My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1150 Division and Twilight Immortal

Chapter 1150 Division and Twilight Immortal

Outside, He Gu and Chen Tianqian are in charge of presiding over the Jianzong rebuilding ceremony, welcoming guests from all major forces.

In the Immortal Mansion, in a large hall, Chen Fan was having a party with many immortals and demon kings.

Chen Fan looked at the man in front of him with a delicate expression: "I have admired your name, Senior Kunwu, for a long time. It is my honor to finally meet you today..."

Kun Wu also shook his head with an extremely complicated expression: "I didn't expect you to come to this step so quickly."

As he spoke, he also added a sentence, saying: "Hundreds of years ago, I was not on the mainland due to something, but I couldn't help you, so please don't worry about it."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but shook his head: "I have borrowed the light of the senior, but I have nothing to do with you, the senior. Why should the senior blame himself?"

"Chen Fan, you once learned "The Immortal Vajra Body" and obtained the mantle of Wan Ze's inheritance. That Wan Ze is actually one of my disciples..." Kun Wu smiled bitterly, he knew that Chen Fan did not blame himself, But he knew better that he had missed the possibility of a real life-and-death relationship with Chen Fan and a closer relationship.

No matter what the reason is, Chen Fan, who could be called his disciple, did not get his support at the critical moment. This is a fact!
Chen Fan couldn't help being startled, and then his expression was subtle: "In this way, I still have to call senior a patriarch..."

Kun Wu said repeatedly: "Sword Immortal Chen Fan must not be called that. I am older than you, so it is enough to be called senior by you with a cheeky face. Since you have become a fairy, we should be peers."

Chen Fan also didn't continue to be courteous with him: "Then I'll call you an immortal, senior."

Kunwu and Chen Fan chatted for a while and claimed that there was something urgent, but they took the initiative to leave and left. Chen Fan also sent him out of the hall himself.

Kun Wu left, but Bei Ming came to Chen Fan to review the film: "I didn't expect Chen Fan to know this guy..."

Chen Fan immediately told Beiming that he had been to the Kunwu secret realm when he was weak, and even got a part of the inheritance from the source.

As Chen Fan broke through the Immortal, the Dao of Origin could not coexist with the ordinary Dao, and all the Genesis Qi in Chen Fan's body dissipated automatically, and Chen Fan couldn't use the Origin Bead or the many magical powers of the Origin Art.

But I have to say that "Original Technique" and Yuanzhu have helped Chen Fan a lot in the past!
After talking about the relationship with Kunwu, Chen Fan also asked curiously: "Immortal Kunwu is the reincarnation of the primordial demon god. It is said that the demon god is unparalleled in strength. Kunwu's strength at this time is not bad, right?"

Beiming narrowed his eyes and said, "Kunwu's strength is naturally extremely strong, and I can't compare to him, but compared to the original demon god in his previous life, the gap is not a little bit."

"Oh?" Chen Fan also looked at Beiming curiously.

Bei Mingdao: "The strength of immortals and demon kings can be roughly divided into four levels. In my opinion, they can be regarded as people of the second level, and Bai Fengyu is regarded as the lowest level of the first level. Kunwu's strength should be similar to that of Bai Fengyu. They can only be regarded as the first level. The end of the stream. And the primordial demon god of Kunwu's previous life was born to stand at the peak of the demon king, and there are very few people who can compare with him at the same level..."

"Chen Fan, if you were able to kill Bai Fengyu, you are naturally the top ranked expert in the first class. It is estimated that among all the immortals and demon kings in the world, there are very few existences that can compare to you."

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

What Bei Ming said was rare rather than non-existent.

This also means that there are still some more powerful demon kings and immortals in the world!

"Dare to ask Senior Beiming, do you know who are these first-class masters?" Chen Fan asked curiously.

