneous thoughts, but looked up at Bai Fengyu.

At this moment, Bai Fengyu's expression was also extremely ugly and astonished.

Chen Fan's eyes were cold:

"It seems that Master Bai taught you has given up on you."

The blood light from his whole body suddenly bloomed, and the surging strength surged again.

Bai Fengyu had forced Chen Fan's full strength a few strikes before, and he was already seriously injured and his breath was weak, so he couldn't stop Chen Fan's follow-up sword light.

His face was full of despair, his eyes were full of unwillingness:

"Chen Fan, even if you kill me, I will never regret what I did back then! There should be rules in this world. I did nothing wrong for this world and for the future!"

Chen Fan snorted:
"It's true that there are no rules, but your rules can't bind me! You can't compare to me, so you have to follow my rules!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Fengyu smiled miserably and was speechless.

No matter whose rules and restraints are imposed, in the end, one's own strength has the final say.

Chen Fan said again:

"Bai Fengyu, you can rest assured that I will not destroy the Yuhuamen after you die, but what the Yuhuamen will face after losing you will be borne by you, the Yuhuamen themselves!"

Chen Fan didn't like Bai Fengyu anymore, but he didn't attack Chen Fan's sect and relatives and friends after Chen Fan entered the "Ancient Tree Realm", so Chen Fan would not take the initiative to do anything to the Yuhua Sect.

It's just that after his death, what the Yuhuamen have to face and experience is also borne by the Yuhuamen themselves.

Bai Fengyu smiled miserably again when he heard the words, but he hesitated to speak.

It is useless to say more.

Even though Bai Fengyu thought that he had done nothing wrong, the fact that he shot Chen Fan, and even murdered Chen Fan, was not a lie.

At this moment, when Chen Fan's strength is not enough, and even his master is blocked by others, Bai Fengyu also knows that Chen Fan can't let him go...

At this moment, accompanied by a faint sigh, amidst the turmoil of brilliant phantom light, a figure suddenly appeared not far from the two of them.

The person is Xingjun!

"Chen Fan, I wonder if you can look at my face and let Master Bai go..."

Just like when Xingjun prevented Bai Fengyu from attacking Chen Fan, now he is also preventing Chen Fan from attacking Bai Fengyu...

The movement between Chen Fan and Bai Fengyu was so loud that most of the demon kings and immortals on the mainland could sense it, and even if the masters in the chaotic sea or other strange places couldn't sense it, they could still pass other masters' transmissions. The letter was informed.

It's just that the power of the fight between the two is too terrifying, and both of them have stimulated the ultimate power. Most immortals and demon kings have no room to set foot, so no one has ever shown up!
Chen Fan looked at Lord Xing:

"Sorry, Senior Xingjun, I have made up my mind."

Xingjun heard the words, he hesitated to speak, but sighed again: "You did you make such a fuss..."

Chen Fan, like Bai Fengyu, is an extremely stubborn and determined person, so it is naturally impossible to change his thoughts and ideas easily.

There was no deep hatred between the two, but Xing Jun felt that it was worthless to take Bai Fengyu's life for the three demon kings of the Night Dire clan.

But he also knew that from Chen Fan's point of view, he was right to kill the three major demon kings of the Dire clan, and it was right to resist Bai Fengyu. There is also Chen Fan's reason.

Chen Fan turned around and raised the Leng Fengjian again at Bai Fengyu.

Bai Fengyu took a deep breath and looked at Chen Fan:
"Chen Fan, I swear by the way of heaven, I am willing to give up resistance and let you kill me. I just ask you to wait for me, let me take the initiative to release myself from the various items..."

"Yes." Chen Fan heard the words, and the sword in his hand also stopped.

Bai Fengyu did this to prevent himself from dying, and the power he left behind on various items of the Yuhua Sect would affect the disciples of the Yuhua Sect.

The power of the immortal level may have an irreversible impact on the vast majority of masters below the immortal level.

Of course, if Bai Fengyu didn't swear by the way of heaven, Chen Fan wouldn't be able to give him any face.

Reaching the level of the immortal, the binding force of the oath of heaven is also extremely strong, and it is impossible for him to violate it!
Although Chen Fan had a grudge against Bai Fengyu, he himself didn't have that many opinions on Yuhuamen.

In fact, Yuhuamen's behavior can be regarded as a moral model.

The merit list of the Yuhuamen, the disciples in it also often do good deeds, and if there is something that cannot be solved in each domain, if you ask the Yuhuamen, the Yuhuamen will send experts to help...

The southeast region is plagued by demons, and the Daqian Dynasty is attacked by the demon sect, and the Yuhua sect will send people to help!

Although Chen Fan had a grudge with Bai Fengyu, it would not harm others.

Bai Fengyu took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After a while, he let out a muffled groan, and finally blood overflowed. Then he opened his eyes, but he took the initiative to dissipate the golden light around him. He looked at it with an extremely complicated expression. Looking at Chen Fan, helplessness, unwillingness, and even regret flashed in his eyes one by one, and finally there was only peace:
"Chen Fan, you go ahead."

Chen Fan nodded, and the sword in his hand came crashing down:
"Teacher Bai please go on the road."

The sharp sword light rushed towards Bai Fengyu mightily, and swallowed Bai Fengyu's body in an instant!

After the mighty sword light passed, a raging force erupted from the lifeless Bai Fengyu's remnant body!

The person let go of all defenses and stopped urging the fairy weapon. Naturally, he couldn't stop Chen Fan's full attack at this time.

And the Dao of Merit and Virtue practiced by Bai Fengyu is also a very powerful one in the Dao. Therefore, the divine power possessed by him is far more than that of ordinary immortals and demon kings, but it is not inferior to Chen Fan who breaks through with the way of swordsmanship. !
Therefore, after his death, the force that erupted from his body was even more powerful than that of an ordinary demon king!
Seeing this scene, Xingjun sighed again.

And Chen Fan brought his remnant body into the mind world, and then he stood in the void with his eyes looking in front of him.

"Since everyone has arrived, why don't you show up and see?"

As Chen Fan's voice fell, ripples flickered in the void, and many figures appeared in the void.

These people are also masters of immortals or demon kings.

But among these people, there are several familiar faces of Chen Fan.

Several immortals and demon kings from the temple have already arrived, including the Holy Emperor of Ice Extreme and the Demon God of Yangyan...

Each of these people had complex expressions.

Back then, when Chen Fan killed the three major demon kings of the Dire clan with his "ultimate power", he had already amazed many immortals and demon kings. However, when Chen Fan killed Bai Fengyu, everyone was even more amazed. .

With Bai Fengyu's strength and identity, it is simply not comparable to the three demon kings of the Night Dire clan!
(End of this chapter)

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