Beiming Road:
"The mainland and the Chaos Sea have the most first-level masters, like Immortal Kunwu, Bai Fengyu, the old Buddha of King Kong Temple, and the Rain Demon God of the Chaos Sea... By the way, besides Bai Fengyu, there is also the Blue Demon God in my temple." To be ranked first, his strength is also better than Bai Fengyu, not much weaker than you, Chen Fan..."

However, Bei Ming mentioned the names of powerful masters in eight or nine continents and the sea of ​​chaos. Apart from Bai Fengyu and Immortal Kunwu, Chen Fan had also heard the name of a blue demon god.

The Blue Demon God is Yuhu's father!
Beiming continued:
"The mainland and the sea of ​​chaos naturally have the largest number of first-level masters. Apart from what I mentioned, there are other people... and although there are fewer masters in other strange lands and spaces, there are also a few famous ones. ..."

"Brothers such as the Giant Demon God of Demon Prison and the Demon God of Waves, the Jinpeng Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm... and several elemental lords of the Elemental Sea..."

The elemental sea is also one of the nine wonderlands, and it is the site of elemental life.

Compared with the Chaos Sea, Demon Prison, and Demon Realm, the elemental sea is much less dangerous.

This is not to say that the elemental life in the elemental sea is not powerful.

The reason why the degree of danger is not as high as that of Chaos Sea and Demon Prison is that non-elemental life is strictly prohibited from entering the Elemental Sea!

If you can't even get in, it's not dangerous.

Listening to what Bei Ming said, Chen Fan's eyes flickered even more.

The world is quite vast, and what Bei Ming knows is definitely not all the first-class masters in the world, there must be some powerful people who are not well-known.

In fact, the masters of immortals and demon kings may not have done it for tens of thousands of years, and they may have practiced a certain supernatural power that has not been demonstrated before.

Even if not all of these top Demon God Kings and Immortals have the ultimate protection, they can still get the ultimate power in nine out of ten!

There are always people who are related to the ultimate existence, and as long as they spend enough money, they will naturally be able to get the ultimate power.

For example, Chen Fan has hundreds of ultimate powers in his hands. If someone comes to ask him and pays enough price, Chen Fan is willing to exchange it with others.

At this time, Chen Fan was able to hang and kill Bai Fengyu, which was naturally powerful, but it was far from being invincible.

Don't talk about others, let's talk about Lorraine before the ultimate achievement. Chen Fan still dare not say that he will definitely be able to defeat it!
"I'm afraid I won't be able to say that I am invincible in the ultimate world until I have really mastered the third stage of reaching the stars..."

Chen Fan's thoughts turned.

At this moment.

"Ahem." Bingji Shenghuang suddenly walked over from a distance: "Chen Fan, is it convenient to delay your time?"

It was the first time for Chen Fan to see the true face of the Bingji Sage Emperor after becoming an immortal at this time. He was actually a pretty handsome young man, but what was different from ordinary people was his pair of golden pupils.

Although he is also a fairy, he should also have some kind of special blood.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but there was still a calm smile on his face: "Senior Bingji, please say..."

After all, the Holy Emperor of Bingji once saved Chen Fan's life. Although he did not attack Chen Fan again at a critical moment, Chen Fan still owed him a favor.

The Bingji Sage Emperor was a little twitchy: "I am begging Chen Fan for an old friend..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and quietly looked at the Bingji Sage Emperor, waiting for his next words.

The Holy Emperor of Bingji continued: "I have a friend who is called 'Twilight Immortal'..."

Halfway through his words, Bei Ming sneered: "So you interceded for that guy, I didn't hear that 'Twilight' has any relationship with Bingji, did you?"

Bingji Shenghuang smiled awkwardly when he heard the words: "In the early years, I still had some intersections with Immortal Twilight..."

What Bei Ming said also made Chen Fan slightly startled, but he was a little puzzled: "Does this 'Twilight Immortal' have anything to do with me?"

In his memory, he didn't seem to know any Twilight Immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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